The Enemy of the World (TV story)

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The Enemy of the World was the fourth story of Season 5 of Doctor Who. It saw Patrick Troughton play both the lead protagonist and antagonist. It was the only story of that season which did not follow the "base under siege" monster format.


On Earth in the near future, the Doctor and his companions are enmeshed in a deadly web of intrigue thanks to his uncanny resemblance to the scientist/policitian Salamander. He is hailed as 'the shopkeeper of the world' for his efforts to relieve global famine, but why do his rivals keep disappearing? How can he predict so many natural disasters? The Doctor must expose Salamander's schemes before he takes over the world.


Episode 1

The TARDIS arrives on an Australian beach where the Second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria's seaside frolicking is observed by three men in a hovercraft. They are incredulous at the Doctor's presence; could it be "him?" They call their boss, Astrid Ferrier, who urges them to wait while she contacts the main base. Nonetheless the trio resolves that they'll have no better opportunity and ready their guns. Astrid contacts her commander, Giles Kent, and reports the men's observation. It can't be him, Kent exclaims, it's impossible.

The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria watch as the hovercraft approaches, see the armed men and realise they're in danger. A deadly cat and mouse game through the dunes ensues before Astrid arrives in her mini-helicopter. She beckons them inside and pilots them to safety, though she is injured in the flight and the craft is damaged.

At her private residence, the Doctor tends Astrid's wounds. She explains her men have mistaken him for their sworn enemy, Salamander, a man bent on becoming global dictator. She wants to take advantage of the Doctor's apparently serendipitous arrival and urges them to go with her to meet Giles Kent, who will explain everything. The Doctor, dubious at becoming a pawn in some political machination, declines. The three armed men close in. Astrid tangles with one to allow the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria to escape. The attacker is accidentally shot dead by his fellows. When they attempt to pursue in the helicopter, it explodes in a fireball.

At his office, Giles Kent looks at the Doctor in fascination – his resemblance to Salamander is uncanny. The Doctor explains they've been out of touch with world events lately. Kent plays a video-wire of Salamander's latest address to the United Zone General Assembly meeting. Salamander, despite a Mexican accent and swarthy complexion, is indeed a doppelganger for the Doctor. He announces highly satisfactory results from sun conservation tests in the Australasian Zone with sun-catching orbital satellites, resulting in a restoration of the Ukraine's corn and flour production which were devastated by natural disasters two years earlier.

Having helped ease global famine in the wake of numerous natural disasters, Salamander is hailed as "Shopkeeper of the World." Yet underneath his guise as a public benefactor, Kent cautions, he has been working ruthlessly to solidify his power base. Several high-ranking political figures have died under mysterious circumstances and been replaced by Salamander loyalists. Kent himself was Deputy Security Leader for North Africa and Europe before being discredited and forced into seclusion, his place taken by a man named Donald Bruce who has since risen to World Security Chief. With Bruce in place, Salamander is virtually untouchable. Kent's only remaining high-ranking ally is Alexander Denes, Controller of the Central Europe Zone.

Kent and Astrid urge the Doctor to pose as Salamander and infiltrate his research station at Kanowa to find proof of Salamander's ambitions. The Doctor is dubious, but once Donald Bruce and his men arrive and close in, he has little choice. The Doctor correctly surmises that Kent tipped Bruce off to test the similarity. Bruce enters, a heavy-set, imperious and intimidating bully. His armed men are investigating the dead man in Astrid's house, as well as the wrecked helicopter. "Salamander" emerges from an inner room, demanding that a dumbfounded Kent explain his presence.

Episode 2

Bruce is at a loss at Salamander's presence in Australia. He is supposed to be in a closed-door conference at the Central European Zone, not with Kent, a man he has denounced. As Security Chief, he ought to have been told. "Salamander" refuses to explain his presence, saying he will deal with Kent his own way. He accepts Kent's explanation that the dead man in Astrid's house was trying to protect her from his treasonous colleagues. Bruce is not satisfied, but leaves.

The Doctor still is not fully convinced that one side or the other is good or evil, but agrees to pose as Salamander at Kanowa. Astrid, Jamie and Victoria, using travel passes provided by Denes, travel to Salamander's headquarters in the Central European Zone via rocket.

Bruce checks in with Benik, Salamander's deputy, to confirm he left for the Central European Zone. As far as Benik knows, he did and left strict orders not to be disturbed. His attempt to contact Salamander there goes unanswered.

The real Salamander is meeting with Denes, trying to persuade him his scientific study confirms that a range of dormant Hungarian volcanoes will erupt soon with cataclysmic results. His predictions is eerily precise; Denes is dubious since his own scientists have made no such forecasts.

