Davros The Musical (episode)

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Davros The Musical was the seventeenth event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured the Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts,

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

Throw out your raygun, stick out your plunger, you will be doing the Skaro mistake.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts are heading towards the TARDIS after having foiled a plot by the Cybermen in Victorian London, Bill objects as she has been invited to tea by Madame Vastra and Jenny. The Doctor says he prefers to leave as he sometimes feels like he’s living in the era. Bill finds a note attached to the TARDIS, which the Doctor inquires to. Bill reads it; "Esteemed Doctor, your assistance is required as a consultant for…", the Doctor interrupts, lamenting in annoyance that he told them to stop bothering him.

Somewhere else, on a movie set resembling Bad Wolf Bay, the android playing Professor What, this time resembling the Tenth Doctor, and the android playing Companion, this time resembling Rose Tyler are enacting the departure of Rose in a parallel universe. The Director yells cut, saying it was a perfect scene. Nearby, the Doctor laments how much he hates all of it.

The Doctor insultingly asks what the Director is filming this time. The Director exclaims his excitement to see the Doctor. The Doctor rages about how he should burn down the film studio and spread its ashes. Bill objects, saying they’re only trying to honour him. The Director tells him they need his input on the next big project. The Doctor hesitantly asks what that is, to which the Director replies that he's calling it "Davros: The Musical". The Doctor instantly objects, calling for cancellation of the project. Wright, the Judoon lawyer, objects, reminding the Doctor that they have his approval. The Doctor laments that they shouldn’t blame him for 'the matchstick man's mess.

In the studio, the Doctor tells Bill that there has to be a way out of the contract, telling her to get back in the TARDIS. When Bill asks why, he tells her Nardole used to be a galactic counsel. Bill tells him to have fun with that as she’s gonna be watching the filming. The Doctor tells her to suit herself, just not tell him about it. He see’s her recording it, and Bill says it’s for posterity. The Director yells for silence on the set. Two Dalek Drones are singing "Skaro was having trouble, what a sad, sad story. Needed a new leader to make our planet worthy!". Bills whispers that she feels it sounds very familiar.

Bill tells the Director that she's not saying change the whole thing but that he could…, the Director continues, asking if she means make the Daleks more mobile. Bills says that musicals are about dancing and he could coordinate the drones. The Doctor interrupts, questioning if the Director didn’t learn from last time he bought Dalek. The Director objects that the drones were checked from top to bottom by the Shadow Proclamation. The Doctor tells the Director to let him check them in case the Proclamation missed anything. The Director reluctantly lets him if that’s what it takes to continue. The Doctor says he'll use the sonic sunglasses, which the Director laughs at, citing them as a bad idea. The Doctor hushes him.

The Doctor sarcastically offers his congratulations to the effects expert for a good job on the shells. The Director victoriously says "I told you so". The Doctor retorts that he meant he emulates the Daleks' movements, saying he's bad at security. Bill asks what’s wrong, which the Doctor replies is that the empty shells are transmitting audio and video across the cosmos. The Director refutes the Doctor's words, saying he was assured they were safe. The Doctor tells him he is then as dumb as the average human. Bill takes offense, but the Doctor says this doesn’t apply to her. The Director asks if he knows where the signal is being sent.

The Doctor tells them that the Daleks are transmitting to Skaro. The Director tells him that they do have a Skaro set for the grand finale. Bill says that she would love to see that. The Doctor replies that they should see that, the real thing, not the set. The Director tells him that he knows for a fact that a past version of the Doctor destroyed it. The Doctor tells him that there is a new one, made by Davros. The Director horrifyingly asks how Davros can still be alive. The Doctor retorts how he cannot know this while doing a musical on him. The Director replies that nobody in their right mind would do a musical about Davros, knowing that he is alive.

The Directors notice the Daleks are about to explode, and orders for the filming to stop. The countdown speeds up and the Doctor says that he will try to stop it. Bill notes that the Doctor said the countdown got faster after the Director told he would stop filming. The Doctor realizes, and turns to the Director, who repeats that he would stop filming. But the Doctor tells him not to stop and finish the film. The Director objects, not wanting to be dismantled by Daleks. The Doctor tells the Director to trust him and say out loud he will finish it. The Director agrees to finish it.

The countdown slows down and stops, to the Director's confusion. The Doctor replies that Davros must like his musical. Bills then asks how the Director is portraying him. The Director says that Davros is a complex character who made hard choices for his people. The Doctor says that this would make Davros happy and encourages the Director to finish the film. The Director wonders if Davros won’t be mad, but the Doctor reminds him there was no explosion. He tells Bill they should go and allow the crew to work.

Landing on another planet, Bill expresses her disbelief that the Doctor is allowing the musical to finish. The Doctor tells her not to worry because Nardole found a loophole, and the movie won’t come out. Bill asks if he will send a message to the Director. The Doctor confirms, with instructions on how to dispose of the Daleks, saying that nobody will see that film while he's around.

On Skaro, Davros is joyful about the new movie, saying to himself that now the Doctor has left, his story will be known, hoping it will show him exterminating the Kaleds, or leading the Dalek Empire, saying that he maybe should send orders to the studio, then begins singing the song.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Event Tips[[edit] | [edit source]]

Speed bonuses are helpful early on, but Payout bonuses are stronger! Keep an eye out for trades that will let you exchange Common Characters for Rare ones!

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]