User:NoNotTheMemes/Romana III

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Romanadvoratrelundar's third incarnation was, like her predecessor, also President of Gallifrey. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon) She led Gallifrey through its darkest hour, (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) adopting the title of War Queen of the Nine Gallifreys and going to lengths which put her at odds with the Doctor. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon)

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

A day to come[[edit] | [edit source]]

Maybe talk about Trey here?

A new body[[edit] | [edit source]]

Romana II regenerated somehow.. Now working with Laszlo and the Tharils, Romana established a refugee camp for those displaced by a "forever war spreading through all of time and space." With the camp disguised as a traveling carnival, Romana posed as a fortune teller. She upgraded K-9 which allow him to use an AI to migrate into any sufficiently advanced hardware and use its resources. (PROSE: The Little Book of Fate)

Encountering the Eighth Doctor at her base in England shortly after the First World War, they answered a distress call from the Sepharial system. (PROSE: The Little Book of Fate)

War Queen of the Nine Gallifreys[[edit] | [edit source]]

At some point, Romana returned to Gallifrey and once more took the office of the Presidency. In preparation for the coming War, Romana took the title of the 'War Queen of the Nine Gallifreys. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon) According to Mother and Father, however, the War Queen's Homeworld was only a sheath echo believing itself to be the original. (PROSE: The Story So Far...)

During her tenure, she dispatched Cavis and Gandar to Avalon and eventually turned up herself to take possession of Compassion after Compassion transformed into a TARDIS. Romana believed Compassion could give the Time Lords a tactical advantage in the War. Instead, the Eighth Doctor and Fitz fled inside Compassion. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon)

As the War approached, the Edifice appeared in the skies of Romana III's Gallifrey. The structure created temporal pulses that began washing over the planet, causing civil disorder and mass superstition. In her 150th year as President, she was challenged by former President Greyjan in a Faction Paradox scheme to take over Gallifrey and re-write its history. The Eighth Doctor destroyed the planet to prevent this. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell)

Presumed death[[edit] | [edit source]]

Alongside Mali, Romana tried to restore Gallifrey from one of the Nine Gallifreys. However, they discovered that Faction Paradox had wiped their Nine Gallifreys from history. Romana wept, knowing that her planet was doomed, and she sent K-9 into the Doctor's TARDIS to kill the Doctor and prevent his future self from destroying Gallifrey. Soon after, Faction Paradox skulltroopers closed in on Romana and Mali and fired two shots. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles)

Other realities[[edit] | [edit source]]

Aborted timelines[[edit] | [edit source]]

In an aborted timeline, her predecessor regenerates to prevent the Moros from becoming a black hole and destroying Gallifrey. The regenerative energy released balanced the core and prevented its collapse. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines)

During her final term in office, Romana III had to deal with an anomaly near Earth, created using the Hand of Omega. A secret society, known as the Adherents of Ohm, were trying to gain power on Gallifrey, and she suspected that Narvin might be part of it. There was an attempt to assassinate her though Tauras managed to save her. She travelled through a black hole after Narvin tracked Ace there and found out that Tauras had set Omega free from the anti-matter universe. She tried to travel back into her own universe again but was stuck in the black hole as the type 160 TARDIS she was using ran out of power. She accepted that she along with Narvin and Ace wouldn't see Gallifrey again, until Irving Braxiatel saved her and went after Omega. (AUDIO: Intervention Earth)

After Omega returned, a war devastated Gallifrey. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines) As Gallifrey faced its "darkest hour", Romana began to clear sections of the planet in order to make room to build Battle TARDISes. She personally attended the decommissioning of Quadrigger Stoyn's workstation. (AUDIO: Luna Romana)

To avert this future, Romana sent Irving Braxiatel back in time to stop her previous self from regenerating on-board the Moros. Discovering this, Romana II stepped down from the Presidency to ensure that that future would not take hold. (AUDIO: Enemy Lines)

Psychological profile[[edit] | [edit source]]

Personality[[edit] | [edit source]]

Romana III had a harder personality than her predecessor and was consequently less friendly toward the Eighth Doctor. She could be manipulative and ruthless, justifying her actions as doing the best for her people, and acting as a servant of history. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon) A part of her was guilty about her actions, musing whether corruption was the curse of the Presidency. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon)

Skills[[edit] | [edit source]]

Romana III was a more skilled manipulator than her predecessor. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon)

During her time allied with the Tharils, Romana became proficient at riding the time winds. While she could not create rifts on her own, she could follow those created by a Tharil. (PROSE: The Little Book of Fate)

Appearance[[edit] | [edit source]]

This incarnation was a petite woman with black hair, a snub nose, and a youthful face which disguised her age. (PROSE: The Gallifrey Chronicles, The Little Book of Fate) She had a fringe, fierce green eyes, and a tattoo of the Prydonian Seal on her left ankle. Her toenails were often painted in the swirling colours of the time vortex. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon)

While Fitz Kreiner (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) and Cuthbert Simpson (PROSE: The Banquo Legacy) both regarded Romana as "beautiful", the Eighth Doctor noted that she looked unsettlingly like his mother. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell)

Clothing[[edit] | [edit source]]

She typically dressed in a set of scarlet chinoise pyjamas with a high square collar, pearls, and oriental clogs. Around her left wrist she wore a set of bangles. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon, The Ancestor Cell) On one occasion, Romana wore a long green grown, pearls, and an opal-jewelled headband. (PROSE: The Shadows of Avalon)

On the day of her Reaffirmation Ceremony, Romana wore a long and beaded beaded black dress with cuffed sleeves, and pointed stiletto heels. On each ear, she wore a tjakelian earring with a chip of pure drublix in the dangling teardrop of precious metal. Around her neck, she wore two ropes of pearls. Her fingernails were long and painted with a glittering finish. During the Ceremony itself, she wore the Coronet of Rassilon. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • While James Goss, who established Juliet Landau's incarnation of Romana within the Big Finish audio stories, obscured where in the timeline this incarnation originated and contrasted her with "other future Romanadvoratrelundars" such as the "brilliantly glacial flapper", it would eventually be definitively shown that she was the third Romana in Enemy Lines. (VOR 56)
  • Romana is the second Time Lord, after the Bruce Master as played by Eric Roberts, to be portrayed by an American actor. Unlike Roberts, however, Juliet Landau plays her role with an English accent.