The Parting of the Ways (TV story)

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I'm dead or about to die any second with no chance of escape.The Doctor


As the Daleks attack the Gamestation led by their Emperor, the Doctor finds himself helpless. He knows he must make sacrifices if he is going to survive but does this mean losing his beloved companion Rose Tyler? And who, or what is Bad Wolf?


Following on from the end of "Bad Wolf", the Daleks turn on Rose and demand that she predict the Doctor's actions, but she refuses. The Daleks detect the Doctor's TARDIS flying in real space towards the saucer, and launch missiles against it. The missiles detonate, but thanks to the tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator taken from Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, Jack has rigged up a force field around the TARDIS that protects it. The TARDIS materialises on board the Dalek saucer, around Rose and the single Dalek guarding her, which Jack destroys with the gun he improvised on the Game Station. As the Doctor examines the wreckage of the Dalek, he muses that since it is now apparent that the Daleks survived the Time War, the Time Lords died for nothing.

The travellers exit the TARDIS, and are immediately fired on by the surrounding Daleks, but the extrapolator's force field continues to protect them. The Doctor taunts the Daleks, reminding them that Dalek legends call him "The Oncoming Storm", and even though they claim to have eliminated all emotion, he is sure that, deep inside, the Daleks still feel fear when faced with him. He asks how they had survived the Time War, and is answered by a low, grating voice, "They survived… through me." The voice is that of the Dalek Emperor, a Dalek mutant suspended in a transparent tank of fluid, flanked by panels of armour and topped by an equally gargantuan Dalek domed head. Around it floats an entourage of black-domed Daleks.

The Emperor explains that though the Doctor destroyed all the Daleks in the War, its ship survived: "falling through time - crippled but alive". The surviving Daleks spent centuries hiding in "the dark space", silently rebuilding, infiltrating Earth's systems, harvesting humans and converting the genetic material into an army of Daleks. When Rose suggests that makes the Daleks half-human, the Daleks cry out that the remark is blasphemy. The Doctor is surprised that the Daleks even have such a concept. The Emperor declares: "I reached into the dirt and made new life. I AM THE GOD OF ALL DALEKS!" Even though it used human genetic material, only one cell in a billion was fit to be nurtured, and the Emperor insists that its manipulation resulted in the cultivation of "pure and blessed Dalek".

Horrified, the Doctor realises that the Daleks have been driven insane by the human values they have absorbed, becoming self-loathing fanatics who hate their own genetic makeup, which makes them deadlier than ever. The travellers re-enter the TARDIS, and the Doctor returns them to Floor 500 of the Game Station.

The Doctor orders the two remaining programmers to turn up the transmitters so the Daleks cannot transmat aboard the station. Earth is ignoring the Station's warnings since it stopped transmitting and is simply sitting there defenseless. Despite the Doctor's earlier orders, Lynda Moss is still on board, unwilling to leave him. In any case, there were not enough shuttles, and there are still about a hundred people on board, on Floor Zero, including Rodrick, Rose's main opponent in The Weakest Link, who is still looking for his prize money. The Dalek fleet begins to move towards Earth, the Emperor giving orders to purify the planet with fire and turn it into its temple.

The Doctor begins dismantling the panels in the control room. The Daleks have left him an enormous transmitter, and to Jack's disbelief, the Doctor is proposing to build and transmit a Delta Wave, an energy wave that will fry every brain in its path. Unfortunately, a wave of this magnitude would require three days to build up. The Dalek fleet will be upon them in twenty-two minutes. The Doctor must work fast.

Jack attaches the extrapolator to the Station's systems so the Daleks cannot simply blast the Station out of the sky, but it will not prevent them from physically invading to stop the Wave. Jack concentrates the force field on the top six levels of the Station, so the Daleks will have to enter at Floor 494 and work their way up to Floor 500. Rose stays behind to help the Doctor build the Wave while the others, armed with Bastic bullets which can breach Dalek casings, go down to Floor Zero to try and scare up volunteers to help hold back the Daleks. Jack kisses both Rose and the Doctor good-bye.

On Floor Zero, only a few join the defenders. Others, like Rodrick, do not believe that the Daleks still exist. Jack warns them all to stay on Floor Zero and keep quiet, even if they start to hear the sounds of battle above; if they do, hopefully the Daleks will not notice them. On Floor 500, the Delta Wave starts its build-up, but when the Doctor checks to see how long it will need to build, he hangs his head in dismay. When Rose asks how bad it is, the Doctor brightens up and says it can work if he can use the TARDIS to cross his own timeline. He ushers her into the TARDIS and tells her to stay there while he powers up the Station. Once he exits the TARDIS, however, his expression turns sombre, and he points the sonic screwdriver at the ship, making it dematerialise with Rose on board.

