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Inyit was a Kotturuh woman in the Dark Times. She became the last of her kind, with her death bringing the Kotturuh to extinction.

Biography[[edit] | edit source]

During the judgement of Birinji, Inyit turned against her people's mission to dispense mortality to all life and tried to make her people stop. This led to a war between the Kotturuh, leaving Birinji a dead world. Inyit was exiled from the Kotturuh and set up biodomes on Birinji to preserve life on the planet. (PROSE: All Flesh is Grass)

After the Tenth Doctor used a necrotic virus to give the Kotturuh lifespans of just fifteen minutes, (PROSE: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead) Inyit returned to Birinji to await her death, tending the garden in a biodome. She was visited by the Ninth Doctor and Ikalla, and criticised how he had been caring for his spider plant. A Dalek scout ship attacked them, as part of the Dalek Time Squad's ongoing mission to finish off the Kotturuh for fear of their judgement, but was shot down by the HMS Donna commanded by the Tenth and Eighth Doctors. The Doctors met Inyit, who explained the true nature of the Kotturuh was contrary to their beliefs and her fear of a legend that suggested that, when she died, uncontrollable death energies would escape, as she was the last of the Kotturuh. Whilst they went to defend Gallifrey from the Daleks, the Doctors left Ikalla behind to care for Inyit. The Dalek Symbiont attacked them whilst the Doctors were away, but Inyit had sufficient energy for a final judgement and wiped out it and all the Daleks sharing its DNA. The Doctors returned as she passed away, with the Tenth Doctor expressing his remorse for his actions. Before she died, Inyit transferred the last of her energies into Ikalla. (PROSE: All Flesh is Grass)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]

Inyit as she's depicted in Doctor Who: Worlds Apart.

Inyit appears as a card in the NFT trading card video game Doctor Who: Worlds Apart.[1]

Footnotes[[edit] | edit source]