Series 5 (Doctor Who 2005)

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Series 5 of Doctor Who, also known as Season 31 for clarity over Season 5, began its run on BBC One on 3rd April 2010, — almost 21 months after the last episode of the previous regular series. It was notable for being the debut series for Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, and for introducing new companion, Karen Gillan's Amy Pond.

From a production standpoint, the series featured the largest number of staff changes since the BBC Wales version debuted in 2005. By far the most publicised was that of Steven Moffat's replacement of Russell T Davies as head writer, but whole departments within the production got new leadership, as well.


Major changes

New production team

Beth Willis, Steven Moffat and Piers Wenger in a publicity shot for Series 5.

In the spring of 2008, it was announced that Steven Moffat, who has written Hugo Award-winning or nominated scripts for the revived series in each of its first four seasons and whose association with Doctor Who dates back to his writing of the Comic Relief parody The Curse of Fatal Death in the late 1990s, would succeed Russell T Davies as head writer and producer of the series.[1] Davies officially retired from involvement with the series after the 2009 specials and at present has no plans to retain any direct connection to the series now Moffat's tenure has begun. [2] However, Davies has announced that he plans to remain involved with production of Torchwood for the foreseeable future, and hopes to see further crossovers with Doctor Who, indicating he may not completely sever his ties with the parent show.[3] Moffat has stated that no characters from the Russell T Davies era will be returning in Series 5. [4]

Fellow executive producer Julie Gardner also departed at the end of 2009, and was replaced by Piers Wenger. Beth Willis was added as a third executive producer — giving the show three execs for the first time since Mal Young departed at the end of Series 1. The line producer of the series — a position once almost entirely held by Phil Collinson — was split between Tracie Simpson and Peter Bennett, two members of the production staff who had risen to prominence during the 2009 specials. For the first time since 2005, the series also credited a co-producer, Patrick Schweitzer, for episodes 6 and 10, the two episodes filmed in Croatia.

Other senior members of the production staff, such as production designer Ed Thomas and composer Murray Gold remained at their posts. However, several departments also underwent big changes beginning with The Eleventh Hour. Directors of photography Rory Taylor and Ernie Vincze — who between them had fairly evenly split responsibilities since 2005 — left along with Davies and Gardner. They were replaced by a series of individuals, each handling only one or two episodes of the series. Meanwhile, the costume department came under the leadership of Ray Holman, who replaced Louise Page, the longest-serving designer since the Hartnell era costumer Daphne Dare. The change, however, was not just the replacement of one individual with another, as Holman brought in members of his design company to fill junior positions in the costume department.

Series 5 also represented a subtler behind-the-scenes change, especially for the more junior members of the production team. Combined with the general economic downturn that saw an across-the-board cut in jobs, it was also the first year since 2004 that Torchwood was not in some stage of production at BBC Wales. This meant there was some degree of job competition at the Upper Boat Studios. Some long-term members of staff left the studios completely, while others, took an effective reduction in rank to remain. Arwel Wyn Jones, for instance, went from being the supervising art director for the previous two series, to alternating set decorating duties with Julian Luxton. Still others remained in Wales, but shifted to Moffat's other Welsh production, Sherlock or found placement on Merlin, Being Human, or other BBC Wales programmes.

Series Numbering

The run-up to the broadcast of the series premiere was characterized by confusing and sometimes contradictory indications from BBC sources. According to Issue 410 of Doctor Who Magazine, the BBC intended to begin the numbering of seasons over again to reflect the change of production team. Thus, the 2010 season would ostensibly be marketed as "Series 1".[5] A December 2009 announcement by the BBC regarding the show filming in Croatia also referred to the upcoming season as "Series 1."[6] This seemed to be still further confirmed by photographs of location filming, which clearly showed clappers labeled "Series 1". This suggested that, at least internally, the production team believed it was, indeed, a "first" series.

However, in early 2010, Steven Moffat indicated in Issue 418 of Doctor Who Magazine that this season will be referred to as Season 31. In his column in Issue 417, Moffat addressed the confusion in a humourous fashion, suggesting the season be called "Series Fnarg". "It's a whole new number," he wrote.

Muddying the waters even further, BBC Video announced on 3rd March 2010 that the first DVD release of episodes from the series, scheduled for issue in the UK in June 2010, will be titled Series Five, Volume 1.[7]

As of late June 2010, there were conflicting sources which all marketed the Series differently. BBC iPlayer listed it as Series 5 as did the DVD releases but on the Doctor Who website, they added a gallery called Series 1 wallpapers. Even after Series completion we have no definite information on the "official" numbering system for this Series.

New TARDIS team

Karen Gillan and Matt Smith in a promotional picture for Series 5

During his acceptance speech for the award for Best Drama Performance at the National Television Awards on 29th October 2008, David Tennant announced that he would not return for the 5th series. As the Tenth Doctor's companion, Donna Noble had been ostensibly written out at the time, Tennant's announcement set up the possibility that series 5 would begin with a completely new set of starring actors. Aside from the special case of Rose, the only reasonably analogous situation in the history of Doctor Who was the start of Jon Pertwee's first season.

