Prisoners of Time

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Prisoners of Time was the story made by IDW to celebrate Doctor Who's 50th anniversary. Released throughout 2013, each of the first eleven parts featured a different Doctor, all leading up to the final, multi-Doctor issue in December.

The story was released one issue at a time, with three volumes each containing four issues being sold alongside. Volume one was released on 28 May 2013, with volume two released on 24 September.

Publisher's summary

Issue 1

November 23, 1963: A day that changed the world forever. That day saw the broadcast debut of Doctor Who, which was to become the longest-running science-fiction series on television. And now 50 years later, we pay tribute to one of the greatest pop-culture heroes of all time with this special series, which tells an epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the intrepid traveller through time and space known simply as... the Doctor.

Issue 2

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary continues! Oh my giddy aunt! It’s time to break out the recorders, as the Second Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor!

Issue 3

Mar 20, 2013 Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary continues! "Now listen to me!" It's time to fire up Bessie, as the Third Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor!

Issue 4

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary continues! Put on your scarves and munch on some jelly babies, as the fan-favourite Fourth Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor!

Issue 5

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary continues! Brave heart, Whovians, for the Fifth Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor!

Issue 6

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary continues! Mmm, I wonder... aha! It is the Sixth Doctor who takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor! As Peri and Frobisher attempt to free the Doctor from an asylum, not one, but two villains are revealed!

Issue 7

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary continues! The Seventh Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor! In a 19th-century Scottish castle, a live-in nurse's concerns about the elderly couple in her care are allayed by a visiting doctor and his curiously modern female companion.

Issue 8

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary continues! The Eighth Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor! After helping him defeat the Master, the Doctor attempts to convince Grace Holloway to join him on his travels, in this untold tale!

Issue 9

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary continues! The Ninth Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor, with fan-favourite companion Rose Tyler in tow! Plus: Who has been kidnapping the Doctor's companions? The Doctor's mysterious enemy revealed!

Issue 10

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary continues! Brilliant! The Tenth Doctor takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor. The Doctor brings Martha Jones to 1950s Los Angeles and the Griffith Observatory to give her a glimpse of Gallifrey, but soon encounters a film crew whose members are mysteriously disappearing!

Issue 11

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary continues! Geronimo! The Eleventh Doctor joins the fray in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor. Now that the Doctor has uncovered the true identity of his latest adversary, he must track him through time and space for a final confrontation!

Issue 12

Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary concludes! All eleven Doctors must team up if there’s any hope of defeating his latest and most surprising adversary! Everything has been leading up to this epic conclusion!


Issue 1

A cloaked figure studies images of the Doctor in solitude. He reflects on the legacy of the Doctor, as well as what he is capable of. He then notes that the Doctor has always had friends, and that he will have to change that...

The TARDIS arrives at the Royal College of Surgeons in London, England in the year 1868. The First Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Vicki step out. The group has arrived to meet Thomas Huxley, a friend of the Doctor's and evolution supporter. After attending his lecture, they meet with Thomas. Huxley is happy to see the group, but is soon called away. Thomas explains that he and some of his pupils must go searching the London Underground for a group of missing students. The Doctor convinces him to let them come along.

The group encounters the Zarbi.

Some time later, the Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Vicki arrive at the entrance to the London Undergrounds to help look for the students. They find a fresh trail of footprints leading to a mysterious passage, covered in webs. Vicki begins suffering from headaches, something which last happened to her on Vortis. Barbara reminds her that they are far away from Vortis and that there can't be a connection. Suddenly, the group finds themselves surrounded by Zarbi.

The group tries to fight them off, but the Doctor suggests against it, saying that going with them is the only way to find the missing students. Ian, Huxley, and the Doctor are split away from the rest of the group, who are given gold mind-control bracelets to wear. At the Doctor's suggestion, Ian and Huxley fight off the Zarbi and the trio escape.

