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== Timeline ==
The '''16th century''' was a time of significant religious strife in [[Europe]]. The [[Catholic Church]] sought control of the institutions of government to control the populations of countries such as [[France]] and [[England]]. Throughout the century, the fortunes of the average [[Protestant]] and [[Catholic]] varied, depending upon which religion had the ear of the government of the day. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Massacre (TV story)}}; [[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Marian Conspiracy (audio story)}})
The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith are briefly seen as ghosts. (MA: The Ghosts of N-Space, BBCR: The Ghosts of N-Space)
Leonardo da Vinci begins work on the Mona Lisa. The Doctor remembers her as "that terrible woman with no eyebrows who wouldn't smile." ("City of Death")
The Doctor arrives at Leonardo da Vinci's studio from the year 1979 seeking clues to Count Scarlioni's plot to steal the Mona Lisa in that year. Leonardo, the Doctor finds, is painting copies of his most famous work for his new patron, Captain Tancredi. He learns that both Scarlioni and Tancredi are temporal splinters of the same person, Scaroth, last of the Jagaroth. After being briefly captured and interrogated by Tancredi, the Doctor manages to escape back to 1979, after writing "This is a fake" on Leonardo's canvasses in felt tip (City of Death).
Christopher Columbus dies. The Doctor had met Columbus at some point and acquired his business card. (DW: The Two Doctors)
Michelangelo begins working on the Sistine Chapel. The Doctor is present at some point during the work. (MA: Managra)
Henry VIII succeeds his father and becomes king of England. At some point during his reign he meets the First Doctor. When the king throws a parson's nose at the Doctor, he throws it back. The angry king sends the Doctor and Susan to the Tower. Fortunately, the TARDIS happens to be in the Tower, and the two travellers escape. (DW: The Sensorites)
Nicholas Copernicus begins formulating his model of a sun-centered planetary system. During his meeting with Professor J.P. Kettlewell, the Doctor mentions Copernicus as one of many scientists who have faced opposition to their ideas (DW: Robot).
Mary I of England is born. The Doctor will meet her during the events of "The Marian Conspiracy."
Hernando Cortez lands on the shores of Mexico, as predicted by Barbara Wright ("The Aztecs") and mentioned by Bernice Summerfield ("The Left-Handed Hummingbird").
Leonardo da Vinci dies in France. The Doctor had met and befriended "Leo" sometime between the events of "The Masque of Mandragora" and "City of Death."
Hernando Cortez captures Moctezuma II and begins his conquest of Mexico, as predicted by Barbara Wright ("The Aztecs").
Hernando Cortez defeats the Aztecs, as predicted by Barbara Wright ("The Aztecs").
Historical date for the birth of John Dee, who was actually Jared Khan. (NA: Birthright)
Nicholas Copernicus formulates his model of a sun-centered planetary system, but will not publish it until shortly before his death in 1543. During his meeting with Professor J.P. Kettlewell, the Doctor mentions Copernicus as one of many scientists who have faced opposition to their ideas (DW: Robot).
Elizabeth I of England is born. The Doctor will be present at her coronation in 1559 (DW: The Curse of Peladon), and will visit her occasionally until shortly before her death in 1603 (NA: Birthright).
Stephen Bathory, King of Poland, is born. He will briefly receive John Dee and Edward Kelley during their tour of Europe. (MA: Managra)
