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Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]


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2.1 The Auntie Matter[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Reginald "Reggie" Bassett drives his fiance Florence Wickham to his aunt Lady Florence Bassett's mansion where they are introduced. However, Florence has been hoodwinked and is zapped by a machine that has Lady Florence Bassett transferred into her body. Elsewhere, Mr. Meadows orders Mabel Dobbs to prepare the lord and lady's kippers, and when she questions him about them he evades answering.

The Doctor explains to Romana that the TARDIS is gone. currently leading the Black Guardian on a wild chase through time and space, with K-9 inside helping. The two remain on earth in the meantime. Mabel interrupts them, saying she has prepared the Doctor's kippers, but the Doctor decides he's not hungry. Lady Florence Basset, after memory-wiping Reginald, tasks him with finding himself a wife in London. The Doctor meanwhile tells Romana to go keep herself busy while he works on repairing a mysterious machine and she decides to go out into the city to find some mathematical and scientific books to read. She comes across a bookstore asking for such literature where he meets Reginald, who also claims to be interested in the same subjects, and asks her to join him for lunch so they can discuss more. The Doctor gets his machine working and discovers there is alien technology operating on Earth in the roaring twenties. He decides to go investigate and takes Mabel with him. Grenville drops in while Romana goes off to tell the Doctor by phone that she's heading with Reginald back to his country estate (however she isn't able to reach him) and advises Reginald on the next steps. The Doctor and Mabel head towards the source of the alien signal, Bassett hall, when they are passed by Romana, Reginald and Grenville also in car, unbeknownst to each other that they are headed to the same destination. The Doctor and Mabel are found and threatened by Gamekeeper Diggery in the field who is alerted to help Grenville track down Romana, who had escaped after Reginald and Grenville revealed their plans to have Reginald marry Romana. The Doctor and Mabel discover a spaceship while investigating further but become trapped in it while Romana is brought before Reginald's aunt Florence who attempts to take her body using her machine...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The body-taking process is interrupted as the Doctor and Mabel managed to cut the power supply from the spaceship and Lady Florence begins to destabilize. She orders Diggery to track them down and kill them, which he almost does but the Doctor and Mabel manage to get away. Meanwhile, Grenville pursues Romana and Reginald. While on the run, Romana turns Reginald's marriage proposal down, explaining she is uninterested and that they're not compatible either. Reginald is distraught but before he can contemplate and regain his senses, Romana quickly explains her plan and they put it into action. The Doctor is cornered by Diggery but disables him using his sonic screwdriver by unscrewing the screws in his frame causing him to fall apart. Mabel, in the thick of the action, ends up in a rosebush but is found by Reginald. He explains his utter confusion at the situation but is slightly comforted by Mabel. The Doctor is cornered next by Grenville but escapes.

Lady Florence, close to death, contacts Grenville and instructs him to go after Romana rather than the Doctor so she can secure a body before she perishes. Romana is cornered by Grenville who takes her to see Lady Florence. Mabel and Reginald watch the stars when they are found by the Doctor and he explains to the Doctor about the strangeness of his aunt and everything going on. The Doctor tells Mabel to go back to the village and tells Reginald they have to find his aunt. Mabel kisses Reginald goodbye and runs off but instead ends up saving Romana while Reginald and the Doctor are off to Bassett hall to confront Reginald's aunt.

The Doctor and Reginald arrive in the hall and after Reginald explains his past succession of upbringing under different aunts the Doctor realises it's the same aunt in different bodies and realises the control lodged in Reginald's lobe that his "aunt" has been using to wipe his memory. Romana and Mabel find a deactivated android and attempt to reprogram it but are cornered by Grenville while inside the ship who threatens to kill Mabel and is instructed by Lady Florence to reactivate the power. Lady Florence is found by the Doctor and Reginald and is at their mercy. She explains how she came to be, how Reginald plays into the situation and with Grenville having successfully activatied the power, she rejuvenates and attempts to kill the Doctor. Romana, in the meantime, reveals she had reprogrammed one of the devices to effect Grenville rather than organic matter, destroying Grenville.

Reginald, watching his "aunt" attempt to destroy the Doctor cannot bear it. Romana, meanwhile, finds Grenville's neutron cell and sets it to explode so that it can destroy the ship and Ligeia's (Florence's) power supply. The Doctor warns her, having programmed the ship to detonate before-hand, but she ignores his advice. The ship explodes and the power supply is destroyed, causing Ligeia to crumble away, defeated. The Doctor bids Reginald goodbye and advises him to settle down with a girl then heads back into town to find Romana, unaware of her role in the events that had unfolded. Reginald finds Mabel and Romana, explaining what happened (but forgetting to mention the Doctor) and Romana bids them farewell. Reginald, before Mabel can set off with Romana, declares his love for her and the two walk away to plan their wedding as Reginald is the new lord of Bassett hall.