After searching the tunnels, the Doctor finds the Animus, who says a seed of it remained despite the destruction. It has reformed itself on Earth to get revenge on the Doctor. The Animus plans to take over Earth with an army of Zarbi drones, but before he can enact his plan he is hit by a train piloted by Ian.

The Animus is hit by a train.

The Doctor uses a portal to send the Zarbi home. After some debate, the Doctor convinces Huxley to keep quiet about what he has seen. Huxley leaves, noting that he hates leaving the Doctor alone. The Doctor notes that the Animus could not have reformed on its own, and that the portal used to bring it here was beyond its technological abilities. The Doctor suggests further investigation to his companions, but is shocked to find them missing.

Issue 2

The Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, and Zoe Heriot land the TARDIS in a shop filled with hundreds of police boxes. They learn from a salesman that they are in a Police Box section of the universal trading post, the Frenko Bazaar, a famous intergalactic trading post, where one could buy "just about anything." The Doctor sees some Voraxx and mentions they are involved in the slave trade.

The Doctor, in an attempt to take down the slave market, places a homing device on Jamie, and followed some Voraxx into Stellar Imports & Exports to gain their attention. A member told the Doctor that Jamie, coming from the past, was worth a mint. When he said Jamie wasn't for sale, the Voraxx members followed them.

The Voraxx kidnap Jamie, and take him aboard a slaver ship in orbit. Following Jamie's signal, the Doctor and Zoe found the trans-mat that led to the ship and found Jamie. They then awoke two Ice Warriors, who started an uprising. The slaves took over the ship under Ice Warrior leadership, forcing the slavers to leave. As the trio teleported back to the shop, the Doctor was shocked to find his companions missing, having been captured by the cloaked figure.

Issue 3

Liz Shaw recalls the Third Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith back to Earth, explaining that the Brigadier has been acting strange; he is sending UNIT men all around the world in random positions and acting surprisingly violent. The Doctor has soldiers hold him down, and under close inspection discovers he has been taken over by a Remoraxian. He builds a ray that frees the Brigadier from the creature's control and the Brigadier explains what happened.

He explains that he was infected at a UNIT Nautical Research Facility on the coast, and explains that the Remoraxians have taken it over. Not only have the creatures begun taking over people, they have also began to change the weather.

The Doctor uses a device to eject the Ramoraxian parasite. He travels in Bessie and later the Whomobile to reach the UNIT sea base. The Doctor is nearly drowned but saved by Sarah and Liz. The Ramoraxian Prime wants to flood the world to make it suitable for his species. Richard Nixon sends bombers to destroy England and the Ramoraxians. The Brigadier and the Doctor convince the Ramoraxians that the people from Earth are crazy, the Brigadier saying they live with the threat of nuclear destruction anyway, and they head off in their ship, meaning the bombers are called off. The hooded figure appears and uses a Vortex manipulator to steal away Sarah Jane, Liz, and the Brigadier.

Issue 4

The Fourth Doctor and Leela witness the Judoon's patrols

The story starts with Leela, wearing the Doctor’s hat and working over a math problem presented by K9. The Doctor promises to take Leela a banquet on the farmworld Agratis. He also mentions the Jewel of Fawton that has brought tourism to the world. They exit the Tardis to find the world covered by armoured vehicles and rockets. The Doctor rushes them back to the Tardis, gets his long scarf caught, and slams the Tardis door before the Judoon close on them.

K9 reports that he has found transmissions that indicate that the Judoon were called in because the Jewel of Fawton was stolen. The Doctor travels back to the planet to see his friend Mason Vox and his daughter Celia. They all travel to the museum where they see Curator Frez. Celia reveals to her father that her boyfriend, Roget, had stolen the jewel. The Judoon will rip apart the planet, but the Doctor hopes to find Roget, the jewel, and restore it to its proper place. The Doctor sends Leela and K-9 to distract the Judoon while the others go after the jewel. They travel to wind carved caves that resemble something out of 127 Hours’ Canyonlands National Park. Mason Vox and Curator Frez explain that the world was harsh until they found the jewel and terraformed the planet. They enter some crystalline caverns and Mason falls. Switch to topside at the city, where Leela leaps to the top of one of the armoured vehicles. She pops into the hatch and the next moment, the Judoon is seen hurtling out of the door.

