The People

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The People came together from various space-faring species which encountered each other and then built the Worldsphere.


The People, culturally, could be divided into organic and inorganic. Even within these classifications there was great variation in the People. Many of the organic People were humanoid, though with greater variation than humans, ranging in skin colour, number of digits and other traits. Other People had vastly different forms, including the assimilated All of Us. The inorganic people were spherical drones and ships. They were typically much smarter than organic People. (PROSE: The Also People, PROSE: Walking to Babylon) There was overlap between the two categories, such as Clarence, who had a mechanical brain and an organic body. (PROSE: Ghost Devices)

The People were not known for their telepathic abilities. (PROSE: Tears of the Oracle)


The People's culture consisted of interest groups. These interests ranged from learning primitive cooking styles and studying other species to the study of time travel. (PROSE: Walking to Babylon, Ghost Devices)

Their worst punishment was ostracism. (PROSE: The Also People)


Before 2564, the People fought a war with an insectoid species generally known as the Insects. About twenty-six billion sentient individuals were killed, and fifteen planets, three rings and fifteen asteroid habitats were completely destroyed. (PROSE: The Also People, PROSE: Walking to Babylon)

Subsequently, the People signed a Treaty with the Time Lords. The Seventh Doctor, aM!xitsa and the AI known as God formed half of the original negotiating team. (PROSE: The Also People)

In 2594, God planned to investigate the Spire of Canopus IV and to cause/stop the paradox that surrounded it. Despite all his simulations showing that Bernice Summerfield would kill herself if she was involved, God sent Clarence to recruit her. Though Bernice did try to kill herself after the events, meddling by temporal forces allowed Clarence to save her. (PROSE: Ghost Devices)

In 2594, WiRgo!xu, !Ci!ci-tel and !qu-!qu-tala believed that the People had become complacent since the war with All of Us was too easy and used the time travel technology of the Path to travel to the ancient Earth city of Babylon, 570 BCE. Ostensibly there to rough it out and develop a sense of humility, they also were trying to break the treaty with the Time Lords and lead to a time war. This would give the People a sense of risk. Bernice Summerfield convinced them to give up this plan, (PROSE: Walking to Babylon) though God knew that a conflict was inevitable despite the incident in Babylon. (PROSE: Tears of the Oracle) Romana III sought future Time Lord technology to help with their "dispute" with the People. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon)

After the invasion of the Ferutu in 2595, the People recalled all their agents and sealed themselves in their Worldsphere. (PROSE: Where Angels Fear, Twilight of the Gods)

Behind the scenes

  • The People have much in common with the Culture, featured in many of the novels of Iain M. Banks. The earlier books featuring the Culture predate the first appearance of the People.