73 Yards |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
An Adventure in Space and Time |
Bruno Martins, Dave Marriott, Steve Blythe, Mark Packman, Eamonn Fitzgerald
The Age of Steel |
Chris Davies, Clive Johnson
The Almost People |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Amy's Choice |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The Angels Take Manhattan |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson
Arachnids in the UK |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
Army of Ghosts |
Chris Davies, Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe
Asylum of the Daleks |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
The Beast Below |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Before the Flood |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
The Bells of Saint John |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Nick Powell
The Big Bang |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Boom |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
Brave-ish Heart |
Gareth Williams (electrician), Andrew Williams (electrician), Matthew Challenger, Stephen McLean
Can You Hear Me? |
Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Andrew Williams
The Caretaker |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
Children of Earth: Day Five |
Ben Griffiths, Jonathan Cox, Gareth Williams (electrician)
Children of Earth: Day Four |
Ben Griffiths, Jonathan Cox, Gareth Williams (electrician)
Children of Earth: Day One |
Ben Griffiths, Jonathan Cox, Gareth Williams (electrician)
Children of Earth: Day Three |
Ben Griffiths, Jonathan Cox, Gareth Williams (electrician)
Children of Earth: Day Two |
Ben Griffiths, Jonathan Cox, Gareth Williams (electrician)
A Christmas Carol |
Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Peter Scott
The Church on Ruby Road |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
Closing Time |
Peter Scott, Geoff Holloway, Scott Smallwood
Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart |
Gareth Williams (electrician), Andrew Williams (electrician), Matthew Challenger, Stephen McLean
The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo |
Gareth Williams (electrician), Andrew Williams (electrician), Matthew Challenger, Stephen McLean
Cold Blood |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Cold War |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Nick Powell
The Curse of Fatal Death |
Paul Barlow, Dick Crane, Martin Plumley
The Curse of the Black Spot |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Daleks in Manhattan |
Clive Johnson, Ben Griffiths
Dark Water |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner, Garry Owen
The Day of the Doctor |
Andrew Williams (electrician), Jordan Brown, Gareth Crean, James Foy, Billy Harron, Thomas Rhodri Moses
Day of the Moon |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Dead Man Walking |
Tom Olley, John Budd, Alan Tippets
Death in Heaven |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
Deep Breath |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
Demons of the Punjab |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
Detained |
Gareth Williams (electrician), Andrew Williams (electrician), Matthew Challenger, Stephen McLean
The Devil's Chord |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson
The Doctor Falls |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Sion Davies
The Doctor's Wife |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe |
Gafin Riley, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson
Doomsday |
Chris Davies, Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe
Dot and Bubble |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
Earthshock (TotT |
Chris Hughes, Benji Hutchings
The Eaters of Light |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
The Eleventh Hour |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Empire of Death |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
Empress of Mars |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
The End of Time |
Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe
Eve of the Daleks |
Gawain Nash, Owen Hashimi, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
Evolution of the Daleks |
Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths
Extras: The Special |
Graham Banks, Jonathan Tanner
Extremis |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
Face the Raven |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Rob Fernandes
The Family of Blood |
Clive Johnson, Ben Griffiths
Fear Her |
Chris Davies, Clive Johnson
Flatline |
James Foy, Matt Challenger, Dan McCole, Pat Crawford
Flesh and Stone |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
For Tonight We Might Die |
Gareth Williams (electrician), Andrew Williams (electrician), Matthew Challenger, Stephen McLean
Forest of the Dead |
Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths
Fugitive of the Judoon |
Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Andrew Williams
The Ghost Monument |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
The Giggle |
Scott Smallwood, Sion Davies, Andrew Truckle, Andy Green
The Girl Who Died |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Rob Fernandes
The Girl Who Waited |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The God Complex |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
A Good Man Goes to War |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The Halloween Apocalypse |
Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
Heaven Sent |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Rob Fernandes
Hell Bent |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Rob Fernandes
Hide |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Nick Powell
Human Nature |
Clive Johnson, Ben Griffiths
The Hungry Earth |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The Husbands of River Song |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Rob Fernandes
The Impossible Astronaut |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
In the Forest of the Night |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner, Steve Hopkins
Into the Dalek |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
Invasion of the Bane |
