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* On the channel [[Watch (TV channel)|Watch]], the execution of the person who attacked the Judoon with a vase was cut out from the episode.
* On the channel [[Watch (TV channel)|Watch]], the execution of the person who attacked the Judoon with a vase was cut out from the episode.
* There are several similarities between this episode and ''[[The Eleventh Hour]]''. Both series openers involve an alien fugitive escaping to Earth and a group of alien police trying to find them, as well as extensive use of scenes set in a hospital. They also introduce a new main companion and see the destruction of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver with a new one replacing it.
* There are several similarities between this episode and ''[[The Eleventh Hour]]''. Both series openers involve an alien fugitive escaping to Earth and a group of alien police trying to find them, as well as extensive use of scenes set in a hospital. They also introduce a new main companion and see the destruction of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver with a new one replacing it.
* Prior to this story the letter "J" was the only letter that had never appeared in the title of a televised ''Doctor Who'' story. (Strictly speaking, this is only true of overall story titles, as some Hartnell episodes did have the letter "J" in their titles, e.g. "[[Dangerous Journey]], "[[The Knight of Jaffa]]", etc.)
* [[Vineeta Rishi]] would later reprise her role as [[Julia Swales]] in [[AUDIO]]: ''[[Lost Souls (audio story)|Lost Souls]]''.
* [[Vineeta Rishi]] would later reprise her role as [[Julia Swales]] in [[AUDIO]]: ''[[Lost Souls (audio story)|Lost Souls]]''.
* ''[[Wikipedia:Bram Stoker|Bram Stoker]] and [[Wikipedia:Vampires|Vampires]]'' - The head of the hospital is called B. Stoker. This is a clear reference to Abraham "Bram" Stoker, the author of the iconic vampire novel ''Dracula''. In this episode, the character is attacked by a creature with vampire-like qualities.
* ''[[Wikipedia:Bram Stoker|Bram Stoker]] and [[Wikipedia:Vampires|Vampires]]'' - The head of the hospital is called B. Stoker. This is a clear reference to Abraham "Bram" Stoker, the author of the iconic vampire novel ''Dracula''. In this episode, the character is attacked by a creature with vampire-like qualities.

Revision as of 23:21, 23 November 2012


Smith and Jones was the first story of the third series of the BBC Wales version of Doctor Who. It introduced a new version of the sonic screwdriver and, more notably, new long-term companion Martha Jones and her family. It also firmly established that Harold Saxon was well-known to ordinary members of the British public, and obliquely suggested through set decoration that he was standing for the office of Prime Minister in 2008 — something which had been previously teased by TV: Love & Monsters, Captain Jack Harkness and The Runaway Bride.

The soundtrack was notable for the introduction of several new leitmotifs — including the much-used "Martha's Theme" that turned up even in Jones' later Torchwood appearances. Furthermore, it featured the first extra-diegetic use of hip hop in Doctor Who history, in the form of Arrested Development's "Sunshine" to introduce Martha and her family at the very top of the episode. Due to a quirk of release scheduling, this was also the first time that Doctor Who served to premiere a song in the United States. "Sunshine" wasn't released in America until Halloween 2007, months after the US release of Smith and Jones.


Just when it seemed it would be yet another chaotic day managing her family's disputes, Martha Jones finds trouble waiting for her at work. Trapped on the moon with space rhinos looking for a criminal and the air running out, she will have to come to trust a seemingly mad stranger calling himself "the Doctor". But can the Doctor save the day this time?


While walking to work, medical student Martha Jones receives a series of phone calls from various members of her family. Each is calling about her brother Leo's 21st birthday party that evening. She is interrupted by a stranger (the Tenth Doctor) who takes off his tie, smiles and says, "Like so, see?" and walks off. Bemused, she continues on. She arrives at the Royal Hope Hospital, bumping into a black-leather-clad motorcycle rider at the entrance, who ignores her. Later, getting her white coat from a locker, she receives an electric shock from its door.

