Sixth Doctor/Physical appearance

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The Sixth Doctor. (GRAPHIC: Doctor Who Evergreen [+]Loading...["Doctor Who Evergreen (illustration)"])

The Sixth Doctor's physical appearance was generally regarded unfavourably, except by the Sixth Doctor himself, with the main focus of discourse about it being focused on his coat, which was considered an "eyesore" and "garish", and described as "an explosion in a paint factory. His face, on the other hand, was considered "handsome", and he possessed blond, curly hair.

General appearance

The Doctor in his TARDIS. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Attack of the Cybermen (TV story)"])

Resembling a man in his 40s, (AUDIO: The Middle [+]Loading...["The Middle (audio story)"]) the Sixth Doctor was a tall man, with bouffant, curly, blond hair, (TV: The Caves of Androzani [+]Loading...["The Caves of Androzani (TV story)"]) and green eyes. (PROSE: Business Unusual [+]Loading...["Business Unusual (novel)"]) He also had small hairs growing on his arms. (TV: The Mark of the Rani [+]Loading...["The Mark of the Rani (TV story)"]) Over time, the Doctor gained weight and his hair significantly grew out. (TV: The Mysterious Planet [+]Loading...["The Mysterious Planet (TV story)"]) Consequentially, Melanie Bush thought him overweight and forced him to undergo a vigorous fitness program, which he found annoying, taking every available opportunity to deviate from it behind Mel's back. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids [+]Loading...["Terror of the Vervoids (TV story)"])

Physically, the Sixth Doctor was identical in appearance to an incarnation of the Time Lord Maxil that the Fifth Doctor met with Nyssa. (TV: Arc of Infinity [+]Loading...["Arc of Infinity (TV story)"])

While he considered his "outward appearance [to be] of no importance whatsoever", the Sixth Doctor was pleased that his face had "a noble brow," as well as "a firm mouth, [and] a face beaming with a vast intelligence". (TV: The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"])

Dibber described the Sixth Doctor as "a dilly in a long coat", (TV: The Mysterious Planet [+]Loading...["The Mysterious Planet (TV story)"]) with Sabalom Glitz describing him as a "flashy, fair-haired person". (TV: The Ultimate Foe [+]Loading...["The Ultimate Foe (TV story)"]) Evelyn Smythe though he had a nice smile, that made up for his poor fashion sense. (AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pirates [+]Loading...["Doctor Who and the Pirates (audio story)"]) The Countess described the Sixth Doctor as a "great handsome bull of a man", (PROSE: Endgame [+]Loading...["Endgame (novel)"]) while the Fifth Doctor described him as a "jester", (PROSE: Five Card Draw [+]Loading...["Five Card Draw (short story)"]) and Death calling him "the Colourful Jester". (PROSE: Love and War [+]Loading...["Love and War (novel)"])

When Legion took on the appearance of the Sixth Doctor, William Blake saw him as "a fat, jolly fellow wearing a multicoloured coat". (PROSE: The Pit [+]Loading...["The Pit (novel)"])

When Affinity took on the Sixth Doctor's appearance to approach the Twelfth Doctor, he noted that the sixth incarnation was a "large man in [a] garish coat". (PROSE: Silhouette [+]Loading...["Silhouette (novel)"])


Main attires

The Doctor plays upon his TARDIS while it is an organ. (TV: Attack of the Cybermen [+]Loading...["Attack of the Cybermen (TV story)"])

The Sixth Doctor wore a plain white shirt with cherry question marks embroidered on the collar, (TV: The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"]) and braces adorned with question mark symbols. (TV: Vengeance on Varos [+]Loading...["Vengeance on Varos (TV story)"]) He took to wearing a set of royal yellow trousers with black stripes, and his footwear was a pair of royal orange spats over forest green ankle boots, (TV: The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"]) that Sabalom Glitz confused for "ankle armour". (TV: The Ultimate Foe [+]Loading...["The Ultimate Foe (TV story)"]) His show size was size ten. (AUDIO: The Wormery [+]Loading...["The Wormery (audio story)"])

Most distinctive of the Sixth Doctor's attire was his patchwork frock coat, which had cuffs the same colour as his trousers and featured patches of red tartan, scarlet, greenpink and maroon feltpeach wool, a woven back piece, checked collar and amber and pink lapels, (TV: The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"]) with a total of seventy-six different colour tones overall. (AUDIO: The Middle [+]Loading...["The Middle (audio story)"]) The Tenth Doctor told Gabby Gonzalez that the coat was "at the height of sartorial elegance", (COMIC: Laundro-Room of Doom [+]Loading...["Laundro-Room of Doom (comic story)"]) and the Eleventh Doctor told Clara Oswald that his patchwork coat was "made for a spectrum invisible to the human eye", and that he had won an award for it. (COMIC: Dead Man's Hand [+]Loading...["Dead Man's Hand (comic story)"]) He owned thirteen versions of the patchwork coat, though one was known to have been destroyed in an explosion. (AUDIO: The Crimes of Thomas Brewster [+]Loading...["The Crimes of Thomas Brewster (audio story)"])