Leela picks up two explosive bandoliers and has K-9 pilot the vehicle as she kicks down a Judoon riding a hover bike. Then, she passes under the legs of a Judoon scout walker and uses the explosives to destroy its legs. Back in the cave, the Doctor uses his long scarf so Mason can pull himself up. They find the young Roget, he is busy placing the jewel back where it was found, with Curator Frez not wanting him to activate it Total Recall style. Crystalline insect-like creatures start to move. Roget explains that when their crystal was removed, they went into a hibernation state. The Doctor explains that now that the jewel is returned to its rightful rulers that the Judoon will withdraw. Leela is sitting at a banquet table with three Judoon. The Doctor offers them a jelly baby.

The Cloaked figure captures Leela and K9.

The hooded figure watches the Doctor through binoculars and uses the Vortex Manipulator to appear at the banquet. Telling the Doctor that he "deserves" a lifetime of empty tables, he takes away K-9 and Leela before the Doctor’s startled eyes.

Issue 5

Somewhere in a place between places, the hooded figure tries out a new weapon, which he uses on a fake TARDIS as a target; he then storms out and walks past all of the Doctor's companions that he has collected thus far.

The Doctor and Tegan Jovanka meet the Rutan Host.

Meanwhile the TARDIS materialises, and out steps the Fifth Doctor, Tegan, Adric and Nyssa. The Doctor is trying to replenish the TARDIS with Artron energy though they find themselves in the direct line of fire of a missile. They manage to run into a ditch where the Rutans are waiting. They take all three prisoner, and when Adric tries to fight back, a Rutan host tries to electrocute him, but is stopped by the Doctor.

The TARDIS has landed in the middle of a Rutan weapon test field, and the Rutans think that the TARDIS crew are Sontaran spies. The Doctor tries to explain but the Rutans believe that they are telling lies, and plan to exterminate them.

Adric tells them to 'get ready' and shoves the Rutans into one another, knocking them over. The crew uses this chance to escape, and race for the TARDIS. They're almost there when they are captured by a Sontaran scout fleet.

The Sontaran fleet brings the crew to their leader, Commander Strock. Who tells them that they have aggravated the Rutans. The Sontarans don't see the Doctor as a threat, especially since his 'soldiers' (AKA his companions) are nothing more than children.

The Sontarans get the Doctor to help them defeat the Rutan Hosts on what the commander has described as a 'worthless rock'; The Doctor spots a massive flaw in the Sontarans strategy and pleads that there must be an alternative to this worthless assault, but the Sontarans want to die as Sontarans; in the midst of battle in a full frontal assault.

The Commander sets out a squad to help the Doctor, Tegan, Nyssa and Adric back to the TARDIS as Strock and the other Sontarans lead into battle. All three make it to the TARDIS safely and the squad leaves to join the battle, screaming 'Sontar-Ha!'.

The Doctor tries to tell Adric about the 'Frog and Scorpion', and turns around to find Adric, Tegan and Nyssa unconscious and the Hooded Figure standing over them. The figure brags saying that he "let his friends down", and "put all three of them into harms way".

He then disappears, taking Nyssa, Adric and Tegan with him, The Doctor realises that this has happened before...

Issue 6

The Tenth Doctor contacts Frobisher.

The Sixth Doctor, Frobisher and Peri are in the console room. When the Doctor and Peri leave the room, the Tenth Doctor appears to Frobisher through the TARDIS control console . The Doctor told him that he needed his help, and that he would also be helping himself and many other companions...

