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There were several types of applause including: a cheering appreciation of a performance, person, situation or creative endeavour, and a more derisive use of the word relating to the expectation of praise. (TV: The Shakespeare Code, Attack of the Cybermen)

Appreciation[[edit] | [edit source]]

In England on 4 March 1215 the jester received applause from those watching the performance. (TV: The King's Demons)

In 1289 Ping-Cho received praise and applause for her tale of Ala-eddin and the Hashashin. (TV: "Five Hundred Eyes" [+]Part of Marco Polo, Loading...{"namedep":"Five Hundred Eyes","1":"Marco Polo (TV story)"})

Following a performance in Cardiff on the 24 December 1869 Charles Dickens received applause from the audience. (TV: The Unquiet Dead)

In London in 1892 the audiences of Palace Theatre gave every act much appreciative applause. (TV: The Talons of Weng-Chiang)

In New York in 1903 Nikola Tesla presented a wireless electrical system to intrigued applause of those attending the demonstration. (TV: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

Following his performance at Molly's in 1963, playing the guitar Fitz Kreiner received loud applause. (PROSE: The Taint)

Whilst speaking to the Scientific Reform Society in the mid-20th century Hilda Winters received large amounts of applause and support from the members. (TV: Robot)

After each performance on Monarch's ship in 1981 the audience would applaud. (TV: Four to Doomsday)

On Skaro after attempting to show the Thals how to fight, and failing, Ian Chesterton received slaps on the back and applause for his efforts. (PROSE: Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks)

In the Torchwood One Yvonne Hartman told everyone involved in the ghost shifts that after measuring 5,000 gigawatts they should give themselves a round of applause. And after arriving in Torchwood One the Doctor received a round of applause from Hartman and her soldiers. (TV: Army of Ghosts)

In London in the 2000s Richard Lazarus presented the Hypersonic soundwave manipulator and its restorative effects to raucous applause. (TV: The Lazarus Experiment)

Following the Tenth Doctor returning The 200 bus to Earth the passengers on board applauded. (TV: Planet of the Dead)

Upon materialising his TARDIS in London in 2013 in front of a crowd the Eleventh Doctor exited to applause of the crowd, believing the appearance to be performance art. (TV: The Bells of Saint John

Whilst in the East Indies ReVit Zone Kathleen Bregman mimed applauding Sam Jones' knowledge of biodata. (PROSE: Alien Bodies)

On Argolis in 2290 Pangol received applause from the assembled crowd as he presented abilities of the Tachyon Recreation Generator. TV: The Leisure Hive)

On Manusa in 3426 both during a puppet show referencing the Mara and during a ceremony celebrating the end of the Mara, audiences applaud. (TV: Snakedance)

At the Psychic Circus on Segonax the acts were mostly only watched by the Gods of Ragnarok who did not applaud, however seemingly recorded applause was audible in the circus. (TV: The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)

On Karfel Tekker led applause for Maylin Renis before Gazak is banished to the Timelash. (TV: Timelash)

Following his marriage to Kassia, and having drunk Tremas declared to his guests that their applause was intoxicating. (TV: The Keeper of Traken)

In the far future whilst observing the planetary astrodynamics of the planets nearest to Zellin's space platform the Thirteenth Doctor commented "round of applause from me", appreciating the engineering required. (TV: Can You Hear Me?)

During the latter part of the Last Great Time War Rassilon commended the War Doctor for his inventiveness. (PROSE: Engines of War)

For musical performances[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 64 Nero was indignant that the First Doctor's (albeit silent) performance of the lyre garnered more applause than he ever did. (TV: The Romans)

In 1969 The Beatles received applause following their rooftop concert at Apple Records. (PROSE: The Left-Handed Hummingbird)

Performing as Brenda Soobie Iris Wildthyme in the 1960s received immense applause following a performance of a Burt Bacharach ballad. (PROSE: Mad Dogs and Englishmen)

In 1976 Plasticine were met with applause whenever they performed gigs. (PROSE: No Future)

Derisiv e[[edit] | [edit source]]

Peri Brown sarcastically asked the Sixth Doctor if he expected applause after landing the TARDIS in 1985 London. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen)

In San Francisco in 2002 a boy of Faction Paradox applauded mockingly as the Eighth Doctor performed a Faction ritual to summon him. (PROSE: Unnatural History)

After arriving in Pete's World the Tenth Doctor announced there was no need for applause, after he found a way to re-power the TARDIS. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen)

When Kalid presented himself to the Fifth Doctor, the Doctor idly commented that he expected a round of applause. (TV: Time-Flight)

On Varos in the late 23rd century Jondar lamented that people would sit at home applauding and cheering watching the deaths within the purple zone. (TV: Vengeance on Varos)