Eleventh Doctor

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The Eleventh Doctor was a capricious and adventurous incarnation of the renegade Time Lord known as the Doctor. The Moment referred to him as "the man who forgets", in reference to his claim not to remember how many children were on Gallifrey on the last day of the Last Great Time War. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) He later became a man fond of remembering his precious life. However, by this point in his life, his reputation had grown immense, attracting a new strain of conflicts in place of the war. Wishing to withdraw from the dangers it created, he became a secretive and guileful individual for the sake of himself and those he held close. He engaged in a centuries-long struggle to the death against his enemies, including an assassination plot and a last stand. He was possibly the Doctor's most long-lived incarnation, as well as the final incarnation in the Doctor's original regeneration cycle.

Within minutes of his fiery regeneration, he began a long, multi-century war with the Silence that critically involved companions Amy Pond, Rory Williams and their daughter, River Song. Ultimately, the significant, but likely not total, defeat of the Silence required him to marry Song in a dubiously legal ceremony, (TV: The Wedding of River Song) but one that they both seemed to regard as genuine. (WC: Asylum of the Daleks, TV: The Angels Take Manhattan, The Name of the Doctor)

After the touch of a Weeping Angel robbed him of Amy and Rory, (TV: The Angels Take Manhattan) he retired to Victorian London and associated himself with the "Paternoster Gang". During this period — which he once referred to as "the dark times" — he rediscovered a woman named Clara Oswald, whom he thought long dead (TV: Asylum of the Daleks); she once again died. Fascinated by this "impossible girl", he set off on to solve the mystery of her multiple lives, (TV: The Snowmen) and take her on as his latest travelling companion. (TV: The Bells of Saint John)

Rescuing Clara, however, came at a high price: it forced him to reveal to her a dreaded secret: an incarnation he had kept hidden, and whom he felt had betrayed the name of "the Doctor". (TV: The Name of the Doctor) This would preclude an actual meeting with this past life and his tenth incarnation, in which they reentered the Time War. Here, he discovered that he and his past incarnations had actually saved the Time Lords from destruction, but lost his knowledge of the event. This event allowed him to cleanse his hands of a genocide he never actually enacted and happily accept the incarnation he once renounced. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)

In the last years of his life, he battled against the universe's deadliest forces to protect the planet of Trenzalore for hundreds of years, causing his body to grow old and weak. At the cusp of dying of old age, Clara convinced the Time Lords to grant him a new regeneration cycle, restoring his youth and triggering his eventual regeneration into his next incarnation. (TV: The Time of the Doctor)



The two Doctors meet in a dream. (COMIC: To Sleep, Perchance to Scream)

The Eleventh Doctor appeared to his predecessor in a dream. He said that they would both be fine. (COMIC: To Sleep, Perchance to Scream)

New beginnings

The Eleventh Doctor moments after his regeneration. (TV: The End of Time)

After absorbing a vast amount of radiation from a nuclear power source in order to save the life of his good friend Wilfred Mott, the Tenth Doctor regenerated in his TARDIS. The energy released caused great damage to the vessel. Focused initially on his new form, he did not immediately realise the TARDIS was on fire and about to crash. When he did, he seemed to enjoy the thrill of the moment, gleefully shouting, "Geronimo!", as his TARDIS plummeted to Earth. (TV: The End of Time)

The Doctor in peril after being jolted outside a crashing TARDIS. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

As the TARDIS spiraled out of control above London, the Doctor was nearly thrown through the doors of his damaged ship, clutching his sonic screwdriver between his teeth. He clawed his way back into the TARDIS before nearly crashing into Big Ben.

Crashing in Leadworth in 1996, the Doctor met Amelia Pond, a lonely little Scottish girl with a mysterious crack in her bedroom wall. He made an everlasting impression on Amelia in the raggedy clothes of his predecessor, heavily torn up from the crash he weathered. Once he had expelled a breath of lingering regeneration energy, he noticed his new body needed sustenance and asked Amelia to feed him. The Doctor had trouble choosing what to eat with his finicky new tastes, until he was satisfied by his unique concoction of fish fingers and custard.

