The Doctor's mind

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The Doctor's mind was the inner consciousness within the Doctor's brain.


During the Time Paradox Incident, the Daleks used a Mind Analysis Machine to forcibly ascertain the identity of the Third Doctor, projecting the familiar images of the First and Second Doctors on their screen. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, TV: Day of the Daleks)

The Third Doctor once saw images of the Master inside his mind during a nightmare. (TV: The Time Monster)

In a dream, the Fourth Doctor encountered his previous incarnations in a heavenly garden, which made him aware that his own regeneration was on the horizon. (PROSE: Into the Silent Land)

During his regeneration, the Fifth Doctor was trapped in a dreamscape by the Tremas Master, exploiting a residual connection of their minds from their connections with Kamelion, in an attempt to stop the process. The Doctor subconciously reached out telepathically to Nyssa who helped him break free and complete the regeneration. (AUDIO: Winter)

During the Seventh Doctor's battle with the Timewyrm, Ace entered the Doctor's mind, encountering various past Doctors in various guises, including the First, Third and Fourth Doctors. She discovered the Fifth Doctor had become symbolic of the Doctor's conscience and freed him from the confinement the current Doctor's persona had put him in so he could what he believed was necessary to stop the Timewyrm. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation)

Bernice Summerfield entered the Doctor's mind after the Seventh Doctor was possessed by the Scourge. She tried to help him resist their despairing influence and caught glimpses of his past selves and possible future self. (AUDIO: The Shadow of the Scourge)

Fearing his potential to become the Valeyard, the Seventh Doctor buried memory of his predecessor deep within his mind. (PROSE: Head Games) After being buried alive, the Seventh Doctor came to recognise no-one deserved to be trapped this way and released him. (PROSE: The Room With No Doors)

When the Eighth Doctor was possessed by Zagreus and stabbed by Charley Pollard, he met the mental manifestations of his fifth, sixth and seventh incarnations in his mind when he nearly allowed himself to die, subsequently rallying himself with their aid to restore himself and retake control of the anti-time energies. (AUDIO: Zagreus)

The Eighth Doctor tricked the Kro'ka into entering his mind, where he was able to briefly hold him prisoner and interrogate him for information on the whereabouts of his TARDIS. (AUDIO: Caerdroia)

Whilst possessed by Lady Cassandra, the Tenth Doctor blocked her from seeing any information in his mind such as how to operate the sonic screwdriver. (TV: New Earth)

When the Doctor connected with Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson's mind to try to deduce why Clockwork Droids were seeking her brain, she was able to use the connection in reverse to see into mind and glimpse his childhood memories, to his surprise. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace)

Donna Noble gained the Tenth Doctor's mind in the meta crisis caused by touching his severed hand while it was infused with regeneration energy from a recent regeneration. However, given she was human, the Tenth Doctor had to remove all memory of himself from her soon after to ensure her mind did not burn from trying to possess a Time Lord consciousness. (TV: Journey's End)

The Eleventh Doctor rapidly connected his mind with Craig Owens' to speedily share information, although the process resulted in a mild headache. (TV: The Lodger)

Mr Clever attempted to take over the Eleventh Doctor's mind when trying to convert him into a Cyber-Planner. The mind was subsequently split into two halves; 49.881% in the Doctor's control and 49.881% under Mr Clever's influence. The two sides differentiated, with Mr Clever's half coloured silver and blue with circuitry scattered around, while the Doctor's was orange with Gallifreyan symbols covering it. (TV: Nightmare in Silver)

The Twelfth Doctor could willingly enter his mind to quickly deduce problems when under extreme duress. While there, his mind took the image of his TARDIS while he worked out solutions. Given how quickly his mind processed information, what seemed like minutes to him was mere seconds outside his mind. (TV: Heaven Sent)

Acter being forced to regenerate by the Spy Master, the Thirteenth Doctor passed into her mind but was halted at the Edge of Existence by manifestations of her past selves, calling themselves the Guardians of the Edge, to stop her going past the point of no return. This enabled Yaz and Vinder to restore her via degeneration. (TV: The Power of the Doctor)

Behind the scenes

  • The use of the Mind Analysis Machine in Day of the Daleks was parodied in an installment of Doctor Whoah!, where the Doctor is flustered as his mind wonders toward a romanticised image of the Brigadier in his underpants, and he tries to convince the Daleks that it is nothing more than "a brilliant fiction" he concocted to distract them.