Henry VIII of England initiates his Dissolution of the Monasteries. Among the religious communes shut down is the Convent of the Little Sisters of St. Gudula at Boscombe, where Cessair of Diplos has been posing as the Mother Superior for centuries. Boscombe Hall is built on the former site of the convent some time later (DW: The Stones of Blood).
Lady Jane Grey is born. The Doctor will meet her during the events of "The Nine-Day Queen."
Johann Faust dies in Staufen, Germany. A Reprise of him will exist in Europa, and be a rival of the Reprise of Aleister Crowley. (MA: Managra)
The Haemovariform's shooting star crashes in the Glen of Saint Catherine. (TS: Tardisode 2)
Nicholas Copernicus publishes his Des Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium, presenting his model of a sun-centered planetary system, shortly before his death. During his meeting with Professor J.P. Kettlewell, the Doctor mentions Copernicus as one of many scientists who have faced opposition to their ideas ("Robot").
Henry VIII of England dies. He is succeeded by his sickly son Edward VI, who in turn is succeeded first by Jane Grey and then Edward's sister, Mary ("The Nine-Day Queen").
Hernando Cortez dies. His landing in Mexico was foretold by Barbara Wright during the events of "The Aztecs."
Charles IX of France, who will play a pivotal role in the events of "The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve," is born in Paris.
Michel Nostradamus writes the first of his almanacs, containing his now famous prophecies, apparently conceived with the assistance of the Doctor. Madame Nostradamus, "a witty little knitter," creates the scarf the Doctor will wear during his fourth incarnation ("The Ark in Space").
The events of "The Nine-Day Queen" occur at this time, concluding as Mary I of England deposes Jane Grey and imprisons her in the Tower of London under charges of treason.
Jane Grey is beheaded for treason by Mary I of England. The Doctor foresaw this during the events of "The Nine-Day Queen," but knew he could not prevent it.
Walter Raleigh is born at Hayes Barton, England. The Doctor will share a cell with Raleigh, who keeps going on about "some new vegetable he's discovered" ("The Mind of Evil").
Mary I of England enacts Heresy Laws against English Protestants, especially those who voice support for her sister, Elizabeth ("The Marian Conspiracy").
Edward Kelley, close colleague of John Dee whose experiments in black magic will be a catalyst for the future events, is born in Worcester, England. (MA: Managra)
Elizabeth I of England ascends the throne upon the death of her sister, Mary I. The Doctor will attend her coronation early the following year. (DW: The Curse of Peladon)
The Doctor attends the coronation of Elizabeth I of England. (DW: The Curse of Peladon)
Elizabeth Bathory is born in Hungary. The Doctor will have a particularly haunting encounter with her, and her black magic experiments. (MA: Managra)  
The Doctor and Chris Cwej arrive in feudal Japan, encountering Penelope Gate and Joel Mintz. (NA: The Room With No Doors)
Sir Francis Bacon is born in London. The Doctor, Ian Chesterton, Barbara Wright and Vicki witness a meeting between Bacon, Elizabeth I of England, and William Shakespeare on the Time-Space Visualiser. (DW: The Chase)
Over 1000 Huguenots are killed at Wassy by Francis, Duke of Guise. The act starts the First War of Religion in France and is noted ten years later when the Doctor and Steven Taylor visit France. (DW: The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve)  
Robert Cecil is born. (MA: The Plotters)  

