New Dalek Paradigm

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The New Dalek Paradigm was an empire of purebred Daleks created by a Progenitor device, which made use of pure Dalek DNA.



One of the most distinguishing aspects of the Daleks of the New Paradigm was the introduction of a significantly different variation on the Dalek casing: Much larger and bulkier than any other version, the colour-coded casings introduced by the New Dalek Paradigm mostly retained the traditional structure, but deviated drastically from the standard proportions: The "skirt" and base sections were significantly larger and broader, while the midsection did away with the shoulder slats in favour of two smooth, sloped bands vaguely reminiscent of the design first encountered by the Doctor in his first incarnation. Said midsection was coloured grey, as were the neck, base and sensor globes (with the exception being the Eternal Dalek, whose globes were colored black). (TV: Victory of the Daleks) Additionally, the Dalek eyestalk of the new officer class seemed to contain an organic, bloodshot eyeball. The most drastic changes, however, were the replacing of the grating in the "neck" region with four tapered discs, the replacement of the rear sensor globes with a broad, protruding compartment that gave the new designs a hunchbacked appearance in comparison to previous and subsequent designs. These larger casings initially served as the sole design, though they were ultimately reserved for officer classes when the more-traditional bronze designs returned to ubiquity as the most common variety.

Regardless of these superficial changes, however, the nature of the New Paradigm Daleks remained utterly unchanged from the standard Dalek mindset: Utterly convinced of their own superiority, and consumed by hatred for all non-Dalek life. Their ruthless obsession with racial purity even extended to the annihilation of fellow Daleks whom they deemed "impure" - as was the case with the three Ironside survivors: Despite having been responsible for the birth of the Paradigm, the new, pure Daleks recognized that the trio had been created from impure DNA, and obliterated their predecessors seconds after they had served their purpose. The older Daleks offered no resistance, as they too believed that their impurity rendered them unworthy of life. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)


The original Paradigm Daleks. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

These Daleks were colour-coded according to rank and position: the Supreme Dalek was white, the Eternal Dalek was yellow, Strategist Daleks were blue, Scientist Daleks were orange, while Drone Daleks were red. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

While the new Drone Dalek design was mass-produced initially, (GAME: City of the Daleks, Return to Earth, The Eternity Clock, COMIC: The Only Good Dalek) the Daleks ultimately went back to using the Time War models as the shells for their basic drones, leading to the red models being promoted to a drone officer rank and thus having reduced production. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks) These bronze drones were sometimes sent on missions where they operated without the leadership or presence (although still under the instructions) of New Paradigm commanders. (COMIC: The Dalek Project, PROSE: The Dalek Generation, TV: The Time of the Doctor, Into the Dalek)

Black Daleks and Red Daleks were also reintroduced. (COMIC: The Dalek Project, GAME: The Doctor and the Dalek)

The position of ultimate leader varied. During the New Dalek Paradigm's first encounter with the Doctor, there were only five Daleks, each one the first example of their rank, making the Supreme, as the name implies, the supreme. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) However, as the Daleks started their campaign of Empire-building, at least two Dalek Emperors were known to have ruled the New Dalek Paradigm at some point. (GAME: City of the Daleks, The Eternity Clock) Later on, a Parliament of the Daleks was established, and the Supreme Dalek was subordinate to the Dalek Prime Minister. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

Several commanding officers were long known to exist. The mission to destroy the "Abomination" and Station 7 was commanded by a Chief Strategist. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek). When the bronze drones were reintroduced, another mission was led by a Black Dalek. (COMIC: The Dalek Project) Additionally, the Dalek Time Controller took overall command of the Daleks' search for the Cradle of the Gods, even outranking the Supreme Dalek. (PROSE: The Dalek Generation)

The New Dalek Paradigm also recruited other species to accomplish tasks in their campaign of Empire-building. Cybermen and Silurians were recruited by a Scientist Dalek as a distraction for the Eleventh Doctor and Amy Pond in order to collect all Time orbs. (GAME: The Mazes of Time) Tranter and agents inside Space Security Service were controlled by the Daleks during a war occurred in 41st century. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek) Erik Graul worked with the Daleks in 1917 to build Proto-Daleks for the Dalek Project. (COMIC: The Dalek Project)