The Sixth Doctor landed in the year 7214, where a nature preserve was keeping the last Penguins alive. The Doctor was captured by the local robotic officials, who believed him to be insane, and was locked in a mental institution. There he learned that the robots were under the control of the Master, and that all of the staff in the prison were his Auton slaves. Frobisher and Peri broke into the prison, Frobisher shape shifting into a hospital staff member pretending to be escorting Peri. When they were discovered, the Auton staff attacked, Frobisher and Peri running away through the building.

The Doctor and the Master.

The Doctor broke out of his cell, and ran into Peri. They were chased into a room by the Autons, but the Doctor was able to stop them by melting the plastic inside them, but the Master escaped again. When he turned around, though, he saw Peri, captured by the cloaked figure.

However "Peri" was actually Frobisher in disguise, as per the Tenth Doctor's instructions. Now in the same cell system that the cloaked figure had used to capture the Doctor's other companions, Frobisher escaped his cell and began exploring.

Issue 7

Scotland, 1830. Maid Mackenzie serves two elderly patients in bed, and is hoping the two patrons will get better. She has just sent for the doctor to figure out why they are both so sick. She looks up and spots that the Seventh Doctor and Ace (Ace is wearing 18th century attire, with her jacket) have entered the room.

The Doctor comments that Ace gets the chills quite easily and that she loves her jacket, and won't leave it behind. The Doctor examines the patients (including listening to their feet and smelling their arm-pits) trying to find out what is wrong with them.

The master of the house, Alan Campbell, arrives, and states that the Doctor is not the doctor he sent for. This raises Mackenzie's awareness, saying that she thought that the Doctor was their family physician, which the Doctor states that he never said he was.

Campbell states that it doesn't bother him, and that the Doctor was recommended by their own physician, Dr. Lewis.

The Doctor then asks Campbell to fill him in on the patients background. Campbell said they're his Great Aunt and Uncle, Ruth and Gibson Campbell, and that they fell ill about 3 months before the Doctor's arrival.

The Doctor also enquires that the grounds and estate belongs to them. Campbell states that the grounds are part of the Campbell ancestry, the Doctor also enquires if it belongs to either himself of the two patients in bed.

Campbell starts to get annoyed, saying that the estate is theirs, and if anything should happen to them, he'd get their estate. The Doctor doesn't cause to defend, saying that he is 'The Master of the house', which Campbell agrees with a smile.

The Doctor and Ace leave, apparently to read a few texts he brought with him in his carriage, and with Campbell's permission, heads off. Ace starts to enquire as to why the Doctor was asking so many questions. The Doctor states, that he needed to cut straight to the bone, and shed some light on the situation. He also learned the fact that Campbell isn't the person he says he is. He also states that the 'aunt' and 'uncle' are not human. They head to the TARDIS to examine a spoon that the Doctor has stolen from the bedroom to find out exactly who they are.

The Doctor sends Ace for a walk around the castle with a device that picks up on the same energy that dragged the TARDIS off course.

Ace walks into the kitchen, and the detector goes off. Pointing at a small door at the back of the room, Ace decides to investigate, despite the Doctor saying not to take any risks. What she finds leaves her flabberghasted.

Meanwhile, the Doctor is confronted by Miss Mackenzie, who states that the Doctor had no right to talk to Campbell the way he did. The Doctor reminds her that something is not right, and then enquires as to how long she's been working there. She says two months, and that nothing has changed in their condition since she arrived. It's also the reason why she didn't question him when he arrived, all she wants to do is help. Mackenzie is suddenly overcome with fear, saying something is not right about Mr. Campbell.

Ace runs out of the house, saying she has found what the Doctor was looking for. He then asks Ace to lead the way.

Ace and the Doctor walk down the back steps find a fully decked out computer room. They then figure out that the door was left unlocked, meaning that they were meant to find it, and could possibly be a trap. The Doctor then states that only the Master could come up with something like this.

