The Time Travellers (novel)

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The Time Travellers was the seventy-fourth BBC Past Doctor Adventures novel. It was written by Simon Guerrier. It featured the First Doctor, Susan, Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. This novel is sequel to several stories which hadn't happened yet in the Doctor's timeline and therefore occur differently, with different outcomes from The War Machines, The Tenth Planet and Remembrance of the Daleks affecting the alternate future shown in this novel.

Publisher's summary

"Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the fourth dimension, to be exiles?"

24 June, 2006. The TARDIS has landed in London. Ian and Barbara are almost back home. But this isn't the city they knew. This city is a ruin, torn apart by war. A war that the British are losing.

With his friends mistaken for vagrants and sentenced to death, the Doctor is press-ganged into helping perfect a weapon that might just turn the tables in the war. The British Army has discovered time travel. And the consequences are already devastating.

What has happened to the world that Ian and Barbara once knew? How much of the experiment do the Doctor and Susan really understand?

And, despite all the Doctor has said to the contrary, is it actually possible to change history?


to be added




  • Ian Chesterton's national service number was 15110404. He was a private.
  • When Ian and Barbara are returned to London on 26 June 1965, the Doctor gives them an envelope of British notes and coins, including a twenty pence coin which was minted in 1982.



  • The epilogue of this novel follows the last scenes of the television story The Chase with Ian and Barbara on the bus.
  • The dystopian future of this story is the result of the events of the television story The War Machines — here, WOTAN was successful in temporarily conquering the planet. It is strongly suggested, though not outright said, that this is in fact what was meant to happen to Earth and that the Doctor's involvement changed history.


External links