Adam Vernon, Ian Jewels
It Takes You Away |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Nick Powell
Kerblam! |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
Kill the Moon |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
Knock Knock |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
Last Christmas |
Andrew Williams (electrician), Grant Armstrong, Rick Tombs, Pip Keeling
The Legend of Ruby Sunday |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
Legend of the Sea Devils |
Gawain Nash, Owen Hashimi, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
Let's Kill Hitler |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The Lie of the Land |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
Listen |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
The Lodger |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The Lost |
Gareth Williams (electrician), Andrew Williams (electrician), Stephen McLean
Love & Monsters |
Gavin Walters, Tony Hughes, Wayne Mansell
The Magician's Apprentice |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did |
Gareth Williams (electrician), Andrew Williams (electrician), Matthew Challenger, Stephen McLean
Midnight |
Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths
The Mind Robber (TotT |
Chris Hughes, Benji Hutchings
Mummy on the Orient Express |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
The Name of the Doctor |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Nick Powell
The Next Doctor |
Clive Johnson, Gafin Riley, Steve Guy, Alan Tippets
Night Terrors |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Nightmare in Silver |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Nick Powell
Nightvisiting |
Gareth Williams (electrician), Andrew Williams (electrician), Matthew Challenger, Stephen McLean
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror |
Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Andrew Williams
Once, Upon Time |
Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
Orphan 55 |
Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale
Oxygen |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
The Pandorica Opens |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Partners in Crime |
Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths
The Pilot |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Sion Davies
Planet of the Dead |
Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe
The Power of Three |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson
The Power of the Doctor |
Gawain Nash, Owen Hashimi, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
Praxeus |
Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Andrew Williams
The Pyramid at the End of the World |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
The Rebel Flesh |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Reset |
Tom Olley, Tony Ephgrave, Alan Tippets
Resolution |
Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale
The Return of Doctor Mysterio |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
Revolution of the Daleks |
Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Andrew Williams, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
The Rings of Akhaten |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Nick Powell
Rise of the Cybermen |
Chris Davies, Clive Johnson
Robot of Sherwood |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
Rogue |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
Rosa |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
Sleep No More |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Rob Fernandes
Smile |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Sion Davies
The Snowmen |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Nick Powell
Space Babies |
Andy Green, Jon Down, Joe Jennings
Spyfall |
Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale
The Star Beast |
Scott Smallwood, Sion Davies, Andrew Truckle, Andy Green
Survivors of the Flux |
Gawain Nash, Owen Hashimi, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
The Curse of Fenric (TotT |
Chris Hughes, Benji Hutchings
The Time of the Doctor |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Billy Harron
Thin Ice |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Sion Davies
The Three Doctors (TotT |
Chris Hughes, Benji Hutchings
Time Heist |
Gafin Riley, Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andy Gardiner
The Time Meddler (TotT |
Chris Hughes, Benji Hutchings
The Time of Angels |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The Timeless Children |
Gareth Sheldon, Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Andrew Williams, Anthony Prendergast, Matthew Hutchings
A Town Called Mercy |
Bob Milton, Alan Tippets, Gareth Sheldon
The Tsuranga Conundrum |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
Twice Upon a Time |
Peter Scott, Mat Grace, Jack Crew, Owen Hashimi
Under the Lake |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
Utopia |
Clive Johnson, Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths
The Vampires of Venice |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
The Vanquishers |
Gawain Nash, Owen Hashimi, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
Vengeance on Varos (TotT |
Chris Hughes, Benji Hutchings
Victory of the Daleks |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Village of the Angels |
Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
Vincent and the Doctor |
Steve Slocombe, Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
War of the Sontarans |
Gawain Nash, Stuart Gale, Matthew Hutchings, Rhodri Moses
The Wedding of River Song |
Ben Griffiths, Bob Milton, Alan Tippets
Wild Blue Yonder |
Scott Smallwood, Sion Davies, Andrew Truckle, Andy Green
The Witch's Familiar |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Matt Wilson, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
The Witchfinders |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
The Woman Who Fell to Earth |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash
The Zygon Invasion |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Rob Fernandes
The Zygon Inversion |
Bob Milton, Gareth Sheldon, Andrew Williams (electrician), Gawain Nash, Rob Fernandes