Oliver Cromwell

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Oliver Cromwell

Oliver Cromwell was the Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland in the 1650s. He was a general, a commander of the New Model Army.

Bigography[[edit] | edit source]

Cromwell was born in 1599. He grew up on his father's estate in Cambridgeshire. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

In July 1644, Cromwell routed the forces of Prince Rupert and other Royalists in the environs of the castle at Crook Marsham. Soon after, the castle, which had long been beset by phantasmagoria, was destroyed by a "strange fire". (PROSE: Nightshade)

In December 1648, Cromwell returned to London from the north to find the parliament had been purged of dissenters to the plan to execute King Charles, who had been taken prisoner by this time. He met the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Polly Wright during this time.

Cromwell became the Lord Protector soon after the execution of King Charles I in 1649. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

Oliver Cromwell was known for having banned Christmas. (PROSE: The Feast, The Roundheads) Despite that, it didn't really go away and was, according to the Second Doctor, mostly propaganda. (PROSE: The Roundheads) He was also suspicious of the British intelligence service set up by Elizabeth I, considering it to have something akin to Roman magic. (PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"])

He was the leader of the English army in Ireland in September 1649. During the Siege of Drogheda, Cromwell attempted to kill the Seventh Doctor's companion Hex after he had insulted him. He failed to do so. (AUDIO: The Settling)

In 1651, the Twelfth Doctor displayed an official pardon for Sam Swift from Cromwell on his psychic paper in order to stop Sam's hanging. (TV: The Woman Who Lived)

He died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son, Richard, as Lord Protector. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

Appearance[[edit] | edit source]

He was stocky, with a ruddy complexion, thinning, shoulder-length hair, bulbous nose, warty skin and brilliant-blue eyes. In 1648, mistaking the Second Doctor for a medical doctor, he asked him to cure his boils. (PROSE: The Roundheads)

Legacy[[edit] | edit source]

During World War II, "Cromwell" was the codeword for the German invasion of Britain. (PROSE: The Dying Days)