On 3rd January 2009, during a special episode of Doctor Who Confidential entitled "The Eleventh Doctor", the BBC announced that Matt Smith would be playing the Eleventh Doctor.[8] Smith succeeded Tennant in the last scene of The End of Time and Smith's Doctor was last seen crashing towards the Earth in a flaming, badly damaged TARDIS. That scene also confirmed that the Doctor would almost certainly sever connections with previous companions, making way for the introduction of new co-star Karen Gillan, who would play the character of Amy Pond.

New icons

In addition to the cast and crew changes, many of the other continuing elements of the show also underwent a major redesign at the start of the series. Most conspicuous was the 6th October 2009 unveiling of a new series logo — the first significant departure from the one that debuted on Rose. Likewise, the TARDIS itself got a noticeable exterior and radical interior make-over. British tabloid media reported the switch was due to the show's switch to high-definition production,[9] although periodic revisions to the TARDIS are nothing new to the series with changes both major and minor occurring numerous times since 1963. Along with the TARDIS change came a substantially redesigned sonic screwdriver, which is expected to remain the Doctor's all-purpose tool as it has been since the series returned in 2005.

The logo for Series 5 as it was originally unveiled in late 2009 and as it is used on merchandise

A new Doctor Who theme arrangement was introduced, replacing the version introduced for the 2007 Christmas special. Discounting closing-credit variations and versions devised for non-series events, this is Murray Gold's third major arrangement of the Ron Grainer/Delia Derbyshire theme. Gold has now arranged more versions of the theme for TV than any other composer. Although some reviews have referred to it as a new theme, it is still recognizably the same piece of music dating from 1963.

Television stories

Story arc

Shortly after the airing of the first episode, Matt Smith discussed the cracks and the mention of silence falling, telling the interviewer that they are a very important key to the series story arc. He also mentioned that the crack may be one of five things that viewers need to look out for throughout the series, the other four things remain unknown.

In The Eleventh Hour, there was one on Amy's wall, and one with a similar shape on the TARDIS television, in which the Doctor looked at it worryingly and quickly turned the screen off. A third crack was seen at the end of The Beast Below on the side of the United Kingdom space ship. The fourth one can be seen at the end of Victory of the Daleks on the wall behind the TARDIS right as it disappears.

The crack plays a major role in Flesh and Stone, appearing inside the Byzantium in the 51st century, larger than ever, and prompting the Doctor to begin investigating it. The crack is connected to a history-ending, Big Bang-scale temporal explosion, on 26.06.2010, probably at Amy's wedding. It's leaking time energy into the universe, which causes people and events to be erased from history, leaving no traces of their existence except in the memories of time travelers. Several events erased from time by the crack include the Cybermen creating the CyberKing in Victorian London, and the Dalek invasion of 2009, both of which occured late in the Russel T. Davies era. It is unknown how the removal of these events has affected the newly created time-line, but it is possible that later Series 5 episodes will explain this. The Doctor was able to close the crack by feeding it an army of Weeping Angels (because they are complicated space-time events), but this was only temporary.

The crack next appeared towards the end of Cold Blood during Rory's death scene. The Doctor managed to reach inside the crack and draw a part of the TARDIS from inside it (DW: Cold Blood).

In The Lodger, a crack is seen behind Craig Owens' fridge.

A crack later appeared on the TARDIS' television screen in The Pandorica Opens, just before River Song left the TARDIS, whilst the words 'silence will fall' were heard just after she left.

Regular season

Episode Number Title Writer Director Notes
1 The Eleventh Hour Steven Moffat Adam Smith Direct continuation of The End of Time. Introduction of Amy Pond and Rory Williams.
2 The Beast Below Steven Moffat Andrew Gunn
3 Victory of the Daleks Mark Gatiss Andrew Gunn Reintroduction of the Daleks
4 & 5 Pt. 1: The Time of Angels
Pt. 2: Flesh and Stone
Steven Moffat Adam Smith Reintroduction of River Song & Weeping Angels.
6 The Vampires of Venice Toby Whithouse Jonny Campbell Rory joins the TARDIS crew.
7 Amy's Choice Simon Nye Catherine Morshead
8 & 9 Pt. 1: The Hungry Earth
Pt. 2: Cold Blood
Chris Chibnall Ashley Way Reintroduction of the Silurians and death of Rory Williams
10 Vincent and the Doctor Richard Curtis Jonny Campbell
11 The Lodger Gareth Roberts Catherine Morshead
12 & 13 Pt. 1:The Pandorica Opens
Pt. 2: The Big Bang
Steven Moffat Toby Haynes Reintroduction of various enemies, death and ressurection of Amy Pond and destruction of the TARDIS

The Adventure Games

Episode Number Title Writer Director Available Notes
14 City of the Daleks Phil Ford TBA 5th June
15 Blood of the Cybermen Phil Ford TBA 26th June


Primary cast

Secondary cast

Guest cast



Aliens and enemies

DVD release

In keeping with the previous series arrangements there will be four volumes released onto DVD and Blu-ray as listed below.

Volume One; Released 7th June, 2010

Volume Two; Released 5th July, 2010

Volume Three; Due for release 2nd August, 2010

Volume Four; Due for release 6th September, 2010

A full season boxset is to be released on 8th November, 2010.


According to Who Online, the soundtrack for series 5 will also be released in November 2010. [1]

External links


Previous season:
Series 4
Next season:
Series 6

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