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Orr was a Sorvan sexual psychomorph and a member of Torchwood Three.

Created by Sorvix genesmiths, Orr was given by Ro-Jedda to Vincent Parry as a gift and saved from a bomb by Jack Harkness. They joined Torchwood and supported Yvonne Hartman's takeover, later becoming God's new herald and gaining her powers for a time and using them to thwart the Committee.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

Early life[[edit] | [edit source]]

Orr was birthed by genesmiths (AUDIO: Love Rat) on Sorva and served as a courtesan to a number of unpleasant individuals. They spent some time in a relationship with a partner of the same species, changing to meet every sexual whim of the other before settling down. Aside from that, Orr described their life as always being lonely. (AUDIO: Orr)

Whilst on Sorva, Orr was "acquired" by Ro-Jedda. They fled with the Sorvix to Cardiff through the Rift. (AUDIO: Orr) Their first human owner was a woman who ran a dot-com and liked them to talk about complex mathematics such as Langton's ant whilst wearing bunny ears. (AUDIO: Zero Hour) They had a number of unpleasant owners. (AUDIO: Orr)

Sorvix in Cardiff[[edit] | [edit source]]

New friends[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ro-Jedda gave Orr to Vincent Parry as a gift. They took the form of his late first wife, Catrin, and pretended to be her for weeks at his estate. They wore a control necklace with the potential to the destroy the city to keep them from leaving and they swam in it every day.

When Ro-Jedda had Parry killed, they went to Cardiff Airport to flee the city, dressed in a burqa. They were taken by Jack Harkness and Tyler Steele to the Hub where St John Colchester tried to remove the necklace, as did Hatch in his shop. They then had Jack drive them to the Brecon Beacons where the detonation would not kill anybody but themselves, but the necklace did not explode (AUDIO: Orr) thanks to the intervention of God in the future. (AUDIO: Thoughts and Prayers)

Orr returned to Cardiff, which Jack said was their home. (AUDIO: Orr) They helped Torchwood investigate Sorvix deaths in Cardiff Bay Intelligent Hotel and Spa, being more able to fit in thanks to them being a Sorvan. Their unique physiognomy was crucial to uncovering that the hotel itself was the real culprit as their body developed a working lift and they tried to reason with the hotel, giving it the name "Resine". After the hotel was stopped, Jack told Orr that they would be seeing a lot more of what Torchwood did. (AUDIO: Superiority Complex)

New mayor[[edit] | [edit source]]

Orr with Jack and Tyler. (AUDIO: God Among Us 1)

Orr joined Ng and Andy Davidson in investigating bodies with no identifiable cause of death. At the mortuary, they encountered Jack and examined the bodies before Orr had a seizure and repeatedly changed forms. They were taken back to the Hub where Mr Colchester was able to calm them down and where they realised that their seizure was caused by the parasite responsible for the killings. (AUDIO: Love Rat)

Orr supplied Mr Colchester with a report on Zaheed Shah and went with Jack to help Andy with a Sorvix hostage situation after having a painful reaction to the Ritz Tower, which Bilis Manger was used to channel human aggression. (AUDIO: A Kill to a View)

Orr helped Ng and Tyler by looking into Deliverables and working out what they were up to, remembering Langton's ant, and babysat Anwen whilst Ng went out to stop the operation. (AUDIO: Zero Hour)

Orr identified that Andy had shot a refugee under the control of a quantum splice. Alongside Ng and Mr Colchester, Orr confronted Jack about how Torchwood was being run. (AUDIO: The Empty Hand)

New leader[[edit] | [edit source]]

Orr found the fireworm that Yvonne Hartman placed inside Xander Vaughn and, using it, exposed Jack's involvement with him and Red Doors. They chose to stay with Torchwood after Yvonne took over. (AUDIO: Poker Face)

On orders from Yvonne to draw the attention of the Meme, Orr went onto social media and trolled in order to make themself hated. Whilst successful, this resulted in them passing out due to their empathetic powers. (AUDIO: Tagged)

