User:Cookieboy 2005/Time Fracture/Path 1

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On my first visit (14 May), I had VIP access, and had a lanyard with a photo of my face on it (although I looked far too much like Sheldon Cooper in the image...). After entering the actual event, I looked around at all the stuff on the desks at the UNIT Black Site, such as a packet of jammy dodgers, a framed photograph of either Petronella Osgood or the Zygon Osgood, various post-it notes, and a whiteboard mentioning "tea" and "coffee" (perhaps in relation to a certain drag queen who once quote tweeted me on Twitter?[1]), among other things. After this, we were asked if we knew why we were there, to which I mentioned the Time Fracture, which the UNIT scientist assumed I knew because of the name of the operation and because it was written everywhere.

She wasn't that crazy...

Upon entering the main area of UNIT, I entered the Black Archive (just near the toilets, although I didn't know this at the time) and listened to the presumed-crazy-by-UNIT-but-not-actually-that-crazy scientist witter on about timelines while I looked around at all of the stuff on the walls and shelves, such as K9, although I missed 1 or 2 things on this visit. At one point, when asked by the scientist to close the door, my brother refused due to not trusting her, much to her annoyance. Due to me giving a correct answer to a question, I was the third person to have their name written on the whiteboard, with the 2nd person's name being erased for mine. I was then tasked with talking to Dr Evelyn Yates about the Time Bomb detonating in the future, rather than the past (where they were looking).

After a Dalek attack, a message from the First and Thirteenth Doctors, and the death of a UNIT employee, we went into the Time Fracture. While my brother was guided left, me and my mother were guided right, where I ended up going to a tent-like structure within which a member of the Sisterhood of Karn directed me and my group (after I confessed to both liking pineapple on pizza and planning to eat fish fingers and custard) to a 'handsome' man in a 'snot-green trench coat'.

This was not the man! (COMIC: Miranda)

Upon reaching the handsome man, we entered a corridor with a path to the left and a door to the right. As the correct path was, quite obviously, left, I asked what was through the door, to which the man informed me that it was known colliquially as the "shit corridor", and guided me and my group to see Davros and make an uneasy alliance. While my mother was hesitant, I agreed with almost everything he said, although I didn't take the opportunity to quite possibly be murdered by Davros sadly, and I plan to do so on my third visit. Ultimately, Davros gave me an object that could breach Gallifrey and allow the Daleks through (although I then gave the object to the handsome man).

"Ummm.... Is anyone receiving these transmissions???" (WC: Is anyone receiving these transmissions?)

I was then instructed to give Robert Dudley the message "the woman in red from Gallifrey comes for the crown", and to not tell him that he was going to die, although due to me not knowing what Dudley looked like at the time, I informed the wrong person (although luckily not someone who would order me to be executed), who shouted "treason!". I then informed the real Robert Dudley of the message, and watched to make sure nothing went awry during the play that was taking place. After uncertain events (due to my memory), I watched from a different angle, only to see my brother dancing for Queen Elizabeth I in flip-flops (he had purportedly been referred to as "flip-flop man"). At some point during the performance, a cyberman attacked and Zoria stole the crown.

Soon after this, we went through another Portal Stabilisation Gateway and accessed a luxury space liner titled "ZZ1" and, due to being a VIP, was able to get some kind of antimatter drink (I forgot its name, but it was nice - I let my mother have a sip) at the bar. On the ship, a blue alien was singing, but the performance was disrupted by a variety of things, such as Zoria and an Ood appearing, and multiple gunshots taking place. After this, our group was talked to by someone talking about how we can get to Gallifrey faster. We agreed, and ultimately exited through the airlock, seeing Brian the Ood dead on the floor (very sad).

Some Autons attacking! This didn't happen in my visit... (TV: Spearhead from Space)

After exiting the airlock, we proceeded down a corridor where, although I couldn't name it, I recognised a certain door from the basement of a certain store, which let me know that there would be Autons (or at least mannequins) inside the room. Much to my surprise, however, Weeping Angels began to attack. I was unaware during this that there were Angels behind me, and not just in front of me, but I still made it to the end, running through a short area and up the stairs. I then rested for some time as I looked at "Gallifrey Falls No More", before a friend of ours came out through the painting to greet us, although they had regenerated due to dying at some point of the journey. We were then guided towards the entrance to - if I remember correctly - the Panopticon, although on the way, I asked how one of the other visitors had a sonic screwdriver (as I had been acting as though I existed in-universe), which the friend-of-the-group-who-guided-us-there claimed to be "a mystery".

Some cool backpacks! These are a bit like mine... Maybe. (TV: Revenge of the Cybermen)

After making our way into the (if I remember correctly) Panopticon, it played out about how it usually does, although I did temporarily place down my fez while in the stands. As I said, the rest played out how it usually played out, so I won't touch on the topic. After leaving the event, I got various pieces of merchandise, such as a TARDIS backpack and a UNIT hoodie.

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