Rose finds the TARDIS doors locked, and a hologram of the Doctor appears, explaining to Rose that if she is receiving this message, then the Doctor is either dead, or about to die with no chance of escape. Emergency Programme One will take her home, and the TARDIS will not return for him for fear that its technology will fall into the Dalek hands. He asks her to just let the TARDIS moulder away and die, and, in remembrance of him, to have a fantastic life. The TARDIS lands Rose at her estate in the 21st century, and despite her near hysterical jiggling of the controls, she cannot get it to work again. Outside, Mickey comes running down the street, having heard the distinctive sound of the TARDIS's engines, and Rose hugs him, weeping.

When Jack contacts Floor 500, he finds that the Doctor has sent Rose away. When Jack asks if the Delta Wave will be ready, the Dalek Emperor breaks in on the transmission, noting that the Wave can possibly be completed in time, but it will not be able to discriminate between human and Dalek; it will wipe all Daleks and humans within its long range. The Doctor replies that there are colonies in space and the human race will survive, but the whole universe is in danger if he lets the Daleks live. Jack tells the Doctor to keep working, and defiantly tells the Emperor that he has never, and will never doubt the Doctor. The Doctor questions the Emperor on how it managed to scatter the words "Bad Wolf" through history, but the Emperor replies that these words were not part of its design.

Jack places Lynda in an observation deck which has a heavy door that will hopefully hold the Daleks out for a time. From the deck, Lynda will monitor the Station's sensors and update the rest of the humans on the Daleks' progress. Through the window, they see the fleet decelerate into Earth orbit, and thousands of Daleks begin to stream out from the saucers towards the Station. The Daleks force the airlock on Floor 494, and begin to work their way up, taking the internal lasers off-line and ruthlessly exterminating the first batch of defenders, their basic bullets having no effect as they melt against the Dalek force fields (Jack's prediction that they "blow the Daleks wide open" was wrong).

In the 21st century, Jackie and Mickey try to persuade Rose to just get on with her life. Rose tells them that she cannot, because the Doctor showed her a better way to live, just as he showed Mickey: you do not just give up; you make a stand and fight for what is right. As Mickey tries to reason with her, Rose notices the words "Bad Wolf" scrawled in six-foot high letters on a paved public area of the estate, and also in the form of graffiti on the surrounding walls. Rose realizes that the words are not a warning, but a message, telling her that she can still get back to the Doctor. She runs for the TARDIS, hoping at least to help the Doctor escape. She tells Mickey that the TARDIS is telepathic, and to make contact, they need to get inside it, open the console to get at the heart of the TARDIS. However, their first attempt to pry the console open by hooking a chain to Mickey's car is unsuccessful.

On Floor 495, the Daleks encounter the Anne Droid from The Weakest Link, and it effectively manages to dispose of three Daleks before another one shoots its head off. To Lynda's horror, instead of flying up to 496, the Daleks travel down to Floor Zero, exterminating everyone left there. In the TARDIS, Jackie tries her hand at persuading Rose to give up, but Rose tells her that Pete, her father, would not have given up; she knows this because she met him. Jackie does not believe this, until Rose reminds her that a blonde girl was there holding Pete's hand when he died and Jackie saw her from a distance; that girl was Rose. Shaken, Jackie rushes out of the TARDIS.

On 2002nd century Earth, the fleet descends, bombarding the planet, the outlines of the continents distorting on Lynda's screen as they are devastated by the Dalek bombing. The Emperor proclaims that it has created Heaven on Earth. On Floor 499, Jack organises the last stand against the Daleks, telling the defenders to concentrate fire on the Dalek eye-stalks. This works against one Dalek, but the others overwhelm the barricades, killing everyone but Jack, who retreats towards Floor 500, still firing vainly at the oncoming Dalek squads. As a Dalek squad begins to cut through the doors to Lynda's position, another squad floats in space outside the window of the observation deck. One Dalek fires at the window, shattering the glass and exposing Lynda to the vacuum of space.

Back in the 21st century, Jackie returns to the TARDIS with a heavy-duty recovery vehicle. She tells Rose that she was right; this would have been the sort of mad thing Pete would have done. The heavier chain of the recovery vehicle holds, and the console tears open. Rose stares into the heart of the TARDIS, and energy from within the console flows into her eyes. The TARDIS doors close of their own accord, shutting Jackie and Mickey out, and the TARDIS dematerializes, intense light visibly streaming out of the TARDIS windows.

