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Timeline for 2009
21st century | 2000s

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In 2009, ATMOS, a combination GPS/emission control system for automobiles, became widespread in vehicles around the world. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky) Also before Easter Rose Tyler temporarily returned from her parallel Earth, to arrive in her home universe, (TV: Partners in Crime) but later entered another universe, where she attained a position of authority with UNIT and worked with them and Donna Noble to restore the timeline. (TV: Turn Left)


January - March

Dr Owen Harper still had difficulty accepting his new undead existence. He was relieved of his duties with Torchwood Three, though he continued as their tea boy. Martha Jones stayed on as medical officer. After attempting suicide, Harper began to come to terms with his death. He returned to active duty for a mission to steal an alien artefact from a dying millionaire, Henry Parker, who revealed intimate knowledge about Torchwood and its personnel before he passed away. With Owen Harper reinstated, Martha left for her duties at UNIT. Soon after, Owen talked a young woman out of suicide. (TV: A Day in the Death)

On the night of her bachelorette party, Gwen Cooper was made the host of a Nostrovite offspring whose mother was waiting to pull it straight out of Gwen's womb. At her and Rhys Williams' wedding, Rhys destroyed the unborn Nostrovite young with the singularity scalpel without harming Gwen, and Jack Harkness killed the mother. Gwen married Rhys. (TV: Something Borrowed)

The Torchwood Three team investigated the Night Travellers, and defeated them by trapping their celluloid forms on film and exposing the film. (TV: From Out of the Rain)

Gwen Cooper investigated the disappearance of Jonah Bevan and others lost through the Cardiff Rift. She found Flat Holm Island, where some of those apparently returned by the Rift were kept. Nikki Bevan met her son, who had only vanished seven months previously, now much older. She was forced to leave Jonah at Flat Holm, after hearing an unearthly shriek come from him. (TV: Adrift)


Captain John Hart placed bombs in an abandoned building Torchwood were investigating. After they escaped, John showed Jack a hologram of Gray. (TV: Fragments)

The Torchwood team regained consciousness. They tried to stop John Hart. That night aliens attacked Cardiff. Weevils killed four police officers. A Hoix ran loose in a hospital, to be captured by Owen Harper. Men in cloaks haunting a building and were shot dead by Toshiko Sato and Ianto Jones. John Hart captured Jack Harkness and set off bombs in key buildings across Cardiff. Jack's brother Gray was forcing John Hart to do his bidding. Gray sent Jack back to 27 A.D. to be buried. Jack was discovered in 1901 and stored in Torchwood's cryo-chamber to be re-awakened. Gray unleashed all of the Weevils in Cardiff's sewers and shot Toshiko. She later died of her wounds. Owen was destroyed by nuclear radiation which flooded into the room he was in, which consumed his body. This resulted in his permanent death. Cardiff was saved. The other members of Torchwood who survived the ordeal then decommissioned Owen and Tosh's database access through a final logout. In Tosh's case, it triggered a message she recorded in the event of her death, saying her final goodbyes to the team and confessing her love for Owen. (TV: Exit Wounds)

Spring, prior to Easter

Martha Jones called in Torchwood Three for help at CERN. (AUDIO: Lost Souls)

Conspiracy theorists and Donna Noble had begun noting the disappearance of bees from the planet Earth. (TV: Partners in Crime, et al) They had left Earth in anticipation of its imminent relocation to the Medusa Cascade. (TV: The Stolen Earth)

Donna Noble investigated Adipose Industries and met the Tenth Doctor again. Matron Cofelia forced the birth of thousands of Adipose from Londoners' bodies. The Doctor and Donna turned off the parthenogenesis signal before it proved fatal. The Adipose were sent into their ship, and Cofelia was killed by the Adipose First Family to cover up seeding a Level 5 planet. Donna joined the Doctor in the TARDIS. Before leaving with the Doctor, she encountered Rose Tyler, unaware of who she was. (TV: Partners in Crime)

UNIT investigated the simultaneous deaths of fifty-two people across the world, all in ATMOS-equipped vehicles. Dr. Martha Jones, now working for UNIT, called in the Tenth Doctor. UNIT raided an ATMOS factory. The Sontarans captured Martha and cloned her. As part of a Sontaran invasion plan, all ATMOS-equipped vehicles, half of all cars on Earth, emitted a toxic gas. (TV: The Sontaran Stratagem)