Aqua-Daleks were used for battles in sea and elsewhere under the water. (COMIC: The Dalek Project)

Initially, some of the red Dalek Drones acted as the Emperor's guards, and were identified as such by their black domes. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

The Daleks' zero tolerance for failure was not affected by rank. For example, during the attack on Station 7 and search for the Abomination, a Dalek Strategist was killed by a Dalek Drone for failing to ensure the safety of Weston's base. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)


While the Paradigm initially only had one ship, (TV: Victory of the Daleks) the Dalek Fleet was subsequently used on many occasions. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek, GAME: The Eternity Clock, TV: The Pandorica Opens, Asylum of the Daleks, The Time of the Doctor)

Dalek Saucers were on missions without the Dalek Fleet. (GAME: Return to Earth, Evacuation Earth, COMIC: The Dalek Project, PROSE: The Dalek Generation, TV: Into the Dalek)

Three ships — Survey Ship Sigma, Survey Ship Delta and Survey Ship Epsilon — were saucers equipped with new time-drive systems. (COMIC: The Dalek Project)

The Dalek Flagship was used by the second Dalek Emperor during the invasion of Earth in 2106 using the piece of Eternity Clock. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

The Parliament of the Daleks was the ship used by the Prime Minister of the Daleks. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

Dalek fighter pods were deployed on the Siege of Trenzalore. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)


The New Dalek Paradigm's first base of operations was Kaalann on Skaro. (GAME: City of the Daleks) The Dalek Command Node was a Dalek base on Earth in 2106 when the Daleks invaded using the piece of the Eternity Clock. (GAME: The Eternity Clock) Carthedia and 400 Sunlight Worlds were affiliated with the New Dalek Paradigm's Dalek Foundation. (PROSE: The Dalek Generation)



During the Last Great Time War, the Eternity Circle planned to create a new paradigm of Temporal Weapon Daleks armed with Temporal Cannons that could erase victims from history and spread them throughout the universe through the use of the Daleks' progenitors. However, the new planned paradigm was never deployed because the Eternity Circle was stopped by the War Doctor and Borusa. (PROSE: Engines of War)

The aftermath of the Time War left only small pockets of Dalek survivors, all of which were destroyed in confrontations with the Doctor. (TV: Dalek, Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways, PROSE: I am a Dalek, TV: Army of Ghosts/Doomsday, The Stolen Earth/Journey's End, COMIC: Carnage Zoo, Flight and Fury, The Living Ghosts, Extermination of the Daleks)


Following one encounter with the Doctor a lone ship of three Daleks, the last known Daleks in existence fell through time and found the last surviving progenitor, a device containing pure Dalek DNA and the means to recreate the species. However, the progenitor refused to recognise them as Dalek. To activate it, they started a scheme called the Ironside Project: they created an android to claim they were his inventions and pretended to be "Ironside" machines for the British Army. When the Eleventh Doctor arrived (after receiving a telephone call from Winston Churchill), they tricked him into calling them out - "I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks!" - so this "testimony" could be used to activate the progenitor.

The new Daleks emerge. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

Five new, larger Daleks were created, with pure DNA, a new colour-coded rank, and a white Dalek Supreme as their commander. There was also a Strategist, Scientist, Eternal) and a Drone. These Daleks immediately exterminated the older three for their impurity, which the three willingly allowed to happen. They forced the Doctor to let them escape, using a bomb hidden within the Bracewell android on Earth to prey upon his compassion and choose between pursuing them and saving Earth. While the Doctor was deactivating the bomb, they escaped through a time corridor to create a new Dalek Empire. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)


Following their escape, the Daleks discovered the lost Time Lord artefact, the Eye of Time, allowing them to alter time as they saw fit. The Daleks returned to Skaro, rebuilt their capital city of Kaalann, appointed a new Dalek Emperor and began rebuilding their Empire. In this new timeline, they killed every member of the human race. However, the Eleventh Doctor and Amy undid these events, leaving Earth unconquered and Kaalann still abandoned. (GAME: City of the Daleks)