Jamie and Astrid concoct a fake attempt on Salamander's life to win his trust. Jamie is hired on the spot as a member of his personal guard and convinces him to hire his "girlfriend" Victoria as assistant to Salamander's personal chef.

Salamander meets with Denes' weak-willed deputy, Fedorin, whom he easily blackmails into a plot to assassinate Denes. The ground shakes as the volcanoes erupt in the distance, just as Salamander predicted; Hungary will be devastated. Denes bursts in, horrified at the destruction. Salamander accuses him of ignoring his warnings and letting thousands die. Denes is certain that somehow Salamander engineered this disaster. Salamander coolly denounces Denes as a traitor and has him arrested, stating that Fedorin will be chief witness against him. Fedorin cannot bring himself to look at Denes.

Episode 3

Denes is unperturbed at his arrest. He looks forward to facing Salamander in open trial. AfterDenes is led away, Salamander congratulates Fedorin on his 'promotion' to European Controller and puts his dossier of blackmail documents into a safe. He gives Fedorin a vial of poison to deal with Denes.

Bruce is surprised to encounter Jamie, now in Salamander's personal guard. Jamie refuses to divulge any details of what Salamander was doing in Australia with his supposed enemy Kent.

Victoria meanwhile fails to impress Griffin, Salamander's chief cook, with her culinary skills. Fariah, Salamander's assistant and food taster, urges her to escape at the earliest opportunity.

In Kent's caravan near the Kenowa research station, the Doctor and he watch footage of the European volcanoes. Kent strongly suspects that Salamander is somehow engineering these disasters and it was his investigation into how the research station was involved which led to his downfall. The Doctor hides when Benek arrives at the trailer to taunt Kent and smash his possessions.

Astrid, Jamie and Victoria try to rescue Denes with Fariah's help. However Fedorin intercepts Victoria as she delivers his food. He cannot, however, bring himself to complete the task at hand. He confesses his failure to Salamander, who offers comforting words and a glass of wine to help him relax. Fedorin drinks and slumps over dead; the wine was poisoned.

The rescue attempt is a failure: Astrid avoids capture, but Denes is shot down, Jamie and Victoria captured.

The light dawns on Bruce when Salamander denies being in Australia with Kent earlier. Someone is impersonating Salamander...

Episode 4

Salamander returns to the research center. Benik is on the lookout for Astrid. Astrid returns to Australia safely, where she meets Fariah, who claims to have information to expose Salamander – the information he was using to blackmail Fedorin. Kent and the Doctor look over the evidence, but the Doctor claims it's not enough to prove Salamander is evil. However, knowing Jamie and Victoria are prisoners, impersonating Salamander is their only hope. Fariah's presence, they hope, will help convince people of his identity. The Doctor, however, resolutely refuses Kent's demand that he kill Salamander.

Benik and his men close in on Kent's office. In the chaos, Kent, Astrid and the Doctor escape but Fariah is shot down and the files she took are recovered. Meanwhile, Bruce is growing increasingly disturbed at Salamander's methods.

Salamander locks himself into the Records Room. A secret panel opens, revealing an elevator. He descends to a vast underground complex where he meets with a team of researchers who have been underground for nearly five years. He has convinced them a nuclear war has devastated the surfac, and their efforts to create natural disasters are helping them turn the tide against, in Salamander's words, "the enemies of truth and freedom." They cannot return until the radiation levels on the surface fall to safe levels. They hail Salamander as their hero, risking life and limb to bring them food.

Back at the caravan, Kent and Astrid prepare the Doctor to infiltrate the station while awaiting the return of Fariah. The door opens: it's Bruce, with an armed security guard.

Episode 5

Bruce demands to know why the Doctor is posing as Salamander, but Astrid overpowers Bruce's guard. Bruce calmly notes there are more outside. The Doctor refuses to resort to violence. He hands the guard's gun to Bruce as a sign of trust. Bruce agrees to escort the Doctor into the station, provided Kent and Astrid stay behind.

In the underground complex, Salamander prepares to deliver food from the surface. One scientist, Colin, is desperate to get to the surface to see for himself what is happening. Meanwhile Swann, their leader, is enraged when he finds a newspaper scrap in the food boxes. It seems to indicate surface life is normal and demands an explanation. Salamander claims that yes, the war is over, but the survivors are deformed in mind and body and deserve to die. Their efforts to destroy these mutants are necessary for a new start. Swann insists on seeing for himself. Eventually Salamander agrees to take him to the surface. Colin is distraught at the thought of not going.

