Names for the Time Lords

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Alias Sources Context Date Notes
"Angels" PROSE: Head of State [+]Loading...["Head of State (novel)"] Used in narration within "The Thousand And Second Night as translated by Sir Richard Burton". 29 June 2015 Angels are immortal celestial beings in Abrahamic religious and mythological traditions, with the name originating from the Ancient Greek "angelos", meaning "messenger". Used in the three cited sources as part of a willful effort on the part of speakers to equate the Houses' members with the religious figures, with Urizen being referenced as "God" or "Allah".
PROSE: The Cactus and the Corpse [+]Loading...["The Cactus and the Corpse (short story)"] Used by the Bookwyrm in narration. 29 October 2023
PROSE: The Claus-Rosen Bridge [+]Loading...["The Claus-Rosen Bridge (short story)"] Used by Lotto VI in dialogue. 26 December 2023
"Architectes" PROSE: Auteur and the Homeworld [+]Loading...["Auteur and the Homeworld (poem)"] Used by Auteur in dialogue. 17 December 2022 French for "Architects".
"Architects" PROSE: Golden Age [+]Loading...["Golden Age (novel)"] Used in dialogue by misc. characters. 29 November 2020 From the Greek arkhitektōn, "lead craftsman", etymologically related to "archon". Refers within PROSE: Golden Age [+]Loading...["Golden Age (novel)"] to their roles as builders of many structures and artefacts recovered in the post-War universe by the lesser species. Within other sources such as Faction Paradox, implicitly references their role as creators and designers of the Linear Universe; evokes Urizen's epithet as "Urizen the Architect" and Rassilon's stated origins as a "great architect and engineer" within TV: The Deadly Assassin [+]Loading...["The Deadly Assassin (TV story)"].
PROSE: Cousin Eliza [+]Loading...["Cousin Eliza (feature)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 31 October 2023
PROSE: Godfather Morlock [+]Loading...["Godfather Morlock (feature)"]
PROSE: Lilith [+]Loading...["Lilith (feature)"]
PROSE: The War King [+]Loading...["The War King (feature)"]
PROSE: The Great Houses [+]Loading...["The Great Houses (feature)"]
PROSE: Faction Paradox [+]Loading...["Faction Paradox (feature)"]
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by Olivia Kagg Waldermain in narration within a footnote. 26 December 2023
"archons" PROSE: Crimes Against History [+]Loading...["Crimes Against History (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 11 November 2001 The Greek title of archon referred to a leader, being variously used for anything from a team chief to a "Lord". Additionally, in Gnosticism, the Archons are the antagonistic builders and rulers of the physical universe, keeping souls trapped and unable to ascend to higher forms of reality — similar to the position of the Time Lords within the War in Heaven's cosmology.
"Archons" PROSE: The Cactus and the Corpse [+]Loading...["The Cactus and the Corpse (short story)"] Used by the Bookwyrm in narration and by Auteur in dialogue. 29 October 2023
PROSE: Previously On… The Multiverse [+]Loading...["Previously On… The Multiverse (short story)"] Used by the Bookwyrm in narration. 26 December 2023
PROSE: The Book of the Snowstorm [+]Loading...["The Book of the Snowstorm (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: The Dinosaur in the Snow [+]Loading...["The Dinosaur in the Snow (short story)"] Used by Tirion in dialogue.
PROSE: The Claus-Rosen Bridge [+]Loading...["The Claus-Rosen Bridge (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: The Two Auteurs [+]Loading...["The Two Auteurs (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by Olivia Kagg Waldermein in narration, by the Sixth Dionus in his diary, and by the Dark Lord in dialogue.
PROSE: The God Who Came For Christmas [+]Loading...["The God Who Came For Christmas (short story)"] Used in dialogue by the God of the Sacred Wood.
PROSE: Our Finest Gifts We Bring [+]Loading...["Our Finest Gifts We Bring (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: I'm Dreaming of a Cheshire Easter [+]Loading...["I'm Dreaming of a Cheshire Easter (short story)"] Used in dialogue by the Cheshire Cat. 31 March 2024
PROSE: A Collision of Ships [+]Loading...["A Collision of Ships (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, by Abraytha Janus Colefia and Mrellin in dialogue, and by Zerlan in internal monologue and dialogue.
