Angel of Death

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A typical Angel of Death bringing Sutekh's Dust of Death. (TVEmpire of Death [+]Loading...["Empire of Death (TV story)"])

The Angels of Death were seemingly-ordinary women inserted into history by Sutekh at every point the Doctor's TARDIS landed after Sutekh latched onto it. (TV: Empire of Death [+]Loading...["Empire of Death (TV story)"]) The malevolent personalities of the Angels existed like chrysalis within these ordinary women. (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday [+]Loading...["The Legend of Ruby Sunday (TV story)"]) When the time came for the Empire of Death, the Angels would bring the Dust of Death to their homes. These Angels could look identical or they could vary in appearance.

Sutekh considered himself to have "birthed" the Angels, with Kate Stewart remarking that the God of Death had created life. They were enmeshed with history to the point of having families and complete pasts. (TV: Empire of Death [+]Loading...["Empire of Death (TV story)"])

Susan Triad, a notable Angel, often had dreams from the perspectives of other Angels. (TV: The Legend of Ruby Sunday [+]Loading...["The Legend of Ruby Sunday (TV story)"])

Known Angels[[edit] | [edit source]]

There were Angels at every point the TARDIS landed with Sutekh onboard. Angels whose specific identities were known were:

When revealing the creation of the Angels to the Fifteenth Doctor, Sutekh's memories in the Time Window showed that he remembered placing Angels at Ribos, the Tomb of Rassilon on Gallifrey, Thoros-Beta, Paradise Towers, Earth at the time Scaroth created life, San Francisco in 1999, Bad Wolf Bay in Pete's World, Roald Dahl Plass in Cardiff, New York City in 1930, and Mercy, Nevada.

During the activation of the Angels, the Doctor noted their presence on Earth in 1066, 1999, and 2005, as well as Venus, Telos, Karn, the Ood Sphere, and Skaro. (TV: Empire of Death [+]Loading...["Empire of Death (TV story)"]) Harriet Arbinger, Sutekh's Harbinger, after transforming to a skeletal form similar to the Angels' when her master revealed himself, (TVThe Legend of Ruby Sunday [+]Loading...["The Legend of Ruby Sunday (TV story)"]) additionally brought the dust of Death to UNIT HQ in a manner identical to the proper, Susan-Triad-like Angels.

When reversing the Dust of Death, the Doctor noted that the Dust had been active on Vortis, Vox, Tigella, Messaline, Calufrax, Spiridon, Telos, Shan Shen, and the Ood Sphere. (TV: Empire of Death [+]Loading...["Empire of Death (TV story)"])