Time of the Cybermen (episode)

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Time of the Cybermen was the first event in the Lost in Time video game made by Eastside Games. It featured Mr Clever, now in a separate body, alongside a CyberLeader and Cybertrooper.

Synopsis[[edit] | [edit source]]

A mysterious phonecall to the TARDIS phone draws the attention of the Eleventh Doctor and Clara. Meanwhile the Cybermen and their Cyberlegions seem to be operating across time and space with a single malicious goal in mind.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

A CyberLeader onboard the Minyan Ship is informing that the Time Lord has vacated the premises and thus scans the Time Travel technology array. At completion he activates the protocol for the glory of the Cyber Legion. He then locates the Cyberplanner's signature in different Time-coordinates and relays the protocol orders to other Cyber Fleets across time, the Waypoint cyber-conversion in progress.

At UNIT HQ, Sgt. Benton warns a Cybertrooper that the Cybermen will never take the Earth while UNIT is present to defend it. The Cybertrooper, however, says that resistance is futile and Benton will join their ranks along with the rest of the planet, telling him all organic life will be Cyber-Converted and upgraded, but is interrupted by the message from the CyberLeader that the Cyberiad Time Travel protocol has been intitiated making the Cybertrooper silent. Benton asks what happened, but the Cybertrooper ignores him, accepting the new parameters it has been given, the Waypoint.

The CyberLeader at the ship says the Cyberiads protocols for their acquisition of time travel are active, saying the directive of the Cyberiad is to take control of all Vortex Energy Waypoints. The Cybertrooper informs him about meeting organic life forms, asking if they should be deleted, but the CyberLeader says that the protocols demand cyber-conversion of those close to the Time Travel devices and that the Cyberplanner wants to synchronize all Waypoints. The Cybertrooper agrees.

At UNIT, the Cybertrooper threatens Benton that he will become like them and serve the Cyberiad, to which Benton retorts that he will never surrender while his heart is beating, but is interrupted by the Cybertrooper, who tells him his will is insubstantial to the Cybermites already inside his body. Cyber-puppet Benton declares his services to the Cyberiad. The Cybertrooper says the partial cyber-conversion is complete and a link is established, telling him he will continue to handle the Waypoint on their orders. The Cyberplanner interrupts, telling the Cybertrooper to not begin just yet. A confused Cybertrooper asks if there are new directives, to which the Cyberplanner says it’s just a small detail and they need Benton to find certain pieces and will send the data directly the the Cybertrooper.

At the ship, the CyberLeader declares an established communication between all Cyber Converted Waypoints, and the Time-Space Coordinates are sent, ordering the Cybertrooper to calibrate its instruments to them and proceed to send all the collected Vortex Energy to the coordinates, informing it that these are the orders from the Cyberplanner and approved by the Cyberiad for the survival and glory of the Cyber Legions.

Back at UNIT, the Cybertrooper demands Cyber-puppet Benton give a status report. Benton says that all the requested materials have been collected and are ready. The Cybertrooper commands him to ship the materials to the given coordinates. The Cyber-puppet informs that the memories of the organic life form indicate that the coordinates are located in the middle of the ocean. The Cybertrooper commands him to find a vessel to transport the materials, informing him that a Cyber Squad will be present to receive them. Benton agrees.

At the ship, the Cybertrooper warns the CyberLeader of an approaching time vessel through the Time Vortex to their location. The CyberLeader command it to take battle stations as the Doctor is coming, although at the same time the Cyberplanner interrupts them, telling them there will be no fight, not even a sound from a Cyber Blaster, telling them to begin evacuating and to gather at his location. The CyberLeader concludes this as logical. The Eleventh Doctor and Clara Oswald arrive at the ship, the Doctor telling Clara nothing bad happened and they just took a small break at which point Clara interrupts him asking what the things attached the the Waypoints are. The Doctor recognised them as Cyber Conversion units. Clara, horrified, realise that Cybermen have been there.

In Atlantis, the CyberLeader declares the time-jump to their pre-established coordinates successful. The Cyberplanner greets them, calling their arrival "Perfectamundo" and welcoming them both to Atlantis and to a new age for the Cybermen. He then have second thoughts on his word usage, vowing to never say it again. The Cybertrooper recognises the outward appearance as that of the Doctor and ask if their arrival is a trap. The Cyberplanner assures them that he is not the Doctor, telling them to call him Mr Clever. The CyberLeader accesses the Cyberiad Database, confirming Mr Clever's claims. Mr Clever then tells them about how he tried to take over the Doctor's mind and failed, saying the Cyberiad stored his data, creating a fully cybernetic body without weaknesses but with secrets from the mind of a Time Lord. The CyberLeader realises that this is the source for the knowledge on Waypoints. Mr Clever concurs, saying that there’s much more and they have a lot of work to do.