PROSE: A Visit from Everywhere [+]Loading...["A Visit from Everywhere (short story)"] Used in dialogue by Abraytha Janus Colefia.
PROSE: The Carnage of Urmafrae [+]Loading...["The Carnage of Urmafrae (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: I'm So Normal I'm So Normal I'm So [+]Loading...["I'm So Normal I'm So Normal I'm So (short story)"] 3 April 2024
PROSE: Infernal Escape [+]Loading...["Infernal Escape (short story)"]
"Archons of the Morning Star" PROSE: Previously On… The Multiverse [+]Loading...["Previously On… The Multiverse (short story)"] Used by the Bookwyrm in narration. 26 December 2023 As per "Archons" above, the name is equivalent to "Lords of the Morning Star", while adding the further spiritual connotations of the term "Archons". "The Morning Star" as a term for the Archons' homeworld evokes its status as the home of the earliest sapient species in the Dark Times and as a source of rationalist "enlightenment". The term is used in the real world for the planet Venus; Venus was sometimes suggested as the Doctor's home planet in the 39th century early 1960s accounts which implied him to be human-descended. This is metafictionally alluded to in PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage [+]Loading...["The Brakespeare Voyage (novel)"] and AUDIO: Deadline [+]Loading...["Deadline (audio story)"].
PROSE: The Book of the Snowstorm [+]Loading...["The Book of the Snowstorm (short story)"] Used by Professor Vomm She'hayle in dialogue.
PROSE: Presents [+]Loading...["Presents (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
"Archons of Time" PROSE: The Bloodletters [+]Loading...["The Bloodletters (novel)"] 1 May 2020 As per "Archons" above, the name is equivalent to "Lords of Time", while adding the further spiritual connotations of the term "Archons".
PROSE: The Dinosaur in the Snow [+]Loading...["The Dinosaur in the Snow (short story)"] Used by Tirion in dialogue. 26 December 2023
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by the Dark Lord in dialogue.
PROSE: The Cathedral of Winter [+]Loading...["The Cathedral of Winter (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: A Visit from Everywhere [+]Loading...["A Visit from Everywhere (short story)"] Used in dialogue by Abraytha Janus Colefia. 31 March 2024
PROSE: The Carnage of Urmafrae [+]Loading...["The Carnage of Urmafrae (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
"Bijoutiers mystérieux" PROSE: Auteur and the Homeworld [+]Loading...["Auteur and the Homeworld (poem)"] Used by Auteur in dialogue. 17 December 2022 French for "mysterious jewelers", referencing both the idea of them as craftsmen and clockmakers as seen with "Architects" and "Watchmakers", and the alternative name of their planet as Jewel, as introduced in PROSE: Return of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Return of the Daleks (comic story)"] and also referenced by the "Lords of Jewel" designation in PROSE: A Bright White Crack [+]Loading...["A Bright White Crack (short story)"].
"Causal Initiators" PROSE: The Dinosaur in the Snow [+]Loading...["The Dinosaur in the Snow (short story)"] Used by Tirion in dialogue. 26 December 2023 Evokes the metaphysical concept of the "prime mover" or "first uncaused cause", theorised as a necessary origin point of history to avoid an infinite causal regress, and thus considered a theoretical basis for the existence of God. As such, references the beings' role as originators of the causal universe via the anchoring of the thread.
"Celestials" PROSE: The Cactus and the Corpse [+]Loading...["The Cactus and the Corpse (short story)"] Used by Auteur in dialogue. 29 October 2023 The adjective "Celestial", derived from the Mediaeval Latin "caelestialis", refers to something originating from "the sky", "the heavens" or "the sky". As such, "the Celestials" or "the Celestial Ones" may be read both with a mythological or spiritual association, or simply as referencing the beings' extraterrestrial origins.
TV: The Deadly Assassin [+]Loading...["The Deadly Assassin (TV story)"] introduced a secret Time Lord security service calling itself "the Celestial Intervention Agency", playing on both these meanings but not, at that time, necessarily intended as referring to the species of the Agency's membership outright.
The Toymaker, a being sometimes intended or depicted as a Time Lord, was repeatedly described as "celestial" within TV: The Celestial Toymaker [+]Loading...["The Celestial Toymaker (TV story)"], with "the Celestial Toymaker" later being misconstrued by various sources as a name for the entity himself. In TV: The Giggle [+]Loading...["The Giggle (TV story)"], the Fourteenth Doctor offers the Toymaker the chance for the two of them to become "celestial" together if they went "back to the stars".