The [[Aztec]] [[people]] dominated the [[area]] of [[Central Mexico]] from the [[14th century|14th]] to the 16th centuries. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|A History of Humankind (novel)}}) [[Hexagoran]] scouts visited [[London]] during this time and recreated it on [[Luparis]] as [[Lupara]] centuries later. ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|Hexagora (audio story)}})
Galileo Galilei is born on 15 February in Pisa, Italy, while Christopher Marlowe is baptized on 24 February in Canterbury. Both will be involved in the events surrounding the Armageddon Convention in Venice in 1609. (MA: The Empire of Glass)  
18 - Michelangelo dies in Rome. The Doctor had been present at some point during Michelangelo's painting of the Sistine Chapel, and it was because of this fact that the Doctor deduced the replica of the Chapel in Europa's version of the Vatican was just that. (MA: Managra")  

It was a century that drew the particular interest to [[the Doctor]]. Not only was he keenly interested in what was happening in [[France]] during this period, ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Massacre (TV story)}}) he was particularly fascinated by the reign of the [[Tudor|House of Tudor]], which was regnant in [[England]] throughout the century. He made several trips to the various [[Tudor]] courts. He was known to have met with [[Henry VIII]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Sensorites (TV story)|namedep=Strangers in Space (1)}}, {{cs|The Power of Three (TV story)}}) Lady [[Jane Grey]] ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|The Nine-Day Queen (short story)}}) and [[Mary I]], ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Marian Conspiracy (audio story)}}) but he was particularly interested in the last of the Tudor monarchs, [[Elizabeth I]], and returned to her court several times during her reign, both in this century and [[17th century|the next]]. At some point around [[1562]], he even married and had [[sex]] with the so-called "virgin queen". ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Shakespeare Code (TV story)}}, {{cs|The End of Time (TV story)}}, {{cs|The Beast Below (TV story)}}, {{cs|The Day of the Doctor (TV story)}}) He also had several encounters with [[John Dee]], one of Elizabeth's closest advisers. ([[PROSE]]: {{cs|Mortlake (short story)}}; [[PROSE]]: {{cs|Managra (novel)}})
William Shakespeare is baptised at Startford-on-Avon, England. Shakespeare will have numerous encounters with the Doctor, and will also be involved in the events surrounding the Armageddon Convention. (MA: The Empire of Glass
The future James VI of Scotland/James I of England is born at Edinburgh Castle. During James' reign as James I of England, the Doctor and his companions become involved in the Gunpowder Plot to assassinate James in 1605 ("The Plotters").  
Michel Nostradamus dies. His now famous prophecies were written with the assistance of the Doctor. Madame Nostradamus, "a witty little knitter," created the scarf the Doctor wore during his fourth incarnation (DW: The Ark in Space).
James Stuart (or Stewart) assumes the throne of Scotland as James VI following the abdication of his mother Mary, Queen of Scots. During the king's later reign as James I of England, the Doctor and his companions become involved in the Gunpowder Plot to assassinate James in 1605. (MA: The Plotters)  
Guy Fawkes is born at Stonegate, Yorkshire. Fawkes will play a key role in the Gunpowder Plot in 1605, as will the First Doctor and his companions Barbara, Ian, and Vicki ("The Plotters").
The events of "The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve" occur at this time.
Robert Catesby is born. Catesby will be the leader of the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 ("The Plotters").
The Doctor and Ace make a stopover in Rome during their search for the Timewyrm. (NA: Timewyrm: Revelation).
John Dee and Edward Kelley depart for Poland to begin a tour of Europe. Welcomed by King Stephen Bathory of Poland, they eventually travel to visit the king's neice, the Countess Elizabeth Bathory, in Austria. Elizabeth is conducting black magic rituals which involve the blood sacrifice of young women. Francis Pearson is also present at these rituals, which result in the conjuration of the Mimic, which pursues Pearson back to England. The Doctor is also present at some point in these events, and tries and fails to save a young girl from the countess. The experience still haunts him in his fourth incarnation (MA: Managra).
The west wing of Chase Mansion is completed. (DW: The Seeds of Doom)  
The Greld attack the Roanoke colony, implanting mind-control devices in the colonists together with components of a meta-cobalt bomb. Christopher Marlowe escapes and returns to England with a Greld control device in his brain. (MA: The Empire of Glass)
The Doctor is playing nine pins with Francis Drake when Drake is called away to fight the Spanish Armada. The Doctor lets Drake win so he can get away in time to join the fight (DW: Four to Doomsday, NA: Birthright).
John Dee returns to England, having parted company with Edward Kelly during their tour of Europe (MA: Managra).
German artist Augustin von Moersperg paints a watercolour copy of a church window in Hamelin, Germany. It will become the earliest known depiction of the Pied Piper, clearly showing his distinctive costume of red, blue, and yellow motley. A copy of the painting will hang in Spellman's Magical Museum of the Circus in 2009. (known history, SJA: The Day of the Clown)  
30th May - English playwright and spy Christopher Marlowe is mortally wounded during a duel in a London tavern. Marlowe survives, and the control device implanted in his brain by the Greld during their attack on the Roanoke colony is removed by the attending surgeon, who is unaware of its true nature. Some time after his brush with death, Marlowe leaves London, allowing others to believe him dead. He will later turn up in Venice using the name Giovanni Chigi. MA: The Empire of Glass)
A Zygon spacecraft, crippled during an attack on its fleet by the Xaranti, crashes on Earth. Its crew hides amongst the human inhabitants of London for the next three centuries. (EDA: The Bodysnatchers)
Mr Chadwick and Gregario join Joanna Harris' vampire coven. (EDA: Vampire Science)
Queen Elizabeth I discusses Shakespeare's latest play, probably Henry VI, with the playwright and Francis Bacon. The event is witnessed by the TARDIS crew on the Doctor's Time-Space Visualiser. (DW: The Chase)  
25th April - Oliver Cromwell is born in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, England. The Second Doctor will play a role in Cromwell's rise to power during the English Civil War. (PDA: The Roundheads)

