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York was a city in England.

Geography[[edit] | [edit source]]

York was located in Yorkshire. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot [+]Loading...["The Gunpowder Plot (video game)"], PROSE: The Plotters [+]Loading...["The Plotters (novel)"]) Marston Moor was between York and Crook Marsham. (PROSE: Nightshade [+]Loading...["Nightshade (novel)"]) The York Central Library was located in York. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]Loading...["Have You Seen This Man? (short story)"])

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

In 1541, Henry VIII visited York. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]Loading...["Have You Seen This Man? (short story)"])

Guy Fawkes was originally from York. (GAME: The Gunpowder Plot [+]Loading...["The Gunpowder Plot (video game)"])

Carole Rose was a notorious highwaywoman around York until she was hanged in 1735. (COMIC: Malthill Way [+]Loading...["Malthill Way (comic story)"])

Fenfoff Fonfeffian's spacecraft crashed in the woods of Malthill, York in 1745. The Eleventh Doctor rescued Fentoff and saw him returned safely home. (COMIC: Malthill Way [+]Loading...["Malthill Way (comic story)"])

In November 2001, Tony Blair visited several of York's local businesses and tourist attractions. (AUDIO: Project Twilight [+]Loading...["Project Twilight (audio story)"])

In the 21st century, SIGNET HQ was located in York. The organisation fought off a number of alien or supernatural threats loose in the city, including the Yssgaroth, the Galvodon and the Hervoken. (PROSE: Hervoken Halloween [+]Loading...["Hervoken Halloween (short story)"])

Undated events[[edit] | [edit source]]

At some point prior to March 2005, Ms Millicent Davies worked at the York Central Library as senior librarian. One day, she caught the Ninth Doctor in the act of defacing a number of biographies with a "Hand-held electronic 'eraser' device" and banned him, even going as far to apply to get the Doctor an ASBO to ban him from all UK libraries. (PROSE: Have You Seen This Man? [+]Loading...["Have You Seen This Man? (short story)"])

Despite warnings from Time Travelling Richard Nixon concerning impacts to continuity, a thermonuclear missile under the care of SIGNET once exploded and decimated York following a fight between the Noodle Man and Nrai, (PROSE: I'm So Normal I'm So Normal I'm So [+]Loading...["I'm So Normal I'm So Normal I'm So (short story)"]) opening a space-time rift there. (PROSE: The Case of the Noodle Man [+]Loading...["The Case of the Noodle Man (short story)"]) This reality later healed following the Noodle Man's defeat. (PROSE: Taste the Noodles of Dracula [+]Loading...["Taste the Noodles of Dracula (short story)"])

References[[edit] | [edit source]]

Having landed on Starfall, and incorrectly assumed they were in 18th century Bristol, the Ninth Doctor and Rose Tyler hopped on the back of a steam-powered vehicle which Rose thought might be going to either Carlisle or York. (PROSE: The Resurrection Casket)