After seeing how his mysterious appearance and disturbing idiosyncrasies didn't bother Amelia, he decided the crack was more dangerous than most people thought. An alien convict called Prisoner Zero had escaped from a prison on the other side of the crack. Before the Doctor could investigate further, the cloister bell brought him back to the TARDIS as the engines were in danger of phasing out of existence.

The Doctor promised Amelia he would return in five minutes and have her travel with him. Unfortunately, due to the extreme damage sustained by the TARDIS, he accidentally arrived twelve years later. He was knocked unconscious by the adult Amelia (who now went by Amy). Prisoner Zero was still hiding in Amelia's house. After escaping, the Doctor persuaded Amy, who had spent her childhood waiting for him to return, and her boyfriend, Rory Williams to help him capture Prisoner Zero for its jailers, the Atraxi, to avoid the incineration of Earth.

The Doctor worked diligently to complete his task to find Prisoner Zero before the Atraxi extinguished the Earth's sun in under twenty minutes. He tried using the alien technology of his sonic screwdriver copiously so it would draw the Atraxi's attention to a non-terrestrial presence. However, the badly damaged screwdriver exploded from the strain of excessive use. Without his tool, he instead used the laptop of Jeff Angelo to speak to several distinguished intellectuals on Earth. With their help, he coordinated every clock in the world to revert to zero by distributing a slightly intelligent computer virus he created on Rory's phone, summoning the Atraxi to Earth at the sight of a beacon that their prisoner was there.

At the Royal Leadworth Hospital, Prisoner Zero tried to assume the form of the Doctor and young Amy through the mental link he had established after living in her house unnoticed for 12 years, but the Doctor told Amy to think of the alien's true form and it forced him to impersonate his own body. This allowed the Atraxi to find him and recapture the convict, Before he was captured, Prisoner Zero issued a portentous prophecy and a warning to the Doctor: "The Pandorica will open, Silence Will Fall".

Agitated by the Atraxi's negligent actions toward Earth, the Doctor stole replacement clothes from the hospital locker, summoned the Atraxi back to Leadworth, and scolded them for holding billions of innocent lives to ransom. As he donned his new outfit, he reminded them of the many other species who had posed a threat to humanity and what had happened to all of them. Fearing retribution from the Doctor, the Atraxi fled Earth with the promise of never returning.

"All of time and space, everything that ever happened and ever will. Where do you want to start?" (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

Afterwards, the Doctor took the newly-regenerated TARDIS, which had a redecorated exterior and a new console room, on a short trip to the Moon to run the engines in, before returning to Amelia and inviting her to join him on his travels. He accidentally arrived two years later, worsening his reputably bad timing. After 14 years of waiting, Amy agreed to join him in his travels. Upon his return with Amy, the TARDIS gifted the Doctor with an upgraded sonic screwdriver to replace the ruined model he lost. He and Amy set off, but he was unaware that he had arrived the night before her wedding to Rory Williams. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

Alone no more

The Doctor denounces humans for abusing a star whale. (TV: The Beast Below)

For their first trip, the Doctor took Amy to the Starship UK in the 33rd century. Initially resistant to getting involved in events on board the ship, the Doctor was moved by a child in distress. Investigating why adults ignored the obviously-distraught child, the Doctor was intrigued to discover the ship had no engines. Further investigating, he and Amy "brought down" the government and learned the last of the star whales was being tortured into transporting the ship. He allied with Queen Liz 10, who knew a great deal about him due to his previous encounters with royalty, to stop this. However, he was enraged to discover Liz herself had allowed the star whale to be tortured, but erased it from her mind every ten years because she couldn't bear to think of its suffering. Faced with the impossible choice of saving millions of humans or an innocent tormented creature, the Doctor planned to fry the star whale's brain so that it would continue piloting the ship but wouldn't feel any pain. With this deed, the enraged Doctor decided to abandon the name "the Doctor". Amy realised the Star Whale had volunteered to pilot Starship UK, only for the humans to chain it up and torture it into piloting the ship. She released the whale from its torment, and it remained with Starship UK. Preparing to leave, the Doctor got a phone call from his old friend Winston Churchill, asking for assistance. (TV: The Beast Below)

