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1946 in

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Timeline for 1946
20th century | 1940s

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1946 was a year. Earth was still recovering from World War II. (PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage [+]Loading...["The Brakespeare Voyage (novel)"])



On 20 May, Ella Stanton was murdered by Thomas Hendron in the Bobby Gents' Manicure Lounge in Liverpool. Robert Scarratt was in the room when the murder took place, hiding behind a curtain hoping to use Ella's death as a scrying-anchor. (PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage [+]Loading...["The Brakespeare Voyage (novel)"])

On 17 July, Thomas Hendron was hanged at Walton Gaol. (PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage [+]Loading...["The Brakespeare Voyage (novel)"])

In December, American soldier Xavier Simmons robbed and murdered black marketeer Ernie Evans on the steps of St Luke's Church in London. He himself was killed immediately afterwards by a Xhinn, who took his place. (PROSE: Amorality Tale [+]Loading...["Amorality Tale (novel)"])

Also in December, the Ninth Doctor investigated the case of a sound creature hunting down Artie Berger in Paris. He eventually trapped it in a bottle and disposed of it in the Time Vortex. (AUDIO: Fright Motif [+]Loading...["Fright Motif (audio story)"])

At Christmas, the First Doctor, Steven Taylor and Sara Kingdom visited 1946 as they unknowingly followed Robert's distress signal. (PROSE: The Little Drummer Boy [+]Loading...["The Little Drummer Boy (short story)"])


The Nuremberg Trials concluded in this year. (PROSE: Just War [+]Loading...["Just War (novel)"], AUDIO: Just War [+]Loading...["Just War (audio story)"])

Births and deaths

Elizabeth "Lizzie" Lewis was born to Mabel Ann Lewis. (TV: Ghost Machine [+]Loading...["Ghost Machine (TV story)"])

Freddie Mercury was born. (AUDIO: Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme? [+]Loading...["Whatever Happened to Iris Wildthyme? (audio story)"])

According to the Twelfth Doctor's sonic sunglasses, the Secretary General of the United Nations who held the position in 2017 was born either in 1946 or in 1947. (TV: The Pyramid at the End of the World [+]Loading...["The Pyramid at the End of the World (TV story)"])


In 1964, Sir Toby Kinsella and Jeffrey Broderick shared a bottle of single malt brewed in France during 1946 in the former's office in Whitehall. Sir Toby noted that it was the first post-World War II vintage. (AUDIO: Artificial Intelligence [+]Loading...["Artificial Intelligence (audio story)"])