A Good Man Goes to War (TV story)

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A Good Man Goes to War was the seventh episode in the sixth series of Doctor Who and the last episode of the spring half of the series. Narratively, it was significant for revealing the identity of River Song, naming her as Melody Pond, the daughter of Amy and Rory. Additionally it saw the reappearances of several of the Doctor's allies and enemies.


Amy Pond has been kidnapped and the Doctor is raising an army to rescue her. Yet as Rory and he race across galaxies, calling in long-held debts and solemnly given promises, his enemies are laying a carefully concealed trap. In her cell in Stormcage, River Song sadly acknowledges that the time has come at last – today will mark the Battle of Demon's Run and the Doctor’s darkest hour. Both sides will make their sacrifices and River Song must finally reveal her most closely guarded secret to the Doctor.


Amy picks up her newborn daughter, Melody, as a group of Church guards – including Lorna Bucket – watch. She tells Melody about her father, who is coming for them, and has lived for hundreds of years though he looks young: the Last Centurion.

On the flagship of the Twelfth Cyber Legion, Cybermen detect an intruder who is steadily working his way up the levels. The intruder is Rory. He tells the Cybermen he brings a message from the Doctor, and a question from himself. He demands to know where his wife is. As the Cybermen ask what the message from the Doctor is, the rest of the ships around them explode. Rory asks if he need to repeat the question.

On Demon's Run, the Fat Man and the Thin Man discuss the Doctor and pass Lorna Bucket, who is spending her break sewing. Lorna, the Thin Man and the Fat Man discuss the Headless Monks. Lorna explains that they believe that doubt lies in the head and faith lies in the heart, leading to their name as "headless". The Fat Man leaves with the monks for "conversion tutorial." The Thin Man deduces that Lorna has met the Doctor; she confirms that she saw him when she was a child in the Gamma Forests.

The Fat Man enters a room where the Monks are gathered. A voice tells him that he has been selected to be converted to "their faith" and told to make a donation. The Monks advance on him with an empty box.

In Victorian London, a hooded figure arrives home. She is greeted by a maid and tells her that she has killed – and eaten  – Jack the Ripper. She reveals herself as a Silurian called Madame Vastra. The maid (named Jenny) leads her to the drawing room; the TARDIS stands on the rug. Vastra explains that a very old debt must be repaid and tells Jenny to pack the swords.

In the middle of the Battle of Zaruthstra, 4037, a man searches for a nurse for a boy who is clearly unwell. A Sontaran enters, asking if they called for him, revealing himself as Commander Strax. A few minutes later, the boy is awake. Leaving the medic tent, Strax tells the man that being a nurse is his penance. The TARDIS is heard, and Strax says that his penance may be done. He wishes the man well.

In Stormcage, River Song returns from a birthday outing with the Doctor, accidentally setting off an alarm. She deactivates it. Rory appears and River seems stunned at the sight of him. Rory asks that she comes with him, but she says that she can't come until the "very end", as it is the day when the Doctor will rise so high, and then fall further than ever before. It is also the day he finds out who she is.

Dorium appears to be leaving his bar, the Maldovarium, before he is interrupted by the Eye Patch Lady, whom he names as Madame Kovarian. He says that the reason the Doctor hasn't attacked yet is that he is raising an army of people who owe him favours. Dorium also mentions that the Headless Monks are customers of his, and he knows the location of their base. After Madame Kovarian leaves, the TARDIS arrives for Dorium, much to his dismay.

At Demon's Run, Colonel Manton gives a speech about the Doctor, saying that he is only a man. Amy watches from above, but is interrupted by Lorna. Lorna offers her a prayer leaf with Melody's name on it in the language of her people. Amy ignores the kind offer, but turns when she realises that Lorna met the Doctor. She accepts the prayer leaf, and warns Lorna to be 'on the right side' for her own sake.

Lorna hurries to the speech, where the Colonel removes the hoods of the monks, to reveal knots of skin where the bases of their necks should be. The third monk removes his own hood; it is the Doctor in disguise. The Monks raise their swords and the marines except Lorna raise their guns. At the same time, Madame Vastra and Jenny hold the men in the control room at swordpoint.

In the main room, the Doctor puts up his hood as the lights go out. The lights come back on and the Doctor is nowhere to be seen. He reveals that he is disguised as one of the Monks; as his voice echoes, his location cannot be pinpointed. A marine shoots a hooded figure who turns out to be a real Monk.

The Monks begin to kill the marines in retaliation until Colonel Manton tells everyone not to fire. Lorna notices a Monk using a sonic screwdriver on the door and follows him out of the room, as the rest of the marines disarm themselves. An army of Silurians and Judoon suddenly appear with their guns pointed at the marines. Commander Strax also appears. He holds the Colonel at gunpoint, claiming the base.

