User:Tybort/Sandbox 2

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Contemporary Doctor Who and other show stuff[[edit] | [edit source]]

Russell T Davies era, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures[[edit] | [edit source]]

This story/companion's era is considered to be set in the early 21st century, and can very likely be narrowed down to the 2000s; however, there is conflicting narrative evidence as to which year specifically it is set. The writing team for the most part did not place a year in most of [the Doctor Who scripts set on contemporary Earth]/[The Sarah Jane Adventures' scripts]/[Torchwood's scripts], but to at least the contemporary television audience, the visual language shows the era is very clearly intended to be Earth in the present day. There has been conflicting narrative evidence as to which year and exactly how close to the air date the "present day" stories take place.

The Doctor Who television story Rose is noted in several subsequent narratives to have taken place in 2005. Notably, in the Doctor Who television story The End of the World, the Ninth Doctor describes 12005 as ten thousand years into Rose's future. The first story where Rose returns home after she starts travelling with the Ninth Doctor, the Doctor Who television story Aliens of London, features missing posters for Rose clearly dated March 2005. In the Doctor Who television story The End of Time, the Tenth Doctor briefly meets Rose on 1 January 2005 before she meets the Ninth Doctor and believes she will have a great year.

Following this, the "contemporary" early 21st century stories relative to Rose Tyler's home era have generally taken place a year after transmission, though few stories explicitly confirm or contradict this or outright state a year. Nonetheless, in the 2006 Doctor Who television story Love & Monsters, Elton Pope directly describes the events of the 2005 Doctor Who television story Rose as "two years ago" and the 2005 Doctor Who Christmas special The Christmas Invasion as "Christmas just gone". In the Doctor Who television story School Reunion, also from 2006, Sarah Jane describes the giant ship over London from Invasion similarly as "Christmas just gone".

[Doctor Who] The Doctor Who television story The Runaway Bride, featuring Donna Noble, notes the Cyberman invasion in Canary Wharf from Rose's last regular appearance in the Doctor Who television stories Army of Ghosts and Doomsday as having happened, and describes The Christmas Invasion's robot Santas as being from "last year". This would set that story (along with Rose's "present" during series 2) in 2007. The Doctor Who Christmas special Voyage of the Damned also mentioned the people around the world standing on roofs from The Christmas Invasion taking place "[the] Christmas before last", and the giant Christmas star over London and the draining of the Thames from The Runaway Bride happening "last year", which both affirms the Martha Jones era (which mentions the Christmas star) and this episode as having taken place in 2008.

[Torchwood] Several Torchwood stories are explicitly set in the aftermath of the Battle of Canary Wharf, which was Rose's last regular appearance as a companion. This would mean that up to and including the Torchwood television story Out of Time, which is set around Christmas (and according to the Torchwood television story Captain Jack Harkness, has Diane go through the Rift on 24 December), series 1 is set in the year 2007. The Torchwood television stories Combat and Captain Jack Harkness are clearly not set immediately after Time and so the last episodes of series 1, including Combat and Harkness, can be safely said to be set in 2008.

In series 2 of Torchwood, Meat is said to be a year after Gwen is recruited to Torchwood Three (which happened in the series 1 premiere Everything Changes), while in the season finale Exit Wounds, Jack, after being unearthed by Torchwood staff in 1901, asks to be frozen for 107 years. Both of these facts strongly seem to place all of series 2 in 2008.

However, in the Torchwood television story Fragments (set on the same day as Exit Wounds), Ianto's flashback to his recruitment to Torchwood is displayed in a caption as taking place 21 months, or one year nine months, ago. Based on earlier evidence, including a scene in Love & Monsters set in part in March 2007, and the Doctor Who television stories Army of Ghosts and Doomsday (set during the battle where Ianto loses his prior job at Torchwood One) having ghosts appearing for two months being news to the Tenth Doctor and Rose (which means that the Battle of Canary Wharf happened in at least May 2007), and assuming that Ianto joined Torchwood Three immediately after most of Torchwood One is wiped out, the "21 months earlier" flashback would mean that Fragments and Exit Wounds are set, at the very earliest, in February of 2009.

