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Information from Planet of the Ogrons and The Uncertain Shore

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You may be looking for the organisation or Mrs Ogron.

Ogrons were strong, ape-like humanoids of limited intelligence, typically used by other species as mercenaries — notably the Daleks.

It was later revealed that the Daleks' use of Ogrons was only present in the timeline because of the Last Great Time War. In the new timeline, (AUDIO: Planet of the Ogrons) the Daleks used the Ogrons due to being impressed by the Master's use of them. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

Biology[[edit] | [edit source]]

Described by the Controller as "a form of higher anthropoid", (TV; Day of the Daleks) Ogrons had a mix of human and ape traits. It was believed that this mixture of traits was due to climatic changes on their home planet. (PROSE: The Romance of Crime, Mission: Impractical) They were around seven feet tall, with bowed legs, long arms and barrel chests. Their faces were flat, with a powerful jaw and small eyes. Ogrons had immense strength, far greater than a human. Their nervous systems were highly resistant to shock and were protected by muscles, meaning that they could survive multiple bullets. Their only weak spot was the top of their head. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks, COMIC: Fugitive)

Ogrons were relatively unintelligent, spoke in simple sentences and had obedient, stoic personalities. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks) The blank slate nature of the Ogron mind made them easily customisable. (PROSE: Interference - Book Two) Ogrons had some skills, such as piloting spaceships, but this was believed to be advanced mimicry. Despite this, Ogron speech used subsonic frequencies, which meant that they may have been more intelligent than they appeared. (PROSE: Interference - Book One)

There was a different sub-species of Ogron called Red Ogrons, which were found on Skaro. (GAME: Dalek Attack) Time Lords of the War in Heaven modified some Ogrons to have time-sensitive biodata, creating Ogron Lords. (PROSE: Interference - Book Two)

Culture[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Ogrons lived in scattered communities on a planet on the outer fringes of the Mutter's Spiral, far from the central space-ways. The dominant lifeform on their home planet was a monster which preyed upon the Ogrons, yet they prayed to it with reverence. (TV: Frontier in Space) They would regularly sacrifice their criminals to the monster, after weakening them by starvation. They would leave gifts to its image, painted on the walls of their caves. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Space War) Ogrons also produced a type of ale. (PROSE: Question Mark Pyjamas) Onzlo drank Ogron fruit cocktails. (COMIC: Vortex Butterflies) Before their subjugation by the Daleks, Ogrons tattooed their faces with the markings of their tribe as a sign of their allegiance. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

They were the most popular species for security and, according to Father Kreiner, were used by "everyone", (PROSE: Interference - Book Two) including the Daleks. (TV: Day of the Daleks, Frontier in Space, AUDIO: Return of the Daleks, COMIC: The Only Good Dalek) the Master, (TV: Frontier in Space) and the Remote. (PROSE: Interference - Book One, Interference - Book Two) K9 Mark III's databanks indicated that Ogrons were used as a servitor species by 17 galactic powers. (PROSE: Interference - Book One)

Ogrons were exposed to scientifically-derived gender roles. (AUDIO: Too Many Masters)

After marriage, and even engagement without marriage, female Ogrons became legal property of their male partners. (AUDIO: Too Many Masters)

History[[edit] | [edit source]]

Ogrons were used by the Daleks to expand their empire. (PROSE: Dalek: The Astounding Untold History of the Greatest Enemies of the Universe)

Ca. 59,000 BC, the Ogrons were part of the Gubbage Cone Empire. (PROSE: The Crystal Bucephalus) After gaining independence, 9 October marked Ogron Independence Day. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

According to K9 Mark III's databanks, the Ogron homeworld was first discovered by outside intelligences in 1855. (PROSE: Interference - Book One)

