100 (number)
100 was a number.
A chalkboard at Coal Hill School in November 1963 referenced "100 Cents". (TV: "An Unearthly Child" [+]Part of An Unearthly Child, Loading...{"namedep":"An Unearthly Child (1)","1":"An Unearthly Child (TV story)"})
On Wengrol, Fomal gave the First Doctor a case of 100 un-mutated Yend embryos to take to another planet. (PROSE: The Sons of the Crab [+]Loading...["The Sons of the Crab (short story)"])
Sunday was 100 light-years from Earth, (PROSE: Wetworld [+]Loading...["Wetworld (novel)"]) as was Beta Caprisis. (PROSE: Sanctuary [+]Loading...["Sanctuary (novel)"])
The Master once bribed an architect to make the Spikes of Doom, having travelled back 100 years before he was to meet with the Ninth Doctor and his companion Emma at Castle Tersurus. The Doctor travelled back to bribe the architect at an earlier point, causing them to instead be subjected to the Sofa of Reasonable Comfort. (TV: The Curse of Fatal Death [+]Loading...["The Curse of Fatal Death (TV story)"])
Captain Jack Harkness' stolen Chula warship gave a 100% probability of any attempt to jettison a Schlechter Wolf from the ship causing immediate detonation, as well as giving a 100% probability of Jack's death in under 2 minutes, as the bomb was going to detonate and there were no escape pods. Despite this, the Ninth Doctor saved Jack by materialising his TARDIS on the ship. (TV: The Doctor Dances [+]Loading...["The Doctor Dances (TV story)"])
At Rose Tyler's request, the Ninth Doctor took the TARDIS a hundred years through the Time Vortex from 2005 to 2105. However, the Doctor claimed that it was "a bit boring" and so they went even further into the future before stepping out of the TARDIS. (TV: The End of the World [+]Loading...["The End of the World (TV story)"])
A ship of 100 cryogenically frozen Veils were sent out into space but it crashed on Earth in the 1970s. It got taken and stored in a vault by the Alliance of Shades. With the help of Mister Dread, Androvax and the ship got into space where they went to find a new world to live on. (TV: The Vault of Secrets [+]Loading...["The Vault of Secrets (TV story)"])
In maths, 258 minus 158 was 100. Rose Tyler answered this correctly in The Weakest Link. (TV: Bad Wolf [+]Loading...["Bad Wolf (TV story)"])
As Ood Sigma revealed to the Tenth Doctor when he returned to the Ood Sphere, one hundred years had passed following his involvement in the Revolution of the Ood. (TV: The End of Time [+]Loading...["The End of Time (TV story)"])
The ISO used by Giles when he talked to a camera about PROBE and leads in a case regarding an upcoming perihelion was 100. (WC: Out of the Shadows [+]Loading...["Out of the Shadows (webcast)"])
Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]
References in invalid sources[[edit] | [edit source]]
Dave's choice of disguise when attempting to infiltrate the Doctor Who crew to find out spoilers for the new season was a TARDIS costume labelled "I am a TARDIS" and "100% real". (NOTVALID: The Daft Dimension)
The Doctor's Five Hundred Year Diary referenced "[sums] of human knowledge" of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%. When it displayed 100, the text was red. (NOTVALID: Tom Baker stars in John Lloyd's lost Doctor Who adventure, The Doomsday Contract)