The TARDIS, with Donna Noble inside, was taken to the Sontaran flagship. The Sontarans invaded the ATMOS factory, but UNIT retook it. The Doctor found Martha with her clone's help. The clone's link was severed. Before dying, she revealed the ATMOS gas would be used to clone Sontarans. With Donna's aid, the Doctor retook his TARDIS and used the technology from the Rattigan Academy to create an atmospheric converter to destroy the gas. Luke Rattigan, learning his plans to start a new world with his students had failed, swapped places with the Doctor and destroyed the Sontaran fleet and himself. The TARDIS, with Martha inside as well as the Doctor and Donna, suddenly started moving on its own. (TV: The Poison Sky)

The Earth and twenty-three other planets were relocated to the Medusa Cascade by the Daleks (with three other planets, Adipose 3, Pyrovillia and the Lost Moon of Poosh from other time zones) by the Supreme Dalek and Davros. The Tenth Doctor went to the Shadow Proclamation and tracked the Earth to the Medusa Cascade before the trail went cold. An invasion of Earth by the Daleks began and humans were taken to the Crucible. The British Prime Minister was shot down by Daleks. Former Prime Minister Harriet Jones contacted some of the Doctor's former companions, including Captain Jack Harkness, Sarah Jane Smith and Martha Jones, to reach the Tenth Doctor, using the Cardiff Rift and Mr Smith, before she herself was killed by the Daleks. Rose Tyler, meanwhile, contacted Donna Noble's family and was reunited with the Doctor, having broken through to the out-of-sync Cascade. (TV: The Stolen Earth)

The Tenth Doctor underwent a partial regeneration to heal damage from a Dalek blast. He threw his regenerative energy into his old hand. The TARDIS was taken to the Crucible. Humans were used for tests of the reality bomb. The TARDIS was almost destroyed in the Crucible's Z-neutrino core, but the energy-infused hand formed into a human Time-Lord Meta-Crisis clone of the Doctor after making physical contact with Donna Noble, safely piloting the TARDIS away. Sarah Jane threatened the Crucible with a warp star, while Martha planned to blow up Earth, stopping the use of the reality bombs. Davros and the Daleks quickly stopped them. The Meta-Crisis Doctor and Donna attempted an attack on Davros but failed. The electricity from his hand awakened her dormant Time Lord mind, the regeneration energy from earlier having spread both ways, turning her into the "DoctorDonna". Donna used a Dalek interface to shut down the Crucible and disable the Daleks and was able to send all but one planet home, while the Meta-Crisis Doctor finished off the Daleks. The Doctor and his companions towed the remaining planet, Earth, home with the TARDIS; this sparked worldwide celebrations around the planet. Afterwards, Mickey Smith chose to remain on his original Earth instead of returning to Pete's World. Jack and Martha went back to their respective jobs, and the Doctor returned Rose and Jackie Tyler to Pete's World, along with his clone, whom he considered unsafe. He asked Rose to help the clone, as she had helped him. Donna Noble was returned to her family with all memories of the Doctor wiped from her mind due to the danger to her survival posed by her transformation. (TV: Journey's End)

During these events, a young Adelaide Brooke lost her family and saw a Dalek. For reasons unknown to her, it chose not to exterminate her. This inspired her to become an astronaut, a trailblazer for human exploration of space — in her case, establishing the first human base on Mars in 2058 and, in turn, inspiring generations of Brookes who would impel humanity to reach into the stars. (TV: The Waters of Mars)

In the aftermath of the Medusa Cascade incident, the human race began coming to terms with the fact it was not alone in the universe. While many accepted it, others experienced crises of faith and many committed suicide. Brian Green became British Prime Minister before September. (TV: Children of Earth: Day One)

The last survivor of the ATMOS Sontaran invasion, Commander Kaagh, tried to destroy Earth by commandeering the Tycho Project in Goblin's Copse, landing satellites onto nuclear stockpiles. He was thwarted when Luke Smith shut down the project and Chrissie Jackson attacked Kaagh's probic vent, knocking him out. Kaagh left Earth disgraced. Chrissie Jackson became aware of aliens and of Sarah Jane and her team's fight against them. (TV: The Last Sontaran, at least six weeks before the events of The Day of the Clown)

