House Lungbarrow

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You may be looking for the physical House of Lungbarrow.

House Lungbarrow, (PROSE: Crimes Against History) or the House of Lungbarrow, (PROSE: Lungbarrow) was one of the senior Prydonian Houses of Gallifrey, formed in the wake of the Intuitive Revelation. It was notable as the House to which the Doctor was loomed, and had been founded by the Other, the being from ancient Gallifreyan history whose essence was, by many accounts, reborn in the form of the Doctor. Its members were known as Lungbarrovians and its chapterhouse was the derelict House of Lungbarrow.

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Early history[[edit] | [edit source]]

Lungbarrow was founded by the Other, who created the physical House of Lungbarrow which, like all Gallifreyan chapterhouses, was sentient. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)

Lungbarrow was a noble house of wealth and privilege. (PROSE: Lungbarrow) It was once one of the five ruling Houses, (PROSE: Crimes Against History) but in later centuries it became stagnant and only produced petty servants and clerks. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)

The Doctor's youth[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor's father once laid out all his plans and projects on the table in the Great Hall of Lungbarrow. He and Mr Saldaamir were interrupted when the First Doctor let a cobblemouse loose, which ran across the table and scattered all the plans and projects in the air. (PROSE: Unnatural History)

Cavis' father once visited the Doctor's family at Lungbarrow. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon)

Disgrace[[edit] | [edit source]]

The House fell to disgrace when it was revealed that the quota of forty-five Cousins had been broken to weave a new Cousin, Owis, to replace the Doctor after he was exiled from the House. After the Doctor notified the Prydonian Chapterhouse of this crime, Lungbarrow was removed from the Prydonian Chapter.

When the Doctor refused to attend the deathday of Lungbarrow's Kithriarch, Quences, the physical House of Lungbarrow buried itself into the soil of Mount Lung out of shame, going missing for 673 years. During that time, Quences was killed by his Cousin, Glospin, who framed the Doctor for the murder after Quences' will was hidden. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)

Two hundred years prior to the House's official reemergence, however, one of the members of the "broken generation", (PROSE: Crimes Against History) the so-called "voodoo priest of the House of Lungbarrow", (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet) became a political agitator, arguing that change for its own sake was good. This was beyond the pale, but not illegal. He eventually broke away from Lungbarrow to found a new Great House, House Paradox, which would later evolve into Faction Paradox as its founder adopted "Grandfather Paradox" as his only designation. (PROSE: Crimes Against History)

Return to the public eye[[edit] | [edit source]]

The very literal fall of the House of Lungbarrow. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)

The Seventh Doctor eventually returned to his home to face his Cousins. After the Doctor foiled Glospin's conspiracy against him, the House rose from the Mountain and crashed into the valley below. (PROSE: Lungbarrow) Although this very literal "collapse" was "scarcely noticed" by polite society, (PROSE: Crimes Against History) in an act of reparation, President Romana reinstated Lungbarrow in the Prydonian Chapter, allowing for a new House to be created from the original template, "but without the temper". Cousin Innocet was appointed Housekeeper of the new House of Lungbarrow, though the process of growing and nurturing it would take some years. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)

Although they planned to build themselves a new Chapterhouse, the surviving members of the House subsequently disappeared from the records. The other Great Houses' official narrative was that they had died out, but it was widely speculated that they had actually been recruited into the nascent Faction Paradox. Because the Faction was considered a House in its own right, this meant that when he died, the great hero of the Homeworld whose body became the Relic was considered the last true member of House Lungbarrow. (PROSE: Crimes Against History)

In the Rivera Manuscript, a praxis-dosed renegade witnessed an enemy attack on "a familiar chapterhouse in the mountains" on the fringes of Great House society. (PROSE: The Book of the War)

Legacy[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Grimminy-Grew, attempting to identify the Ninth Doctor's true name among his bevy of known aliases, suggested "Brother Lungbarrow". The Doctor laughed him off. (AUDIO: Station to Station)

Known staff and members[[edit] | [edit source]]

Known staff and members of the House of Lungbarrow included the Doctor, Almund, Arkhew, Celesia, Chovor, Farg, Glospin, Innocet, Jobiska, Luton, Maljamin, Rynde, Salpash, Tulgel, Owis, Quences, Satthralope, (PROSE: Lungbarrow) the Doctor's father, (PROSE: Unnatural History) and Grandfather Paradox. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet, Crimes Against History) Susan Foreman was considered his granddaughter by the First Doctor (TV: An Unearthly Child) and although one account showed that he had actually informally adopted her rather than being her direct progenitor, it also claimed that her true grandfather was the Other, the founder of Lungbarrow. (PROSE: Lungbarrow)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • In Anthony Coburn's second draft of the Pilot Episode, Dr. Who is a "Lord of the House of Dooclare" and his grand daughter Suzanne is "Findooclare", the to-be-queen of their homeworld, but they are in exile after the Palladin hordes invaded the Homeworld. (DWM 467)
  • Despite his hinted status as the Doctor's brother, Irving Braxiatel has actually never been stated nor implied to be from the House of Lungbarrow.