Joe Meesh

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Joe Meesh (PROSE: Space Hi-Jack et al.) was TV Century 21's special correspondent for Space City.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

He was born in Manchester 25 years prior to 2067. He joined the staff of TV 21 three years prior as the correspondent at Space City, once even using the guise of of a control commander for easy access and movement around the space centre. (PROSE: Joe Meesh)

In early 2065, following Space City's receipt of a report from Fireball XL5 announcing the death of Steve Zodiac, and a lack of further reports thereafter, TV21's reporter questioned Commander Zero on Zodiac's condition. He replied "I am completely confident in Dr. Venus's ability to deal with the situation". (COMIC: Genesis of Evil) Steve later recovered and re-established contact with Space City, (COMIC: The Batmen) with Zero telling reporters at a press conference soon afterwards that Fireball had discovered an unknown asteroid in hyperspace while pursuing a space freighter, news present on the front page of TV21's 30 January edition. (PROSE: Stingray Attacked!) The Fireball crew went on to explore the asteroid and encounter the Batmen. The news that Steve had surrendered Fireball to the leader of the Batmen made the front page on 13 February; Commander Zero was stated to be "far too busy" to speak to reporters that morning. (PROSE: Fireball Surrenders!)

He reported on Commander Zero's order to Astro-Controller Clarke of the Tenth Space Fleet to ceasefire and withdraw from battle action with the Astran space fleet. His usually reliable sources informed them that the order was given at the World President's command and that the President's private hoverjet had arrived in Space City. (PROSE: Atlanta Kidnapped!)

On 15 May 2065, he also reported that for the first time in living memory all reporters had been banned from the Space Base after being hustled from their beds at midnight and escorted to a hotel on the edge of the island. Later, Meesh got to his window just in time to see Fireball XL5 heading spacewards. Although the details of the flight were not known, he speculated that it was related to the border dispute with the Astrans. (PROSE: Fireball Mystery Flight!)

Solely responsible for space reporting, Meesh regularly accompanied Zero X on its missions with it being him who sent the video reports back to Earth via TV 21's communications satellite. (PROSE: Joe Meesh)

In June 2066, he reported on XL5's response to a mayday call from Freighter 203, which had been attacked by the Black Ship. (PROSE: Space Hi-Jack)

During June 2067, Meesh accompanied an Astran Press delegation in the search for Steve Zodiac, (PROSE: Joe Meesh) who was missing and believed to have been killed. (PROSE: Mars Ship Hi-Jacked) TV 21 expected a news update almost immediately and, true to this, (PROSE: Joe Meesh) an article detailing Zodiac's survival was printed on 24 June. (PROSE: Steve Zodiac Alive!)