PROSE: The Two Auteurs [+]Loading...["The Two Auteurs (short story)"] 26 December 2023
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by Olivia Kagg Waldermain in narration within a footnote.
PROSE: Presents [+]Loading...["Presents (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
"Celestial Ones" PROSE: Head of State [+]Loading...["Head of State (novel)"] Used in narration within "The Thousand And Second Night as translated by Sir Richard Burton". 29 June 2015
"Celestial ticket-inspectors" PROSE: The Book of the Snowstorm [+]Loading...["The Book of the Snowstorm (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 26 December 2023 See "Celestials" above. The Time Lords are described by the Third Doctor as "galactic ticket-inspectors, if you like" in TV: The Time Warrior [+]Loading...["The Time Warrior (TV story)"]. The term is used as a chapter title in PROSE: A Brief History of Time Lords [+]Loading...["A Brief History of Time Lords (novel)"], and also referenced in COMIC: Blood Invocation [+]Loading...["Blood Invocation (comic story)"] where it is said some of the monkish covens viewed Rassilon as a "kind of cosmic traffic warden".
"Chronarchs" COMIC: 4-D War [+]Loading...["4-D War (comic story)"] Used by Lord Griffen in dialogue. 12 March 1981 As per the "archon" terminology above and the Ancient Greek "chronos" for "Time", refers to being who are Rulers (or Lords) of Time — making this equivalent to "Archons of Time" — or beings whose mode of governance employs time.
PROSE: Going Once, Going Twice [+]Loading...["Going Once, Going Twice (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 23 December 2018
"Chronarchy" PROSE: Eyes [+]Loading...["Eyes (short story)"] Used by the Queen of the Tyleth in dialogue. 25 January 2018 "The Chronarchy" was used by Alan Moore and Steve Moore in PROSE: A Chronology of Everything (Almost) [+]Loading...["A Chronology of Everything (Almost) (short story)","A Chronology of Everything (Almost)"] as a collective name for the Quality Universe's counterparts of the Time Lords, in reference to Moore's earlier coinage of "Chronarchs" in COMIC: 4-D War [+]Loading...["4-D War (comic story)"]. The term was used in dialogue by PROSE: Eyes [+]Loading...["Eyes (short story)"], in a manner suggesting it referred to the Great Houses' polity rather than the species as such, with the Queen of the Tyleth threatening war "against your universe, and your feeble chonarchy" while addressing a Homeworlder.
"the divine Houses" PROSE: Warlords of Utopia [+]Loading...["Warlords of Utopia (novel)"] Used by Marcus Americanius Scriptor in narraiton. 13 December 2004 A variant on "the Houses", melding it with "gods" terminology; see those entries.
"dwellers in the Great Houses" PROSE: Of the City of the Saved... [+]Loading...["Of the City of the Saved... (novel)"] Used by Melicia Clutterbuck in The Human Species: A Spotter’s Guide 11 May 2004 Seems to be based on the assumption that "Great House" refers to the physical Chapterhouses in which the Time Lords reside, as opposed to the bloodlines attached to specific Chapterhouses, as more commonly shown.
"elementals" PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street [+]Loading...["The Adventuress of Henrietta Street (novel)"] Used by the intra-diegetic narrator, adopting the perspective of 18th century occultists in the post-War universe. 5 November 2001 The idea of "Elementals", supernatural beings associated with a particular element, was popularised in the 16th century by Paracelsus. Originally referring to the four classical elements, it is used in post-War-universe-related material under the assumption that the Time Lords were elementals of time, with Sabbath Dei stating in PROSE: Camera Obscura [+]Loading...["Camera Obscura (novel)"]an ultimate constituent of reality.
In PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"], a cladistic terminology of "Time Elementals", with "Lesser Time Elementals" being the humanoid Archons and "Greater Time Elementals" being the timeships, is said to have been elaborated in the post-War universe by Meta-Historian Leiter Formosis. The terminology was shown to have been used by members of the race in later stories, such as PROSEThe God Who Came For Christmas [+]Loading...["The God Who Came For Christmas (short story)"] where the God of the Inner Mysteries, in addition to being described in narration as "an elemental", refers to his ship as "one of the great elementals" in dialogue.