Manton claims that the fleet outside the asteroid will come to help if they lose. However, The Doctor has a group of Dalek-Upgraded Spitfires attack the base to disable their communications.

Making her escape, Kovarian orders that the child be brought to her ship. Melody is brought in a portable cot, and Kovarian says that the Doctor must think he is winning until the trap closes. Unknown to her, Lorna is listening, and runs off.

Rory suddenly appears and holds Kovarian at sword point; Henry and Toby Avery exit Kovarian's private ship with a crewmember tied up. She and Colonel Manton are both brought to the control room where the Doctor is sitting. The Doctor tells the Colonel to order the marines to "run away." He taunts Manton that he will be known for the rest of his life as "Colonel Run Away"  – a warning to those who would try to use the Doctor's friends to get to him.

In her cell, Amy hears someone at the door and yells that she is cross. Rory unlocks the door using the sonic screwdriver. Amy tells him they took Melody; he enters with the baby in his arms. The Doctor walks in and tries to excuse himself from the emotional reunion, but Rory orders him in. The Doctor is confused at what to call the baby until Amy tells him her name is Melody. The Doctor then calls the baby "Melody Pond", to Rory's annoyance and Amy's pleasure. The Doctor also seemingly converses with Melod, claiming he speaks "baby". Madame Vastra enters and says that the marines are leaving without bloodshed, and that the Doctor has never risen so high. Rory remembers River's words and looks concerned.

Amy leaves the TARDIS with a crying Melody, saying she doesn't like the TARDIS noise. The others all debate what she might be crying about until the Doctor emerges with a cot for the sleepy baby. He is asked where he got it and says that it is his before heading back to the station control room.

The Doctor's Army prepares to fight.

Dorium is going through the computers and discovers scans of Melody. They reveal that her DNA contains traces of Time Lord. Vastra asks when Melody was conceived, as she knows that the Time Lords became what they were through exposure to the time vortex. The Doctor realises that the first time Amy and Rory were together on the TARDIS (in this version of reality) was their wedding night. Vastra deduces that Amy's kidnappers wanted Melody  – a part-Time Lord  – for a weapon. When the Doctor asks how a Time Lord could be used as a weapon, Vastra points out what he himself is capable of doing. Vastra and Dorium leave as the Doctor remembers the little girl from 1969 America. Kovarian suddenly appears on a view screen and says that the girl is hope in the war against the Doctor.

Lorna is brought to Rory and Amy at gunpoint. She insists that they're in a trap, and that she only joined the clerics to meet the Doctor as he is 'a great warrior'. Amy explains that he is not. Confused, Lorna asks why he is called the Doctor as the lights go out. Strax says that there are no life forms in the base excluding them, but Lorna says that the Headless Monks do not register as life forms as they are not alive.

Elsewhere in the base, the Monks begin to attack the Silurians. Vastra joins the others; the TARDIS is suddenly surrounded by a force field and the doors are locked. Dorium identifies the Monks' chant as the attack prayer. Amy goes to hide with Melody. Dorium goes into the darkness to try to reason with the Monks, but is beheaded; his body joins the Monks who are advancing on the group. Rory, Vastra, Jenny, Strax and Lorna rally to protect Amy and Melody, and the battle begins.

Back in the control room, the Doctor angrily tells Kovarian that a child is not a weapon. Kovarian smugly tells him that she will become one. When the Doctor vows not to let her recapture the child, Kovarian says that fooling the Doctor once was a joy, but fooling him again the same way is a privilege. He realises what Kovarian has done and runs off to find Amy.

Rory, Vastra, Jenny, Strax and Lorna battle against the Headless Monks, using guns and swords, while Amy waits, holding Melody protectively. Melody, looking over Amy's shoulder, sees a hatch appear in the air, through which Kovarian watches her. Kovarian whispers "Wakey, wakey", and Melody collapses into flesh. A horrified Amy screams for Rory. The Doctor runs onto the scene where the battle took place moments before, yelling that Melody is flesh; he is greeted by a sullen Rory who tells him that they know. The Headless Monks have all been defeated, but Strax and Lorna have both been deathly wounded. Rory goes to help Strax, who says that he always dreamed of dying in battle. He admits it's not entirely as pleasing as he had hoped, and succumbs to his wounds.

The Doctor tries to comfort Amy, but she only backs away. Vastra brings him to see the dying Lorna. She tells him they have met before, but is worried he does not remember her. He tells her that he remembers everyone, and that they ran together. She dies.

