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Following is a list of serials in the original (1963 - 1989) and new (2005 - ?) BBC Doctor Who television series, plus the 1996 Fox Television movie, "The Enemy Within," per the BBC Episode Guide. Names used are those given by the [BBC]. Alternative titles are noted. The thirtieth anniversary adventure, "Dimensions in Time" is generally not considered a part of the original series or as canon by most fans, even though it featured all the surviving Doctors as well as many of the Doctor's companions. Likewise, "The Curse of Fatal Death" is also not generally considered to be canon, as this was a parody of the series. Although included in the BBC list, the canonicity of "The Enemy Within" is also a matter of contention among some fans, owing to what are seen as continuity issues and an attempt to "Americanize" Doctor Who.

First Doctor - William Hartnell

Second Doctor - Patrick Troughton

Third Doctor - Jon Pertwee

Fourth Doctor - Tom Baker

Fifth Doctor - Peter Davison

Sixth Doctor - Colin Baker

Seventh Doctor - Sylvester McCoy

Eighth Doctor - Paul McGann

The Enemy Within - 1996

Ninth Doctor - Christopher Eccleston

(Note: The following titles are unconfirmed)

Rose The End Of The World The Unquiet Dead Aliens Of London 10 Downing Street TBA The Long Game TBA The Empty Child The Doctor Dances TBA TBA The Parting Of The Ways