Pete's World

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"Pete's World" was the Tenth Doctor's name for an alternate universe that was home to Cybermen created by John Lumic, the head of Cybus Industries.


The Doctor derived the name from Pete Tyler, that universe's version of Rose Tyler's father, who in her universe had died in 1987. Time ran ahead in this universe, compared to the Doctor's universe, so that when it was 2007 in the Doctor's universe it was simultaneously three years later in Pete's World. (TV: Doomsday)


The most noticeable difference was the large number of zeppelins, which were commonly used as transport. Mickey's look-a-like was named Ricky, who led The Preachers and whose grandmother was still alive; Pete, who was also still alive and whose get-rich schemes worked, and Jackie Tyler, who was quite unpleasant and who later died following her conversion into a Cyberman and the Cybermen's defeat in London, never had children but did have a dog named Rose, which amused the Doctor upon finding out; it is unknown if The Doctor existed in this universe, although Pete's World does have a Torchwood. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, Doomsday)

Great Britain had a President rather than a monarch and Prime Minister like in our universe; 3 years after The Doctor's visit to Pete's World, Harriet Jones was President, whom The Doctor warned Pete to keep an eye on following what his universe's Harriet Jones did last Christmas. Europe also contained New Germany, and South America was unified in a South American State. The planet also has a Bio-Convention, whereby Geneva had to approve any creation of new lifeforms. (WC: Tardisode 5, TV: Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, Doomsday)

John Lumic ran a company named Cybus Industries, who had a worldwide influence; they created the EarPods, owned Pete Tyler's drink company, Vitex, owned International Electromatics as a front organisation, and created CybusNet, a global information system. Lumic was dying and, as a means to keeping him alive, created the Cybermen, which differed from the Doctor's universe's Cybermen in that they were created on Earth rather than Mondas; Lumic later became Cyber Controller, but was killed soon after when Pete cut the zeppelin ladder he was hanging onto and made him fall into an exploding cyber-factory. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel)

The Preachers, then led by Jake Simmonds and who were joined by Mickey following Ricky's death, battled the Cybermen across the world; however, debated raged about if the Cybermen could be saved as they were former humans, allowing the Cybermen time to cross from their reality to the Doctor's by using technology at Torchwood. Mass dimensional travel caused ambient temperature to rise on their Earth; the ice caps were melting. The People's Republic later took control of Torchwood. At some point between The Doctor's visit and the Cybermen arriving on his world, The Preachers also worked on energy blasters capable of killing Cybermen; these were later perfected and capable of quickly destroying Daleks. (TV: The Age of Steel, Doomsday, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End)

Technology was generally more advanced on Pete's World; they had moving and speaking advertisements, and EarPods which downloaded information straight into the human brain. They later also had medallions capable of crossing universes, and soon after invented a dimension cannon. The Cybermen also, between their creation and their invasion of The Doctor's world, invented their own wrist blasters, which were capable of killing humans but were harmless against Daleks. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen, The Age of Steel, Army of Ghosts, Doomsday, The Stolen Earth, Journey's End)


In 2001, Cybus Industries' profits reached $78 billion. In 2004, South American state reported 265,000 people missing. (WC: Tardisode 5)

In February 2007, the Doctor's TARDIS was catapulted into Pete's World while travelling through the Time Vortex. The TARDIS was critically drained of energy by the journey and unable to replenish itself due to the incompatibility of the ambient energy of the alternate universe. The Tenth Doctor gave away 10 years of his life to recharge a still-function artron crystal which was then used to restore the TARDIS long enough to enable it to travel back to N-Space. The first Cybermen were created by John Lumic (TV: Rise of the Cybermen) and attacked Great Britain. The Doctor and his allies eventually teamed-up and destroyed the Cybermen. The Cybermen leader, their Controller (with John Lumic's brain), perished in the destruction of his cyber-factory. After meeting his parallel counterpart Ricky Smith and being inspired by his example, Mickey Smith decided to stay in the alternate universe to take the late Ricky's place and help fight the Cybermen. (TV: The Age of Steel)

In 2010, Mickey returned to his original world in N-Space and, disguised as a lab technician, investigated the Void Ship kept in Torchwood 1's headquarters. (TV: Army of Ghosts)

Jake Simmonds and Peter Tyler crossed over into N-Space to stop the Cyberman invasion. That universe's Jackie Tyler met the other version of Pete Tyler for the first time and decided to stay with him. Mickey Smith, Pete, and Jake returned to the other world, taking Jackie and her daughter Rose with them, stranding them after the breach closed. Rose joined the parallel version of the Torchwood Institute. Jackie and Pete conceived a child and Mickey apparently took up residence with the Tylers.

Soon after joining Torchwood and several months after Jackie became pregnant, Rose began receiving what appeared to be a message from the Tenth Doctor. With the support of her family, she travelled to a remote fjord in Norway, Dålig Ulv Stranden, where she was able to briefly make contact with the Doctor so they could say goodbye to each other. (TV: Doomsday)

When Davros' reality bomb, (TV: Journey's End) also known as "the Darkness", (TV: Turn Left) was detonated, dimensions in "the whole of reality" started to collapse. (TV: Journey's End) Rose subsequently returned to the Doctor's universe. (TV: The Stolen Earth) After defeating the Daleks and preventing the reality bomb from detonating, the Tenth Doctor returned Rose and Jackie to the parallel Earth. Also left behind was the Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor. Due to the disarming of the Reality Bomb by Donna Noble, the Darkness never occurred at all and this universe was saved from destruction. (TV: Journey's End)

Jackie mentioned that Pete was on the "nursery run"; the child being at nursery school would place this at least 3 years after the birth, either 2013 or 2014.

Behind the scenes

Creatures and Demons

REF: Doctor Who: Creatures and Demons, a non-narrative source, theorised that Pete's World split from the universe occupying N-Space when Queen Victoria still went to Torchwood House in 1879. The Werewolf attacked the house and Queen Victoria was killed in this event.

Cybus Industries website

Cybus Industries had a tie-in website, no longer hosted by the BBC as of July 2013.

The website had a collection of the CEO of Cybus Industries, John Lumic's, thoughts. He mentioned that living in an airship had its "disadvantages", such as a if a dissident Cybus executive "accidentally" fell into the Grand Canyon, which in Pete's World was in the United States of Mexico, then they couldn't vote against Lumic again. Lumic corrected himself by saying, "I'm sorry, did I say disadvantages? I meant to say advantages."

The article also mentioned Lumic's dismissal of "unimportant" pressure group like the Preachers in Great Britain, or the Free Information Collectives in New Germany and "Czechoslovenia™", saying that such groups "should simply be ignored".

The website featured an interview with Lumic. When asked what the "best" decision he made was, Lumic answered with, "Assassinating the Prime Minister of the United States of Mexico". When asked the "best" and "worst" things about the BBC, Lumic simply responded that he abolished the BBC after Cybusnet became the sole global information provider. [1]


  1. Lohn Lumic - Some thoughts from our CEO. Cybus Industries website. Archived from the original on 23 September 2012. Retrieved on 25 July 2013.