Jack runs out of ammunition and is exterminated at the doorway to Floor 500 just as the Doctor finishes readying the Delta Wave. The Daleks glide into the control room, and when the Doctor threatens to activate the wave, the Emperor dares him to do so, to become like it; "the Great Exterminator", to make the choice between coward and killer. The Doctor hesitates, and then says he would be a coward any day. As the Doctor prepares for extermination, the TARDIS materializes behind him. The doors open, the light from the TARDIS's heart spilling out into the control room, and in the middle of it all is Rose as Bad Wolf, glowing brightly. In answer to the Doctor, Rose tells him she looked into the TARDIS and it into her. The Doctor tells her that she looked into the time vortex, something no one is supposed to see.

Suffused with power, Rose easily stops and diverts a Dalek blast. As the Emperor calls her "the abomination", Rose explains that she is the Bad Wolf and proceeds to scatter the name of the Game Station's owners through time and space, to lead herself to this point. She can now see all of time and space: the past, present and all possible futures; all she wants is the Doctor to be safe and protected from the Daleks. The Emperor declares that she cannot hurt it as it is immortal, but Rose proves the Emperor wrong by waving her hand and killing him. All the Daleks - emperor, fleet and on those on Earth - are destroyed. Rose declares the Time War has ended. However, the power continues to stream through Rose, and she is unwilling to let go of the power of life and death, a power demonstrated when outside the room and unseen by the Doctor Captain Jack suddenly returns to life. The Doctor tries desperately to get her to relinquish what she has been given, but Rose weeps that she cannot cope with the power coursing through her body.

The Doctor knows that the power will kill her, so he pulls her close and kisses her, drawing the energy into himself. As Rose falls unconscious, the Doctor releases the vortex energies back into the TARDIS. Jack makes it to the control room only to see the TARDIS dematerialize without him.

Onboard, Rose awakens, remembering little of what has transpired. As she tries to figure out what happened, the Doctor notices a small ripple of energy sweeping across the back of his hand and his expression clouds momentarily. Turning back to Rose, he tells her that he was going to take her to so many places, like Barcelona — the planet, not the city and perhaps he will, just not as he is now. Rose does not understand what the Doctor is talking about, until he buckles over in pain. The Doctor tells her that the vortex energy is destroying every cell in his body. He will regenerate, but this incarnation will not see her again. The Ninth Doctor's last words to Rose are, "Before I go, I just want to tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was I."

With that, blazing energy courses through his body, and before Rose's astonished eyes, the Doctors features change and he regenerates into his next incarnation. The new Doctor says "Hello," gulps, and adds, "New teeth. That's weird. Now, where was I?"

"Oh, that's right," he grins, "Barcelona!"




Story Notes

  • The Doctor regenerates into the Tenth Doctor - David Tennant. His first words: "Hello. I can't... new teeth, that's weird."
  • According to his book The Writer's Tale, Russell T Davies planned to keep the departure of Christopher Eccleston a secret until the surprise regeneration. However, soon after the broadcast of The Unquiet Dead, the third episode of the season, the BBC's press office prematurely announced Eccleston's departure, which was followed several weeks later by confirmation that Tennant had been signed as the new Doctor, thereby removing both elements of surprise from the episode.
  • The guns used by Jack and the Game Station people are Heckler and Koch G36Ks.
  • Although he is soon brought back to life, Jack's death in this episode makes him the first companion to die since Kamelion in Planet of Fire and the first humanoid companion to be killed since Adric's death in Earthshock.
  • The Doctor's farewell recording to Rose - "Have a good life ..." - is quoted in the lyrics of "Song for Ten", featured in the next full episode, The Christmas Invasion.
  • Jack kisses the Doctor affectionately on the mouth (after kissing Rose) before going off to fight the Daleks. This is the first same-sex kiss featured in the Doctor Who franchise.
  • This episode marks the last time the lead character is identified as "Doctor Who" in the closing credits. Beginning with The Christmas Invasion, the credit reverts to "The Doctor" as it had been during the last nine years of the original series. This episode is the only occasion in which David Tennant is credited as "Doctor Who".
  • This is the first time The Doctor, or any time lord for that matter, is seen regenerating standing up, previous Doctors collapsed before regenerating. This would later be seen again in The Master's regeneration in Utopia and the Tenth Doctor's aborted regeneration in The Stolen Earth. Coincidentally, all of these episodes feature Jack Harkness


  • 6.9 million viewers.