Confusing matters further, according to Gwen Cooper's CIA file in The New World, Gwen joined Torchwood (as seen in Everything Changes) in October 2006.


Certainly, we can say that discounting flashbacks, Torchwood is set in the "21st century" where everything changes.

[SJA] The Sarah Jane Adventures television story Invasion of the Bane is set at least 18 months after Sarah Jane's meeting with the Tenth Doctor and him building a new model of K9 following the destruction of Mark III in School Reunion. The series 2 SJA story The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith also describes the previous season's Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane? (of which the season finale The Lost Boy picks up nearly immediately after) as having taken place "last year".

(Note: This isn't thorough per se... Not going through Doctor Who Adventures or Battles in Time issues for this list, nor am I going to really be able to find Cornell's Christmas stories. And the BBC Writer's Comics do not appear to work.)

Nine and Rose on present-day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

One year after Rose.
Six months after World War Three.
Set after the heart of the TARDIS was opened in Boom Town.
Numerous outside stories backdate this to 2005.

Ten and Rose on present-day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

Story partially set in March. Rose was two years ago. The Christmas Invasion was the previous Christmas.
Set "this year" according to Mickey.
The Christmas Invasion was the previous Christmas.

Post-Rose Ten on present-day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Christmas Invasion was the previous Christmas.

Ten and Martha on present-day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

Martha mentions the spaceship flying into Big Ben, the Cybermen and Adeola going missing at Canary Wharf, placing this after Doomsday.

Post Martha Ten on present-day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

Set two years after The Christmas Invasion and the year after The Runaway Bride

Ten and Donna on present-day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

Post-Donna Ten on present-day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

The missing planets in the Earth's sky from The Stolen Earth are mentioned, and the story is set in Easter in the month of April.

Torchwood stories[[edit] | [edit source]]

According to User:SmallerOnTheOutside, a date appears on one of Rex' texts, and it's not 9 September.
Esther reads a CIA file which says that Gwen joined Torchwood in 2006.

Sarah Jane Adventures stories[[edit] | [edit source]]

Maria's email has a date, according to User:SmallerOnTheOutside.

Series 6, 7 and 8[[edit] | [edit source]]

The exact date of this era is difficult to ascertain, and is largely conflated by Kate Stewart, a character from Amy Pond and Rory Williams' appearing with Clara Oswald, and supposedly meaning that The Day of the Doctor and Death in Heaven are at some point afterwards.

While the apparent death of the Eleventh Doctor is dated in several stories in series 6 as 22 April 2011, after this season the year is somewhat contradictory.

In the television The Angels Take Manhattan, the "present day" New York graveyard is explicitly in 2012. However, there is nothing which specifies this trip is contemporary with the stories in Amy and Rory's home life in London.

The soporific laced letter addressed to Clara from the television story The Name of the Doctor is dated April 2013, which would also place the rest of series 7 around that time.

Clara Oswald, who was born on 23 November 1986 according to the television story Death in Heaven, is said to be 27 years old in the television story Deep Breath, which means that as the last time Clara was at home was in the television story The Time of the Doctor set on Christmas Day and immediately before Deep Breath, would place both The Time of the Doctor and the final scene of Breath in Christmas 2013. Danny Pink becoming a teacher Coal Hill School in Into the Dalek three weeks after Deep Breath would also mean that Into the Dalek is dated circa 15 January 2014.

Amy and Rory on present day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

Clara on present day Earth[[edit] | [edit source]]

Set at Christmas.
Set shortly after The Time of the Doctor.
Set three weeks after Clara sent the Twelfth Doctor out for coffee.
Clara was born on 23 November 1986.