Doctor Who? (episode)

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Doctor Who? was the eighth event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Twelfth Doctor, Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor has lost his memory, Kate Stewart and Petronella Osgood try to help him by contacting Gallifrey through a beacon so they can get an specialist in Time Lord physiology.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

The TARDIS materialises at the UNIT Moonbase, and out steps a delirious Twelfth Doctor exclaiming that he will not change before getting lost in his thought process, thinking he wanted to change his clothes. Kate Stewart asks the Doctor if he is alright, but the Doctor has no idea who she is talking to or who she is. Kate concludes he is completely blank. Petronella Osgood tells her that it may be beyond their science to fix. Kate ponders if they can reach out to the Time Lords for help, to which Osgood replies that she once read a report by agent Grant about a distress beacon inside the TARDIS. Kate prompts Osgood to take the key and go find the beacon.

The above paragraph documents a later addition to the storyline which wasn’t present in the originally released story.

A man known as The Medic introduces himself and claims that the Time Lords sent him to answer a distress call, telling that the Twelfth Doctor is stuck in mid-regeneration and that he could die, claiming that if the Doctor remembers who he was, they can guide him to who he will be. Osgood notices a Sonic Screwdriver in the Medic's hand. The Medic says that it focused and controls the energy as they count down the Doctor's regenerations. Kate tells the Doctor that he has been an older Scottish man for a while now. The Doctor talks in Scottish accent, questioning whether he is always a man. Kate tells him that he is as far as they know and asks the Medic if Time Lords ever changes gender. The Medic confirms this, but the Doctor hasn’t yet as far as he knows, saying this is the Doctor's 12th body, and there are 11 to go. Kate asks the Doctor if he remember all the Cybermen rising from the graves. The Doctor confirms that it was Missy's "gift" and proceed to say that one of them saved Kate from falling to her death.

Osgood proceed to tell him that he thought bow ties were cool for a while. The Doctor doesn’t believe this. Kate asks him if he remembers the incident at the Undergallery with the Zygons. The Doctor tells her that he remembers Amy, Rory, Clara and River now. The Medic says that’s his 11th regeneration locked, and there's 10 more to go. The Doctor asks who he was before he had daft ideas of what to consider cool. The Medic says he was charming, funny and generally easygoing but also had a fury that was legendary. Kate says a London Bus went through a wormhole while he was on it and it flew. Petronella recalls the ATMOS incident with the Sontarans. The Doctor claim to remember the smell.

The Doctor says that body sounds fun and he will do him again someday if he can. The Medic says that that is 2 Doctors done and there are 9 to go and reminds him of Rose and says she knew his ninth incarnation as well. Kate sees on the monitor that it mentions a conspiracy site run by a man called Clive. The Doctor asks what went wrong with his ears. The Medic reminds him that he had just regenerated after fighting in the Time War. The Doctor says he would rather forget about all that and that he feels dizzy just thinking about it. Osgood asks if the Doctor is feeling better or worse and note that he looks pale. The Medic says that this is normal and assert that they MUST and WILL trust him.

The Doctor proceed to ask who he was before the war, saying that this must have been his Eighth. Kate tells him that they don’t have much intel there, only about the Millennium Incident in San Francisco and says that he left Walker General Hospital with a different face than when he was admitted. The Medic tells him that he arrived as the 7th incarnation who played the spoons and rolled his R's. Kate tells him that they knew that one and that he fought alongside her father at Lake Vortigern. Osgood adds that Ace told them about him and that lots of King Arthur characters showed up, which was wicked. Kate continues that there was the 1963 Dalek attack in Shoreditch, and this was pre-UNIT. The Doctor recalls tricking Davros to blow up Skaro. The Medic adds that this was a brilliant bit of manipulation, but then again, he was always pulling strings. The Doctor says that he is sure his hearts were in the right places.