The medical students start their rounds with Florence Finnegan whom Mr. Stoker, who is leading the rounds, diagnoses as being salt deficient, having had salad every day for the past week. They continue on to the Doctor, introduced as John Smith. Martha asks him about the events earlier that morning, but he denies ever having been there. She wonders whether he might have a brother, but he answers, "Not anymore." Martha listens to his chest and hears two hearts. He gives her a wink and she smiles back at him. Stoker pushes Martha for an analysis of the patient and suggests it is always best to start with the patient's notes. As he picks them up he receives an electric shock and Martha informs him of her own earlier shock. The other trainees all mention having similar incidents as well, but Mr. Stoker mentions that it might be related to the incoming thunderstorms, continuing to ask who discovered static electricity. The Doctor correctly answers Benjamin Franklin, but goes on to talk about how he was there and got electrocuted after being soaked so long in the rain. This prompts Mr. Stoker to ask a nurse to recommend the Doctor for psychiatric.

The Royal Hope Hospital in an unusual storm.

Later, Martha is chatting with her sister Tish on the phone. Martha mentions that it is raining outside, but her sister says the weather is beautiful where she is, just a few blocks away. She turns the corner and sees the hospital in the middle of its own storm. Martha is dismissive until her co-worker and sister both tell her that the rain is going up instead of down. There is a tremor, and when Martha looks out, she realises the hospital is on the Moon. Many of the patients and staff are scared, but Mr. Stoker looks out calmly, while Florence Finnegan searches for him. Martha and her colleague head for a window which Martha intends to open, whilst the Doctor nips behind a curtain.

Her colleague panics, telling her that if she opens the window all the air will be sucked out. Martha calmly rationalises that that cannot be true as the window is not airtight, so it would have happened already anyway. The Doctor, now wearing a blue pinstripe suit, pulls back the curtain and tells Martha she's correct. They discuss why they can still breathe, and the Doctor is impressed with Martha's reasoning. He asks if they have any kind of balcony; Martha tells him they have one for patients to use. The Doctor invites her to go step out onto it with him, warning her they might die. Martha calmly replies they might not, winning the Doctor's further approval. He then says her colleague isn't coming as she'd slow them down.

Going out on to a balcony, the Doctor asks Martha what she believes is going on. She firmly believes the situation is alien interference, noting that it would have sounded crazy a few years ago, but with the appearance of the Slitheen, Sycorax and Cybermen over the past two years, it's much more believable. As she continues to refer to him as Mr Smith, the Doctor informs her of his preferred title. Martha assumes he means "Doctor Smith", but he clarifies he means just "the Doctor". However, Martha tells the Doctor she believes he needs to earn that name. Saying he'd better get working then, the Doctor tossing a stone that bounces off a force field.

"Judoon platoon upon the moon."

Martha then realises that the air in the hospital is all the air they have; over thousands of people are inside. Why would anyone isolate them to the moon and leave them to suffocate? As Martha ponders this, the Doctor tells her she can ask them herself as huge cylindrical ships appear and land outside the hospital. Black armoured soldiers march out in several long lines, and the Doctor identifies them as the Judoon.

As Mr. Stoker looks on, Florence enters, telling him she needs help. Mr Stoker says he does not believe he can help anyone and reflects on his plans to retire to Florida and how he believes he will never see his daughter again. Florence insists he can help her, and is joined by her two Slabs, who have the appearance of motorcycle riders. Florence explains "there are great tests to come. And terrible deeds, some of them my own". She then explains she was salt deficient because she absorbs it well. However, she needs blood now, specifically his as she thinks it will be delicious. Telling the Slabs to hold Stoker, she takes out a straw. Florence advances on him as he screams...

The Judoon begin cataloguing the hospital's inhabitants.

The Judoon Troopers enter and begin scanning people. Their leader removes his helmet revealing a head like a rhinoceros, then issues orders in an alien language; the Judoon draw their guns. One of the trainee doctors, Oliver Morgenstern, attempts to speak for the humans, but the leader responds by shoving him against a wall and using a device in order to translate his own speech into English. He then scans Morgenstern, confirms him as human, and using a marker, makes a black X on his hand. Hiding on a balcony with Martha, the Doctor says they are looking for non-humans - bad news for him. Martha does not believe that he is an alien. The Doctor tells her that Judoon are police-for-hire, and if they decide that the hospital is hiding a non-human criminal, every single person in the hospital could be sentenced to death as accomplices of the alien.

The Judoon continue upwards through the building, scanning each and every human. Oliver Morgenstern insists they are only there to conduct a harmless scan on everyone, but a male patient panics and strikes a Judoon from behind with a vase (which merely shatters against the alien's armour). The Judoon captain quickly charges him with physical assault, declares him guilty, and sentences him to execution, all in under 20 seconds. The soldiers comply, shooting the man with energy weapons that completely incinerate him. As the shocked Morgenstern tells them they "didn't have to do that", the commanding Judoon replies, "Justice is swift."

