Disassembled (audio story)

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audio stub

Disassembled (identified on the cover simply as Chapter Sixteen) was the second story of the fourth series of Big Finish's Gallifrey audio series. It was written by Justin Richards.

Publisher's summary

Gallifrey kills...

The President of the High Council wants Romana dead. The Temporal Intervention Agency has been dispatched to hunt her down. Its mission: to eliminate her from the timelines for ever. It would be as though she had never existed...

Only an old friend can offer Romana any hope of survival. An acquaintance she and Leela once shared. One they haven't seen in years.

But time is running out. Death is fast approaching. And this time, not everyone can survive... with or without the Doctor.


Romana, Leela, K9 and Narvin are on a Gallifrey very much like their own, travelling through the cloisters to the Communications Tower to send a signal to the Axis. Guard Jevon finds them, having been sent to find Romana due to an emergency in the Temporal Operations Tower; Romana goes with him, leaving her friends. Narvin deduces from Jevon's combat armour and the name by which the Communications Tower is known that this Gallifrey is not as similar to his as he thought.

Romana has Coordinator Vansell explain that the Temporal Intervention Agency has found that the timeline of Mandatorium VI has strayed from the future that Gallifrey want for it; their Prime Minister will improve the economy ahead of Gallifrey's projections, allowing them to resist the expansion of Collastis Minor in 3,000 years' time. This world's Romana signed a Temporal Correction Edict allowing the TIA to execute the Prime Minister with a De-mat Gun, removing him from time. Despite doing this, it seems likely that further executions may be required.

Romana returns to Leela, K9 and Narvin and fills them in on what she has learnt about this Gallifrey and its interventions. If she thought it was possible to put a stop to these policies, she would stay to do so. K9 detects a biodata signal and says that he is going in search of its source, whom he calls the Master. Romana, Leela and Narvin follow.

Angered at being called away from the Chancellery, President Romana arrives at the Temporal Operations Tower and demands to know why Vansell has summoned her. Vansell is confused and tells her that she had just been there, overseeing the Mandatorium VI operation. The President orders him to show her the projected timeline for Gallifrey, which has diverged due to anomalies which she suspects the non-interventionists are behind. She determines that her other self is from another timeline and has him open a communications channel to somebody who can remove her and her friends from history without the risk of using a De-mat Gun.

Romana explains to Leela and Narvin that K9 is not referring to the Master but this reality's version of the Doctor. An alarm sounds and the Chancellery Guard corner them, Leela going to fight them so that her blindness does not slow her friends down as they escape. Several of them having been stunned by K9, Commander Andred and Guard Jevon are the only ones remaining and stun Leela before informing the Interrogator General that they are bringing her a guest. Romana, K9 and Narvin flee from the guards and are rescued by the Doctor.

Andred takes Leela to the Interrogator General, who is this world's version of Leela. The Interrogator General says that she too was a savage before her timeline was tinkered with, a process which involved killing her father and altering her early life on Mordee. Andred leaves, the Interrogator General suggestively telling him that they will have a "private interrogation" later on.

Romana thanks to the Doctor, who says that he has not used that name in a number of years. Sick of Gallifrey's policy of intervening in the worlds of others, he once stole a TARDISes and explored the universe, undoing some of the Time Lords' damage before he was put on trial. Since then, he has been a respectable Time Lord of rank and position, but says that perhaps it is time for him to become the Doctor again.

The Interrogator General, joined by Vansell, demands that Leela tells her about her and her friends. When Leela refuses, she sends a life probe into her mind to unravel her existence and capture her memories to be edited, removed and added to. Thanks to Vansell's refinement to the process, Leela's memories will be transferred into the Interrogator General's mind for her to peruse.

K9 calculates the location of the portal to the Axis in the next corridor. Narvin asks why the Doctor called them "a robot dog, the president and a paradox", which the Doctor explains was because this world's Narvin is dead.

Vansell downloads Leela's memories into the Interrogator General and sees Narvin; in this world, Narvin was the Interrogator General until his Leela killed him for being a traitor and took his job. She sees Andred before losing her sight, becoming blind like her other self.

The Doctor sends away Andred, who calls him the Lord Burner, so that he, Romana, K9 and Narvin can get to the portal. The others hear that he is the Lord Burner, but do not know what it means and the Doctor offers no explanation.

Vansell tries to restore the Interrogator General's sight using the life probe, something which could result in brain damage to Leela. The Interrogator General does not care and orders him to go ahead with it. He is successful and goes to update the President after following the Interrogator General's order to have Andred sent to the cells. As a result of having Leela's memories, she has developed a plan.

to be completed




  • Narvin mentions the Master as he initially misinterprets K9's reference to detecting 'the Master'.
  • In the alternative timeline, Interrogator General Leela was preceded by Narvin, whom she murdered for the position.




External links

  1. As well as playing Romana of the prime timeline, Ward also plays President Romana.
  2. As well as playing Leela of the prime timeline, Jameson also plays Interrogator General Leela.