Supremacy of the Cybermen was a miniseries published by Titan Comics. It served as a four-way crossover between Titan's ongoing series Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor, Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor and Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, uniting the four Doctors and their companions, similarly to previous year's Four Doctors.
to be added
- Twelfth Doctor
- Eleventh Doctor
- Tenth Doctor
- Ninth Doctor
- War Doctor
- Seventh Doctor
- Sixth Doctor
- Fifth Doctor
- Fourth Doctor
- Second Doctor
- Alice Obiefune
- Cindy Wu
- Gabby Gonzalez
- Jack Harkness
- Rose Tyler
- Jackie Tyler
- Ohila
- Rassilon
- Sontarans
- Cyber-Silurians
- Commander Sturg
- Sontaran-Prime
- Time Lord soldiers
- The General
- Lord President
- CyberKings
- Melanie Bush
- Ace
- Peri Brown
- Cyber-Controller
- Nanjura fruits are toxic to Silurians.
- The Tenth Doctor mentions the Null Zone.
- The Sisterhood of Karn's door to Gallifrey bears the Seal of Rassilon.
- The Rutan are extinct.
- The Tenth Doctor is elected field marshal of the last Sontaran war fleet by the Sontaran-Prime.
- The Eleventh Doctor tells Alice to activate the Librarian Protocol.
- The Tenth Doctor refers to the Cybermen's ability to mobilise planets using void drives.
- The Ninth Doctor says the TARDIS has made the Kessel Run.
- Some statues in the Panopticon resemble Rassilon's previous incarnations.
- The Cybermen which attacked Sontar resembled Cybus Cybermen.
- A Cyber-Leader has a black face plate and a transparent window which its brain can be seen, similarly to Cyber-Lords and the Cyber-Leader of the Twelfth Cyber Legion.
- Rose, the Ninth Doctor, the Tenth Doctor and the Eleventh Doctor are partially cyberconverted.
- The Twelfth Doctor and Rassilon are fully cyber-converted.
- The Fifth Doctor and Peri witness the complete destruction of the Dalek race at the hands of the Cybermen.
- This comic event was made to coincide with the 50th anniversary of The Tenth Planet, which saw the Cybermen make their debut appearance.
- Several prologues were published for this story, each of which presented an incarnation of the Doctor being either captured or surrounded by a Cyberman variant. The prologues were published individually in the backs of Titan's various Doctor Who comic books and as a complete set within the 2016 Convention Special.
- Prologue: The First Doctor published in 10DY2 12.
- Prologue: The Second Doctor published in 11DY2 11.
- Prologue: The Third Doctor published in 12DY2 8.
- Prologue: The Fourth Doctor published in 4D 4.
- Prologue: The Fifth Doctor published in 10DY2 13.
- Prologue: The Sixth Doctor published in 11DY2 11.
- Prologue: The Seventh Doctor published in 10DY2 13.
- Prologue: The Eighth Doctor published in 4D 4.
- Prologue: The War Doctor published in 12DY2 8.
- The Twelfth Doctor crash lands on Karn. (TV: The Night of the Doctor)
- The Tenth Doctor suggests not to underestimate shop dummies. (TV: Spearhead from Space, Rose)
- Jack visits the 21st century, after previously claiming never to have done so. (PROSE: Only Human)
- The Cybermen previously achieved time travel. (TV: Earthshock)
- The Twelfth Doctor banished Rassilon from Gallifrey. (TV: Hell Bent)
- The Ninth Doctor asked if Jack still had the guns he told Jack not to carry. In an earlier regeneration, he had similar dialogues with Ace about Nitro-9. (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks, Silver Nemesis)
- CyberKings attack Sontar. (TV: The Next Doctor)
- The Eleventh Doctor believes the Cybermen have never been able to convert a Time Lord, though he'll encounter them later. (TV: Nightmare in Silver)
- The Cloister Bell rings, (TV: Logopolis) as the TARDIS collapses in on itself. (AUDIO: Time Reef)
- The Tomb of Rassilon is the most secure place on Gallifrey. (TV: The Five Doctors)
- The General recalls the Doctor's saying that he had seen Gallifrey burning, and he never wanted to see it again. (TV: The Day of the Doctor)
- The Ninth Doctor has recently encountered another airborne virus capable of conversion. (TV: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
- The Eleventh Doctor enters in contact with the Cyberiad. (TV: Nightmare in Silver)
- The Tenth Doctor connects himself to a CyberKing, becoming part of the Cybermen's minds (TV: The Next Doctor)
- The Cyber-converted Rose tells to the Ninth Doctor that "You belong to us, you shall be like us" similar to the dialogue the Cyber-Controller gave on Telos. (TV: The Tomb of the Cybermen)
- A Cyberman is connected to a chair similar to that of John Lumic's, the man who became Cyber-Controller. (TV: Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)
- The Cyber-Controllers reappear. (TV: The Tomb of the Cybermen, Attack of the Cybermen)
- The Cybermen make the Tenth Doctor angry, which only causes him to fight back with more ferocity. A similar situation would occur when the Weeping Angels tried to anger the Eleventh Doctor. (TV: The Time of Angels)
- The Cybermen wipe out a number of powerful species, including the Daleks, Sontarans and Time Lords after mastering the secrets of time travel. They achieved much the same thing in another alternate timeline in which they mastered time travel, where they also wiped out the Draconians. (WC: Real Time, AUDIO: Real Time)
- The Cybermen use Gallifreyan Looms to harness energy from individual Time Lords (PROSE: Lungbarrow)