In the late 20th century, Ogrons from an alternate 22nd century travelled back in time to attack Auderly House in England, where they forced a group of guerrillas back to their home era. Later that day, another group travelled through time to attack the World Peace Conference in Auderly House. On both occasions, they wanted to make sure World War III would rage across the Earth. The second wave of Ogrons was destroyed, along with their Dalek masters, by Shura's dalekanium bomb. (TV: Day of the Daleks) The Ogrons and the Daleks engaged UNIT soldiers in their attack. Private David Edmunds was one UNIT soldier who died at the hands of the Ogrons, he was utterly disintergrated. (PROSE: Missing in Action) James Stevens also encountered an Ogron at this time. (PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy)

As related to Petronella Osgood by Jo Grant, she and the Third Doctor had found Ogrons marooned in the Outer Hebrides. Osgood, despite thorough following of their escapades recorded in UNIT files, was curiously unaware of this encounter. (AUDIO: United) The Doctor and Jo also had an encounter with the Ogrons involving the Minister for Fisheries. (AUDIO: Operation: Hellfire)

In 1996, the Remote of Anathema used Ogrons, including Lost Boy, to act as security for their representatives at COPEX. Guest, the leader of the Remote expedition, reasoned that the (mostly European) human attendees at COPEX would assume that the Ogrons were merely ugly foreigners. (PROSE: Interference - Book One)

In the 2010s, the Tenth Doctor dealt with a group of Ogron poets in New York City. (COMIC: Revolving Doors)

On 14 January 2064, the Ogrons conquered the planet Tivoli, seizing control of it from the Hath. They received a hero's welcome, (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary) as per the Tivolians' habit. (TV: The God Complex) Over a century later, on 13 February 2174, the Uvodni wrestled control of the planet from the Ogrons. (PROSE: Time Traveller's Diary)

A group of Ogrons travelled to Kursaal for a holiday where they became confused as to how to use a map display. (PROSE: Kursaal)

According to the Dalek Survival Guide, the Daleks started using Ogrons as shock troops following the failure of the 2150s Dalek invasion of Earth; the guide suggested that the Ogrons' natural stupidity made them easier to control than humans and so eliminated the need for the time-consuming robotisation process. (PROSE: Dalek Survival Guide)

In 2540, the Master, working for the Daleks, used Ogrons to attack Draconian and Earth ships. He used a device that released hypnosound, which made the Ogrons appear as soldiers from the others side. The Ogrons rescued the Master from Draconia but one of their number was captured. They rescued him during an attack on the Third Doctor. They attacked the Doctor and his allies when they landed on their planet, but the appearance of an Ogron eater scared them away. (TV: Frontier in Space) According to K9's database, this incident marked the first (official) contact between Ogrons and humans. (PROSE: Interference - Book One)

At some point in the late 26th century, several Ogrons were modified to be given advanced intelligence. Most died in the process, except for Garshak. Garshak worked as a policeman on Megerra, (PROSE: Shakedown) and later became a private detective. (PROSE: Mean Streets)

During the second Dalek occupation of Zaleria, Ogrons were used as enforcers. (AUDIO: Return of the Daleks)

The Daleks used the Ogrons as enforcers during their occupations of Hell. An Ogron informed the Dalek Emperor that the Helkan slaves needed rest. The Emperor dismissed it as an excuse and exterminated him. (COMIC: Nemesis of the Daleks)

By one account, over time their defeats by the Third Doctor proved devastating to their planetary economy. Because they depended upon their fearsome reputation to secure contracts with other species, the fact that they were defeated by an older, white-haired humanoid handed them a public relations nightmare. After their employment with the Master, they found it increasingly difficult to convince other species to hire them. Soon, they began losing more and more work to the Judoon, who eclipsed them as the universe's best hired guns. When the Tenth Doctor discovered the unintentional consequences of his younger self's actions, he pledged to try to redress the situation. He seemed to have made good on this promise by getting the Ogron Ambassador Brarshak safely to a round of diplomatic negotiations with the Draconians and Sontarans on the planet Luna IV and recommending their services to the Shadow Architect as an alternative to Judoon, who had proven themselves to be unreliable and bribable. (COMIC: Fugitive)