Dates Unknown
The Doctor also met with some of the century's keenest minds. He befriended [[Leonardo da Vinci]] during either the first decade of this century or the last decade of [[15th century|the previous one]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Masque of Mandragora (TV story)}}, {{cs|City of Death (TV story)}}) He was also intensely interested in the life and career of [[William Shakespeare]], whom he ran into at several points, both at the end of this century and the beginning of [[17th century|the next]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Shakespeare Code (TV story)}}, [[AUDIO]]: {{cs|The Kingmaker (audio story)}})
The Doctor and Martha Jones arrive by the Globe Theatre in London to meet William Shakespeare. The Carrionites attempt to release their brethren and overthrow the Earth, but are stopped by Shakespeare himself. (DW: The Shakespeare Code)  
Shakespeare is believed to have written Hamlet between 1599 and 1601; at one point one of the first four incarnations of the Doctor helped him write the manuscript after he sprained his wrist. (DW: City of Death)  

== Decades ==
[[File:1535 witch burning.jpg|thumb|left|A [[British soldier 2 (The Weeping Angels of Mons)|soldier]] sent back in time by a [[Weeping Angel]] is burned as a [[witch]] in [[1535]]. ([[COMIC]]: {{cs|The Weeping Angels of Mons (comic story)}})]]
[[Witch]] burnings were common in this century. ([[COMIC]]: {{cs|The Weeping Angels of Mons (comic story)}})

It was in this century that the [[Order of Saint Peter]] was founded in Eastern Europe. ([[AUDIO]]: {{cs|Minuet in Hell (audio story)}})
It was also among the centuries endured by [[Ashildr]], ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Woman Who Lived (TV story)}}) a [[9th century]]<ref>In ''The Woman Who Lived'', which is set in the year [[1651]], Ashildr mentions having had 800 years of adventure.</ref> [[Viking]] girl who was rendered effectively [[immortality|immortal]] when she was brought back to life by the [[Twelfth Doctor]] through a self-repairing [[Mire]] [[repair kit]]. ([[TV]]: {{cs|The Girl Who Died (TV story)}})

== Footnotes ==
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<td class="prev">[[15th century]]</td>
<td class="topic">[[Timeline]]</td>
<td class="next">[[17th century]]</td>

Latest revision as of 00:07, 13 August 2024

previous: 15th century next: 17th century
Years of interest

The 16th century was a time of significant religious strife in Europe. The Catholic Church sought control of the institutions of government to control the populations of countries such as France and England. Throughout the century, the fortunes of the average Protestant and Catholic varied, depending upon which religion had the ear of the government of the day. (TV: The Massacre [+]Loading...["The Massacre (TV story)"]; AUDIO: The Marian Conspiracy [+]Loading...["The Marian Conspiracy (audio story)"])

The Aztec people dominated the area of Central Mexico from the 14th to the 16th centuries. (PROSE: A History of Humankind [+]Loading...["A History of Humankind (novel)"]) Hexagoran scouts visited London during this time and recreated it on Luparis as Lupara centuries later. (AUDIO: Hexagora [+]Loading...["Hexagora (audio story)"])

