Andred (Weapon of Choice)

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Following a regeneration in the Vaults, Andred's next incarnation took on the identity of Torvald to infiltrate and investigate the CIA.

Andred remained undercover for several months and was, as a result, unable to develop his own personality. After a period of imprisonment and some time on the run, Andred was appointed Castellan by Darkel and assisted Valyes in purging the Gallifreyan Academy of aliens before deciding to do what was right and become the man that Leela fell in love with.

Before Andred could save Taylor Addison's life, he was stabbed in both hearts by a Pandora-controlled Romana and died.

Biography[[edit] | [edit source]]

As Torvald[[edit] | [edit source]]

Commander Andred regenerated after a fight with Torvald, whom he killed, and told the rescue party that he was Torvald's second incarnation so that he could infiltrate the Celestial Intervention Agency and investigate the possibility of neo-conservative elements. Only when his regenerative dissonance began to pass did he realise the emotional harm that he would be causing Leela. (AUDIO: A Blind Eye)

To become Torvald, Andred entered the archives and secretly replaced Torvald's biodata extract with his own. (AUDIO: The Inquiry, A Blind Eye) He became Coordinator Narvin's right-hand man but ultimately found no evidence of plots against President Romana in the CIA. (AUDIO: A Blind Eye) Living as Torvald for many months, however, reprogrammed him and made him take on some of the real Torvald's beliefs and traits. (AUDIO: Lies)

Andred was sent to the Third Moon of Kikrit as a Time Technology Assessor to investigate the possibility of the construction of illegal space-time vessels. He, Ba'aruk and Scragbite were tricked by Nepenthe, who posed as Sardinopoulos and escaped with the Timonic Fusion Device, which Andred was then sent to recover from Gryben with Leela and K9 Mark I. Their cover was blown by Mephistopheles Arkadian, who knew the real Torvald and believed Andred to be his next incarnation, and the device's detonation turned out to be a ruse. (AUDIO: Weapon of Choice)

Andred was called as a witness for the inquiry into Romana's response to the Gryben incident and told Darkel that he had seen the device himself. Narvin sent him on a second mission to recover the device from Gryben with Leela and, after a battle with the Servitors, the mission was successful. He later arrested Irving Braxiatel on Narvin's orders and, after saving Narvin from Leela, told her that he had been forced to kill her husband. (AUDIO: The Inquiry)

Exposure[[edit] | [edit source]]

Andred joined Narvin in investigating the temporal displacement of Cecelia Pollard in 1939. He encountered Sissy and Leela but he and Muriel Joy were separated from them when the two women were drawn into the same train on a different time track. When Arkadian named Torvald as his accomplice, Andred took Romana hostage and took her into the Presidential TARDIS which she then piloted into the path of the train. Scared that this would kill Leela, he told Romana who he really was.

After telling Leela the truth and explaining that he had not originally realised how much pain the ploy would cause her, she called him her enemy and said that her husband, for whom she had grieved, was indeed dead. He begged for forgiveness but she walked away from him. (AUDIO: A Blind Eye) For his deception, Andred was imprisoned and held under Castellan Wynter's charge, with Inquisitor Darkel once trying to get Narvin to hire him at the CIA. Leela did not visit him. (AUDIO: Lies)

Assisting Darkel[[edit] | [edit source]]

Andred was released from his cell by Darkel (AUDIO: Pandora) and, on her orders, accessed the APC Net with Narvin's codes and learnt about Pandora before killing the Archivist. (AUDIO: Lies) He went on the run into the Vaults, (AUDIO: Pandora) where Wynter and Leela separately searched for him without success. (AUDIO: Spirit)

At the main water-pumping station, Andred stopped Gillestes from infecting the water supply with the Dogma Virus and, after speaking with Braxiatel, decided to hand her over to Wynter himself to gain full credit. He was given his freedom and assisted in the hunt for Pandora with Leela and Captain Kosh after she possessed the dying Wynter, later being appointed Wynter's successor as Castellan by Darkel. (AUDIO: Pandora)

Andred worked closely with Acting-Chancellor Valyes as he tried to identify other Free Timers at the Gallifreyan Academy, expelling a number of off-worlder students and banning those who remained from accessing the Matrix. He encouraged Taylor Addison to seek the Great Key of Rassilon, whose death Darkel planned to use to show that children of the other Temporal Powers could not handle Gallifreyan technology. (AUDIO: Insurgency)

Death[[edit] | [edit source]]

After visiting Neeloc in the infirmary, Andred ran into Leela. She reminded him of what his previous incarnation had been like and that had Darkel had her way they would never have been able to marry. Unsure of what he believed in, he told her that he would try to become that same person again and left to do what he knew to be right. Before he could stop Taylor, however, he was stabbed on each of his hearts by Romana, (AUDIO: Insurgency) who was controlled by Pandora. (AUDIO: Imperiatrix)

Legacy[[edit] | [edit source]]

Leela believed that Andred's spirit would not be able to find peace until she had avenged his death. (AUDIO: Insurgency) She came to believe that Commentator Antimon was responsible, but learnt from his recordings what had actually happened and blamed Romana. (AUDIO: Imperiatrix) Ultimately, she realised that blaming her was "wasteful" and knew that Pandora was the real one responsible. (AUDIO: Warfare)

Darkel told Narvin that it was a shame that Andred had been killed as he would have been a convenient scapegoat for the bombing at the Gallifreyan Academy. (AUDIO: Imperiatrix)

Andred was buried in the Outlands. Leela visited his grave during the Dogma Virus and told Andred that she was at least grateful that he had not been alive to witness the downfall of the city that he loved so much. She absolved him of responsibility for Torvald's death, believing that his blood was on Arkadian's hands, and said that she would see him again despite her blindness. (AUDIO: Panacea)

Personality[[edit] | [edit source]]

Living as Torvald caused Andred to be, as K9 Mark I described it, "programmed" to temporarily take on aspects of Torvald's personality, including his opinions. He came to support Free Time and to denounce Romana and her reforms, (AUDIO: Lies) despite his previous incarnation having been a liberal. (AUDIO: Weapon of Choice) Leela felt that he did not have the same soul as the Time Lord she married. (AUDIO: Lies)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

Andy Coleman was credited as "Commander Torvald" during series 1.