Ian Chesterton

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Ian Chesterton, knighted as Sir Ian, Knight of Jaffa, was one of the earliest companions to travel with the First Doctor. Before meeting the Doctor, Ian was a science teacher at Coal Hill School in 1960s London.


Ian Chesterton was one of Susan Foreman's teachers at Coal Hill School, London. He was intrigued by her advanced scientific knowledge. In talking with another of her teachers, Barbara Wright, he found he was not the only one who had noticed. One evening as school was finishing, Ian and Barbara decided to follow Susan home as they were concerned about this eccentric behaviour and couldn't get in touch with her parents. They followed her back to I.M. Foreman's junkyard in Totter's Lane where she entered and closed the gate behind her. This causes the two teachers to become more concerned for her safety. They followed her into the yard and discovered a police box sitting incongruously amidst the junk. They deduce that Susan is inside and barge their way in and discover the mysteries of the TARDIS.

Ian's scientific mind made him sceptical of anything he had no proof of. When Susan and the First Doctor told him the police box was, in fact, a machine which travelled through time and space, he was doubtful. The TARDIS was a scientific dream he did not expect to see in a junkyard. However, when the Doctor displayed his disgust at Ian's arrogance and ignorance, Ian admitted he wanted to understand. Once he had proof that the TARDIS was indeed a space-time vessel, he accepted the fact and became the most practical of the travellers.

It didn't take long for Ian's practical side to show. When the travellers landed in Earth's Stone Age and ran afoul of the local tribe, it was Ian who freed them from their rope bonds and who 'discovered' fire by rubbing sticks against stone for friction in an attempt to win their freedom. (DW: An Unearthly Child)

Ian spent a fair amount of time in jail cells, usually in historical settings. (DW: The Reign of Terror)

Ian's curiosity about the TARDIS never left him, and he quizzed the Doctor about the TARDIS systems and how they worked while the travellers were on Skaro. Despite being so obviously interested in science and its practical applications, Ian was not lacking in common sense. While on Skaro he was acutely aware of Barbara's discomfort. He saw how much she wished to return to the safety of the TARDIS, rather than explore the Dalek City. He stood up to the Doctor in an attempt to ensure their safe return. Once Barbara had been captured by the Daleks, it was Ian who insisted the travellers could not leave without her.

Ian often was protective of his fellow travellers. (DW: Planet of Giants)

Headstrong and stubborn, he insisted on being the one to return to the TARDIS for the anti-radiation drugs the they needed, though his legs had been paralysed in their encounter with the Daleks and the First Doctor and Susan were the only ones who could unlock the TARDIS doors. Eventually it was this stubbornness which prompted Ian to risk his life to warn the Thals about the Dalek ambush, and later persuade them to give up their pacifist ways and fight for their survival. (DW: The Daleks)

After the TARDIS sustained heavy damage from a fault, (DW: The Edge of Destruction) it landed in the Plain of Pamir in 1289. There, he met Marco Polo, who took the TARDIS and its keys on his caravan to travel the breadth of Cathay in order to hand it over to Kublai Khan as part of a bargain for his return to Venice. Along the way, Ian discovered the Mongol warlord Tegana, also part of Polo's caravan, wanted to take the TARDIS for Nogai as part of his plan to assassinate Kublai. In the chaos of Tegana and Polo's duel in Peking, the Doctor and his companions escaped in his repaired TARDIS. (DW: Marco Polo)

Ian's bravery and courage eventually gained the Doctor's respect. He was treated as an equal and friend on board the ship due, not only to his bravery, but to his headstrong, stubborn loyalty. This loyalty extended to Susan and the Doctor as the travellers grew closer throughout their journeys.

Ian and the Doctor prepare to venture out. (DW: Marco Polo)

Ian revelled in his new life and experiences. When the travellers landed in 12th century Palestine during the Crusades. Ian was knighted Sir Ian of Jaffa by Richard the Lionheart and sent as an emissary to search for Barbara who had been abducted by the Saracens. Ian developed his skill as a swordsman during his travels. He was also capable at unarmed combat. (DW: The Aztecs, The Crusade) These skills are attributed to time spent in the army for his National Service.

