The Next Doctor (TV story)

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Revision as of 23:03, 29 November 2008 by (talk) (The are't just other ways saying what has already been said, where else does it state that about the restoration of The Time Lords?)

Template:Pre-broadcast spoiler

The Next Doctor is the announced[1] title of the 2008 Doctor Who Christmas episode. It is the first of five special episodes planned for 2008-09 prior to the launch of Series 5 in 2010, and will mark the beginning of the final set of episodes to feature David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor, as well as producers Russell T. Davies and Julie Gardner.

The opening pre-credits sequence of the episode was broadcast as a teaser during the 2008 Children in Need appeal in November 2008.


The Cybermen are back


On 15 November 2008, the BBC's Children in Need Appeal broadcast the pre-credits teaser sequence for this episode. The following is a description of this teaser; no other plot information has, as yet, been officially released.

The Doctor steps happily out of the TARDIS. He has recovered from the events of his latest adventure, and is surprised to find himself in 1851 Christmas Eve. As people mill and sing carols.

The Doctor is suprised to hear a loud scream: "DOCTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!" He begins to run only to find a Rosita young black woman down an alleyway screaming, a door stands in front of her, she continues to scream for the Doctor, much to the bewilderment of the Doctor, as another man runs to meet her. The Doctor asks the man who he is. He replies: "I'm the Doctor. Simply the Doctor. The one. The only. And the best." Then he takes a regular screwdriver from the woman Rosita, calling it the Sonic Screwdriver and opens the door. A beast with the body of a ghost and the head of a Cyberman pops out. Rosita stares as the two Doctors raise two sonic screwdrivers, look at each other, and simultaneously say: "Allons-y!", much to the Doctor's frantic irritation.


Production crew

to be added


[2] Click here to watch the first two minutes of this episode.

Story notes

  • The episode was filmed during production of Series 4, the first time a Christmas special has been rolled into production of the preceding series. This allowed the Series 4 finale, Journey's End to include a trailer for the episode.
  • The Cybermen appear in the trailer, which included the onscreen caption Return of the Cybermen. That was confirmed as merely a tag-line rather than the title.
  • This episode introduces the Cybershades, which are believed to be mutated Cybermen.
  • Russell T Davies has guaranteed a twist ending so shocking that they might not show an early press screening, because they doubt that anyone will be able to keep it a secret.
  • The pre-credits sequence of the special were broadcast as a special preview during the 2008 Children in Need Appeal in November 2008.
  • On the new trailer on the BBC's website it shows the 'Cybershades' who have a rusty cyber head and a yeti like body. It also shows that Miss Hartagan knows the Cybermen.
  • In the Chidren in Need preview David Morrisey had a regular screwdriver as opposed to the sonic screwdriver.
  • The DVD release of Series 4 included an alternate ending for Journey's End that would have had a cliffhanger involving the Cybermen suddenly appearing inside the TARDIS. This idea was dropped before broadcast and the opening scene of this episode gives no indication of the Doctor being in peril.


to be added


  • The title of the story, The Next Doctor, was announced in late September 2008, and is expected to further fan the flames of speculation regarding the future of Tennant with the series. During his acceptence speech for "Best Drama Performance" at the National Television Awards on 29/10/08, he announced that he would not return for Series 5. However it has been confirmed that he will appear in the four specials that will follow The Next Doctor.
  • Prior to the official announcement, numerous "false alarm" titles for the episode were circulated among fans, the most common being Return of the Cybermen given this was the on-screen text seen during the Journey's End preview. Other speculative titles were circulated after Davies announced that the title of the special would consist of three words.
  • The Sun[3] newspaper in the UK has reported David Morrissey will be playing The Doctor in this episode with David Tennant taking the companion role.The BBC's official Doctor Who website, has confirmed that David Morrissey is playing a character that calls himself The Doctor[4].
  • Given that it is confirmed there are two Doctors, both with a TARDIS and that these are the Cybus Cybermen, it would seem that The Doctor has either crossed back into Pete's World or the Cybus Cybermen have gained new technology and are being chased down by a 'Pete's world Doctor'.
  • On [5] they have the full series 4 action figure line up which includes a Time Lord which was not featured in any of the stories broadcast. The description states "The Time Lords are one of the most ancient and technologically advanced races in the universe, as well as being The Doctor's own race. This proud and haughty Time Lord figure appears in his native Gallifreyan robes." Given that this story was filmed as part of series 4 and that RTD considers this to be episode 14 maybe The Doctor will be reunited with the Time Lords. RTD has been quoted as wanting to undo all that he has done, will this be the start of restoration of the Time Lords?

Filming Locations

to be added

Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors


DVD and Other releases

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See also

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External links