The CyberLeader informs him that all Vortex Energy is being diverted to their current location and the Cybertrooper adds that all the required materials have been obtained but questions their purpose, but Mr Clever merely replies that he had a clever idea as is in his name. The CyberLeader demands an explanation for the interruption of the protocols established by the Cyberiad, to which Mr Clever says that they lacked imagination and that only using one Waypoint to study time travel was boring, and he’d rather use all the Waypoints to transport all Cyber Legions to the same point in the timeline, that way making all Cybermen as one legion and upgrading all encountered planets. The Cybertrooper questions how they will accomplish this as there’s no data in the Cyberiad about this strategy, but Mr Clever simply says he don’t want it to fall into the wrong, obsolete hands unable to understand its genius, then says that they are going to drill a hole in the fabric of the Universe itself.

Mr Clever instructs the Cybermen to redirect all energy and resources to the construction of a Time Drill. The CyberLeader agrees, but the Cybertrooper points out tactical concerns arise from the allocation of resources. Mr Clever says that they will drill through time and create a passageway for their troops, but the Cybertrooper informs him that their sensor array efficiency and range has been reduced drastically due to a lack of power to complete the task, but Mr Clever simply tells it that this is to be expected when the energy output is lowered, but that they do need that energy for their main goal. The Cybertrooper says it’s a tactical weakpoint, but Mr Clever retorts that its attitude is a weak point and tells them to resume work and that they won’t stop until the passageway is stable.

Mr Clever triumphantly exclaims that the Time Drill has done its job as the passageway is opening, but the CyberLeader informs him that the passageway is unstable and a collapse is imminent. Mr Clever tells him that that is why they collect Vortex Energy and to follow his calculations to stabilize the passageway, but the Cybertrooper tells him that they need more energy to control the output of Vortex Energy to which Mr Clever commands that he doesn’t care where they get it from suggesting that they lower the defenses and turn off all non-vital functions as long as he gets the energy for the passageway, but the Cybertrooper objects that lowering their defense capabilities will be bad, but Mr Clever sarcastically ask whether it got promoted to Cyberplanner without him noticing. The Cybertrooper simply says that promotion without upgrading is impossible, to which Mr Clever then says that he is the planner and it is the soldier and to follow his orders.

The CyberLeader informs that the Vortex Energy is stabilizing the passageway, but from afar the Doctor assures them that it won’t work. A shocked Mr Clever asks how he got past their defenses, but the Eleventh Doctor, who arrived along with Clara Oswald, ignores the question and is more interested in meeting himself or at least someone trying to impersonate him and says he wasn’t expecting Mr Clever, but Mr Clever simply shuts him up exclaiming that his genius won’t be stopped. The Doctor retorts that Mr Clever’s genius is just a tiny bit of his own, but Mr Clever claims that he will surpass the original and that his plan will work. The Doctor simply tells him that he is not seeing the big picture. Mr Clever is confused at which point the CyberLeader informs the Time Drill is malfunctioning and that the passageway’s integrity is diminishing.

A disbelieving Mr Clever asks how that can be as everything was planned into the smallest detail, but the Doctor tells him that while he might have his taste in bowties, he does not have all the Doctor's memories, at least the ones that aren’t his own. Mr Clever asks him if one of the Doctors already knew his plan, to which the Doctor replies that maybe a past or future self knew, which Clara says was most likely a future version, but the Doctor tells her not to interrupt him when he’s monologuing, and continues that whichever him it was, they planted the pieces in UNIT that Mr Clever needed. Mr Clever does not believe him, saying the he can’t be part of the Doctor's plans.

The CyberLeader informs that the passageway integrity is down, and the Cybertrooper says their efforts have caused a rift in time that will swallow them all. The CyberLeader calls for evacuation but both Cybermen are swallowed by the rift. The Doctor notes that it will do the same to him and Clara if they don’t get back to the TARDIS. Clara tells him that that’s their cue to leave. Mr Clever screams at the Doctor, and the Doctor agrees that’s their cue.

The Doctor tells Clara to run back up to the TARDIS. Mr Clever angrily yells that he will win and the Doctor can’t take it away from him, but the Doctor reminds him of what he was told last time, that Time Lords invented chess, meaning that you always have to plan several moves ahead. Clara mockingly says "Checkmate", but the Doctor tells her that he wanted to say that because that’s his thing. Clara says that his thing is bowties. The Doctor concurs. Mr Clever angrily says that his plan was perfect and he was supposed to win. The Doctor then tells him goodbye and that it hasn’t been pleasant.

Characters[[edit] | [edit source]]

Event Tips[[edit] | [edit source]]

Waypoints quickly become obsolete, so unlock the next Waypoint as fast as possible! Build up Jo Grant and Clara Oswald Cards!

Mr Clever boosts the LAST Waypoint, but the Eleventh Doctor boosts ALL Waypoints!

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]