Son of the Dragon (audio story)

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Son of the Dragon was the ninety-ninth story in Big Finish's monthly range. It was written by Steve Lyons and featured Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor, Nicola Bryant as Peri Brown and Caroline Morris as Erimem.

Released in 2007, it was about the historical Dracula, often called Vlad the Impaler. Like preceding Erimem adventures The Church and the Crown and The Council of Nicaea, it was a so-called "pure historical": a story featuring no science fictional elements outside of the Doctor's TARDIS. Also in common with several other Erimem stories, Dragon contained an element of tension over whether she would be departing. In this case, listeners heard the story of her first engagement, presaging her eventual royal matrimonial departure in The Bride of Peladon.

The title referenced Vlad the Great, Dracula's father, known as "the Dragon". Although the pre-titles sequence of part one directly stated that the "Son of the Dragon" was Dracula, in fact the rest of the story made clear that the title also applied to Vlad the Great's other son, Radu the Handsome. The contrast between the two leaders was one of the central themes of the piece.

Publisher's summary[[edit] | [edit source]]

I am Prince Vlad III — son of Vlad the Great, and sovereign and ruler of Ungro-Wallachia and the duchies of Amlas and Fagaras.

But since my father's murder, I have had another name.

I am Dracula.

Plot[[edit] | [edit source]]

Part one[[edit] | [edit source]]

The Doctor arrives in 1462 with Peri and Erimem. The TARDIS materialises in the ruins of a small village. Disgusted by the smell, they find the village burned and the livestock slaughtered. The people were impaled and left to die. One lingering victim tells them that the destruction was by the Son of the Dragon, also known as Dracula.

The Doctor deduces that they are in Wallachia, and a group of soldiers approach. They run. The Doctor is embarrassed by a fall into a pit trap, and they are caught by Radu the Handsome and the Sultan's Army. Radu is impressed by former pharaoh Erimem, and places them under his protection. They head to the soldier's camp, which was away from the TARDIS. Erimem rides ahead at Radu's request. The Doctor corrects Peri when she mentions Count Dracula, telling her that the real man, Prince Vlad Dracula III, ruler of this area, was worse. They have already seen Vlad the Impaler's favourite form of punishment, meaning that the villagers were probably collaborating with the enemies of the voivode of Wallachia. They realise they are travelling with the prince's enemies, the Turkish army led by Sultan Mehmed II, also known as Mehmed the Conqueror.

Radu, Erimem, and the soldiers reach the next village, where they find the well is poisoned, as Vlad has been destroying his own crops and livestock to hinder the invading army. Radu believes the Doctor is their jester, and considers him poor protection from the prince for two women alone. Erimem laughs and says the Doctor is no fool. He offers them food, water, and a pace in their camp, but warns there will be a price later. He goes to arrange this.

The Doctor and Peri eat in the tent, the Doctor telling stories about the historical Dracula. He mentions that to some people, Vlad is the hero who saves them from the Turks. The Doctor would like to meet the man, but Peri wants to get out before being caught in a war. She hears a noise outside and worries about real vampires, and the Doctor mentions that they're real, and he's met them. It turns out to be Erimem, who also wants to leave, before she and Peri end up as concubines to the Sultan. They make plans to meet near Radu's tent and sneak out. Radu catches the Doctor skulking around his tent, and they discuss the war. The Doctor reveals that he knows Radu is Vlad's brother. They're interrupted by an attack, and a suspicious Radu rushes off to protect the Sultan. The Doctor recognises that he has, yet again, landed on an infamous date.

Erimem and the Doctor meet in the woods and worry about Peri. The Doctor wants Erimem to navigate southwest by the stars, away from the battle, so he can concentrate on finding Peri. Erimem brandishes a sword, and the Doctor warns her that if she uses a scimitar, she'll be declaring herself an enemy of Vlad. She compromises, keeping the sword for self defence, but agreeing to leave,providing the Doctor finds Peri and brings her back.