On 12 April, Easter, the 200 bus travelled through a wormhole, leaving several passengers, including the Tenth Doctor and Lady Christina de Souza, stranded on the desert planet San Helios, which had been turned into a sandy wasteland within the last year by alien stingrays which had started approaching the wormhole to devour Earth. Using some Tritovore anti-gravity clamps taken by Lady Christina, the 200 flew through the wormhole safely. The wormhole was closed and the handful of stingrays which made it through were destroyed by UNIT. The Doctor declined Lady Christina's offer to join the TARDIS, but helped her evade arrest. (TV: Planet of the Dead)

12 May was Adelaide Brooke's tenth birthday. (birthdate seen in TV: The Waters of Mars)

From 15 May to 18 May, the Mandragora Helix attempted a takeover of Earth through the MorganTech computer systems. (PROSE: Beautiful Chaos)

Spring - summer

Maria and Alan Jackson moved to America. (TV: The Last Sontaran)

Rani Chandra and her family moved to Bannerman Road. Clyde and Rani investigated Spellman's Magical Museum of the Circus. The owner, Elijah Spellman, was the clown and the Pied Piper, having come from a meteorite in the Jeggorabax Cluster centuries before. The Piper gathered children he had given balloons to, but Mr Smith interfered by contacting their mobile phones. Clyde, weakening the fear-eating Pied Piper with humour, allowed Sarah Jane to trap the Piped Piper back inside his meteorite, releasing the children who had been recently taken by him. (TV: The Day of the Clown)

Martin Trueman, using the power of the Ancient Lights, started enslaving every human on Earth using astrology. Luke, not having a starsign, defeated him. (TV: Secrets of the Stars)

Rani Chandra discovered the Berserker pendant. Clyde Langer's father Paul came to visit him after having walked out on his family years before. Paul took and was possessed by the pendant, but Sarah Jane and the team brought him back to himself. Clyde threw the pendant into the sea. (TV: The Mark of the Berserker)

The Trickster used a time fissure to trick Sarah Jane into saving her parents' lives in 1951 and created an alternate timeline where he drained the life out of Earth and enslaved humanity. Sarah Jane and her friends returned to 2009 after Sarah Jane's parents, Eddie and Barbara Smith, prevented this alternate timeline by sacrificing themselves in 1951. (TV: The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith)

Mrs Wormwood and Commander Kaagh became allies in the light of Wormwood's exile from the Bane and Kaagh's self-imposed exile from the Sontarans. Taking the Tunguska Scroll from Sarah Jane and her gang, they used Luke to place the scroll on the "tomb" of Horath, the tyrant of the Dark Empire, to bring him back. Kaagh, disgraced by Wormwood's preference for her "son" Luke, pushed Wormwood into the interdimensional portal that held Horath, destroying the link. (TV: Enemy of the Bane)

The Veil Androvax crashed in Ealing, followed by the Judoon Tybo. Androvax escaped to Genetec Systems, using Nanoforms to build a spaceship and destroy Earth. Luke deactivated the Nanoforms, and Tybo arrested Androvax. Clyde and Rani were grounded on Earth by the Judoon. (TV: Prisoner of the Judoon)

Rani was called to Danemouth by Samuel Lloyd to investigate a haunted funfair. Sarah Jane, Luke and Clyde followed. Rani found Eve, whose powers were out of control. Eve was taken to Ship to control them. Sarah Jane gave Ship the co-ordinates to the black hole K9 was protecting, freeing him and powering Ship. Eve, Samuel and Eve's adopted father Harry left in Ship to explore the universe. (TV: The Mad Woman in the Attic)

Peter Dalton was about to marry Sarah Jane Smith, but the Tenth Doctor interfered. The Trickster took Sarah Jane and her gang into a time loop, with Sarah Jane and Peter stuck in one second and the Doctor, Clyde and Rani in another. Peter revoked his deal with the Trickster and died. Time resumed its natural course. With Peter nowhere to be seen, Sarah Jane called the wedding off. (TV: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith)

At Ashen Hill Manor, Sarah Jane discovered the people who had disappeared at the manor had been trapped inside another dimension, keeping Erasmus Darkening alive. Sarah Jane tricken Darkening by putting him into an electromagnetic field. (TV: The Eternity Trap)