Jamie and Victoria, drugged for their trip back to Kenowa, wake, much to Benik's delight. He anticipates sadistically interrogating them. However, Salamander enters with Bruce and orders him out. Victoria and Jamie confront Salamander with his crimes, particularly the murder of Fedorin and Denes, which apalls Bruce. Victoria lashes out at Salamander, who reveals he's actually the Doctor, come to rescue them. Bruce is still not convinced to turn against Salamander, but enough doubt is planted that he agrees to investigate.

Astrid and Kent resolve to sneak into the base to take matters into their own hands. They overpower the guard and escape. As Astrid hides in a field near a cave entrance, she finds Swann, brutally assaulted and left for dead by Salamander.

Episode 6

Swann tells Astrid of the people underground. He begs her to help free them and succumbs to his injuries. Astrid reaches the band of scientists and convinces them they've been fooled by Salamander for all these years and that he killed their leader Swann. Colin is the first to believe her and accompanies Mary and Astrid in the small lift for its journey to the surface.

When they reach the Records Room, they meet the Doctor and Kent – the latter is denounced as the person who took them all below ground in the first place. It seems Kent and Salamander were allies all alon, and the Doctor reveals he had been slow to support Kent out of suspicion he merely wanted Salamander's power for himself. Kent flees into the cave system.

Bruce asserts his authority and takes over the Research Centre. He arrest Benik. The Doctor contacts Bruce and tells him of the situation, then goes into the tunnels to find Kent and Salamander. The two felons meet; Salamander wounds his erstwhile ally fatally. Kent, dying seeks revenge by blowing up the cave system. Astrid coordinates the effort to get the other scientists to safety.

Jamie and Victoria, waiting nervously near the TARDIS, are pleased when the Doctor arrives. They are puzzled, however, when he asks Jamie to pilot the TARDIS for him, pleading exhaustion. Then the real Doctor enters, mocking Salamander's impersonation. Salamander tries to pilot the TARDIS himself, but dematerialises the ship while the doors are still open. He is ejected into the space-time vortex while the Doctor, Jamie and Victoria hang on for dear life.




  • The World Zones Organisation runs the world, divided into large zones, including Central Asian, Arctic, European and Central European.
  • Jamie refers to Victoria as his girlfriend in Episode 2.

Story notes

  • Patrick Troughton is credited as 'Dr. Who/Salamander' for Episodes 2 to 6. He also appears as Salamander in a 35mm film sequence in Episode 1, but is credited only as 'Dr. Who'. Radio Times credits 'Patrick Troughton as Dr. Who and Salamander' for Episodes 2 to 6, while the actual cast lists – which credit the characters in order of appearance – bill Patrick Troughton only as 'Dr. Who' for Episodes 1 and 6, and as both 'Dr. Who' and 'Salamander' (separate billings) for Episodes 2 to 5.
  • This marks the second time that a doppelganger of the Doctor has been featured (giving the lead actor a dual role), following William Hartnell's double performance as the First Doctor and the Abbot of Amboise in The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve.
  • Footage of Jamie and Victoria from episode three appears in the flashback sequence in Resurrection of the Daleks.
  • Patrick Troughton's son David appears as an extra in Episodes 5 and 6.
  • Neither Deborah Watling nor Frazer Hines appear in Episode 4, as they were on holiday during the week when it was recorded.
  • This is the final story overseen by producer Innes Lloyd.
  • Episode 3 marked the first use of 625-line videotape in Doctor Who, as opposed to the old 405-line standard.
  • Episode 6 of The Enemy of the World ends with a trailer promoting the next story, The Web of Fear. The trailer featured specially shot footage of the Doctor in the London Underground talking to the audience about the impending return of the Yeti in the next story, before fleeing as said creatures begin chasing him. As Episode 6 is one of those that are no longer in the BBC Archives, this unique trailer is also considered lost although it survives on audio.


  • Episode 1 - 6.8 million viewers
  • Episode 2 - 7.6 million viewers
  • Episode 3 - 7.1 million viewers
  • Episode 4 - 7.8 million viewers
  • Episode 5 - 6.9 million viewers
  • Episode 6 - 8.3 million viewers


  • The reason for Patrick Troughton being cast as Salamander was because they could not afford another actor. (Untrue; it was scripted he play both roles.)

Filming locations

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • The sound of the TARDIS landing is very slow compared to other stories.



Home video and audio releases

  • Only Episode 3 of the story exists in the BBC Archives, and was released on the Troughton Years video. Episode 3 was also released in digitally re-mastered form on the Lost in Time DVD.

Novelisation and its audiobook

Enemy of the World novel.jpg
Main article: Doctor Who and the Enemy of the World

See also

External links