The Dalek Supreme led an attack on the SS Lucy Gray to recover the Daleks' lost Time Axis. The Eleventh Doctor defeated them by firing their ship into the sun. (GAME: Return to Earth) The Dalek ship escaped by making a random jump several hundred years into the past. The Daleks attempted to force the Doctor to fix their ship by attaching his TARDIS into their ship; the Doctor escaped and used his TARDIS to fling their ship into a black hole. (GAME: Evacuation Earth)

A Scientist Dalek sent an alien family plummeting through time and space to collect all the Time orbs. The Scientist recruited many Strategist Daleks and Drones. It also recruited big armies of Cybermen and Silurians as a distraction for the Eleventh Doctor and Amy. (GAME: The Mazes of Time)

At the beginning of the 40th century, the Daleks began another war with humanity which continued into the 41st century. The Eleventh Doctor and Amy encountered a group led by the Chief Strategist who had been sent on a mission to find a Dalek mutant being experimented on by a scientist who tried to make them less aggressive creatures. The Daleks referred to this mutant as "the Abomination". They attacked and destroyed Earth's top secret space station, Station 7, and chased the survivors to the planet Strantana below. After slaughtering all resistance, they finally found the Abomination in a hidden base, but it escaped its container and disabled the base reactor's safety measures. An explosion destroyed the base, the Daleks, the Abomination, and all the Dalek ships that had landed on the planet. The Doctor, Amy and Jay, an SSS officer, watched from a safe distance. The Dalek mission was a failure but the war continued. They had agents working in the SSS. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)

The Daleks joined the Alliance to imprison the Eleventh Doctor in the Pandorica in 102 to save the universe. (TV: The Pandorica Opens) As the Doctor was not responsible for the Total Event Collapse as they thought, the Daleks, along with almost the rest of the universe, were destroyed, leaving only two Stone Daleks, one of which hindered the Doctor and his companions' efforts to save the universe in 1996. Nevertheless, they were successful and the whole of reality, including the Daleks, were restored. (TV: The Big Bang)

The Doctor had an encounter with the Daleks during which they exterminated Albert Einstein's toothbrush. (TV: Death is the Only Answer)

Searching for information on the Silence before going to what he assumed was his death, the Doctor found a badly damaged Supreme Dalek and looked up information on the Silence in its data banks. (TV: The Wedding of River Song)

The second Emperor. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

Led by a new Emperor Dalek the Daleks planned to remove Gallifrey from existence and become the new Lords of Time. They used a piece of the Eternity Clock to put a Time-Lock around a large part of London in 2106. Once they perfected their Time-Lock technology, they planned to use it to put temporal bubbles around other planets, making them unstoppable. The Eleventh Doctor and River Song infiltrated the Emperor's Flagship and managed to take back the piece of the Clock. (GAME: The Eternity Clock)

At some point, a small contingent of bronze Daleks were sent on a mission to travel through Earth's history and analyse how humans made war so that weaknesses could be found and exploited in future conflicts with the Daleks. They called this the Dalek Project. The Eleventh Doctor encountered these Daleks in the First World War in 1917 where he sent their ship crashing to the ground by ramming a plane into it. The remaining Daleks were destroyed by the combined armies of the war who had formed a very brief alliance to defend themselves. The Dalek saucer remained underground for one hundred years before it was found and accidentally reactivated by a team of archaeologists. The Eleventh Doctor arrived in time to save them and connected the ship up to a power line, overloading the Daleks. he called this "unfinished business". (COMIC: The Dalek Project)

The Daleks were notable customers of the information regarding the Doctor held by the Inforarium. When the Eleventh Doctor discovered the Daleks, as well as the Cybermen and Sontarans, had been purchasing this information, he infiltrated the Inforarium and memory-proofed their database using methods he learned from the Silence. The information sold was thus instantly forgotten. (HOMEVID: The Inforarium)

The Asylum

After being ruled by two Dalek Emperors, (GAME: The Eternity Clock, City of the Daleks) a Parliament of the Daleks was formed, led by a Dalek Prime Minister.