Peri is awakened by a young Turkish girl, Ayfer, who warns her that the prince is in the camp and will slaughter her. Peri talks her into helping her pull down a tent pole to defend themselves. A burning arrow hits the tent and they are forced to leave.

Radu finds the Doctor, reporting that the Sultan has fled. He offers the Doctor a sword. The Doctor refuses but needs to change his mind rather quickly as enemy soldiers spot them. They prepare to defend themselves.

Erimem saves a horseman from a Turkish attack, and the man recognises from her clothing that she is not Turkish. She introduces herself and the man assumes she was a prisoner. He wants to reward her courage and offers to take her away with him. He is offended by her refusal, but thinks it is because she doesn't know him. He reveals himself as Dracula.

Part two[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Part three[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Part four[[edit] | [edit source]]

to be added

Cast[[edit] | [edit source]]

Crew[[edit] | [edit source]]

Worldbuilding[[edit] | [edit source]]

Gallery[[edit] | [edit source]]

Notes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  • A preview appeared in DWM 386, illustrated by Martin Geraghty.
  • After The Church and the Crown, The Council of Nicaea and The Kingmaker, this is the fourth (and third consecutive) audio drama in which the Fifth Doctor, Peri and Erimem encounter an historical monarch.
  • This audio drama was recorded on 6 and 8 February 2007 at the Moat Studios.[1]
  • This story was released on 6 September 2007.[2]
  • This story is set between Planet of Fire and The Caves of Androzani, and after The Kingmaker.[1]
  • This release comes with Behind The Scenes Interviews extras split across both CD's and two deleted scenes on the latter CD; the Behind The Scenes extras are unabridged in the Big Finish app.
    • Deleted Scene 22:
      • John Dobrin brings Peri to the village fountain - to see the cup sitting on it - a gold cup. Peri's surprised that something so valuable's out in public. He explains that Prince Vlad placed the cup there so his people may drink from it, to which Peri snides that he can afford to be generous. John says generosity has nothing to do with it and says for her to ask herself why it hasn't been stolen. She answers that they know what the prince will do. He disagrees: it's because of what he's done already. Since he took the throne, Wallachia has been safe from thievery, bribes from the rich, and merchants travel safely for the first time in its history. Peri sarcastically remarks that they can leave their door unlocked when they go out. She calls Prince Vlad a sadist, a tyrant, and yells that John doesn't seem to care that Erimem is being kept a prisoner. He disagrees that Erimem is - she looks to be treated more like Vlad's honoured guest. Like his princess. He advises her to be happy for Erimem. She belongs to Dracula now. She has to accept that, for her sake. And Erimem's.
      • Despite being in a deleted scene, Peri's line "The man's a sadist! A sadist and a tyrant!", is used in the trailer available on this story's Big Finish page.
    • Deleted Scene 43:
      • John Dobrin reminisces and tells Peri of an Easter five years ago, of the new Prince - Dracula - coming to his village, at the head of a procession of chained boyars. That's when he knew things had changed. Peri asks if they were the ones Prince Vlad hadn't killed: the survivors that he enslaved instead. John answers that he watched as they manned the kilns and carried bricks to the old castle ruins, laboring and under whippings for months in rags of their Easter finery, that they built the castle into a fortress. Peri asks to reaffirm that's where they're going. John says that Prince Vlad was wise to prepare for the oncoming battle. History will remember the coming days as Dracula's last stand - and greatest victory. Peri then sees the Doctor and quickly rushes off to him, telling John to hold his horses for a few minutes as she has something she needs to sort out. John's distressed since they leave in an hour.

Continuity[[edit] | [edit source]]

External links[[edit] | [edit source]]

Footnotes[[edit] | [edit source]]

  1. 1.0 1.1 'Backstage' tab of the official Son of the Dragon page at (Archived on the Wayback Machine)
  2. Official 'Updates & Releases' page at (Archived on the Wayback Machine)