  • In one version (a fake version) Rose was to have died.
  • After it was announced prematurely by the BBC that Eccleston was leaving the series, some media reports indicated that he would leave (and regenerate) in the announced Christmas special episode, not this one. This may have been intentional in order to preserve the surprise ending of this episode (which might also explain the fake Rose death reports, too).

Location Filming

  • None; all in-studio.

Discontinuity, Plot Holes, Errors

  • The Doctor states that in the ancient legends on the Dalek homeworld he's known as 'Oncoming Storm', however this was the name the Draconians gave him, the Dalek name for him is Ka Faraq Gatri. It is possible that two races have the same name for the Doctor, or the Daleks - or the Draconians - "stole" the nickname.
  • When Rose was the Bad Wolf entity, why did she not see the Cult of Skaro and destroy them? At that point, the Cult was in the Void. It's unlikely she would have been able to see them. Or she did and dismissed it as irrelevant since it had nothing to do with saving the Doctor and Earth at that moment in time. She didn't destroy Henry van Statten's Dalek, or any of the Daleks seen in the previous 26 seasons either, and she could have.
  • Since every other "disintegrator beam" was actually a secondary transmat system, when the Anne Droid shoots the 3 Daleks with it, wouldn't they just be sent back to the Dalek mothership like the Controller and Rose? The Doctor states that the transmat has been shut down. That means that these Daleks wouldn't be able to re-integrate until the transmat is back online. Until then, they would have been kept in whatever place things go when being transmatted or teleported.
  • How does the Doctor know to turn his head when his hologram appears to Rose in the TARDIS? He can't have been transmitting live because he said that "he bets" Rose was fussing and moaning - as in he couldn't see her. It's unlikely that he would have gotten to know her so well he could turn his head at the right moment and stare at the right place. The program was probably tied in with the TARDIS' sentient systems. Also there are interactive computer programs in real life that can react in this way. And the Doctor may have been transmitting and could have said "bet" to add a bit of humour into the scene and then turned his head to show Rose that she was actually talking to him. Another case of this happening is in The Age of Steel when the Doctor being watched by Mickey points were the last digit in the sequense should go whilst saying the number. This sugests that at times the Doctor can predict in some way events that appear to be random.
  • When the Daleks were trying to get to the Doctor using the lifts, why did they stop at every floor? Why not just go straight up to floor 500? Possibly so if the Doctor managed to escape floor 500, he would be caught in an ambush. The Daleks also wanted to be thorough and make sure all the humans were exterminated.
  • Rose asks the Doctor why he cannot simply travel back in time and warn the humans about the Daleks. He replies that he has become part of events and so cannot do that. However, in the TV movie, the Eye of Harmony destroys the Earth, before the Doctor basically rewinds time and prevents it from happening. The Time Lords were still alive during that event so they could fix any accidents from occuring. Also, Time-Flight and other stories have also established that the Doctor can't or won't change certain events. The Eye of Harmony's destruction of Earth was not meant to happen - as the Doctor was familiar with post-1999 Earth, so it had to be undone.
  • The Doctor saves Rose's life by taking the vortex energy out of her. He then returns the energy to the TARDIS. Why, then, do the effects of the energy kill him? It should either kill them both (as they both had the energy in them) or neither of them (as they both lost it). Some novels have stated that, while regenerating, a body can absorb artron energy and feed it into the regenerative process. Assuming that the vortex energy is the same as artron energy, it is possible that the Doctor deliberately triggered a regeneration, possibly allowing him to absorb the energy from Rose. The regeneration then had to complete. It's also possible the vortex energy had a different effect on the Doctor's physiology when he absorbed it.
  • How does everyone on Satellite 5 (Including Jack) know about the Daleks? The story takes place hundreds of millennia from now, and the Doctor Who franchise has featured many Dalek events, including several invasions of Earth. Presumably by this far-future time they would likely be well known. Jack, as a Time Agent, might well have encountered Daleks in his own adventures. Even if only "new series" references are counted, the events of The Stolen Earth/Journey's End made the Daleks known world-wide.. The Daleks may have ended up like the Doctor is to races that knew about the time lord race such as the shadow proclamation.


DVD and Other Releases

Series 1 Volume 4: Boom Town - Bad Wolf - The Parting of the Ways DVD Cover
  • The Parting of the Ways has been released on a single DVD together with Boom Town and Bad Wolf.
  • The Parting of the Ways has been released on a single UMD (for Sony's Playstation Portable) together with Boom Town and Bad Wolf.
  • The Parting of the Ways was also released as part of the Series 1 DVD boxset.
  • This was also released with Issue 7 of the Doctor Who DVD Files.

See also

External Links

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