River Song appears. The Doctor angrily confronts her, but xhe tells him that she couldn't have prevented what happened. The battle is exactly what the Doctor is.. The Doctor, fed up with her riddles, demands to know who Rover is; she only runs towards the cot and asks him if he can read what is there. His expression changes from anger to joy and he returns to the TARDIS with newfound confidence; despite Amy's protests, the TARDIS dematerializes.

Amy demands to know what she told the Doctor. River hands Amy the prayer leaf and tells her to read her daughter's name. As Amy and Rory read the leaf, the writing changes to read the words "River Song". River confirms she is their daughter. Amy and Rory looked at her, mouths agape.



General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.

No Ood actually appear in this episode, but they receive a creator credit.


Races and species

The Doctor

  • The Doctor pulls out his own cot from when he was a baby, complete with Gallifreyan symbols.
  • When asked if he has any children, the Doctor replies "No". When further asked if he ever did have children, the Doctor is silent.

Story notes

  • This episode was originally entitled Demons Run.[1] It was changed to A Good Man Goes to War, although His Darkest Hour had also been considered as a potential title.[2]
  • A Good Man Goes to War, as noted by Steven Moffat, aside from being episode 7 of this series, is also the 777th episode of Doctor Who. Moffat stated there were no 'seven puns' in the episode as the coincidence was only observed after it was shot.
  • The end credits list Russell T Davies as creating the Ood and Judoon. However, no Ood appear in the episode.
  • Malcolm Hulke is credited as the creator of the Silurians in the end credits. Strangely, this did not occur in The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood and The Pandorica Opens.
  • The idea that the word "doctor" derives from the Doctor was first advanced by Steven Moffat in a Usenet post in 1995.[3]
  • Dan Starkey appears as the Sontaran Commander Strax. He previously played Commander Skorr in The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky and Commander Jask in The End of Time. Neve McIntosh also played Silurian sisters Alaya and Restac in The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood.
  • According to Steven Moffat, he was unable to include Jack Harkness in the Doctor's army because John Barrowman was busy with the filming of Torchwood: Miracle Day.[4]
  • The TARDIS console room does not appear in this episode. This is the first time this has occurred since Planet of the Dead, over two years prior. This also makes it the first episode of the Eleventh Doctor era to not have a scene set in the TARDIS.
  • The Series 1 & 2 variation of Doctors theme (The Doctor's Theme) plays for six seconds when the Doctor and Vastra are talking about the possibility of a Time Lord being used as a weapon.
  • A variation of All The Strange, Strange Creatures play right before the scene mentioned above.
  • This is the first story to include River where the phrase "Hello Sweetie" isn't heard at all.


  • 7.57million (31.0% market share)


  • Karen Gillan is leaving the series and Amy Pond will be killed off at the climax to the spring half of the series.[5] This was proven false.
  • River Song will die.[6] This was proven false.
  • We will learn of the identity of River Song.[7] This was proven true; she was revealed as the daughter of Amy Pond and Rory Williams.
  • River Song has been recently rumored to be Amy's daughter as well as the Doctor's wife.[8] This was proven true; she was revealed to be Amy's daughter, but her marital status is still unknown.
  • We will find out whom River Song killed. Steven Moffat has said "a good man will die – a good man, and a hero to many."[9] This was proven plausible as Amy's daughter could or could not have been in the space suit that killed the Doctor, and River Song is Amy's daughter.
  • The Cybermen will be newly designed Cybermen.[10] The design was largely the same, with the most significant change being the removal of the Cybus Industries logo.
  • The Cybermen will be planning to trap and capture the Doctor, before freezing him.[11] This was proven false.
  • The character named Jenny would be the Doctor's Daughter in her second incarnation.[12] This was proven false.

Filming locations

to be added

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • The credits mention that Russell T Davies created the Judoon and the Ood. The only Series 6 episode that features an Ood is The Doctor's Wife.
  • The word "Override" is incorrectly spelt "Overide" on the label for the button which controls the door lock, which two tied up soldiers attempt to press before one is stung by Vastra. (the same error occurs on a graphic in World War Three) Spellings can change over time.
  • The Cyber-Leader's mouth glows blue when it isn't speaking when Rory was on the Twelfth Legion's Cybership. (This also happened in The Pandorica Opens)
  • When The Doctor is revealed to be wearing a cape of the Headless Monks, the two guards beside Madame Kovarian point their guns at him. However, in the next shot where the army points their guns at the Doctor, the two guards repeat their actions in the previous shot.



For the Doctor, Amy and Rory

For baby Melody

For adult River Song

Home video releases


Released as Series 6 Part 1 with The Impossible Astronaut, Day of the Moon, The Curse of the Black Spot, The Doctor's Wife, The Rebel Flesh and The Almost People on 11th July 2011. It will also be released in a full Series 6 box set in November (UK) shortly after the airing of episode 13.

External links