Reverse the Polarity (episode)

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Reverse the Polarity was the fifth event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured Tegan Jovanka and Ace.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

A squad of ancient Ice Warriors, freed after 13,000 years from the Antarctic Ice, seize control of Snowcap Base and the UNIT Moonbase, with the intent of transforming the Earth for a Martian invasion.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

On UNIT Moonbase, Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood has received some information from SnowCap about a new discovery. Kate tells them to keep them apprised, ending the call. Osgood asks what's happened to the caveman they found, and if he is thawed yet. Kate tells her that it is in progress, but is most unusual, because the caveman is armoured even though it is pre-Bronze Age. Osgood asks for permission to transmat down to SnowCap to study it firsthand, saying they also have equipment to prevent polar flip that she's been wanting to look at. Kate denies the request, saying that she needs her up there and that UNIT is sending a team. Osgood says that flight time is 19h 8m and with the transmat she could be there in seconds. Kate tells her to hold the thought as she just got an alert from Solar Monitoring Station.

(the above paragraph documents a later addition to the storyline which wasn’t present in the originally released story)

At SnowCap Base, Professors Thomas and Jones have discovered a new subject, which Thomas mark down as 2.1m tall with a bonded carapace and note that it is not human. Jones notes that it could be Martian of origin as it was found near the 84001 meteorite. Thomas notice that it moved and questions how it could be alive after thousands of years. The subject is Ice Warrior Sson who is confused about where he is and who he is facing. Jones replies he is at Snowcap Base, Antarctica and they are Professors Jones and Thomas. Sson asks what weapons they have, to which Thomas replies that they are unarmed and that they are at a scientific research base. Sson then says that they will offer no resistance. Confused, Jones asks to who.

On UNIT Moonbase, Osgood tells Kate that it is confirmed that a major coronal mass ejection is imminent and that the dome shielding will not protect against those radiation levels. Kate orders all personnel to evacuate to underground radiation shelters and that they can monitor remotely once they’re below and says to keep comms open. A call from Tegan Jovanka says that True Blue team has touched down in McMurdo and they should reach Snowcap within an hour and there's been no radio contact yet, possibly due to ground weather conditions and they will soon verify. But as there's no answer, Tegan gets frustrated there's no contact to Moonbase.

At Snowcap, Sson is telling Ice Warrior Tzaa that they have been frozen for 13,000 Earth orbits since their vessel crashed. Tzaa questions what they plans for conquest are as they are five against a billion humans. Ice Lord Ixna says that the humans built a device in the base to prevent polar reversal and their scientists think such event will happen soon. Ice Warrior Torg questions how this will help the Ice Warriors and Ixna replies that humans cannot endure radiation levels such as those on Mars and during the polar reversal event the Earth will be temporarily vulnerable and they will be unharmed, and Earth will become New Mars.

Ixna tells Jones and Thomas that they will operate the device to initiate polarity reversal. Jones protests that millions would die from the radiation - billions. Ixna threatens that if they don't comply, they will kill all humans now. Thomas replies that it won't work as the drop in magnetic field strength is only temporary and humans can survive small exposures to background radiation as that’s what astronauts do. Ice Warrior Skaa reports to Ixna about the Moonbase as they have detected a massive solar event to be expected soon and they are tracking it. Ixna tells Skaa to transmat to the Moonbase and signal when the solar wave strikes. Skaa obeys.

Tegan and Ace arrive to see the Ice Warriors and Tegan laments that she wished they had brought backup for the aliens. Ixna tells Skaa to send a signal back to Mars once they have transformed the planet. A confused Ace says they were expecting a frozen caveman, not Martians. Tegan further laments how cold it is and sarcastically asks if someone turned the heaters off. Ace points out that Mars is a cold planet and ponders whether the aliens like it that way. Tegan suggests that maybe if the heat is turned up again it’ll make them feel uncomfortable. Ace replies that she’ll take advantage they can get and asks Tegan if she has studied the base layout. Tegan replies that environmental controls are in the Utility Room and tells Ace to follow her.

On the Moonbase scanner it shows Osgood talking to Kate, saying that her TARDIS detector equipment has registered a materialisation. Kate is surprised the Doctor has arrived and says they have to warn them about the radiation. She tries to warn the Doctor but the scanner is shut off. Skaa says that no warnings will be permitted. The computer warns about an unprecedented coronal mass ejection being detected and 12 hours remain until impact. Skaa reports back to Lord Ixna at Snowcap that the event has begun.

The Third Doctor shows up at the Moonbase, asking if anyone's there, calling out Kate and Osgood's names, asking himself where everyone is. He then sees signs at the instruments that there has been a masssive solar flare and deduces that they must be in the shelters below, finding it odd that the intercom has been switched off and goes to switch it on. As it switches on he sees Kate in the middle of a message, and she says they are in the emergency shelters, asking if he is receiving the message. Skaa tells the Doctor to move away from the controls, but the Doctor greets the Warrior of Mars and introduces himself and asks if he is an envoy of the Galactic Federation. Skaa says that he is there to conquer Earth and to destroy the Doctor.

At Snowcap, Ixna tells Thomas that it is time and orders him to activate the polar reversal machine. Thomas tells Ixna it will take a few minutes to reach full power. Ixna says the sooner the better then and attempts to order Torg to contact Skaa, but it is too hot. Torg is also struggling with the heat. Thomas quickly informs Ixna that the reverser gets very hot when it’s on. Ixna says they must purge the heat and tells Sson to smash the windows. Ace confronts them, saying they’ve broken enough and she and Tegan prepare the stunners, and they fire.

Skaa is confused as his sonic weapon doesn’t work and asks what the meaning of this is. The Doctor replies that his sonic screwdriver disabled it when he first arrived and tells him to listen. He tells the Ice Warrior that his people ended their expansionist period a long time ago and that they're now part of the Galactic Alliance and with their help Mars has been completely revitalised, rendering the need for conquest useless. Skaa tells the Doctor he has no proof. At the same time Ice Queen Iraxxa shows up on the Moonbase scanner, having received an audience request from the Doctor. The Doctor greets her and remarks on the splendid timing, but questions how it was him. K9 now interferes saying that a future version of the Doctor left instructions for him.

Kate returns to the upper levels, asking the Doctor if he is alright. He replies that he is and that he told Snowcap that there’s no need to reverse the polarity and that his new friend is catching up on 13,000 missed years and tells her that he'll take care of things until the solar wave has passed. Kate tells him that afterwards, Osgood would love a selfie with him if it's okay. He replies that he’d be delighted and tells her to go back to shelters for safety. Kate thanks him and he replies "You’re welcome, Little Katie".

At Snowcap, Tegan and Ace talk. Tegan asks if the Doctor was on the Moonbase the whole time. Ace says that it seems so and asks which Doctor it was and Tegan replies that it wasn't any of her Doctors and tells her that she met this one on Gallifrey once along with "a bunch of other Doctors. Long story." Ace tells that he thanked them for capturing the Ice Warriors alive and Tegan replies that it sounds like him. Ace continues, saying that he promised to return them to Mars via his TARDIS. Tegan sarcastically replies that she wishes him good luck and says that the TARDIS always took the long way around.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Event Tips[[edit] | [edit source]]

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]