Orr met with Jack in the hospital after he was unable to prevent Red Doors from bombing Cardiff Airport. They told him that he had to take down Red Doors and, to that end, joined him and Inspector Bernstein in raiding their bases. However, they were empty. After identifying that Ng was not Gwen, Orr drove Mr Colchester and Tyler to the hospital but stopped to question worshippers about God. (AUDIO: Herald of the Dawn)

Mr Colchester had a heart attack in the car and died. God reached out to Orr and found them fascinating, showing them what she wanted. (AUDIO: Future Pain)

God on Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

Meeting God[[edit] | [edit source]]

Orr joined Jack on his hunt for the plasmic psychovore that they mistakenly believed to be God and went with him to Mr Colchester's funeral. They destroyed the psychovore by transforming into itself and having it feed on its own future pain and caused embarrassment and confusion for Colin when they changed into Jack's form in his presence. They convinced Jack to return to Torchwood, being concerned about Yvonne and her motivations. (AUDIO: Future Pain)

Brent Hayden believed that Orr, whose name he believed was Core, attended a speech that he gave and spoke up in support of him due to their empathetic powers, being told off by Jack afterwards. He also dreamt that they fell in love with him and that they died in his arms after betraying Jack for him. (AUDIO: The Man Who Destroyed Torchwood)

Orr with Tyler. (AUDIO: Night Watch)

When a predator shrouded Cardiff in darkness, Orr and Ng remained in the Hub, unable to see. When Orr began to grow the predator's teeth and feel its urges, they realised that it was in the Hub with them and told Ng to run. God appeared to them and took them with her for a talk. (AUDIO: See No Evil)

God tasked them with looking after those put to sleep by the Night Sun and with absorbing the blue light which came with it. They did so, following God's directions to Tyler, Yvonne, Mr Colchester and finally to Jack. God then offered to show Orr her love, which they accepted. They were overwhelmed, screaming before turning into a puddle. (AUDIO: Night Watch)

Becoming God[[edit] | [edit source]]

Months later, Orr was living in a tent where they pondered their new identity and powers, as they no longer transformed into others' ideal sexual partners but into who they wanted to see the most. (AUDIO: A Mother's Son) Unbeknownst to them, God was transferring her powers to them as they were the only one capable of truly loving her. (AUDIO: Thoughts and Prayers) They were approached by Bethan Foster when they took the form of her son Anthony and was later forced to leave the tent after being bombarded with visitors wanting them to do the same. Bethan told Tyler about Orr, leading him to call Jack. (AUDIO: A Mother's Son)

Reunited with Tyler, Orr told him how much he had changed and told him that he had indeed saved a life. (AUDIO: ScrapeJane)

Orr on Day Zero. (AUDIO: Day Zero)

On Day Zero, Orr used their new powers to create safe drinking water which they and Colin began to bottle and dispense to the people at Ritz Tower camp. Orr suffered when the people burst the pipes and, due to the people's selfish actions, they stopped doing so, instead causing rain and making the people feed on the world rather than themself. (AUDIO: Day Zero)

Mr Colchester and Ng tried to get Orr out of the city as their powers were bringing about the end of the world, but they were arrested by Andy, who revealed that he was working for Jack and took them to the Hub. God attempted to take her powers back from Orr through sex, but was unable to, after which Yvonne used the Lens to direct Orr's energy through the dimensional bridge to destroy the Committee and Erebus. The two were saved from the collapsing Hub by Jack and Orr joined him, Mr Colchester, Ng and Tyler in going on the run. (AUDIO: Thoughts and Prayers)

On the run[[edit] | [edit source]]

Exposing Phlobos[[edit] | [edit source]]

Whilst on the run, Ng took Orr with her to stay in Betty Clerihew's house to watch the neighbours without informing Orr that she had been sent there by a temping agency. They became frustrated with Ng's secrecy and unwillingness to help Hakan Amine and was affected by the anger of the residents when Mrs Clerihew circulated the rumour that Hakan was a paedophile, causing Orr to act on Friend's warning not to trust Ng. They gave Ng to the neighbours as a scapegoat for their problems and became overcome with Ng's rage, after which Ng saw her own ugliness in them and they left to save humanity from Friend. (AUDIO: Aliens Next Door)