In the 38th century, two of the War-time High Council's Ogron Lords came to Dust and were crucified by the Remote. (PROSE: Interference - Book Two)

The Ogrons run amok on Station 7. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)

In the early 41st century, a number of the Daleks' Ogron agents were captured and brought to Station 7. When the Daleks approached the Station, they ordered the Ogrons (via mind implants) to attack their captors, weakening them from within. The Ogrons were killed by so-called "converted" Daleks during the attack. (COMIC: The Only Good Dalek)

In the 51st century, Laura Palmer dealt with an Ogron incursion into Galactic Federation space. (PROSE: Diamond Dogs)

Undated events[[edit] | [edit source]]

At least one Ogron was in the miniscope owned by the showman Vorg. (TV: Carnival of Monsters)

The Ogrons were part of the Supremo's alliance in the war against Morbius. (PROSE: Warmonger)

Dr Linus Leofrix and Rostow captured Gnork in an attempt to increase his intelligence and create an army of soldiers. Gnork used his intelligence to trap Dr. Leofrix and Rostow and escaped the planet on their ship. (COMIC: Warlord of the Ogrons)

Hobo Kostinen encouraged an Ogron to drink sixteenth century ale. (PROSE: The Web of Terror)

The Tenth Doctor was friends with the Ogron Marteek. (COMIC: Vortex Butterflies, The Good Companion)

78351 was a mutant with Ogron, Axon, and Pyrovile genes. (PROSE: Lights Out)

There were Ogrons in the Death Zone when several incarnations of Iris Wildthyme were brought to the Death Zone by Ohica. (PROSE: The Scarlet Empress)

Other realities[[edit] | [edit source]]

Two Ogrons from an alternate future (TV: Day of the Daleks)

In an alternative 22nd century, where the Earth had been weakened by World War III, the Daleks used the Ogrons as enforcers and soldiers during their invasion and occupation of Earth. According to the Controller, they used to live in scattered communities on one of the outer planets. (TV: Day of the Daleks)

A crew of the Ogron Confederation of Planets. (COMIC: The Lost Dimension)

In an alternate universe, the Ogrons, organised into the Ogron Confederation of Planets, were the dominant power of their reality, with the Fourth Doctor theorising that the Dalek Empire did not exist in that reality and thus the Ogrons stepped into the power vacuum. More intelligent than those the Doctor was familiar with, a fleet of Ogrons passed into a gate through the Void to N-Space where, upholding the Universal Concordat on Peaceful Co-existence, they attacked the forces of the warring Quarks and the Kroton Imperium in an effort to cease hostilities between what they saw as "lesser-evolved species" via the use of deadly force. Ultimately, all three sides retreated after Romana II and the Doctor told them about the Daleks and the Time Lords. (COMIC: The Lost Dimension)

Other information[[edit] | [edit source]]

In the video game Happy Deathday, played by Izzy Sinclair on the Time-Space Visualiser, several Ogrons were among a host of "every single enemy" that the Doctor had ever defeated, who were assembled by the Beige Guardian and pitted against the Doctor's first eight incarnations. (COMIC: Happy Deathday)

Frobisher claimed that his wife fell in love with him while he was in the shape of an Ogron. (AUDIO: The Holy Terror)

Ogrons were often used as a point of comparision, with Maljamin once having "the strength of an Ogron" (PROSE: Lungbarrow) and Mali having muscles like an Ogron. (PROSE: The Ancestor Cell) Horval compared the smell of a swamp to that of an Ogron's armpit. (AUDIO: The Shadow Heart) Cornelius Morningstar said that Stralla Cushing made Archimedes look like an Ogron. (AUDIO: How to Make a Killing in Time Travel)

Behind the scenes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • Different writers have posited varying notions about Ogron intelligence levels. Their television appearance in Frontier in Space portrayed them as unambiguously simple-minded. A few of the Doctor Who Magazine appearances have showed them as somewhat more intelligent. The Interference duology held that Ogrons were in fact equally intelligent to humans, but were faking stupidity.

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]