The Doctor returns to his and Romana's mansion when Romana arrives. They both explain to each other about their strange day of having stopped an alien menace, only to realise that they had both fought the same menace, unaware of the other's involvement and get into an argument over who really saved the day and stopped the alien menace. A bemused Romana offers to get the Butler to make them some tea, claiming they both have "a spot of explaining to do".

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  • The Doctor tells Mabel to not scream, don't trip and ask questions when asks her to come with him. This is an in-joke as this was often seen as the functional role of the companion in the classic series.
  • Greenwood jokes about ladies not caring about being shackled to dunces once they see the size of their country estates

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

3.3 The Crooked Man[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Laura Corbett enters a bookshop to sell her deceased father's books and returns home to her husband Simon Corbett who cooks her dinner. The two are newly-wed with a child named Edward and attempting to fix up an old house that they've just moved into. Later that evening a murder occurs in the bookstore and the shop owner, Rance, is found dead with paper stuffed down his throat. The Doctor and Leela investigate the crime scene at the book shop the very next day along with the dispatched police constable Ellis Andrews. The two decide to go around the neighbourhood and interview potential suspects about the murder while Ellis stays behind and runs into Laura, who had returned to the shop thinking she'd accidentally left a manuscript in the box of books she sold the previous day. The Doctor and Leela first try and interview Lesley King who throws them out of her house. They then try and interview head of neighbourhood watch Celia Turner but she attempts to murder them using cyanide in their tea and the Doctor, catching the smell of almonds, bests her and he and Leela discover that she is a character from the Land of Fiction and watch as she is "killed" by the Crooked Man who tears the spine of her book and makes a getaway. The Doctor and Leela follow in pursuit.

Their chasing leads them back to Laura and Simon's house where as they arrive, Simon, Laura and Ellis (the latter two having just arrived as Ellis offered to safely walk her home) discover more books amassing around the house despite Laura selling off all her father's old collected books yesterday. They are then contacted through the baby monitor by the Crooked Man who speaks to the Doctor and warns him that the Land of Fiction is coming...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Crooked Man kidnaps baby Edward and escapes into his world, dubbed "The Crooked World" by the Doctor and the Doctor, Leela, Laura, Simon and Ellis chase after him. They venture further into the Crooked Man's world and encounter several strange creatures that seem to be made of paper-mache. Simon manages to defeat their adversaries with ease, displaying an almost inhuman bout of strength, piquing the Doctor's interest but they press on further. They eventually manage to find the Crooked Man who reveals that he managed to break into reality through a portal he found and has lured them into a trap. The Doctor, who had questioned Laura earlier, asks her to explain how she knew so much about the Crooked Man and she finally reveals that her father used to be a writer and wrote unconventionally scary stories that he would sometimes frighten her with (she explained they did not get along well), one of them being the Crooked Man's story, a story about a demon that ate people's imaginations and loved to kill and the Doctor surmises this creature had the power to step through dimensions due to having such incredible powers. They find the Crooked Man who reveals it was a trap, which the Doctor suspected, but as he controls his world he uses his powers to start draining their minds, however, Simon breaks free and confronts the Crooked Man, freeing the others from his control. Ellis then finds the manuscript for the story and they manage to defeat the Crooked Man by destroying it. They then hear the other inhabitants of the Crooked World from the Land of Fiction trying to escape back to reality but the Doctor says they cannot be allowed out as they kill humans in order to survive.

While the others think that with the Crooked Man's death the breach between the Land of Fiction and reality will close, the Doctor realises this isn't the case and goads Laura into revealing her real secret. The truth is that her husband Simon, an ideal husband, further demonstrated by even taking her last name, is actually the construct of her imagination. It turns out that PC Ellis was actually the one who got Laura pregnant and then left her for another woman and in her distress, Laura had imagined a husband that she would describe to others so vividly that he was born in the Land of Fiction as Simon, and she had imagined him as the kind of husband who would stop at nothing to be there for his son, "not even the walls of reality". Simon, the cause of the breach, realises he must stay behind to properly close the breach, much to Laura's anger and resentment. They all manage to escape just in time with Edward safely in his room again.

