The Zygon Inversion (TV story)

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The Zygon Inversion was the eighth episode of the ninth series of Doctor Who produced by BBC Wales.

This episode saw the Twelfth Doctor describe the immense pain he felt while fighting in the Time War in an emotional and angry speech for the first time since his predecessor discovered that the War Doctor had not destroyed Gallifrey in The Day of the Doctor. Though Gallifrey wasn't destroyed, the Doctor saw and committed terrible deeds in the Time War; THIS is what haunts him now, further encouraging him to keep the promise of being the Doctor. It also revealed that there are two Osgood Boxes, and their design is based on that of the Moment; this symbolises how the Doctor nearly destroyed his entire race with a box in The Day of the Doctor, just as Kate and Bonnie were about to destroy theirs.

It did not elaborate if the human Osgood or Zygon double was still alive, instead having Bonnie fill the vacancy in the form of a replacement double for the one of the two who had been killed by Missy in Death in Heaven. Osgood explains that she can be either version; Zygons don't need the person that they copy if their memories are unneeded. In a behind the scenes extra, Ingrid Oliver, who played Osgood, has chosen which of the original Osgood duo is left; she keeps which one she picked a secret, even from the story's co-writer and executive producer Steven Moffat.

It also saw a new way of Zygon-transformation for the first time, showing the immense pain of a lengthy forced transformation from human-form into Zygon-form. It also shows Zygons can now read the minds of their enemies and take the form of their loved ones; using this method, they can disarm their enemies and leave them vulnerable. They also display electrical abilities similar to the Silents, which is using a kind of electrical blast to reduce a target to ash; although in the case of Zygons, the victims appear to have turned into piles of electrical wires.


With the splinter group of Zygons now ahead of the Doctor, there is only one thing standing in their way of obliterating the human race and taking the Earth for themselves: a moral dilemma!

Is Bonnie willing to compromise the peace already in place, just for the sake of Zygons not needing to hide, even if it means making enemies not only of humanity, but of her own race?


Clara awakens in what seems to her apartment, as if nothing of the last episode happened. She notices the time on her clock is backwards, but it switches back to normal. Clara goes to wash up, finding a white tube that says "this is toothpaste"; she uses it, finding its black. Startled, she looks in the mirror, briefly seeing Bonnie. Sensing that something isn't right, Clara tries to leave, but find the door won't open; she finds that all her windows are instead walls with just window frames.

Remembering her past experience with the Kantrofarri, she decides to take the Helman-Ziegler test. Grabbing a magazine, Clara flips through the pages, finding the pictures normal; however, the words are utter gibberish, meaning that she's in the middle of a dream. She soon hears Bonnie's voice as the television in the living room turns on, showing exactly what she sees.

Clara realizes that the Doctor is in danger, forcing minimal control over Bonnie, making her miss her first shot with a rocket launcher. Bonnie pays no mind to this, thinking she slipped up; she fires another rocket at Boat One, this time destroying it. Though Bonnie thinks the Doctor is dead, Clara pauses the image on her TV, zooming in on the shadows of the Doctor and Osgood falling away from the smoke: the Doctor is alive!

On the ground, Osgood removes her parachute, only to find her glasses have been broken in the fall. The Doctor manages to free himself of his own, which has a Union Jack printed on it; he explains its for being incognito in the UK. The Doctor gives Osgood his sonic sunglasses, allowing her their use until she obtains a replacement pair of glasses. However, Osgood points out how silly sonic eye-wear is, comparing it to "a visual hearing aid". Annoyed, the Doctor tells her not to view his user history; she does so, becoming surprised. The Doctor tells her that he warned her not to.

Elsewhere, a man named Etoine is seen running with groceries. Not too far behind him, Bonnie is casually walking behind him. Etoine runs into his apartment, but forgets to lock the door. Bonnie walks in, explaining that she knows he's a Zygon; despite his pleas to leave him alone, Bonnie tells him that soon he will not need to hide. She reaches to the sides of his head, giving him a jolt; she smirks darkly as Etoine runs outside. Unable to control his shape-shifting, Etonie changes back into Zygon form in front of crowd; they are less than scared, perhaps thinking it was a prank. Bonnie watches with glee, having recorded the transformation and posts it on the Internet.

