Unbound Doctor

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If the Exile Doctor gets a number, surely this Doctor should be listed as the Third Doctor too

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The Third Doctor of a parallel universe was exiled by the Time Lords of that universe at the end of his second incarnation. Instead of being exiled to the 1970s, he was sent to the late 1990s. Because of this, the Doctor was not present to help UNIT as the Third Doctor had assisted them in the prime universe.

He could speak Mandarin, Cantonese, Manchu, Mongolian and Hokkien. He had some medical knowledge, as he was able to care of a Chinese pilot.

To the Chinese, he was known as Hu (the Tiger, for his courage), Hu (the Fox for his cunning) and Xue (Doctor, he who tends to the sick). The last of these was his personal favourite. (AUDIO: Sympathy for the Devil)


After being put on trial by the Time Lords, the Doctor was told that he would be exiled to Earth in the 1980s. However, he was instead sent to Hong Kong on 30 June 1997.

Immediately after leaving the TARDIS, the Doctor bumped into Marcus and Adam. He followed them to the Little England, a pub run by Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. The Doctor recognised the Brigadier and convinced him that he was the same person with whom Alistair fought Robot Yeti in the London Underground. The Doctor was concerned that he had arrived in the wrong time, as he had wanted to meet the Brigadier much earlier.

During their conversation, a Chinese plane disguised with chameleon circuit technology flew over them and crashed onto a nearby mountain. The Doctor and the Brigadier went to the crash site and helped the pilot get out of the wreckage and recover. UNIT arrived and brought the pilot to a nearby monastery. At the monastery, the Doctor heard that Ling saw a man change his appearance and realised that the Master was on the crashed plane.

The Master revealed himself by releasing an alien parasite which had been kept trapped at the monastery. The Doctor talked with the Master and made a deal once he'd learnt the Master was just as trapped as he himself was now. The Master agreed to stop his plan in exchange for the Doctor's TARDIS after the Master had lost his own TARDIS. The Doctor tricked the Master by saying that the Little England was his TARDIS. The Master attempted to cross the Doctor and leave him trapped in Hong Kong with the parasite. Instead, the Doctor took the parasite into his TARDIS while the Master went into the pub. The Brigadier came with the Doctor and they dematerialised to Mongolia. The Doctor dropped the parasite into a test area seconds before it was hit by a nuclear bomb and it was killed.

Instead of returning to Hong Kong, the Doctor and Alistair decided to travel through time and space, the sheer power of the nuclear explosion disrupting the inhibitor the Time Lords had placed on the TARDIS so that the ship could once again freely move in time and space as the Doctor wished. (AUDIO: Sympathy for the Devil)

He later travelled to Skaro where he helped Gillen and the other Thals to stop the Daleks. He created a neutraliser which altered a Dalek's mind so that it would believe that it was the returned Davros. This created some dissidence among the Daleks. However, when the new threat of the Quatch attacked Skaro, the Doctor suggested an alliance between the Daleks and Thals so that they could stop the Quatch, he and Alistair acting as the alliance's military leaders so that the Quatch could not predict what their opponents would do. With the Quatch defeated after the returned Davros sacrificed himself to destroy the equipment keeping them in this reality, the Doctor departed, although Alistair remained to help mediate the new Dalek/Thal alliance. (AUDIO: Masters of War)

The War

Main article: Great War (The Library in the Body)

At some point, a great war was waged which saw the Doctor fighting for the Time Lords, (AUDIO: Asking for a Friend) alongside the Master against their enemy, with the natives of the planet Tramatz being a key player in one side of the conflict. (AUDIO: The Very Dark Thing, The Emporium At The End) Towards the end of the War, the Master had acquired a weapon that would destroy the enemy at the cost of essentially destroying the universe as well, with the Doctor fleeing the conflict in the hope that the Master would be unable to activate the weapon without him. (AUDIO: The Emporium At The End) After the war had ended, the Doctor adopted the title of "King of the Universe", much to the anger and displeasure to many races and people. (AUDIO: The Library in the Body)

Meeting Bernice Summerfield

With the war's aftermath causing the universe to face collapse, the Doctor travelled to the prime universe to find Professor Bernice Summerfield, hoping that he could latch onto her unique artron energy signature to anchor him to that universe. Instead, it dragged her back into his own. Returned to his dying universe, they visited to the Library to find knowledge. He wanted to protect the Library from the Kareem, until he realised the Library was a parasite after reading one of its books. (AUDIO: The Library in the Body)

Despite the Doctor's protestations that Planet X was boring, Bernice managed to persuade him. He was arrested upon arrival for being too interesting. He discovered that the populace was decreasing due to the population being processed to be boring, believing that they would be protected from the wider universe if nobody was interested in them. He was to be processed but the gas they used didn't affect him. He worked out that 20 million people were killed in 5 years. He escaped and met Ego where he was invited to a suicide party and re-arrested. In the final confrontation with Prime Minister 470, he exposed the truth about her reign while she was trying to torture him, encouraging the rest of the population to explore possibilities rather than being boring all the time. (AUDIO: Planet X)

