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Timeline for 2011
21st century | 2010s

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Early 2011

  • Amy was abducted from Leadworth by Madame Kovarian and the Headless Monks so her child, Melody, could be used as a weapon against the Doctor. She was taken to Demon's Run in the 52nd century and replaced by a Ganger avatar of herself so no one suspected anything. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)
  • The Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory travelled to the apartment complex where the Tenza boy George lived, in response to his psychic distress call. The Doctor sorted out the problems causing George's fears to physically manifest and left him to grow up with his human parents. (TV: Night Terrors)
  • Following an adventure on a prison ship that caged a Minotaur, the Eleventh Doctor parted from his companions, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, dropping them off at a new house with a new car. This presumably took place prior to April 18, meaning that two versions of the couple existed at the same time in different parts of Britain. (TV: The God Complex, TV: Closing Time)


  • 18-21: At the conclusion of his "farewell tour", the Eleventh Doctor visited his friend Craig Owens in Colchester at his new house and met Craig's infant son Alfie. Noticing strange power fluctuations in the area, the Doctor stayed to investigate. With Craig and Alfie's help, he uncovered and foiled a plot by Cybermen in a crashed spaceship beneath a local store. By this time, Amy had become a model for a perfume called Petrichor. The Doctor went to meet his destiny with a Stetson and blue envelopes, provided by Craig. Three children (who, as adults, would provide testimony later viewed by River Song at Luna University in the 52nd century) witnessed his leaving. (TV: Closing Time)
  • 22: An 1103 year-old version of the Eleventh Doctor recruited, using numbered, TARDIS blue envelopes, (1) a 909 year-old version of himself, (2) River Song, (3) Amy Pond and Rory Williams and (4) Canton Delaware. All except the younger Doctor arrived in Utah and met the Doctor. An earlier River Song appeared in an astronaut suit and seemed to kill the Doctor at 5:02pm MDT. In truth, she shot the Teselecta in the Doctor's form, with him safely inside. An alternate timeline briefly came into being when River exhausted the weaponry of the suit instead, but the timeline was restored when she shot the Teselecta. After supposedly cremating him, River, Amy and Rory went to a diner where they encountered the Doctor's younger self. They left in the Doctor's TARDIS for the Oval Office in 1969. (TV: The Impossible Astronaut, TV: The Wedding of River Song)




Early Autumn

  • After waiting "all summer" for the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory drove through a field and summoned the Eleventh Doctor by creating a crop circle-like message spelling out the word "Doctor". The Doctor stated he still hadn't found their daughter Melody. Shortly afterwards, Amy and Rory's friend Mels arrived to escape the police and force the Doctor to kill Hitler. With little choice, the Doctor complied with her demand to take them all to Berlin in the 1930s. The next day, a newspaper printed a story about the crop circle. (TV: Let's Kill Hitler)


Unknown dates

Behind the scenes












