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Urine, colloquially referred to as piss or pee, was a liquid expelled from the body as a way of ridding toxins.

On 6 June 1780, Newgate Prison was burnt down in the Gordon Riots. Released mental patients stood on the windowsills and urinated into the flames. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street [+]Loading...["The Adventuress of Henrietta Street (novel)"])

In 1782, Lisa-Beth Lachlan noticed that the regular customers of the Shakespeare's Head tavern in London often urinated on the floor, leaving wet patches which the posture-girls had to avoid as they struck their obscene poses. Later in the year, at the Manchester tavern The White Hart, a local prostitute lost a potential gentleman customer to Katya after turning her back for two minutes to urinate in a back-alley. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street [+]Loading...["The Adventuress of Henrietta Street (novel)"])

Sam Jones' friends Mo and Mikey Clunes were locked up overnight for urinating on the front window of Woolworths. (PROSE: Kursaal [+]Loading...["Kursaal (novel)"])

A dilapidated tower block in Gorkiy, Russia had a "pool of urine in the corner". (PROSE: The Devil Goblins from Neptune [+]Loading...["The Devil Goblins from Neptune (novel)"])

Before meeting the Eighth Doctor, Anji Kapoor and her boyfriend Dave Young visited a statue in Brussels known as the Mannikin Pis, which depicted "a naked little boy, happily urinating into the air". (PROSE: Escape Velocity [+]Loading...["Escape Velocity (novel)"])

A woman in a Cardiff shop, when questioned by Torchwood as they tried to track down Bernie Harris, said she "wouldn't even piss on him if he was on fire". (TV: Ghost Machine [+]Loading...["Ghost Machine (TV story)"])

Convicted rapist and killer Oswald Danes claimed that guards were putting urine in his food in jail. Although they covered it with things like cream and gravy, he could still taste the urine, for, as he put it, "[piss] has a way of enduring". (TV: The New World [+]Loading...["The New World (TV story)"])

Bill Potts suggested that male students urinated often enough on university campus for a puddle without prior rain to not be unusual. (TV: The Pilot [+]Loading...["The Pilot (TV story)"])

Somerset's genetically enhanced leopards could record information that could later be read from their urine. (PROSE: Alien Bodies [+]Loading...["Alien Bodies (novel)"])

In a timeline created by Faction Paradox, Sarah Jane Smith "had to take a pee behind someone's house" in the town of Anathema on the planet Dust. She doubted that anyone there would have cared if they had seen her in the act, and noted that "she'd never had to think about these little biological details on most of the planets she'd been to." (PROSE: Interference - Book One [+]Loading...["Interference - Book One (novel)"])

Rumour had it that Nie Who sprayed his shop with tiger urine every morning. (PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street [+]Loading...["The Adventuress of Henrietta Street (novel)"])

George Wilson felt that the tea at his Cardiff hotel tasted like piss, and the coffee tasted like instant. (AUDIO: The Conspiracy [+]Loading...["The Conspiracy (audio story)"])

Owen Harper had a "languorous pee in the little bathroom" whilst at Megan Tegg's house. (PROSE: Another Life [+]Loading...["Another Life (novel)"])

Ianto Jones's dad had a tendency to urinate on the floor instead of going to the bathroom. Ianto was exasperated by this, and told him to "Stop pissin' on the floor!" (AUDIO: Blind Summit [+]Loading...["Blind Summit (audio story)"])

During her job as a police officer, Yasmin Khan gave evidence in court for various "open and shut" cases that included public urination. (PROSE: The Witchfinders [+]Loading...["The Witchfinders (novelisation)"])

When the Fifteenth Doctor vanished after breaking a fairy circle, Ruby Sunday initially wondered if he had gone behind the TARDIS to urinate. (TV: 73 Yards [+]Loading...["73 Yards (TV story)"])

Finetime's social media system had an avatar, Dr Pee, who monitored residents and informed them of when they needed to urinate. Residents such as Lindy Pepper-Bean often followed diets that made the need to urinate infrequent. (TV: Dot and Bubble [+]Loading...["Dot and Bubble (TV story)"])

Behind the scenes[[edit] | edit source]

Due to print errors, the initial batch of the Delta and the Bannermen [+]Loading...["Delta and the Bannermen (TV story)"] novelisation - itself mistitled as PROSE: Delta and the Bannerman - accidentally described the Seventh Doctor as having urinated in a linen store and "realised that the shelf he was peeing over was an inch-deep in dust". By all accounts, it should say he was "peering over" the shelf at Keillor, and this was fixed in subsequent print runs, as was the title.