Jules Renan claimed that there could be no loyalty or honour "where anarchy prevail[ed]." (TV: The Reign of Terror)
Daleks[[edit] | [edit source]]
During the Dalek-Movellan War, the Dalek Supreme of the Kembel faction initially thought Davros had betrayed the Daleks before the creator infected the First Movellan with a computer virus. Instead, the Supreme praised Davros' loyalty. (AUDIO: The Triumph of Davros) The Imperial Daleks were a faction of Daleks loyal to Davros, contrasting the Renegade Daleks' loyalty to the Black Dalek Leader (TV: Revelation of the Daleks) and the Dalek Prime. (PROSE: War of the Daleks) The Seventh Doctor noted that Davros had a habit of causing Daleks to become loyal to him. (AUDIO: A Genius for War)
When the Dalek Time Strategist resurrected the Dalek Empire from all its counterparts among the multiverse, a civil war broke out between the Daleks loyal to the resurrected Dalek Prime and those loyal to an alternate Davros. (AUDIO: Restoration of the Daleks) Unlike his N-Space counterpart, this Davros was far less loyal to the Daleks, being perfectly willing to work with other powers to ensure their defeat. (AUDIO: Restoration of the Daleks, A Genius for War)
In the Unbound Universe, Davros's first batch of Daleks, "The Renegades", turned on him. Learning from his failure, Davros altered subsequent generations of Dalek mutants to be loyal to him, though this came at the cost of their predecessors' indiscriminate xenophobia and aggression. (AUDIO: Masters of War)
Others[[edit] | [edit source]]
Space Security Service android Mark Seven had a loyalty circuit to ensure he remained loyal to humanity. (AUDIO: The Destroyers)
Big Finish once addressed a Christmas present to "you... ...our loyal listeners". (WC: Merry Christmas 2016 from Big Finish [+]Loading...["Merry Christmas 2016 from Big Finish (webcast)"])