The two of them then visited Tramatz to stop an imminent attack but got distracted by the singing river. Megatz inquired into why they were there but he had forgotton why after a couple of weeks on the planet. When Benny saw a unicorn he told her to talk to it to calm it down. He spent his time listening to the world. He wouldn't allow Benny to keep the unicorn. It became glaringly obvious that a weapon that had ended the war was warping reality and making people unaware of their impending doom. After the weapon was disabled, he decided to visit Admiral Effenish in order to try and stop the war from restarting. (AUDIO: The Very Dark Thing)

The TARDIS then received a distress call from the end of the universe from the Mother Superior to take her to the Emporium. He met the Manager, the Master in disguise, and found him familiar. He was escorted out of the building for trying to sneak around the Master's offices. He later decided to sell his memories to help people escape this universe, only to learn that he had already sold them to keep this universe alive. With this revelation, and his subconscious recognition of the Master, the Doctor realised that the Master's portal, which was allegedly sending lucky people to an alternate universe, was actually disintegrating them and creating the illusion of accelerated universal destruction so that the Master could guarantee his own escape. The Master was subsequently thrown into the portal and disintegrated, leaving the Doctor and Benny to explore this universe and find another way to save it. (AUDIO: The Emporium At The End)

Leader of the Universe

Forced to officially take on his title of Ruler of the Universe in order to try and protect the survivors of this dying reality, the Doctor funded Bernice's mission to excavate the site of the Apocalypse Clock as a means to save his universe from destruction, even as he admitted later that he'd never seriously expected her research to bear any fruit and mainly did it to try and secure a public victory to improve his credibility. Benny asked him to come and look at the dig. He was grumpy at his job, due to the amount of paper work and the remedial talks he had to do. He was stuck on Merin as he didn't negotiate the settlement of strikes of the spaceport staff a week earlier. (AUDIO: The City and the Clock)

Troubled by his inability to help others due to the bureaucracy of his position as president, he attended regular appointments with the therapist Guilana. He discussed such issues as his perception of other people as tools to help him or his frustration at the bureaucracy that prevented him helping certain planets as he tried to "punish" troublesome rulers. She helped him to remember portions of the Great War. However, his appointments ended when he was revealed to have manipulated Guilana's timeline to save her former fiancé from the shuttle accident that killed him. He did this because he wanted to make someone happy when he lost a planet and a friend. (AUDIO: Asking for a Friend)

He eventually became so frustrated with his position as president that he went off in the TARDIS to try and find some random alien invasion to deal with, but his efforts failed as his new reputation meant that every alien he encountered immediately backed down when they recognised him, and his only discovery of a "successful" invasion was more morally complex as the "invasion" had occurred sixty years earlier and aside from the children of the original invaders, the only member of the planet's original inhabitants left was one old woman who liked her isolation, forcing the Doctor to accept things as they were. (AUDIO: Truant)

The Doctor plotted to step down from running the universe, and concocted a grand scheme to make the change seem natural. He made plans to sabotage his credibility as leader, and allowed the Master to take his place. Using the energy discharged from the Apocalypse Clock, which the Master had believed would awaken the Great Old Ones before the Doctor stole the energy for himself, he then returned Benny to her home universe, only to realise that he too was trapped there. (AUDIO: The True Saviour of the Universe)

He later became of professor at a university. He told Benny to remember her real memories. From time to time he appeared to her at key points and to influence her decisions. He hoped that her memories would come back soon. Benny asked the Doctor about him and this Summerfield person, and how they came to this planet and stayed because they thought there was a mystery to solve. He could only be seen by Benny as he was her anchor. He explained to Benny how her life as Annis was remembered. (AUDIO: The Angel of History)

Other universes

In another universe, the Doctor didn't run away from the Master's attack of Hong Kong and he grew to like his exile. The Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smythe accidentally travelled sideways in time and helped the Doctor stop "an annoying man" from infecting the United Nations with Krynoid pods. The exiled Doctor helped repair the Sixth Doctor's TARDIS by donating his TARDIS' dimensional control. (AUDIO: The 100 Days of the Doctor)


This Doctor had grey, swept back, longish hair.

Initially, he wore the attire of his previous incarnation. He complained that the shoes did not fit very well. (AUDIO: Sympathy for the Devil)

By the time of his journey to Skaro he had taken to wearing a ruffled shirt, dark suit and cape. (AUDIO: Masters of War)

After the Great War, however, and during his time with Bernice Summerfield, he wore a simple blue collared shirt under a navy jumper and a maroon jacket. Though he didn't carry a sonic screwdriver, he did find a similar device in the Emporium and recognised it. (AUDIO: The Emporium At The End)

While acting as the ruler of the Universe, the Doctor wore a velvet jacket over a woolen V-neck sweater and a blue shirt, and occasionally wore a tie. (AUDIO: The City and the Clock)