English Civil War

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English Civil War

The English Civil War, or English Civil Wars, was a conflict fought in England in the 17th century. It was a war between Charles I's Cavaliers and his opponents, the Roundheads. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

The war was not a continuous series of battles, but rather sporadic, as - historians suggested - were most wars of the period. The three major battles included the Battle of Edgehill, the Battle of Marston Moor and the Battle of Naseby. (PROSE: A History of Humankind)

Events[[edit] | edit source]

The war grew out of a dispute between the King and Parliament. Charles believed the monarch had a divine right to rule without consulting the parliament. (PROSE: The Roundheads) Charles sent soldiers to the House of Commons to arrest five members of Parliament in January 1642, but the members had been warned of the danger and were no longer there. (PROSE: A History of Humankind) Parliament resisted being undermined and both sides gathered armies to support them. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

The War Lords kidnapped soldiers from this conflict for their war games. The survivors were returned to Earth after the War Lords were defeated. (TV: The War Games)

The gallows in Compton, England were last used during the Civil War. (AUDIO: The Fog)

Lady Peinforte was a supporter of Charles I and fought against the Roundheads. (TV: Silver Nemesis)

In 1643, the war came to the village of Little Hodcombe. The Malus, a living alien weapon, was awakened by the fighting. He fed off the negative emotions involved. He became dormant again when the fighting ended. The villagers re-enacted the Battle of Little Hodcombe for years to come. (TV: The Awakening)

Aftermath[[edit] | edit source]

After Cromwell's victory, the monarchy was abolished and England became a republic. However, in 1660, the monarchy was restored with Charles II on the throne. After bubonic plague struck London in 1665, republican war veteran William Rokeby claimed it was a warning from God against Charles and rallied anti-monarchist supporters once more in 1666. The threat of civil disorder grew once Rokeby prepared to resist arrest by Sir Richard Stoneman-Merritt of His Majesty's Intelligence Service on charges of high treason. The confrontation was interrupted by the outbreak of the Great Fire of London. (PROSE: The Republican's Story)

The Master used his TOMTIT time travel device to bring a troop of Roundheads to the late 20th century, where they fired upon Captain Yates' troops. (TV: The Time Monster)

In 1984, the Malus awoke again and tried to use Sir George Hutchinson to have the villagers re-enact the fighting for real. They styled their clothing on that of the period and carried replica weapons. (TV: The Awakening)

In the 21st century, as a result of disturbances in time caused by inexpert use of the Rift Manipulator, English Civil War soldiers appeared in London and clashed with the local police. (TV: End of Days)

Alternate timelines[[edit] | edit source]

Speaking during the English Civil War, the Second Doctor admitted to Polly Wright that he had seen or heard of "all kinds of" possible futures from the "great" to "truly terrible", which were "all out there". He acknowledged Englands with a third, fourth, or fifth Civil War, a resurgent monarch who ruthlessly oppressed all democracy, a triumphalist, hereditary Puritan Protectorate that ruled the country until the 20th century, or an invading Catholic army which took advantage of England's crisis to take over most of the known world. (PROSE: The Roundheads)