The Medic continues, telling him that his sixth incarnation was quippy and wore an appalling coat. The Doctor retorts that everything is in fashion at some point, which the Medic says is not the case with that coat, ever. He continues on about the other blonde man, the fifth one. Kate says he wore a cricket outfit and a stalk of celery for some reason and that Tegan knew him. The Doctor says that the name "Tegan" rings a Cloister Bell sized bell (the TARDIS has sensed danger). Kate asks why the TARDIS is making that noise. The Doctor replies that it only rings in extreme dangers, or it used to. The Medic suggests that it is worried about the Doctor, but reiterates that they have to trust that he’ll be fine. Kate replies that she does trust him and that the Doctor will be fine, asking him to continue. The Medic says they’ve got 8 Doctors down and has 4 left.

Osgood tells the Doctor that the Fourth Doctor used to wear a scarf like the one she wears. Kate adds that she remembers her father telling her stories about him and that he was a bit odd. The Doctor says that two odds break even, then ask why he’s feeling worse. The Medic says the feeling will pass soon, and tells him to remember his friends; the warrior woman Leela and K-9 the robot dog. Kate says that before that he used to travel with a journalist called Sarah Jane Smith and that she knew the previous Doctor and that he liked fancy clothes and cars. The Medic reminds him that this was his third incarnation, the one banished to Earth by the Time Lords. Osgood recalls his assistants Jo Grant and Doctor Elizabeth Shaw and that he had several run-ins with the Master on Earth and once in Atlantis. The Medic adds Uxarieus and Draconia and a million other times but who's counting.

The Doctor asks why he was banished to Earth and asks if his second self got into trouble. The Medic tells him that the Time Lords finally caught up with him and the stolen TARDIS. The Doctor replies that they punished him for getting involved trying to fight evil in the universe. The Medic adds that they erased his memory of the highlander boy and the smartypants girl. The Doctor recalls having travelled with a different boy and girl before that. Kate confirms this was Ben Jackson and Polly Wright. The Medic reminds him that they saw him regenerate for the first time. The Doctor says he remembers it all now; Vicky, Steven, Susan, Barbara and Ian. The Medic finally replies that this is all, then continues that the Doctor has fallen right into his trap.

The Doctor prepares to leave now that he’s done, but the Medic reveals himself to have been the Tremas Master in disguise all along, who says that the Doctor will not leave because he has stolen all his regeneration energy. Osgood asks who he is, and the Master introduces himself. The Doctor tells him that he forgot one, maybe because he hasn’t met this version yet. The Master is in disbelief. The Doctor continues that the Sisterhood of Karn helped him out once, so he still has one left. The Master claims that he won’t have him left for long.

The Master reveals this to have been attempt to steal a new regeneration cycle as he claims he will now take the Doctor's regenerations for himself and go. The Doctor asks if there will be no gloating, no megalomaniacal monologue and no dance number, and adds that he should be careful with his laser screwdriver that no one breaks it because all that collected regeneration energy would flow back into the Doctor. The Master says that he will make certain this doesn’t happen but doesn’t notice it being snatched from his hand. Kate throws the screwdriver to the Doctor, but the Doctor drops it and it breaks in half, telling the Master he will have to make a new one. Kate says he won’t have time for that in solitary confinement, but the Master manages to slip away. The Doctor is confident he’ll turn up again as he always does.

On Gallifrey, the Master meets with Rassilon, who chastises him for not having succeeded in eliminating the Doctor, and that he expected better from him given his history. The Master retorts, asking Rassilon about his history with the Doctor and why he did not just do it himself. Rassilon says that the Doctor may have fought for them in the Time War. The Master is puzzled by this. Rassilon then remembers that this hasn’t happened for the Master at this point in his timeline and adds that he may still be of use. The Master says that he and the Daleks have a history and that they won’t take his betrayal lightly. Rassilon continues that if the Master is caught, they will insist on a a show trial to deflect their involvement. The Master says it would help if he had a new face and new regenerations. Rassilon grants this wish.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Event Tips[[edit] | [edit source]]

Early Waypoints will become powerful in the late game! So be careful what you trade; all Characters are valuable!

Speed bonuses are helpful early on, but Payout bonuses are stronger! Keep an eye out for trades that will let you exchange Common Characters for Rare ones!

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added