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In a parallel universe, the Klingons were a species from the planet Qo'noS who were the leaders of the Klingon Empire.


The Klingons were humanoids with ridged foreheads. (COMIC: Assimilation²)


During the 24th century, they were allied with the United Federation of Planets. One Klingon, Worf, was a Starfleet officer who served on the USS Enterprise-D in the 2360s. Some Klingons were assimilated by the Borg Collective; at least one Borg of Klingon origin appeared aboard Locutus' cube during the Battle of Wolf 359, another was seen following the fallout of the Borg-Cyberman Alliance. (COMIC: Assimilation²)

Alternate timeline

In an alternate future shown to Captain Jean-Luc Picard by the Eleventh Doctor, the Cybermen, using Borg technology, conquered Qo'noS and converted the entire populace into Cybermen. (COMIC: Assimilation²)

Other references

According to local newspapers that drew Mickey Smith's attention to the UFOs above Deffry Vale High School, the invaders were not Klingons from the TV show Star Trek. (WC: Tardisode 3)

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