Orr, representing Torchwood, took a flight to Voloshnik to find out what had wiped out everybody there aside from Robert Wilson, but the aeroplane was shot down and Orr was left unconscious for two days. They finally arrived at Voloshnik with Tania, who was about to autopsy them after they were apparently beaten to death by the General, and deduced that the town had been wiped out to promote contradictory conspiracy theories amongst the public and advertise a weapon capable of targeting a particular group. To keep this secret for as long as possible, they decided that the theory of Robert being immune should be encouraged. (AUDIO: Propaganda)

As part of Torchwood's plan to expose Phlobos's creation of the Voloshnik weapon, Orr got Kyle Lansman back to the United Kingdom to speak at an inquiry by seducing Dimitri and disguising themself and Kyle as airline crew. They were met at the airport by Ng and taken to the inquiry, where Graham Graves admitted to the creation of the weapon before nanites within Kyle killed everybody in the room but Torchwood, leaving them to be dealt with by the police. Whilst Yvonne disappeared, Orr was left with Ng, Mr Colchester and Tyler as the police burst in. (AUDIO: Pariahs)

Fighting Friend[[edit] | [edit source]]

Orr, like the rest of Torchwood, was pulled into a psychic experience by Friend and learnt of the story of Friend's origins and how it turned against humanity. Afterwards, Yvonne saved them, Ng, Mr Colchester and Tyler from the police in a tank and drove them back to Cardiff in a minibus. With the Hub flooded with Rift scar energy, the Cardiff Hub became Torchwood's temporary base as they worked to defeat Friend. (AUDIO: How I Conquered the World)

Orr and Ng investigated the deaths of Octavia and Katie Dazzle, whose live streams continued after their deaths, and discovered that People Fluid was run by deepfakes whom Orr was unable to sense anything from. The two of them tried to save Chris after Ng sent him a mobile phone so that Torchwood could analyse how People Fluid would try to kill him, but they failed. Mr Colchester was able to take down People Fluid, however. (AUDIO: Doomscroll)

Orr dressed for Carcassonne. (AUDIO: Heistland)

On Yvonne's orders, Orr looked into what Gwen Cooper had been up to in Iceland and went with Yvonne and Tyler to Carcassonne to disguise themself as Anya Belasco and get the two of them access to Deadcoin's headquarters to stop Friend's auction of the nanogenetic weapon. They struggled with this task due to the different expectations that the people at the building had of Belasco. Having been tasked with making Tyler feel like a hero so that he would not leave Torchwood, Orr allowed him to save them and had sex with him after feeling the emptiness within him. (AUDIO: Heistland)

To prevent Friend from sending a pulse through the Internet to activate its weapons and wipe out most of the population of Earth, Orr and Tyler convinced members of the public to tear down masts by playing on their fears of 5G and vaccines. Orr later got Janet out of the police station by posing as her lawyer, allowing Janet's Late Teatime to go ahead and Yvonne to make an appearance in which she thwarted Friend's plans. (AUDIO: The Apocalypse Starts at 6PM)

Personality[[edit] | [edit source]]

Orr believed that all lives were equal, be they organic or mechanical, (AUDIO: Superiority Complex) and would not accept the loss of innocent lives. (AUDIO: Orr, Herald of the Dawn) However, they had a grudge against the Sorvix due to the death of Vincent Parry. (AUDIO: Superiority Complex)

They used the personal pronoun "they" (AUDIO: Orr) and title "Mx". (AUDIO: Superiority Complex) Their empathy made them attuned to others, sometimes providing deep insights into the other's psyche. (AUDIO: Superiority Complex) Because of this, they always felt that they knew what people were doing and what was going on in their minds and enjoyed the rare occasion in which they did not. (AUDIO: Night Watch)

Yvonne told Orr that they were the most selfless person in the world. (AUDIO: Thoughts and Prayers)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

The character of Orr was created by Russell T Davies. (VOR 102)