When a human starliner, the Alaska, crash-landed on the Dalek Asylum planet, the security of the insane Daleks contained there was compromised. Fearing what would happen if these Daleks were to escape, the Prime Minister ordered the abduction of the Doctor, whom he called the Predator of the Daleks. He would be sent to the Asylum to lower its impenetrable force field so the Daleks could destroy their deranged brethren, despite their wish to preserve them and their "beautiful" hatred. Understanding that the Doctor was best assisted by his companions, his most recent ones, Amy Pond and Rory Williams, were abducted as well.

Once the planet's defences were lowered by the human-turned-Dalek, Oswin Oswald, the Parliament launched an attack to destroy the Asylum, but not before Oswin Oswald had wiped out all memory of the Doctor in the minds of every Dalek. When the Doctor came back to their ship, he was bombarded with "the First Question" ("Doctor Who?") by the entire Parliament. He left shortly after, but not before taunting the bewildered Daleks that they'd never stop asking. (TV: Asylum of the Daleks)

The Sunlight Worlds

At an unknown stage of their history, the New Dalek Paradigm discovered the superweapon known as the Cradle of the Gods and learned of its ability to create or destroy on a massive scale. To make use of the weapon, the Daleks used a huge galactic recession to their advantage and created 400 planets to provide homes to the billions of people affected, which were collectively referred to as the Sunlight Worlds. It was governed by the Dalek Foundation, with the planet Carthedia of the Earth Alliance acting as a head of state. While a generation of people believed the Daleks had created a welfare state, it was in fact a plan headed by the Dalek Time Controller and the Dalek Supreme to transform the 400 worlds into copies of Skaro.

However the Daleks were unable to activate the Cradle and so they sent an anonymous message in the form of a hypercube to the Doctor's TARDIS with the intention of manipulating him into activating the Cradle instead. The Doctor's investigations resulted in shock when he learned the Daleks were considered a force for good and he was placed on trial while trying to convince the citizens of Carthedia that they were evil, which the Daleks had declared a hate crime. He was put on trial by the Dalek Litigator, who was really the Dalek Time Controller posing as a law enforcer, and when he pleaded guilty in a failed attempt to anger the Dalek and was sentenced to imprisonment, he escaped off-planet with three orphaned children, Sabel, Jenibeth and Ollus Blakely, whose parents, Terrin and Alyst, had killed themselves to prevent the Daleks from obtaining the information on the Cradle they possessed.

After learning more about the Cradle on the desert planet of Gethria and losing Jenibeth, the Doctor tried to spark a revolution on Sunlight 349 to cause the collapse of the Dalek Foundation but he could not gather the necessary support. The Dalek Litigator arrived and subjected the Doctor to another public trial. Sabel and Ollus were taking away from the Doctor's care and he was exiled from the Sunlight Worlds. However he returned to Gethria 90 years in the future and encountered an elderly Jenibeth who had been transformed into a Dalek puppet after the Daleks took her prisoner as a child. The Dalek Time Controller arrived and forced the Doctor to activate the Cradle but Jenibeth's childlike mind allowed her to resist her conditioning and she fired on the Daleks, destroying numerous drones and forcing the Time Controller to retreat and the Doctor set the Cradle to self-destruct.

Before the Cradle exploded, it reverted the Sunlight Worlds to how Jenibeth remembered them as a child, as well as turning her and her siblings back into children and recreating their parents, although their memories were reverted too. While the Daleks abandoned the plan, the ultimate fate of the Sunlight Worlds is unknown. (PROSE: The Dalek Generation) Their manipulation of the Doctor, however, caused him to realise how much of a danger he could potentially be, leading him to enter a short-lived retirement from travelling for a time in Victorian London. (TV: The Great Detective, The Snowmen)

The Siege of Trenzalore

Main article: Siege of Trenzalore
The Daleks take part in the Siege. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

The Daleks - along with the Cybermen, Sontarans, Slitheen, Terileptils, Silurians, Judoon, Weeping Angels and many other species - were driven to Trenzalore by a mysterious message, a question asked by the Time Lords through a crack in the universe with the answer being the Doctor's true name. If it was answered, the Time Lords would return and the waiting fleets would fire on them, beginning another Time War. To avert this, the Papal Mainframe, who had arrived at the planet first, set up a force field which locked all the other species out of the planet and the Siege of Trenzalore began.