"Elemental forces" is used in PROSE: The Adventuress of Henrietta Street [+]Loading...["The Adventuress of Henrietta Street (novel)"] as a collective to refer to the Babewyn, a different class of elementals altogether from the Time Lords, but in narration within PROSE: Sometime Never... [+]Loading...["Sometime Never... (novel)"], the Doctor is referred to as the "one elemental force" which the Council of Eight was unable to control. "An elemental force" was used repeatedly in TV: The Giggle [+]Loading...["The Giggle (TV story)"] to describe the Toymaker. "Elemental forces" was used in PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] as explicitly an alternative term for the Archons or Lesser Time Elementals.
PROSE: The God Who Came For Christmas [+]Loading...["The God Who Came For Christmas (short story)"] Used by the extra-diegetic narrator. 26 December 2023
"Elementals" PROSE: Camera Obscura [+]Loading...["Camera Obscura (novel)"] Used by Sabbath Dei and the Eighth Doctor in dialogue, with the latter disputing the name. 5 August 2002
PROSE: The Two Auteurs [+]Loading...["The Two Auteurs (short story)"] Used by the extra-diegetic narrator. 26 December 2023
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by Olivia Kagg Waldermain in narration.
"Elemental god" PROSE: The Book of the Snowstorm [+]Loading...["The Book of the Snowstorm (short story)"] Used by the extra-diegetic narrator. 26 December 2023
"Elemental force" PROSE: Sometime Never... [+]Loading...["Sometime Never... (novel)"] 5 January 2004
PROSE: The Two Auteurs [+]Loading...["The Two Auteurs (short story)"] 26 December 2023
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by Olivia Kagg Waldermain in narration and by the Third Felixian III in dialogue.
PROSE: A Collision of Ships [+]Loading...["A Collision of Ships (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, 31 March 2024
"Gallifrey" PROSE: The Pit [+]Loading...["The Pit (novel)"] Stated by the Seventh Doctor in dialogue to have originally been a name for the people of the planet in Ancient Gallifreyan. 18 March 1993 Originally introduced in TV: The Time Warrior [+]Loading...["The Time Warrior (TV story)"] as a name for the Time Lords' home planet. Stated by the Doctor in PROSE: The Pit [+]Loading...["The Pit (novel)"] to translate to "they that walk in the shadows".
"gods" TV: Underworld [+]Loading...["Underworld (TV story)"] Used by Minyans such as Orfe, Herrick, and Idas, and by the Fourth Doctor, in dialogue. 7 January 1978 "Gods", sometimes uncapitalised, is a general real-world term for deities. Instances vary, and sometimes flip-flop, between "gods" being a descriptor for the kind of beings the Time Lords are, but not exclusive to them, and cases where "the gods" (or "the Gods") is used to mean "the Time Lords" exclusively; the question is typically contextual, depending upon the culture of the speaker.
PROSE: Warlords of Utopia [+]Loading...["Warlords of Utopia (novel)"] Used by Marcus Americanius Scriptor in narration and dialogue. 13 December 2004
TV: Boom Town [+]Loading...["Boom Town (TV story)"] Used by Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen in dialogue. 4 June 2005
PROSE: The Book of the Enemy [+]Loading...["The Book of the Enemy (short story)"] Used by Sherlock Holmes in dialogue. 25 January 2018
COMIC: Omega [+]Loading...["Omega (comic story)"] Used by various Minyans in dialogue. 26 January 2021
PROSE: Previously On… The Multiverse [+]Loading...["Previously On… The Multiverse (short story)"] Used by the Bookwyrm in narration. 26 December 2023
PROSE: The Two Auteurs [+]Loading...["The Two Auteurs (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Auteur in dialogue.
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by the Sixth Dionus in his diary.
PROSE: The God Who Came For Christmas [+]Loading...["The God Who Came For Christmas (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
"Gods" PROSE: The Book of the Enemy [+]Loading...["The Book of the Enemy (short story)"] Used by Sherlock Holmes in dialogue. 25 January 2018
PROSE: The Book of the Snowstorm [+]Loading...["The Book of the Snowstorm (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Professor Vomm She'hayle in dialogue. 26 December 2023
PROSE: The Two Auteurs [+]Loading...["The Two Auteurs (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by the head of the Historic Preservation Society in dialogue.