It was a century that drew the particular interest to the Doctor. Not only was he keenly interested in what was happening in France during this period, (TV: The Massacre [+]Loading...["The Massacre (TV story)"]) he was particularly fascinated by the reign of the House of Tudor, which was regnant in England throughout the century. He made several trips to the various Tudor courts. He was known to have met with Henry VIII, (TV: "Strangers in Space" [+]Part of The Sensorites, Loading...{"namedep":"Strangers in Space (1)","1":"The Sensorites (TV story)"}, The Power of Three [+]Loading...["The Power of Three (TV story)"]) Lady Jane Grey (PROSE: The Nine-Day Queen [+]Loading...["The Nine-Day Queen (short story)"]) and Mary I, (AUDIO: The Marian Conspiracy [+]Loading...["The Marian Conspiracy (audio story)"]) but he was particularly interested in the last of the Tudor monarchs, Elizabeth I, and returned to her court several times during her reign, both in this century and the next. At some point around 1562, he even married and had sex with the so-called "virgin queen". (TV: The Shakespeare Code [+]Loading...["The Shakespeare Code (TV story)"], The End of Time [+]Loading...["The End of Time (TV story)"], The Beast Below [+]Loading...["The Beast Below (TV story)"], The Day of the Doctor [+]Loading...["The Day of the Doctor (TV story)"]) He also had several encounters with John Dee, one of Elizabeth's closest advisers. (PROSE: Mortlake [+]Loading...["Mortlake (short story)"]; PROSE: Managra [+]Loading...["Managra (novel)"])

The Doctor also met with some of the century's keenest minds. He befriended Leonardo da Vinci during either the first decade of this century or the last decade of the previous one. (TV: The Masque of Mandragora [+]Loading...["The Masque of Mandragora (TV story)"], City of Death [+]Loading...["City of Death (TV story)"]) He was also intensely interested in the life and career of William Shakespeare, whom he ran into at several points, both at the end of this century and the beginning of the next. (TV: The Shakespeare Code [+]Loading...["The Shakespeare Code (TV story)"], AUDIO: The Kingmaker [+]Loading...["The Kingmaker (audio story)"])

A soldier sent back in time by a Weeping Angel is burned as a witch in 1535. (COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons [+]Loading...["The Weeping Angels of Mons (comic story)"])

Witch burnings were common in this century. (COMIC: The Weeping Angels of Mons [+]Loading...["The Weeping Angels of Mons (comic story)"])

It was in this century that the Order of Saint Peter was founded in Eastern Europe. (AUDIO: Minuet in Hell [+]Loading...["Minuet in Hell (audio story)"])

As with most centuries of the first two millennia, the 16th century was home to Jack Harkness, Amy Pond and an Auton duplicate of Rory Williams. A version of Jack from around the time of the deaths of Toshiko Sato and Owen Harper existed in this century, having been buried alive in the 1st century by his brother, Gray. He perpetually died and resurrected an unknown number of times in an earthen tomb underneath Cardiff. (TV: Exit Wounds) Meanwhile, a near-dead Amy Pond was kept alive inside the Pandorica, beginning in the 2nd century. An Auton version of Rory kept vigil near her the entire time. They both awaited a moment in the mid-1990s when a young Amelia Pond would touch the outside of the Pandorica and restore Amy to full health. (TV: The Big Bang)

It was substantially unclear whether the events of the subsequent Big Bang Two erased Amy and Rory's presence in the 16th century. This ambiguity was caused, in part, because the non-Auton, married Rory Williams claimed to have remembered being "made of plastic" at his wedding reception, suggesting that, at least inasmuch as he was concerned, he and Amy were present in the 16th century. (TV: The Big Bang) Amy seemed to also remember those events, and displayed a fondness for the Auton Rory both during her honeymoon (TV: A Christmas Carol) and during a kind of lullaby to her newborn child Melody Pond. (TV: A Good Man Goes to War)

It was also among the centuries endured by Ashildr, (TV: The Woman Who Lived [+]Loading...["The Woman Who Lived (TV story)"]) a 9th century[1] Viking girl who was rendered effectively immortal when she was brought back to life by the Twelfth Doctor through a self-repairing Mire repair kit. (TV: The Girl Who Died [+]Loading...["The Girl Who Died (TV story)"])

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. In The Woman Who Lived, which is set in the year 1651, Ashildr mentions having had 800 years of adventure.