The Daleks invade the Church. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

While the other species attempted to sneak past the force field, the Daleks called for reinforcements, preparing for war. Eventually they attacked the Mainframe, killing everyone before converting them into Dalek puppets. Information regarding the Doctor was harvested from Tasha Lem, resulting in the Daleks remembering who he was. They also revived, tortured, and killed Tasha "several times" in an effort to learn how to break the force field. The Daleks then arranged for the Doctor to be lured into a trap, but Tasha managed to break free from her conditioning and destroyed the Daleks sent to kill the Doctor.

Despite the trap failing, the Daleks managed to breach the force field, and the Siege of Trenzalore grew into a war as the species orbiting the planet followed the Daleks through the force field. After centuries of fighting, many of the other species were killed off or retreated, until the Daleks were the only ones left. The Doctor and the Mainframe's Silent priests acted as the last line of defence against the Daleks but they too were overpowered and the Doctor, having used up all twelve of his regenerations, grew too old to continue fighting.

With the resistance dealt with, the Daleks began looking for the Doctor in the town of Christmas with Dalek fighter pods firing on the town and a huge flying saucer descending upon it. However, Clara Oswald successfully pleaded to the Time Lords to save the Doctor, who began regenerating into his twelfth incarnation. The energy released was enough to destroy some of the attacking Fighter Pods and the final burst destroyed the saucer. The shockwave blew apart the Daleks ground forces, ending the war. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)

Resistance from without and within

At some point the Combined Galactic Resistance formed to battle the Daleks and captured a damaged Dalek that was later named Rusty. After the Twelfth Doctor rescued Journey Blue, the Resistance asked him to help fix Rusty as he had been turned good. The Doctor, Clara Oswald, Journey, Ross and Gretchen Alison Carlisle travelled into Rusty and located a crack in his power source that was spewing radiation and killing him, losing Ross along the way.

The Doctor repaired the crack with his sonic screwdriver, but the radiation had been causing Rusty's change, and so without it Rusty turned evil again, breaking free of its restraints and calling in more Daleks to destroy the Aristotle. At the insistence of Clara, the Doctor, Clara, Journey and Gretchen attempted to turn Rusty good again by reactivating his suppressed memories, particularly that of a star being born which would open him to the Doctor's influence.

Clara succeeded in reactivating the memories, opening Rusty's mind and the Doctor telepathically linked with him to get him to see the good in the universe through the Doctor. However, being a Dalek, the "beauty" that Rusty reacted to was the Doctor's hatred of the Daleks. Taking the Doctor's hatred as his own, Rusty turned on the Dalek boarding party attacking the Aristotle and exterminated them. Rusty told the Doctor that he wasn't a good Dalek but the Doctor was, and then he ordered the Dalek flying saucer that was docked with the Aristotle to retreat, claiming that the humans had activated the ship's self-destruct. Rusty left with the Daleks to continue his war against his own kind by destroying them from within. (TV: Into the Dalek)

Mission for the Starbane

The Daleks engaged in a race against the Cybermen to obtain the Orb of Fates, the key to a Time Lord warship and superweapon called the Starbane. One Dalek managed to obtain one piece of the Orb and hid it inside its casing after it was taken prisoner by two Cybermen and interrogated as to the artefact's whereabouts. The Dalek sent a distress signal which was answered by the Twelfth Doctor who flattened the interrogating Cybermen with his TARDIS. The Dalek, whom the Doctor called "Lumpy", claimed its nature had been altered by the Cybermen during its imprisonment and it expressed a desire to see both the Daleks and the Cybermen thwarted in their attempts to gain control of the Starbane.