Back at the crash site, the Doctor and Osgood trek on, with her assuring him that Clara is likely safe; he tells Osgood that he lives in hope. The best plan right now is to find out what the Zygons want. Thinking about how the Doctor always tries negotiation, Osgood takes the chance to tell him about a fantasy of if she were evil; Osgood wouldn't let him talk, and shoot him between the eyes each time he "came back". The Doctor is shocked to hear this coming from her. Seems like excessive studying pays off. He then receives a message from Bonnie, which says "I'm awake"; the Doctor is confused by this, wondering if the message means a political awakening. However, Osgood realizes it means Clara is aware of what's going on, despite being asleep in a Zygon pod; the Doctor then notes his hope is getting worse.

Seeing a police car, the Doctor and Osgood attempt to get help. Passing himself off as "Dr John Disco", the Doctor tells the police officers that his plane blew up, but there's nothing to worry about. Worrying that they may be Zygons from the splinter group Truth or Consequences, the Doctor and Osgood begin walking away. However, another pair of officers begin approaching from where they came from - the two are either being tracked by the Zygons or the officers are going to arrest them for being suspicious . Bonnie video calls the Doctor, trying to get him to surrender; however, Clara makes Bonnie wink repeatedly, making the Doctor think Bonnie's flirting with him. "I'm old enough to be your messiah" the Doctor points out, but then realizes Clara is signalling him. Seeing an abandoned van, the Doctor has Osgood use the sonic sunglasses to open it; the Doctor manages to hot-wire the vehicle and they escape.

At the Zygon nest, Bonnie approaches the pod holding Clara and telepathically talks to her; Bonnie appears on the television screen in Clara's dream. Clara smugly decides to test their link, forcing Bonnie back into her Zygon form briefly; she laughs, amused that she can torture the Zygon like this. Bonnie then holds up her arm, taking her own pulse; she explains to Clara that while they're linked, they share a heart-beat. When one lies, their heart-beat increases; Bonnie is using this link to interrogate Clara. Having failed to obtain the Osgood Box at the UNIT safe house, Bonnie asks Clara where it is. It turns out that it's kept in the Black Archive under the Tower of London.

Bonnie asks how she can get access, but Clara tells her that she can't give her access; this is actually the truth. Perplexed, Bonnie carefully questions Clara; she learns that the body print of any of the Doctor's allies is used to access the Black Archive - Clara couldn't give Bonnie something that she already had. Though Bonnie believes Clara no longer has a use, the Impossible Girl laughs at the Zygon, telling Bonnie that she will still need her. "Kate" arrives, explaining that the Doctor is on his way; Bonnie orders that he be copied, if possible for his knowledge on the universe and time travel, but eliminated.

Seeing the video Bonnie posted on the Internet, the Doctor and Osgood head to find the Zygon she attacked in the south London shopping centre the Fleet Estate Centre. They find Etoine, who is having trouble maintaining his human form due to the zap Bonnie gave him; he says all he wanted was to live in peace, but Truth or Consequences wouldn't let him. The Doctor and Osgood try calming him, but the Zygon kills himself out of fear.

With Kate appearing with two guards, the Doctor and Osgood head into the apartment complex and find the secret elevator switch. Descending to the Zygon nest, they attempt negotiation with the fake Kate and her two guards. However, Kate shoots her guards, revealing that she's the real one; when the Zygon attacked her back in New Mexico, she emptied her gun into it. She took the Zygon's place to get close to Bonnie. Attempting to show the Doctor where Clara's pod is, Kate discovers that it's gone. The Doctor realises that Bonnie has taken her to the Black Archive.

At the Black Archive, Bonnie learns why the device is called the "Osgood" Box - there's two of them. Bonnie has Clara awakened, but finds that she doesn't know which of the boxes is the right one; Clara points out that Bonnie should have already known this because their minds are linked. The Doctor, Osgood and Kate arrive; Kate and Bonnie each stand before a box, discovering that under lids each has two buttons labelled "Truth" or "Consequences". Bonnie's box will either cause the Zygons to revert to their true forms for an hour or cancels their ability to change form, thus making them human for good; Kate's box will either release Z-67 (a gas poisonous to Zygons created by Harry Sullivan) into the atmosphere or detonate the nuclear warhead beneath the Black Archive. "There are safeguards beyond safeguards. I did this on a very good day for me." the Doctor gloats to the war-hungry dimwits.