A grim Doctor witnesses his oldest foes return once again. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

The Doctor and Amy arrived in 1941 a month after Churchill's summoning to discover two Daleks aiding Britain against the Nazis in the Second World War. They had also convinced Professor Edwin Bracewell that he had created them when, in reality, they had created him. Trying to force the Daleks into revealing their true nature, the Doctor fell victim to their trap; he provided a testimony that allowed the Daleks to use a Progenitor device to rebuild their, nearly extinct, race. Forced to choose between saving Earth from being destroyed by an Oblivion Continuum, which had been planted inside Bracewell, or finishing off his deadliest enemies for good, the Doctor chose Earth and let the Daleks escape through a time corridor, which deeply distressed him. Leaving Winston and Bracewell to "win the war", he was perplexed by Amy not recognising the Daleks despite living through the War in the Medusa Cascade. (TV: Victory of the Daleks)

The Doctor next prevented the Cei from terraforming Earth into an aquatic world to use as an outpost during their war with another planet in 1864. (AUDIO: The Runaway Train)

The Doctor arrived on Earth in 2010, and found an astronaut in a shopping center. He and Amy went to the Moon to investigate. With the help of Professor Jackson, the Doctor was able to prevent the jelly-like Talerians from taking over the bodies of the humans on the base. After he revived Jackson from being brainwashed and controlled, Jackson smashed the large windows of his office, killing the Talerians with the low atmosphere, and, to the Doctor's dismay, simultaneously sacrificing himself. (PROSE: Apollo 23)

Their next trip brought them to the junk-made asteroid known as the Gyre. There, they encountered the Sittuun and a primitive society of humans; they believed they were on Earth. The Doctor tried convincing them they weren't, offering to save them from a bomb the Sittuun were going to set off to destroy the Gyre. Unsuccessful, he encountered Dirk Slipstream, an old foe, after the artefact (the Mymon Key) holding the Gyre together. Though successful in stopping Dirk, the Doctor felt remorseful for being unable to save the humans. (PROSE: Night of the Humans)

The Doctor was targeted by the Space Leeches. With the help of a boy called Stephen, he managed to foil their plot to consume the human race. (COMIC: Attack of the Space Leeches!)

Soon after, the Doctor travelled to the Trans-Vegas casino, challenged criminal businessman Hubert Crimp to a card game and rescued a group of slaves. (COMIC: Winning Hand)

He also returned to the biggest library in the universe and defeated an army of book monsters, (COMIC: Booked Up) battled alien joyriders in 1959, (COMIC: Madness on the M1!) saved a group of peaceful bird creatures (COMIC: Bad Vibrations) and met an agent from another dimension and prevented the Earth from being ripped apart in 1885. (COMIC: Track Attack)

At some point, he bought a street in New York in Amy's name to get the best burgers in all of history for free. He even suggested a new burger, which he called "The Doctor Burger". (PROSE: The Forgotten Army) Oddly, he suggested bacon be a part of it, despite claiming it could poison him. (TV: The Eleventh Hour)

The Doctor next took Amy to New York for the best burgers in all of history, even buying the street they were sold on to get them for free. However, his attention was drawn to a recently thawed mammoth causing havoc; it was later revealed to be a spaceship piloted by the seven centimetre tall Vykoids. They captured the Doctor, planning to use him and kidnapped humans as enslaved miners. After being rescued by Amy, the Doctor reversed their teleporter and sent the Vykoids back to their home planet. (PROSE: The Forgotten Army)