The Doctor and Lumpy teamed up in an unlikely alliance. They discovered the two remaining elements of the Orb of Fates on Telos and on Sontar respectively. Upon piecing back together the Orb, the TARDIS was transported directly to the Starbane. However, by that point it was already under the occupation of the Dalek forces. As Lumpy proceeded deeper into the Starbane, he and the other Daleks soon revealed that Lumpy had never been changed and that the Daleks had tricked the Doctor into literally giving them control of the Starbane. However, the Twelfth Doctor revealed that when he was repairing Lumpy he fitted in a device to control Lumpy's armour and managed to get Lumpy to the core while he piloted his TARDIS away - with the Daleks pursuing Lumpy unable to catch him. Forcing Lumpy to throw the orb into the core, the Starbane and the Dalek forces inside were destroyed - although Lumpy survived in a badly damaged state, screaming the Doctor's name as the Doctor bid farewell to his unlikely companion. (GAME: The Doctor and the Dalek)

Alternate timeline

Working with the Master, the Dalek Time Controller created an alternate timeline where it took over Earth from Paris in 1921. By 1961, the planet was "New Skaro" and converting the bio-matter of humans, Sontarans, Draconians, and other aliens into a New Dalek Paradigm. (AUDIO: Master of the Daleks)

Behind the scenes


Mark Gatiss wrote in the script of Victory of the Daleks for the Daleks' redesign to be "big buggers...bigger than we've seen them before". The eyestalk was designed to be level with Matt Smith's eyeline. Steven Moffat and Gatiss wanted the new Daleks to be very colourful, similar to the Daleks of the 1960s Amicus Productions Dalek movies, Dr. Who and the Daleks and Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.. Gatiss originally wanted there to be a green Dalek, but he decided that green "just doesn't seem to work somehow". Nick Briggs, who voiced the Daleks, planned to counter their bright colours with a more vicious voice.[1]


The 2010 redesign of the Daleks attracted much criticism from hundreds of angered fans.[2] Mark Gatiss, who wrote their debut episode, acknowledged the controversial nature of this redesign in his in-vision commentary on the DVD box set. In conversation with principal Dalek voice artist Nicholas Briggs, and Dalek operator Barnaby Edwards, he opined that the new shape of the Daleks, especially in the dorsal region, was not particularly to his liking. Briggs agreed, but, with Edwards, swiftly noted that in their experience of taking the new Daleks on live exhibition to the public, British kids, for the most part, loved the new design. The decision was revisited in DWM 431 with critics voicing their opinions on the design. A comparison was made with the RTD-era Daleks, but without a conclusion as to which was the better-made. Steven Moffat finally settled the controversy when he stated in an interview that he would be keeping the bronze Daleks as the standard soldiers, and the Paradigm variants would be in charge of them as an "officer class". This was first seen on-screen in Asylum of the Daleks. Later stories, like the comic story The Dalek Project, the novel The Dalek Generation, and the television stories The Time of the Doctor and Into the Dalek, would follow this example to even greater lengths. Between these four stories, The Dalek Generation is the only one to feature an appearance by any 2010 Dalek, specifically the Supreme Dalek (and possibly other "high ranking" Daleks), and even this is kept to a small cameo. When asked by David Hobday why these Daleks had not been seen in recent years, Nicholas Pegg clarified that the poor reception to them was the deciding factor. Many of these Daleks were kept on set for the Series 9 opener, but never used; so far removed from the minds of the team that they were kept with the Peter Cushing era Daleks. [3]


Additionally, further tweaks were made to the 2010 redesign for their reappearance in Asylum of the Daleks: the Drone and Strategist Daleks were now in deeper, more metallic shades, the biological eyes were made more obvious and the hunchback look was toned down.



  1. Jones, P. (16 April 2010). Mark Gatiss on the resurrection of the Daleks. Radio Times. Archived from the original on 19 April 2010. Retrieved on 6 July 2013.
  2. New-look coloured Daleks 'like toys'. The Sun (19 April 2010). Retrieved on 6 July 2013.