Comparing her to a child having a tantrum, the Doctor points out Bonnie hasn't thought ahead about the destruction her desire for war will being; even if she wipes out humanity, there would still be trouble-making Zygons. With both Kate and Bonnie willing to press their buttons, the Doctor can't resist making fun of the situation in a game show announcer voice; he then snaps at them, saying this is a scale model of war. This situation is what it always boils down to: two sides sitting down to negotiation after too much suffering and death. After Bonnie says that the Doctor could never understand her situation, the Doctor launches into an agonized tirade, screaming at her that he fought in a war bigger than she could imagine and when he closes his eyes, he can still hear the screaming of the victims.

He tells Bonnie that what you do with this pain is to hold it tight until it burns your hands, and say: "No-one else will ever have to live like this. No-one else will ever have to feel this pain." Bonnie is swayed by the Doctor's words, telling him she's figured out that the boxes are empty; the Doctor already knew Bonnie has come to her sens as she poorly chose Clara's face, which he knows the tells for. However, Kate is less than amused; this can't work again now that they now the boxes are worthless. Telling Kate that she's already scolded him fifteen times, the Doctor again wipes her memory with the device in the ceiling. However, Bonnie was allowed her memories, so as to prevent this disaster again.

Bonnie returns to her nest, telling her comrades the revolution is over and that they're safe. Outside the nest, the Doctor asks Osgood to travel with him; however, she turns him down, saying that she needs to be around to make the Nightmare Scenario work out like this again. Per the Doctor's request, Clara hugs Osgood on his behalf. However, the Doctor is left bewildered that Osgood never thought of what the TARDIS stood for; he tells her it stands for "Totally And Radically Driving In Space". However, at that moment, a second Osgood appears, saying that the day she will answer if she's human or Zygon is the day that nobody cares about the answer. the two of them explaining that it wouldn't be OK to use Clara's face when there's a vacancy for an Osgood. Both of them say that it doesn't matter which is Osgood and which is Bonnie, only that Osgood lives. The Doctor compliments the Osgoods that Osgood is a credit to her species. Both Osgoods reply that they're a credit to both species.

After the TARDIS departs, both Osgoods decide to get ice cream before heading back to work.


Uncredited cast


General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.


The Doctor

  • The Doctor jokes to Osgood that his real name is "Basil".
  • The Doctor jokes that as he is over 2000 years old, he is old enough to be the Messiah.
  • The Doctor jokes around with Bonnie, using puns, calling himself "Doctor Pun-tastic".
  • The Doctor escapes the plane in a parachute with a Union Flag on it. Similarly, James Bond used a parachute with a Union Flag on it to sky-dive in the movie The Spy Who Loved Me.
  • The Doctor once created an invisible watch, which had an obvious terrible design flaw.
  • The Doctor keeps a browser history in his sonic sunglasses, and advises Osgood not to look at it.
  • Osgood says that if she wanted to kill the Doctor, she would do so quickly by shooting him in the head, twelve times if necessary, referring to his regeneration cycle.
  • The Doctor apparently has question marks on his underwear.


  • Clara has apparently unfettered access to the Black Archive.
  • The newspaper in Clara's dream that she checks to ensure she's dreaming reads gibberish, indicating that to her it holds no significance.



  • Bonnie is compared to a child having a tantrum by the Doctor.
  • Bonnie is nicknamed "Zygella" by the Doctor.


  • The Doctor likens Bonnie's proposed war on humanity to a game compared to the scale of the Time War.

Cultural references

  • The Doctor affects an American accent and briefly impersonates a stereotypical game show host.
  • The concept of a box containing a secret that was revealed after the contestant chooses which button to push was an aspect of the real-life Truth or Consequences TV game show.

Story notes

to be added


  • BBC One Overnight: 4.13 million
  • BBC America Overnight: to be added
  • Final UK ratings: 6.03 million

Filming location

to be added

Production errors

  • When the Doctor, Clara, and Osgood arrive at the TARDIS, the Doctor is a few feet away from it. In the next shot, he is standing right next to it.
  • When the pod lid is taken off you can see Clara's hair is messed up but when the Doctor is talking to Bonnie and Kate her hair is bushed and neat.


Home video releases

DVD releases

to be added

Blu-ray releases

to be added

External links