On a number of occasions, Ian endured the severe test of facing his fears. No great swimmer, he had to overcome this when, during a visit to Rome in AD 64, he was sold as a galley slave. His galley sank in a storm and Ian, with his Greek slave friend Delos, escaped and made their way to Rome. (DW: The Romans) While searching for Barbara in Palestine, Ian was captured and staked in the desert, daubed with honey to attract ants. (DW:The Crusade) Ian's instinctive fear of ants may have been increased with his experiences on Vortis. (DW: The Web Planet) He also suffered from seasickness aboard the Mary Celeste, but still managed to make it on deck twice. (DW: The Chase)

Despite his obvious enjoyment of his travels, Ian never lost sight of his desire to return to his own home and time. When the opportunity arose, Ian and Barbara risked travel in a Dalek time ship to return to 1960s London. When they emerged from the time machine, they were delighted to be back, despite discovering that two years had passed since their departure. (DW: The Chase)

Life after the Doctor

Ian in the Late 20th Century. (BE: Untitled (DWM 169))

After their departure from the Doctor, Ian and Barbara got married. However, despite having left the Doctor behind, they again got 'caught up in his world' when they were contacted by UNIT in the 1970s to assist in a temporally related problem. (PDA: The Face of the Enemy) Ian and Barbara had a son, John Alydon Ganatus Chesterton. (NA: Timewyrm: Revelation, PDA: Byzantium!)

File:Ian Chesterton Returns.png
An older Sir Ian recounts his adventure during the Crusades in a stately room, which includes a knight's suit of armour. (VHS release of DW: The Crusade)

According to a rumour Sarah Jane Smith shared, Barbara and Ian had become professors at Cambridge by the 2010s and reportedly had not aged since the 1960s. (SJA: Death of the Doctor) However, Ian stated that he and Steven Taylor were more than a little bit older when he was brought into the alternative Death Zone on Gallifrey. He also mentioned that he had taken up teaching once again. Right before reuniting with Steven, he had taken out a Dalek and hid in its casing, as he had many years before. (DW: The Daleks) He met a new incarnation of the Doctor, who now looked younger than him. He also met fellow companions Sara Kingdom, Polly Wright and Nyssa for the first time. (CC: The Five Companions)


Ian dances to "Ticket to Ride". (DW: The Chase)

Ian was fiercely loyal and would stand by any decision made by the rest of his group even if he disagreed with it himself. Like Barbara, Ian was keen to return home, (DW: The Daleks) prompting him to depart from the Doctor's company at the first chance. (DW: The Chase) He usually put others' interests before his, especially Barbara, whom he always looked after. (DW: The Daleks, The Keys of Marinus)

Although Ian was essentially a moral character and had stopped the Doctor from killing the caveman Za with a rock on their first adventure (DW: An Unearthly Child), he was willing to kill in defence. Having been forced into hand-to-hand combat, Ian accidentally killed the Aztec warrior Ixta when he fell over the side of a pyramid. (DW: The Aztecs) Ian threatened Lobos, saying that killing him might be enjoyable, though he may have been bluffing. (DW: The Space Museum)

Barbara noted that it was the quiet girls who interested Ian the most. (PDA: Byzantium!)

He was well-acquainted with music artists who were popular with his students such as John Smith and the Common Men (DW: An Unearthly Child) and even danced to "Ticket to Ride" by the Beatles. (DW: The Chase)


Ian continued to wear parts of his Coal Hill School attire whilst travelling. (DW: The Daleks) His black and emerald green-striped tie (the school colours) was destroyed when the Doctor tested acidic water with it. (DW: The Web Planet) He wore a pinstripe shirt on one occasion. (DW: The Chase)

After visiting 13th century China, Ian received a Chinese-style gown. (DW: Marco Polo) He continued to wear it on Marinus. (DW: The Keys of Marinus) He also dressed for various historical occasions, including donning a toga with his hair (which almost always remained in its 'square', early '60s styling) combed forward by Barbara (DW: The Romans) and taking the guise of an Aztec warrior, complete with a bird-headed helmet. (DW: The Aztecs)

Behind the scenes

  • The roles of Ian and Barbara as, respectively, science and history teachers were part of the series' original plan to alternate between science-fiction and historical stories. In one of the original format documents, Ian's age is listed as twenty-seven.
  • In the early 1990s, William Russell reprised the role of an aged Ian for a series of links in BBC Video's restoration of DW: The Crusade.