The Doctor attempts accessing information from a computer but finds the Judoon were stupid enough to wipe the records that could have helped find their target. He explains to Martha he had no idea they were coming and he had only checked into the hospital because of the "plasma coils" - the H20 Scoop lightning - building up. He asks her if she knows anyone who has checked into the hospital in the last week with unusual symptoms; she says Mr Stoker would know and heads to his office. When she arrives there, Florence is still sucking his blood. Martha runs off but Florence orders one of the Slabs to kill her. The Doctor meets her, explaining he got the back up system working, but Martha says she found the alien. Confused, the Doctor immediately grabs her hand and runs when the Slab comes into view.

The Doctor destroys a Slab.

They run into a room with an X-ray machine. The Doctor seals the door with his sonic screwdriver and tells Martha to activate the machine when he says, "Now!". The Slab breaks in and the Doctor scorches it with radiation. Though Martha is concerned about the Doctor be exposed to the radiation, he explains that for a Time Lord, rontgen radiation for x-rays is harmless. He then absorbs the excess radiation and expels it into one shoe, which he then discards. Martha, astonished, tells him he's mad, to which the Doctor replies that she is right. He then takes off the other shoe and discards that as well - "You're right. I'd look daft with one shoe".

Discovering his sonic screwdriver has been destroyed in the process, he expresses regret at first, but then throws it away when Martha calls him 'Doctor' for the first time. Martha tells the Doctor about Florence, making him wonder why she'd be having a snack now. He then realises she was drinking the blood to assimilate it and mimic human biology to trick the Judoon. He decides they need to find her before the Judoon can get a scan in; it's too late. Florence has passed their scanning.

The Doctor and Martha creep around to avoid the other Slab and she wonders if he has any back up. Annoyed, the Doctor complains as they move around the corner. However, they walk straight into the Judoon, who scan the Doctor; he only registers non-human, so that makes the thick-headed Judoon think he's the Plasmavore. They try to execute him but he escapes with Martha. Meanwhile, oxygen levels are decreasing - Martha's co-worker is giving extra oxygen to a patient.

They go back to Mr Stoker's office to find him drained of blood. The Doctor explains that Florence is a Plasmavore; she's hiding here "like Ronald Briggs in Rio". He then wonders why she would do this as the Judoon could kill them all. Heading outside, he reads the signs and figures out she's gone to the MRI.

The Judoon come into the hall, declaring to kill the non-human. The Doctor tells Martha to give him time to find Florence, then kisses her and runs off, leaving a startled Martha in his wake. The Judoon catch up with her and begin scanning her. They identify her as human, but with traces of non-human DNA from the kiss; more extensive scanning is ordered.

Florence tampers with the MRI machine.

Meanwhile the Doctor finds Florence tampering with an MRI device. Reverting to his cover story, he pretends to be just another amazed human who has no idea whatsoever about what is happening. She orders her remaining Slab to hold the Doctor while she explains her plan. She says MRI device will overload, frying the brains of everyone in the hospital and half the population of Earth - her 'little gift" - leaving her free to escape the Judoon because she is safe in the room. The Doctor tells her they are doing secondary scans, so she decides to drink his blood next.

Meanwhile, the Judoon have confirmed Martha is human (giving her a docket to claim compensation in the process), and march to the MRI lab. Martha is shocked to see the Doctor (apparently) dead but realises he sacrificed his life to save them. She scans Florence, who now registers as alien having assimilated the Doctor's blood. The Judoon charge her with the murder of the Child Princess of Padrivole Regency Nine. Florence proudly admits her guilt (claiming her victim had deserved it), then orders her minion to attack the Judoon; they swiftly dispatch it. Florence tells the Judoon to enjoy their victory, but they are going to burn with her. They kill her and detect the problem, but declare their duty fulfilled and swiftly withdraw, angering Martha as it's their fault in the first place. The oxygen is nearly depleted and the magnetic overload is approaching critical state.

The Doctor carries Martha.

Frustrated, Martha tries to resuscitate the Doctor herself, eventually thinking to apply pressure to both his hearts. He awakens and unplugs the machinery. Martha passes out and the Doctor picks her up, crying for the Judoon to save them as they take off. It starts raining again and the hospital is transported back to Earth where Martha's sister Tish is waiting. Martha watches the Doctor leave and sees him head toward a strange blue box, but while she is distracted by her sister both the Doctor and the box disappear.