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by Olivia Kagg Waldermain in narration, and by the Sixth Dionus in dialogue.
"The Great Houses" AUDIO: The Eleven Day Empire [+]Loading...["The Eleven Day Empire (audio story)"] Used by Lord Ruthven in dialogue. In deleted scenes, also used in dialogue by Cousin Eliza. October 2001 A real-world term used for an aristocratic bloodline. Originally introduced in PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible [+]Loading...["Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible (novel)"] to simply refer to Gallifrey's noble houses, "the Great Houses" was used in Faction Paradox material as the default way to refer to the overall group, where Doctor Who material would typically use "the Time Lords".
PROSE: Crimes Against History [+]Loading...["Crimes Against History (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 11 November 2001
PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"] Used by the intra-diegetic third-person narrator. 17 September 2002
AUDIO: Sabbath Dei [+]Loading...["Sabbath Dei (audio story)"] Used by "Mistress Culver" and Sabbath Dei in dialogue. February 2003
AUDIO: In the Year of the Cat [+]Loading...["In the Year of the Cat (audio story)"] Used by Sabbath Dei, Cousin Eliza, "Mistress Culver", Cousin Justine, Lolia, and D'Eon in dialogue. April 2003
AUDIO: Movers [+]Loading...["Movers (audio story)"] Used by Demetra Kine, Selvynkesh, and Veeble in dialogue. December 2003
AUDIO: A Labyrinth of Histories [+]Loading...["A Labyrinth of Histories (audio story)"] Used by Demetra Kine in dialogue. February 2004
PROSE: Of the City of the Saved... [+]Loading...["Of the City of the Saved... (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, by Walmric in Faction Paradox: a Negotiable History, by Vril in Omphalos!, by the anonymous author of Legendary Participants, and by Laura Tobin, Mesh Cos, Civitata and Lucius Cassius Ignotus, in dialogue. 11 May 2004
PROSE: Toy Story [+]Loading...["Toy Story (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 7 November 2004
PROSE: The Cosmology of the Spiral Politic [+]Loading...["The Cosmology of the Spiral Politic (feature)"] Used by the intra-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: Warlords of Utopia [+]Loading...["Warlords of Utopia (novel)"] Used by Marcus Americanius Scriptor in narration. 13 December 2004
PROSE: The Return of the King [+]Loading...["The Return of the King (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 7 January 2008
PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Cousin Hateman, Mother Sphinx, Erasmus, and Aphra Behn in dialogue. 12 January 2008
PROSE: Holding Pattern [+]Loading...["Holding Pattern (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 31 May 2011
PROSE: A Hundred Words from a Civil War [+]Loading...["A Hundred Words from a Civil War (short story)"] Used by Cousin Pinocchio in dialogue.
PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage [+]Loading...["The Brakespeare Voyage (novel)"] Used by Robert Scarratt, Philetes, and others in narration, and by Plautus St. Germain, Robert Scarratt, and Captain No-one in dialogue. 26 October 2013
PROSE: Head of State [+]Loading...["Head of State (novel)"] Used by the Shift and Rachel Edwards in narration. 29 June 2015
PROSE: Pre-narrative Briefings [+]Loading...["Pre-narrative Briefings (short story)"] Used by Irma Ebbinghaus, the Oracle of Shakespeare, Michael Simpson, Robert Scarratt, the narrator of the Infancy Gospel of Grandfather Paradox, in writing or dialogue. 25 January 2018
PROSE: Subjective Interlock [+]Loading...["Subjective Interlock (short story)"] Used in dialogue by the narrator of Interlock Beta.
PROSE: Cobweb and Ivory [+]Loading...["Cobweb and Ivory (short story)"] Used by the narrator of the Infancy Gospel of Grandfather Paradox.
PROSE: T. memeticus: A Morphology [+]Loading...["T. memeticus: A Morphology (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and in dialogue by Byzo, Zaleena, Braquemard, and Maddox.
PROSE: The Short Briefing Sergeant's Tale [+]Loading...["The Short Briefing Sergeant's Tale (short story)"] Used by Sergeant-Instructor Littlejohn in dialogue.
PROSE: A Bloody (And Public) Domaine [+]Loading...["A Bloody (And Public) Domaine (short story)","A Bloody (And Public) Domaine"] Used by Godfather Morlock in dialogue.