Leela is perplexed that Laura would, despite knowing the truth that her husband wasn't real, would live in denial for so long, with the Doctor reassuring her that everything will work out and that they should go try out crazy golf.

Laura finishes the story for Edward and says that although it was how his first father passed on, he has a new father who, although not perfect, loves him very much. She then wishes him a goodnight.

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  • The Doctor jokes that Ellis must not get out much when he reveals he watches a lot of Professor X.
  • The Doctor quips that it's a good sign when people try to kill him as it usually means he's on the right track. There are several notable examples where he quips something similar to this, such as in TV: City of Death "What a wonderful butler, he's so violent!" (the butler had previously try to murder him, Romana and Duggan) among many other occasions.
  • Leela asks why the Doctor wears such a silly scarf if they do so much running. This is an in-joke as Tom Baker used to trip over the scarf often during production.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

4.2 The Darkness of Glass[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor and Leela arrive on an English island and the Doctor decides they will explore a little bit since the TARDIS has to do some calibrating. Along one of the paths, they feel the tide coming in and with the way to the TARDIS washed over, they decide to take refuge in a castle they spot nearby. There they meet Professor Oliver Mortlake, Joseph Holman, Mrs. Porter and Mary Summersby who explain to them the purpose of their being present in the castle. Joseph is a lanternist and explains to them the purpose of lanterning and the 100 year celebration in the castle on the anniversary of the death of Mannering Caversham, a legendary lanternist who died by suicide after supposedly summoning a demon. Just then they all hear a cry and go investigate, only to find a man dead.

The Doctor has the body stored in the basement while he and Leela investigate. They find a glass window with a missing piece and they reckon the demon is a beast on the loose. Leela and the Doctor split up to investigate further.

They both begin to notice interesting features of the castle, specifically pieces of perfectly square-cut glass missing from windows around the castle. As Leela takes Professor Mortlake and David Lacey around the castle to try to find the demon that Leela suspects is the culprit of the murders, they stumble upon a wall engulfed in shadow and Leela realises it is the demon as it kills another victim....

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

Leela helps Professor Mortlake escape the demon and they go to barricade themselves in a room with Mr. Holman and David Lacey. Holman is persuaded by Professor Mortlake to perform his magic lantern show for them in the meantime while they wait for the Doctor. Meanwhile, Mary helps the Doctor investigate the castle archives and finds the plans for the castle, where they discover that the glass pane in the great hall was not all black as it is now and they reckon it was used to trap the shadow demon by Mannering Caversham who they hypothesize had opened a realm and accidentally released the demon, so he tried to seal it by sealing it into different panes of glass, and spreading it around the castle. They further reckon that someone is stealing the pieces and is trying to release the demon. Mary points out that the perfect squares of glass are the same size as the glass used in Holman's glass slides, but after some thinking and accusations, the Doctor realises it couldn't be Holman or Mary attempting to summon it. They run off to find Leela and split up on the Doctor's orders where he tells Mary to prepare some mirrors.

Holman's slide show begins to project the demon which startles Leela and the others but the Doctor arrives and reveals it was Professor Mortlake who is the culprit. His charade revealed, he pulls out a gun and demands the summoning be finished. The Doctor, however, using Mannering Caversham's original method, manages to re-seal the demon in the glass with help from Mary and Leela, the latter whom ends up having Professor Mortlake fall out the window to his supposed death.

In the aftermath, Mary, Mr. Holman and David thank the Doctor and Leela while the Doctor collects some fragments of the shattered glass with parts of the demon still sealed inside in a biscuit tin and says he and Leela will find some place very far away to dispose of the glass so that the demon can never be re-summoned. Mary offers the two a place to stay for a while but they politely decline and depart saying they must return to their dog who is waiting for them in the TARDIS.

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Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • The Doctor says "QED is for 'he is wrong' ". QED is actually Latin and stands for 'quod erat demonstrandum', or "that which has been demonstrated". It is often used in mathematics and logic to signify the end of a proof. The Doctor says after showing Leela evidence why Mortlake's claim was wrong.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • When Jospeh Holman jokes about magic, Leela says the Doctor taught her that there is no such thing as magic. This was when Leela once thought a yo-yo had magic, but the Doctor explained to her that to a rational mind, nothing is inexplicable, only unexplained. (TV: The Robots of Death)
  • When Leela and the Doctor find the body, the Doctor claims that speaking from experience "never jump to conclusions when you find someone standing over a dead body". The Doctor has been accused of murder on several occasions due to hasty judgement of this nature. (TV: The Ark in Space, The Robots of Death, et al.)
  • The Doctor claims he is a doctor of "just about everything". (TV: )