The Mona Lisa was in the International Gallery in London, on loan from the Louvre. Due to her proximity to The Abomination, made from the same sentient paint as the Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa was brought to life. She returned to her painting when she was tricked into bringing a sketch of K9 to life, who shot at The Abomination. (TV: Mona Lisa's Revenge)

The Slitheen-Blathereen family captured some Slitheen, stopping them from destroying the Earth. The Slitheen-Blathereen gave Sarah Jane a Rakweed plant, which the next day mutated, sending spores across London that would have put humans into a coma. Mr Smith used a high-pitched frequency across the city to destroy the plants, and when the Slitheen-Blathereen attacked Sarah Jane, he did so again, destroying their Rakweed-saturated bodies. (TV: The Gift)

Summer - autumn

Members of the Stockbridge Preservation Society began to go missing. (COMIC: The Stockbridge Child)

A half-alien, half-human girl named Freda was sent back from the future to escape persecution and came under the protection of Torchwood Three. (AUDIO: Asylum)

Torchwood Three discovered Torchwood India still existed and its members were preserving their own time in their headquarters by draining the life out of innocent civilians, with plans to roll back time to Britain's empire across the world. Torchwood Three defeated them and Torchwood India was frozen in time. (AUDIO: Golden Age)

Torchwood Three combatted a mysterious force that put people into coma-like trances after they answered the phone. (AUDIO: The Dead Line)

Rhys Williams' uncle Bryn died. Torchwood Three investigated mysterious power cuts and Miss Carew. She was a woman in her eighties who was fit and at work after being on her deathbed not long before. Carew worked with Fitzroy to destroy all electricity on Earth, but was stopped. (AUDIO: The Devil and Miss Carew)

Torchwood Three, working in cooperation with UNIT, tracked a distress signal to the Mariana Trench and discovered Sam Doyle of the Guernica, who hadn't aged in fifty years. The team defeated the entity possessing him which later entered Carlie Roberts. (AUDIO: Submission)

Newspaper Ianto Jones picks up. Date reads: Wednesday September 2009 (TV: Children of Earth: Day Two)

Every child on Earth stopped in their tracks and recited the message, "We are coming", repeatedly, all them in English. Behind the scenes, the British government knew this came from the 456, a race who had visited Earth before. Gwen Cooper spoke to Clement McDonald, who also stopped and said the message, He told Gwen that when he was a child, the children on his orphanage bus were stolen away, with him almost being taken too. Jack Harkness had a bomb encased in his body which blew up the Torchwood Three hub. (TV: Children of Earth: Day One)

Jack, his body slowly reconstituting itself, was held by Johnson, while Gwen went on the run from the British government, revealing to her husband Rhys she was pregnant. The children on Earth stopped again to say, "We are coming...tomorrow". Mr Dekker built a container for the 456 to specification, filled with unusual gases. Lois Habiba revealed to Gwen that John Frobisher was behind the death orders for Torchwood. Johnson sealed Jack in concrete, but Ianto arrived, releasing him. Jack and Ianto escaped with Rhys and Gwen. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Two)

The 456 ambassador materialised in the gassy container in Thames House. They demanded 10% of all of Earth's children. Clem revealed that Jack had been behind the handover in 1965, and Jack staid it was for the 456. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Three)

Jack continued to talk about the night he and others handed children over to the 456 in 1965. At Thames House, the 456 ambassador had one of the children of 1965 as part of its system, unaging. As negotiations failed, the government started to think of ways to hand over the 10%, which Lois recorded with Torchwood's Eye-5 contact lenses as incriminating evidence. The 456 killed Clem. Jack and Ianto faced the 456, but were also killed, along with the rest of Thames House once the 456 released the virus. Jack revived, upset over his loss. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Four)

The British government started sending the 10% to the 456, labelling it "inocculations". The ambassador revealed the children were to be used as drugs. Unable to cope with this, Frobisher killed his family and committed suicide. Gwen and Rhys tried to escape with as many children as they could. Jack used the wave the 456 had used to kill Clem the previous day to destroy the 456, but sacrificed his grandson Steven to set it up. Stricken with guilt over the death of his grandson, Jack left Cardiff and spent the next few months wandering the Earth. (TV: Children of Earth: Day Five)

Children of Earth dates based upon on-screen evidence, specifically a newspaper headline.

Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde and Rani fought and killed a Raxacoricofallapatorian, while K9 defused a bomb. (TV: The Nightmare Man)

In mid-December, the Aurelia Festival was held in Stockbridge. The Tenth Doctor and new companion Majenta Pryce arrived to find themselves involved in an adventure with Maxwell Edison. (COMIC: The Stockbridge Child)

On 24 December, the Saxon Master was resurrected by Miss Trefusis and the new governor of Broadfell Prison on Christmas Eve. Lucy Saxon caused an explosion at the prison, killing everyone inside, except for the Master. The White House announced that President Barack Obama would make a Christmas Day speech announcing new economic initiatives to resolve the current worldwide economic crisis. (TV: The End of Time)

On 25 December, the Master was captured by soldiers working for Joshua Naismith to help him use the Immortality Gate. The Master betrayed him and, as Obama gave a speech on the recession, used the Gate, intended to heal planets, to turn every human on Earth except Donna Noble and Wilfred Mott into copies of the Master. (TV: The End of Time)

On 26 December, a diamond called a White-Point Star was sent from Gallifrey through time and space and crashed to Earth, where it was retrieved by the Master. He used it to open a portal that allowed Rassilon and other Time Lords to escape the Last Great Time War. Rassilon undid the "cloning" of the Master and Gallifrey entered the space around Earth, the Time Lords ready to end time. The Tenth Doctor shot the diamond, breaking the connection, and the Master blasted the Time Lords back into the time lock, the Master also disappearing. The Tenth Doctor rescued Wilf from certain death. In doing so, he was flooded with radiation. The Doctor began his regeneration cycle. A malfunction with the world's wi-fi systems was later blamed for causing mass hallucinations, a cover story concocted by Mr Smith. Shortly after, Luke Smith was nearly run over by a car on Bannerman Road, but rescued by the slowly-regenerating Tenth Doctor, who disappeared into his TARDIS. (TV: The End of Time)

Unknown dates

Gareth, head of the seismology unit of the UCMA taskforce, developed a system for accurately predicting earthquakes. Gareth's system was credited for saving the human race several times. (TV: Doctor Who)

Kate Maguire first encountered the Tenth Doctor. However, he knew that one day she would help him defend the Earth against an Auton invasion. (PROSE: Autonomy)

Mary Baker, the paternal grandmother of Julia Hardwick as well as one of her possible descendants due to time travel, died at the age of 82. (WC: A Ghost Story for Christmas)

A crashed Terpsivore spaceship was buried under Birmingham before being repaired and leaving in 2009. (COMIC: Death Disco)

Alternate timelines

The Year That Never Was

In the spring or summer, the Saxon Master ruled Earth with an iron fist through dictatorship. During this time, the Tenth Doctor, physically aged, was kept captive aboard the UNIT airship the Valiant, along with Jack Harkness and most of Martha Jones' family, while the Toclafane invaded Earth. Meanwhile, Martha, following instruction given to her by the Doctor, spent the year travelling the world spreading stories and faith about the Doctor. Ultimately, the collected faith of the people of the world restored the Doctor, leading to the Master's defeat. Captain Jack destroyed the paradox machine, reversing time back to 2008. (TV: Last of the Time Lords)

Donna's world

Prior to Easter, after the Titanic fell to Earth on 25 December 2008, annihilating London and rendering most of southern England uninhabitable with nuclear radiation, Great Britain had become a police state. People across Southern England were subject to forced relocations; Donna Noble's family was moved to Leeds. (TV: Turn Left)

In the spring, prior to Easter, after Donna's family was relocated, the parthenogenesis of the Adipose was a huge success, with 60 million Americans killed before the Adipose were moved to their spaceship. Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones died saving the world from ATMOS, and Captain Jack was transferred to Sontar. Rose Tyler worked with the UNIT of this timeline to help Donna Noble restore the proper chain of events which, at one point, involved sending Donna back to 2007. (TV: Turn Left)

Other timelines

In the summer, Rani, upset over not living up to the standards of her predecessor, Maria, offhandedly wished that her friends would leave her alone. Ship took this as an actual request and erased Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde and K9. Eve's son Adam reversed this once an older Rani told him about this in 2059. (TV: The Mad Woman in the Attic)