They both investigate the equipment, only for a massive one-eyed creature with razor sharp teeth appear before them, but it's chained up. The chain snaps, and The Doctor orders Ace to run. They manage to beat the Beast up the stairs and lock the Doctor. But the creatures strength breaks the door with ease. Ace then throws a can of Nitro-9 at the beast,and it explodes, killing the creature. And the patients stir in front of Mackenzie.

The Doctor examines the body of the creature, determining that it's a Gulwort, stating that its a creature that drain the life force of its victims, and would have certainly have killed both The Doctor and Ace easily.

Mackenzie runs down to the Doctor to tell him that the Campbell patients have stirred, but haven't awoken.

The Doctor, Ace, and Mackenzie run back into the building and up the stairs. only to have Mr. Campbell block their path. He then shifts into the Master. The Doctor just degrades him by calling him cheap. He then also states that he knew all along. The Master then reveals that he's been working with a new partner, or companion of the Doctor's, to which the Doctor doesn't have a clue what he is talking about.

The Master then states that he hasn't met him... yet! And that he's been siphoning the life force from 'The Campbells' to transmit power to his partner, helping him conduct a revenge scheme against the Doctor. The Master gloats, saying that he loves causing the Doctor pain. The Doctor then tells the Master that both himself and Ace have killed his main supplier (The Gulwort). But before the Master can retaliate, the Doctor pulls out the device that has been keeping the Campbells asleep. and subsequently deactivates it.

The 'Campbells' revert back to their true form, Aeroliths, whilst the Master curses vengeance. The Aeroliths recognize the Master as the one who trapped them and chase after him.

Mackenzie cannot take it in, that everything she's been told was a lie. The Doctor explains that the Master would never lower himself to be a nursemaid, and that the creatures will catch him eventually, and that he has made new enemies for himself. He also states that this will only fuel the Master's vengeance against him, and that he'll now be deadlier than ever.

As The Doctor and Ace bid farewell to Miss Mackenzie, the Cloaked Figure arrives, and snatches Ace...

Issue 8

San Francisco, February 2000. Dr. Grace Holloway finishes performing a surgery, chats with a nurse and drives home. She is trying to unlock her door when someone greets her from behind; it is the Eighth Doctor, who has come to try and convince her once again to come traveling with him. She tries to tell the Doctor that she's safe and happy, but the Doctor tells her she's bored. He promises one trip and she agrees.

The Doctor quickly takes her to several planets "to see the sights," but Grace is quickly overwhelmed and asks to be put on solid ground. They land on an Earth-like planet and are greeted by a boy named Oren. After explaining how the TARDIS translates alien language, the Doctor tells him they've just dropped by to enjoy the scenery. Oren asks the pair if they're from the city. The Doctor says they're not, and asks about the city - Oren says it is Brendais, where the Overseers live. The Doctor replies that he and Grace are travelling from far away. Oren says Brendais does not get many visitors, and no-one ever gets to travel. He offers to take them to his family's home for a meal and a little rest, which Grace says sounds like a great idea.

After the meal at Oren's house, Oren's parents tell the Doctor that the Overseers protect and provide for their village, maintaining the food and water supply and keeping everyone safe.