PROSE: Eyes [+]Loading...["Eyes (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Zauro in dialogue.
PROSE: We Are the Enemy [+]Loading...["We Are the Enemy (short story)"] Used by Lawrence Burton in narration,
PROSE: Timeshare [+]Loading...["Timeshare (FP short story)"] Used by the narrator in narraiton, and by the sales rep and the representative of the Great Houses in dialogue.
PROSE: Houses of Cards [+]Loading...["Houses of Cards (short story)"] Used by the first-person narrator, and by Cousin Trna in dialogue.
PROSE: No Enemy But Despair [+]Loading...["No Enemy But Despair (short story)"] Used by Professor Gen Volst in dialogue.
PROSE: Entaradora [+]Loading...["Entaradora (short story)"] Used by the ambiguously-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: The Ugly Spirit [+]Loading...["The Ugly Spirit (short story)"] Used within the in-universe Book of the Peace. 23 December 2018
PROSE: Going Once, Going Twice [+]Loading...["Going Once, Going Twice (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: War During Peacetime [+]Loading...["War During Peacetime (short story)"] Used by Hedeth in narration, and by Maddox in dialogue.
PROSE: The End of the Beginning [+]Loading...["The End of the Beginning (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Hangaku in dialogue.
AUDIO: Eternal Escape [+]Loading...["Eternal Escape (audio story)"] Used by the Eighth Dionus in narration. 6 June 2021
AUDIO: Call Me Ishmael [+]Loading...["Call Me Ishmael (audio story)"] 24 June 2021
AUDIO: The Healer's Sin [+]Loading...["The Healer's Sin (audio story)"] 24 July 2021
AUDIO: Sabbath and the King [+]Loading...["Sabbath and the King (audio story)"] Used by the War King in dialogue. 12 August 2021
AUDIO: Me & My Ghost [+]Loading...["Me & My Ghost (audio story)"] Used by the Eighth Dionus in narration. 1 October 2021
PROSE: Inward Collapse [+]Loading...["Inward Collapse (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by "Mr. Folgers" and one of the New People in dialogue. April 2023
PROSE: Opioid Painkiller of the People [+]Loading...["Opioid Painkiller of the People (short story)"] Used by various characters in dialogue. 17 January 2024
PROSE: A Consignment [+]Loading...["A Consignment (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Cousin Alphonse in dialogue.
PROSE: Literary Figure [+]Loading...["Literary Figure (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: Love is an Accuracy Algorithm [+]Loading...["Love is an Accuracy Algorithm (short story)"] Used by Delilah and DROOD in dialogue.
PROSE: Blood Feud [+]Loading...["Blood Feud (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: The Complete History of Faction Paradox, Vol 1 [+]Loading...["The Complete History of Faction Paradox, Vol 1 (short story)"] Used by Father Greenwald in dialogue.
"The Homeworld" PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"] Used by the intra-diegetic third-person narrator 17 September 2002 A term for their home planet, sometimes used as a metonym for its inhabitants as a polity (e.g. the Faction Paradox armour being an "insult to the Homeworld", or references to "Homeworld ships" and Homeworld culture", in PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"], and "the Homeworld" being described as a "monstrous power" in PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"]).
AUDIO: Sabbath Dei [+]Loading...["Sabbath Dei (audio story)"] Used by "Mistress Culver" in dialogue. February 2003
AUDIO: A Labyrinth of Histories [+]Loading...["A Labyrinth of Histories (audio story)"] Used by Shuncucker in dialogue. February 2004
AUDIO: In the Year of the Cat [+]Loading...["In the Year of the Cat (audio story)"] Used by Sabbath Dei, Cousin Justine and Cousin Eliza in dialogue. April 2003
PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 12 January 2008
PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage [+]Loading...["The Brakespeare Voyage (novel)"] Used by Robert Scarratt and others in narration. 26 October 2013
PROSE: Going Once, Going Twice [+]Loading...["Going Once, Going Twice (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 23 December 2018
"Homeworlders" PROSE: Of the City of the Saved... [+]Loading...["Of the City of the Saved... (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 11 May 2004 In reference to the Homeworld as a name for the planet.
PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Cousin Amphigorey and Aphra Behn in dialogue. 12 January 2008
PROSE: A Bloody (And Public) Domaine [+]Loading...["A Bloody (And Public) Domaine (short story)","A Bloody (And Public) Domaine"] Used by Godfather Auteur in dialogue. 25 January 2018
PROSE: What Keeps Their Lines Alive [+]Loading...["What Keeps Their Lines Alive (short story)"] Used by Cá Bảy Màu in dialogue. 23 December 2018
PROSE: Going Once, Going Twice [+]Loading...["Going Once, Going Twice (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Cousin Gustav, Godfather Auteur, Cousin Intrepid in dialogue.
PROSE: A Farewell to Arms [+]Loading...["A Farewell to Arms (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Cousin Wade, Nezf and T in dialogue.
PROSE: Wringing Off [+]Loading...["Wringing Off (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Pyke-Xi Raul in dialogue. 29 November 2020
AUDIO: Eternal Escape [+]Loading...["Eternal Escape (audio story)"] Used by the Eighth Dionus in narration. 6 June 2021
AUDIO: Call Me Ishmael [+]Loading...["Call Me Ishmael (audio story)"] 24 June 2021
AUDIO: The Healer's Sin [+]Loading...["The Healer's Sin (audio story)"] 24 July 2021
AUDIO: Me & My Ghost [+]Loading...["Me & My Ghost (audio story)"] 1 October 2021
PROSE: Inward Collapse [+]Loading...["Inward Collapse (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. April 2023
PROSE: Blood Feud [+]Loading...["Blood Feud (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Rhino Sasaki in dialogue. 17 January 2024
"Horlogers" PROSE: Auteur and the Homeworld [+]Loading...["Auteur and the Homeworld (poem)"] Used by Auteur in dialogue. 17 December 2022 French for "clockmakers", "clocksmiths" or "watchmakers", referencing the "Watchmakers" terminology.
"The Houses" AUDIO: The Eleven Day Empire [+]Loading...["The Eleven Day Empire (audio story)"] Used by Cousin Eliza, Godfather Morlock, and Lolita in dialogue. October 2001 Used interchangeably with "the Great Houses" as a metonym for the overall culture.
AUDIO: The Shadow Play [+]Loading...["The Shadow Play (audio story)"] Used by Godfather Morlock and Cousin Eliza in dialogue. In deleted scenes, also used in dialogue by General Kine.
PROSE: Crimes Against History [+]Loading...["Crimes Against History (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 11 November 2001
PROSE: The Book of the War [+]Loading...["The Book of the War (novel)"] Used by the intra-diegetic third person narrator 17 September 2002
AUDIO: In the Year of the Cat [+]Loading...["In the Year of the Cat (audio story)"] Used by Sabbath Dei, "Mistress Culver" and Lolita in dialogue. April 2003
AUDIO: Movers [+]Loading...["Movers (audio story)"] Used by Demetra Kine and Veeble in dialogue. December 2003
AUDIO: A Labyrinth of Histories [+]Loading...["A Labyrinth of Histories (audio story)"] Used by Veeble, Demetra Kine, Shuncucker, Cousin Justine, and "Mistress Culver" in dialogue. February 2004
PROSE: Of the City of the Saved... [+]Loading...["Of the City of the Saved... (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, by the anonymous author of Legendary Participants, by Vril in Omphalos!, by Walmric in Faction Paradox: a Negotiable History, and by Godfather Avatar, Mesh Cos, Laura Tobin, Civitata, and Lucius Cassius Ignotus in dialogue. 11 May 2004
PROSE: The Cosmology of the Spiral Politic [+]Loading...["The Cosmology of the Spiral Politic (feature)"] Used by the intra-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: Newtons Sleep [+]Loading...["Newtons Sleep (novel)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Cousin Hateman in dialogue. 12 January 2008
PROSE: The Brakespeare Voyage [+]Loading...["The Brakespeare Voyage (novel)"] Used by Robert Scarratt, Jendrickenses, Philetes, and others in narration, and by Dervishage in dialogue. 26 October 2013
PROSE: Head of State [+]Loading...["Head of State (novel)"] Used by the Shift in narration and by Sir Richard Burton in An Account Of Some Travels In The Arabian Desert. 29 June 2015
PROSE: Cobweb and Ivory [+]Loading...["Cobweb and Ivory (short story)"] Used by the narrator of the Infancy Gospel of Grandfather Paradox. 25 January 2018
PROSE: Eyes [+]Loading...["Eyes (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
PROSE: Going Once, Going Twice [+]Loading...["Going Once, Going Twice (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Little Brother Kifah, Father, Godfather Auteur, Cousin Intrepid, in dialogue 23 December 2018
PROSE: A Farewell to Arms [+]Loading...["A Farewell to Arms (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Huxley, T, Ka(h) Loqou, the Shift, Cousin Wade, in dialogue.