The Doctor also included a range of waistcoats, oversized bow-tied cravats, and fob watches with coloured chains to accompany his patchwork coat, each possessing a different colour scheme and design. (TV: The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"], The Mysterious Planet [+]Loading...["The Mysterious Planet (TV story)"], Terror of the Vervoids [+]Loading...["Terror of the Vervoids (TV story)"]) He first wore a knitted waistcoat that was dark brown, orange and purple in colour and featured dark green buttons, along with a dark green metal watch chain and both a turquoise (TV: The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"]) and a dark blue coloured polka-dot cravat. (AUDIO: Prime Winner [+]Loading...["Prime Winner (audio story)"])

After briefly wearing a shirt with blue question marks on the collar and a dark purple squared waistcoat with an orange cravat decorated with yellow polka-dots and pink hearts, (PROSE: Burning Heart [+]Loading...["Burning Heart (novel)"]) a waistcoat with tweed pattern on the right side and a zig-zag pattern on the left, (PROSE: Time Wake [+]Loading...["Time Wake (short story)"]) a plain brown waistcoat, (COMIC: Virtually Indestructible [+]Loading...["Virtually Indestructible (comic story)"]) a plain violet waistcoat, (COMIC: Endgame [+]Loading...["Endgame (POT comic story)"]) and another with a royal blue striped theme joined by a plum purple cravat, (AUDIO: Year of the Pig [+]Loading...["Year of the Pig (audio story)"]) the Doctor's prominent waistcoat became a red and white gingham waistcoat with bear face buttons, with which he wore both his original cravat and a new neon green plastic watch chain, before replacing his turquoise cravat with a plain red polka-dot one and his green watch chain with a bright pink plastic one. (TV: The Mysterious Planet [+]Loading...["The Mysterious Planet (TV story)"]) After this waistcoat was ruined at the Network, he switched it for one striped with diagonal greens and oranges, (PROSE: Time of Your Life [+]Loading...["Time of Your Life (novel)"]) and also donned a periwinkle purple cravat. (PROSE: Killing Ground [+]Loading...["Killing Ground (novel)"]) While travelling with Frobisher, the Doctor once wore a waistcoat that was blue on its left side, green on its right side and purple on its back. (COMIC: Time & Time Again [+]Loading...["Time & Time Again (comic story)"])

In the latter periods of his life, the Doctor wore both a pink, purple and green waistcoat with red ladybug buttons, a mustard yellow cravat decorated with a starfield pattern and plastic watch chain that was a half neon green and half bright pink, (TV: Untitled [+]Loading...["Untitled (1986 TV story)"]) and an iridescent black and white waistcoat with a purple polka-dot cravat. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel [+]Loading...["The Quantum Archangel (novel)"])

The Sixth Doctor's patchwork coat was the subject of much ridicule, with people often mocking it. (TV: The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"]) Mel Bush and Peri Brown each thought the coat as resembling "an explosion in a paint factory", (PROSE: Instruments of Darkness [+]Loading...["Instruments of Darkness (novel)"]; AUDIO: An Eye For Murder [+]Loading...["An Eye For Murder (audio story)"]) though the Doctor insisted that there were places where his coat was considered the "height of fashion". (PROSE: Palace of the Red Sun [+]Loading...["Palace of the Red Sun (novel)"]) Peri once described the Doctor as "the worst dressed man in all of time and space", (AUDIO: Of Chaos Time The [+]Loading...["Of Chaos Time The (audio story)"]) with the Twelfth Doctor also showing a disgust for the Sixth Doctor's clothing, (PROSE: Silhouette [+]Loading...["Silhouette (novel)"]) and the Fourth Doctor wondering how he could ever end up with "such a terrible sense of fashion" after seeing the Sixth Doctor's coat. (AUDIO: The Light at the End [+]Loading...["The Light at the End (audio story)"]) When he appeared in the black and white film Swamp of Horrors, the Doctor commented that his "clothes were made for technicolor". (PROSE: Swamp of Horrors (1957) - Viewing Notes [+]Loading...["Swamp of Horrors (1957) - Viewing Notes (short story)","Swamp of Horrors (1957) - Viewing Notes"])

The Doctor's blue coat. (WC: Real Time [+]Loading...["Real Time (webcast)"])