to be added

Issue 9

In the TARDIS, Rose Tyler is on the phone to her mother to let her know that she's safe. The Doctor is slightly frustrated that Rose keeps calling her mother, to which Rose replies that it keeps her from smacking him. The Doctor asks her if she is implying that he is afraid of her. Rose replies "Yes", to which he replies that she is right. At that point the TARDIS lands. The Doctor says that because Rose is always asking him to take her to more scenic places, he has taken her to a monument to Drake Ayelbourne of Altair VII, the wealthiest man in the outer rim of the galaxy. Rose says she's never heard of him, to which the Doctor replies that people like Howard Hughes, Bill Gates, and Scrooge McDuck are "peasants" in comparison. He explains that Drake spent nearly a third of his fortune on building a "tribute to his own ego", all so that he would not be forgotten. He then spent another third on the security system surrounding the whole planet so that no-one could steal or damage anything. Rose asks how people can remember him if they cannot visit the monument. The Doctor points out the official viewing satellite, which is in geosynchronous orbit, the only way for anyone to get a look at the place - unless, like the Doctor, they have a TARDIS. Reservations for the viewing satellites are backed up for decades, from what the Doctor has heard. He and Rose are the first people to set foot on the planet in 150 years (give or take). As the Doctor tells Rose not to go wandering off, a man inside the tomb, looking at Rose on a screen, says "Bring her to me." At that point Rose falls down a hole. As the Doctor runs after her, annoyed that he took his eyes off her for one minute and she got herself into trouble, the cloaked figure watches him.

Rose falls down a chute into an empty room, where a large robot on caterpillar tracks knocks her unconscious and picks her up, taking her away. The robot brings her into a room where the man who told the robot to bring her to him is. There are other robots in the room too. The man tells the robot to put her on the couch, and says she is beautiful. He looks at the Doctor on the screen, who is trying to find Rose, but just as he is about to give the robots a command, Rose wakes up and asks where she is. The man tells her she is in his home. Rose is surprised, since no-one is meant to be living here, but the man introduces himself as Drake Ayelbourne.

to be added

Issue 10

The TARDIS, with the Tenth Doctor and Martha Jones, has landed at the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California in the mid-1950s. The Doctor tells Martha that the observatory was designed and funded by Colonel Griffith J. Griffith, and admires him for his confidence in using the same name twice. The security guard at the door refuses to let them in - the observatory is closed for the night because of "all the hub-bub down on the lawn". The Doctor and Martha use the psychic paper to pass themselves off as an opto-mechanical technician for the Imperial College London and his "assistant". The guard agrees to keep out of their way for 45 minutes. The Doctor charges up the telescope and lets Martha take a look. What Martha sees is the last residual image of Gallifrey before the Last Great Time War. Martha says it's beautiful, and thanks the Doctor, knowing it must be hard for him to show her what he'd lost. At that point they hear an alarm - the "hub-bub" that the security guard mentioned.

It turns out that the "hub-bub" is a film shoot. The Doctor quips that the last time he was on a movie set, he told Georges Melies what the Moon was like. The Doctor goes over to the producer to ask how the film's going, but the producer angrily tells him that he has no time for interference. Deke Williams, the stunt manager, tells them not to take it personally - he is under pressure as the movie is four days behind schedule. When the Doctor introduces himself, Deke says "Like a script doctor? The script's not where we're having trouble." Deke says that the movie being behind schedule is costing the studio a fortune, people are worrying about the movie getting shut down, and crew members are disappearing - not showing up, and not giving notice about quitting either. Deke says "Nobody gives up a paying job in his business." The Doctor glances at some of the robot props and says "Oh, really..." The producer reappears and angrily tells Deke to get the next shot ready. Deke replies that until the actress, Bianca, shows up, her can't show her how to fall off the space buggy. Then the producer notices Martha, and decides she will be the new star. Deke is anxious about recasting this late, and adds that she looks nothing like Bianca. The producer dismisses this, saying Martha is beautiful, and that they can't afford any more delays. Deke asks Martha if she's ever acted before, to which she replies "No, never!" The producer says that the critics will be looking for an "unpretentious outsider" and takes Martha to the wardrobe. The Doctor reassures her that she'll be fine.

to be added

Issue 11

The Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald have just ended a civil war among a race of people called the Frogmen, having told them that Fratalog was the rightful king. The Doctor then says "When I say 'Duck!', I really mean, 'Duck!'. However, before anything else can happen a powerful blast of energy knocks both of them unconscious. The Doctor comes round just in time to see Adam Mitchell teleport away with an unconscious Clara in his arms. He heads back to the TARDIS and goes to all the places in which Adam kidnapped his other companions, just after the kidnappings took place, where he attempts to gain information from people who were there, including Agent Paul and the Judoon. But he finds nothing of use, and realises that rather than delving into his own past, he needs to look at Adam's.