PROSE: And To Dust We Shall Return [+]Loading...["And To Dust We Shall Return (short story)"] Used by the nechronomancer, Cousin Persephone in dialogue.
PROSE: War During Peacetime [+]Loading...["War During Peacetime (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator.
AUDIO: Eternal Escape [+]Loading...["Eternal Escape (audio story)"] Used by the Eighth Dionus in narration. 6 June 2021
AUDIO: Call Me Ishmael [+]Loading...["Call Me Ishmael (audio story)"] 24 June 2021
AUDIO: The Healer's Sin [+]Loading...["The Healer's Sin (audio story)"] 24 July 2021
"Houseworlders" PROSE: Of the City of the Saved... [+]Loading...["Of the City of the Saved... (novel)"] Used by the extra-diegetic third-person narrator, by Laura Tobin in dialogue, and by Anthony Fisher in internal monologue. 11 May 2004 References the term of "the Houseworld" for the Homeworld, used repeatedly in PROSE: Of the City of the Saved... [+]Loading...["Of the City of the Saved... (novel)"]. Similar to "Homeworlders".
PROSE: Weapons Grade Snake Oil [+]Loading...["Weapons Grade Snake Oil (short story)"] Used by the extra-diegetic third-person narrator, and by Professor H. Lennstein in the text of The Great Houses And Us. 17 January 2017
PROSE: A Bloody (And Public) Domaine [+]Loading...["A Bloody (And Public) Domaine (short story)","A Bloody (And Public) Domaine"] Used by the extra-diegetic third-person narrator. 25 January 2018
"Lesser Elementals" PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by Olivia Kagg Waldermain in narration. 26 December 2023 Abbreviation for "Lesser Time Elementals".
"Lesser Time Elementals" See "Elementals". Abridged as "Lesser Elementals" or "L.T.E.s".
"L.T.E.s" Abbreviation for "Lesser Time Elementals".
"The pilots" PROSE: Toy Story [+]Loading...["Toy Story (short story)"] Used by Lolita and the Ship in dialogue. 7 November 2004 Used collectively by the sapient timeships to refer to the humanoids with whom they share their home planet, as distinct from references to individual pilots of specific ships. For example, Lolita refers to the idea of a War "between the enemy and the pilots".
"Sun Builders" PROSE: Going Once, Going Twice [+]Loading...["Going Once, Going Twice (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator when delving within the point of view of Apep. 23 December 2018 References the Great Houses' talent with engineering suns, most famously demonstrated by the Eye of Harmony. PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] references the art of Sun Building, asserting that individual Archons did indeed possess the ability to create suns at will; PROSE: The Claus-Rosen Bridge [+]Loading...["The Claus-Rosen Bridge (short story)"] suggested the Sun Builders were indeed responsible for creating a majority of stars in the universe, and the idea was also referenced in PROSE: Trauma and Tinsel [+]Loading...["Trauma and Tinsel (short story)"], where it is implied Dionus used a real miniature star to top his Christmas tree, rather than painted cardboard, with him apologising that he is "a bit out of practice at making them".
AUDIO: Sabbath and the King [+]Loading...["Sabbath and the King (audio story)"] Used by the War King in dialogue. 12 August 2021
PROSE: The Cactus and the Corpse [+]Loading...["The Cactus and the Corpse (short story)"] Used by Auteur in dialogue. 29 October 2023
PROSE: The Book of the Snowstorm [+]Loading...["The Book of the Snowstorm (short story)"] Used by the non-diegetic third-person narrator. 26 December 2023
PROSE: The Claus-Rosen Bridge [+]Loading...["The Claus-Rosen Bridge (short story)"]
PROSE: Trauma and Tinsel [+]Loading...["Trauma and Tinsel (short story)"]
PROSE: Love & War [+]Loading...["Love & War (short story)"] Used by Olivia Kagg Waldermain in narration.