4.5 Suburban Hell[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ralph arrives home only to be berated by his wife Belinda in preparation for their guests to arrive for the dinner party. Soon the Doctor and Leela arrive and are invited inside by mistake. The TARDIS has apparently relocated itself due to an "temporal ruckage", or as Leela claims, a "wrinkle in time" that caused it to slip to another place and they have come to investigate the house in search of equipment that may be causing the problem as she explains to Belinda. Leela talks with Belinda who reveals she had been expecting someone else when they are interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell as Belinda's friend Thelma arrives. Meanwhile the Doctor and Ralph are in the garage when he discovers an interesting painting of some astronomical constellations. Belinda entertains her guests when Leela notices a fog descending outside. They answer a telephone call and hear a panic on the other end which Belinda dismisses but worries Leela. The Doctor intrudes having just finished his tracker device and discovers that they have arrived in the wrong time, they thought they had landed in the 1970s when actually they had arrived in the 2010s. After some arguing they are interrupted by a car crash outside.

Pete and Penny end up in a crash but when the Doctor comes to investigate he notices that the car that seems to belong to the original real estate agent Mike who had been invited and they supposedly collided with was broken into from the outside. The Doctor investigates another house and finds strange blue creatures who prepare to attack him. The other guests suddenly hear strange noises and Leela, Thelma, Pete, Penny, Belinda and Ralph take refuge in Ralph and Belinda's house and attempt to call the police but find they cannot reach them and worse yet, start to hear their own voices coming through the telephone...

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor finds Thelma in a house forty years ago and comments about her looking the same, likely because of her using glamour. He deduces that the fog is part of the "wrinkle in time" and that when he tried returnign to the house he must have passed through the "wrinkle" and ended up in tthe past, in the 1970s, which must've been why the TARDIS couldn't land them properly originally. Meanwhile the occupants of Ralph and Belinda's house prepare for the worst. They learn that the intruders are after a "vessel", which Leela suspects to be the TARDIS, and they decide to split up and try Thelma's phone and call the police. The Doctor deduces the reason for the presence of the blue beings, their connection to the painting and the imprints of witches, and asks Thelma to take care of the child that is making the strange noises, but when she answers that she will name the child Belinda the Doctor begins to worry. In the present, Leela and the surviving guests make their way upstairs and prepare to shatter a mirror when they are contacted by the Doctor thanks to a spell cast by Thelma in 1977 with the Doctor. He explains that baby Belinda had the imprint of a witch and that the Manasarans were going to fill baby Belinda with the essence of an alien monster before she was, or from the Doctor's perspective, about to be saved by himself and Thelma, and the Doctor reveals he suspects the painting is what attracted Belinda back to the house so that the blue Acolytes (the beings from earlier) could finish the job. He tells Leela she has to protect Belinda at all costs.

The Acolytes seemingly manage to begin the ceremony to finish filling their chosen vessel, Belinda, with the alien essence but the Doctor manages to get Thelma and Belinda away by distracting them. The Acolytes break into the room Leela and the others are hiding in and explains to them what happened back in 1977. Just then Ralph manages to save the Doctor in the past, having got there after the car crash. He and the Doctor then discover that the Doctor miscalibrated his machine and discovers that all the events that have and are happening are really because of the machine, and by extension himself. In the present the Acolytes attempt to finish their mission to fill Belinda with the alien essence and succeed while the Doctor in the past with Ralph attempts to destroy his device in hopes it will reset the timeline seeing as it was the cause of all the problems. It succeeds just as Leela is about to be killed by an Acolyte and when Leela reawakens she finds that all has been restored to a different timeline, the original, in which Ralph is married to Penny and Belinda, when a confused Leela asks the Doctor, who has just arrived with Ralph, jokes about now being single. The other guests do not seem to remember the previous events and the Doctor explains to a confused and bewildered Ralph that there is nothing to worry about as his memory of the altered timeline will slowly fade as the new one takes hold.

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Ralph thinks the collar shirt makes him look like Starsky and Hutch.
  • Temporal ruckage
  • Doctor mentions the ____, ____ and the rosette nebula -> galactic quadrant QN21
  • The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to rig up a ______
  • The Doctor comments that "Sheffield Steel" is still strong.
  • "The wrong people bring out the worst of us but the best people bring out the best".

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