The Doctor breaks into a library, and finds a room where Adam has pinned up pictures of his past incarnations and companions, including a large red cross over the picture of his ninth incarnation. Feeling guilty about what his actions drove Adam to do, he decides to head back to Henry Van Statten's vault in Utah, where he first met Adam, hoping to find some sort of trace he can use to track him down. However, he discovers that Adam has taken every last bit of alien technology that was in the vault. He breaks into Adam's lab, where he find the Time Agent who Adam had captured on the floor, "frozen in time." He releases the Agent, named "Neal Shaw," who tells him that he had been awake the whole time and had been forced to wait for months as Adam experimented on him. He gives the Doctor a tracker that will help him find his Vortex Manipulator (that Adam had stolen) ans asks to come with the Doctor. The Doctor declines, saying that he would not put any more innocent people in between him and Mitchell.

The tracker brings him to a giant fortress in the Time Vortex, which the Doctor enters, calling out for Adam. Adam greets him with a gun, which he uses to paralyze him.

the Tremas Master meets the Doctor.

He awakes later to see Adam, who tells him that he treats all companions like he had treated him: with no care for what happens to them afterwards. After some time, the Tremas Master enters, scarred, having survived the attack by Aerolith after being tortured for decades and barely escaping alive. Adam reveals that he discovered the Master on his hunt for other people who wanted to "make [the Doctor] suffer." The Doctors warns Adam of the evil of the Master, and of the thousands of lives he had ended to call himself "king of the universe." The Master laughs the Doctor's words off as lies, and instructs Adam to continue with the plan.

All of the Doctor's companions, captured.

Adam leads the Doctor and the Master into a large room, where all of the Doctor's companions sit in tubes along the walls, even the ones he had not seen captured. Adam holds a remote, one which will kill every companion in the chambers when he presses the button. He tells the Doctor that all of his companions dying might destroy the universe as all of the Doctor's history is rewritten, but as they are in limbo they will not be affected and Adam does not care. He tells the Doctor to choose one companion to save, and the rest will die.

Issue 12

The Doctor summons the other ten Doctors. Adam decides to kill all the companions, but it is revealed his remote is Frobisher. The Eleventh Doctor says he left a chronal trail which enables the TARDISes to merge and bring the Doctors here. Adam and the Master release an Auton army. However Frobisher, disguised as an Auton, overpowers Adam and releases the companions.


Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Issue 6

Issue 7

Issue 8

Issue 9

Issue 10

Issue 11

Issue 12


  • Thomas Huxley is a famous professor and supported the evolution theory created by Charles Darwin.
  • The Second Doctor, Zoe, and Jamie arrive at Frenko Bazaar, a famous place where one can buy and sell "just about anything".
  • The Frenko Bazaar has a section dedicated entirely to Police boxes, where the TARDIS lands.
  • The hat store in the Frenko Bazaar has multiple hats in the front, including a Fez and a Stetson.
  • Agratis is a planet famous for its rich bounties.
  • Aeroliths are creatures of light and wind.
  • The cloaked figure resides in a fortress in a place between places and uses a memory distorsion to keep the incarnations of the Doctor from remembering him. With every attack it grows weaker though and finally fails when the Fifth Doctor remembers him after he takes Tegan, Nyssa and Adric.
  • The abducted companions are held separately and in stasis in containers in the cloaked figure's fortress.


  • Issue one is 26 pages total.
  • Although issue one was scheduled to be released on 30 January 2013, it was released a day in advance by iTunes.
  • The final three issues were published in North America on consecutive weeks: 6th November (#10), 13th November (#11), and 20th November (#12).


Cover gallery

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Issue 6

Issue 7