Attending a funeral with Evelyn Smythe, (AUDIO: Real Time [+]Loading...["Real Time (audio story)"]) the Doctor abandoned his patchwork coat for a more subdued blue coat, alongside a plain white shirt, a navy blue waistcoat, gold metal watch chains, blue trousers and boots, and a plain turquoise cravat. (WC: Real Time [+]Loading...["Real Time (webcast)"]) Adopting this as his regular attire, he took to also wearing his blue coat with both his original shirt, (AUDIO: The Doomwood Curse [+]Loading...["The Doomwood Curse (audio story)"]) and his blue shirt, (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors [+]Loading...["The Wrong Doctors (audio story)"]) as well as with his purple, (AUDIO: The Condemned [+]Loading...["The Condemned (audio story)"]) dark blue (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors [+]Loading...["The Wrong Doctors (audio story)"]) and turquoise polka-dot cravats, (AUDIO: The Crimes of Thomas Brewster [+]Loading...["The Crimes of Thomas Brewster (audio story)"]) and a blue cravat decorated with starfield patterns. (AUDIO: Project: Lazarus [+]Loading...["Project Lazarus (audio story)","Project: Lazarus"]) He would also occasionally swap the cravat for a black and grey striped necktie. (AUDIO: World Enough and Time [+]Loading...["World Enough and Time (audio story)"]) He would later resume wearing his patchwork garb (TV: Time and the Rani [+]Loading...["Time and the Rani (TV story)"]) for the benefit of an amnesiac version of Mel, who liked his original outfit. (AUDIO: The Wrong Doctors [+]Loading...["The Wrong Doctors (audio story)"])

Due to his fondness of cats, (TV: Time and the Rani [+]Loading...["Time and the Rani (TV story)"]) the Doctor always wore one of a number of cat-shaped pins or brooches on his left lapel. (TV: The Twin Dilemma [+]Loading...["The Twin Dilemma (TV story)"], The Mark of the Rani [+]Loading...["The Mark of the Rani (TV story)"], The Two Doctors [+]Loading...["The Two Doctors (TV story)"], Revelation of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Revelation of the Daleks (TV story)"], The Mysterious Planet [+]Loading...["The Mysterious Planet (TV story)"], Time and the Rani [+]Loading...["Time and the Rani (TV story)"]) He also wore cat cufflinks. (AUDIO: Trouble in Paradise [+]Loading...["Trouble in Paradise (audio story)"])

Other costumes

This section's awfully stubby.

Info about the Doctor's attires from State of Change, Catch-1782, The Marian Conspiracy, The Shadow in the Glass, Cryptobiosis, An Eye For Murder, & Masterpiece need to be added

When he attempted to take Peri to London in 1899 for a holiday, the Doctor wore a dark frock-tailed suit and top hat. Moving on to London in 1936 to investigate the apparent conspiracy against Winston Churchill, the Doctor wore a dark-blue three-piece suit with a slight pinstripe, white shirt and regimental tie, yellow kid gloves, a walking stick, and a grey Homburg hat with a black band. He also wore a green tweed suit, and attempted to wear a brighter suit before Peri insisted he change to maintain their cover. (PROSE: Players [+]Loading...["Players (novel)"])

While confronting the Sontarans in Seville, Spain in 1985, the Doctor removed his coat, left his cravat-less shirt unbuttoned, and replaced his usual waistcoat with a Hawaiian-styled one, (TV: The Two Doctors [+]Loading...["The Two Doctors (TV story)"]) which he later wore again whilst on Galápagos Islands with Evelyn Smythe. (AUDIO: Bloodtide [+]Loading...["Bloodtide (audio story)"])

The Doctor's mourning cloak. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Revelation of the Daleks (TV story)"])

On Necros, the Doctor briefly wore a large and eloquent royal blue cloak with gold trim over his usual attire as a sign of mourning for the death of Professor Arthur Stengos, in accordance with the customs of mourning on Necros. (TV: Revelation of the Daleks [+]Loading...["Revelation of the Daleks (TV story)"])

Investigating strange technology in Washington, DC in the 1980s, the Doctor, on Peri's insistence, donned a black suit and a multicoloured tie printed with dozens of little cats. (PROSE: Blue Box [+]Loading...["Blue Box (novel)"])

While relaxing on the beaches of the planet Halcyon, the Doctor wore a pair of striped yellow trunks, along with a white shirt he kept unbuttoned. (COMIC: The Gift [+]Loading...["The Gift (comic story)"])

While stranded in Victorian London, the Doctor wore a blue variation of the typical clothing of the time period while posing as Professor Claudius Dark. (AUDIO: The Hourglass Killers [+]Loading...["The Hourglass Killers (audio story)"])

Trying to take Jamie to the Queen Elizabeth II, the Doctor donned a white tuxedo with a black bow tie. (AUDIO: The Wreck of the Titan [+]Loading...["The Wreck of the Titan (audio story)"])

While infiltrating Golden Futures, the Doctor wore a suit of plum purple linen with a white shirt and a black tie. (AUDIO: World Enough and Time [+]Loading...["World Enough and Time (audio story)"])

In place of his frock coats, the Doctor also owned a blue long-tailed jacket, with matching blue striped trousers. (AUDIO: Paper Cuts [+]Loading...["Paper Cuts (audio story)"])

While undercover in Bletchley Park in 1944 after the TARDIS was rendered inoperative by a strange signal, the Doctor adopted a more subdued clothing of a brown and crimson tweed suit and waistcoat with a blue-and-white pinstripe shirt, along with a navy blue bow tie with scarlet spots. (AUDIO: Criss-Cross [+]Loading...["Criss-Cross (audio story)"]) The Doctor donned his "Bletchley Tweeds" again when visiting Russia in 1947. (AUDIO: Quicksilver [+]Loading...["Quicksilver (audio story)"])