At Leo's party, the family are arguing over Annalise, (Martha's father's girlfriend), who mocks Martha's claims of having been to the moon and cites the publicly released cover story (involving everyone in the hospital being drugged in a conspiracy). The argument spills into the street, increasing in animosity as Martha's mother vents her resentment toward Annalise, but Martha spots the Doctor. She follows him around the corner, to see him standing before the blue box, whereupon he introduces himself as a Time Lord and the box as the TARDIS. He then offers her a trip to thank her for her help, but she tells him she does not have the time – she cannot go off into space with him, she has to go into town the following morning and pay bills. He informs her that his ship is also a time machine. She does not believe him. The TARDIS dematerialises and rematerialises; the Doctor steps out, holding his tie. Martha realises that this accounts for their encounter earlier that day. She asks him why he didn't just tell her not to go into work. He explains, "Crossing into established events is strictly forbidden ... except for cheap tricks."

"Your spaceship is made of wood."

She then cautiously enters the TARDIS and is amazed that it is bigger on the inside. The Doctor talks about Rose, saying that they were "together" and that she is now "with her family", but says Martha is not replacing Rose; he is just going to take her on one single trip to thank her for saving his life. She flirts with him, saying, "You're the one who kissed me." He assures her that it was a genetic transfer, and she explains that she is not remotely interested – she only goes for humans. As he turns away, though, she looks quite sadly at the floor. The Doctor powers up the TARDIS. As the TARDIS flies through the time vortex it begins to shake violently, while the Doctor and Martha shake hands over the console. The Doctor says, "Welcome aboard, Miss Jones!", to which she replies, "It's my pleasure, Mr. Smith!"



General production staff

Script department

Camera and lighting department

Art department

Costume department

Make-up and prosthetics



General post-production staff

Special and visual effects


Not every person who worked on this adventure was credited. The absence of a credit for a position doesn't necessarily mean the job wasn't required. The information above is based solely on observations of the actual end credits of the episodes as broadcast, and does not relay information from IMDB or other sources.


  • Both Rose Tyler and Martha Jones were persuaded to travel with the Doctor based on the TARDIS's time travel capabilities.
  • Rose, Martha and Donna all decided to travel with the Doctor whilst standing in an alleyway, though Martha is the only one of the three who hadn't seen the TARDIS interior beforehand.
  • Martha says that she had a cousin who worked at Canary Wharf named Adeola, who was killed in the battle of Canary Wharf.


  • The Doctor, when looking at the Slab, says, "Solid leather, all the way through. Someone's got one hell of a fetish!"
  • Francine says the show Quizmania is too difficult for Annalise.

Harold Saxon arc


  • When Florence reveals that she is an alien, the Doctor (while acting) asks if the hospital has an E.T. department.

Diseases and illnesses

Relatives Of The Doctor

  • Martha asks the Doctor if he had a brother, and the Doctor replies, "No, not anymore. Just me."

Story notes

  • Exclusive previews of the episode were also held in five venues across Wales. The Cardiff Bay Odeon, Swansea Odeon, Wrexham Odeon, Aberystwyth Arts Centre and Pwllheli Neuadd Dwyfor all screened Smith And Jones on the morning of 31st March, hours before the television broadcast.
  • The title of this episode alludes to the last names of Martha and of the Doctor, using his usual alias of John Smith. It may also be a reference to the comedy duo of the same name or the Western television programme Alias Smith and Jones. In the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures novel The Eight Doctors, the Eighth Doctor's new assistant Samantha Jones pointed out the same coincidence with their names. Martha's last appearance (in The End of Time) saw her married to Mickey Smith - a relationship between 'Smith and Jones'. 'Smith and Jones' is alluded to again by the Eleventh Doctor in Death of the Doctor when referring to Sarah Jane Smith and Josephine Jones.
  • Swansea's Singleton Hospital was used to represent the hospital for location filming although the scene in which the Judoon enter the hospital was actually filmed in nearby Swansea University's library. The university commemorates this annually during freshers week with a Dr Who display.
  • In the book Doctor Who: The Inside Story, a piece of concept art by Peter McKinstry shows a concept sketch "burnt out" sonic screwdriver. The book came out some time in advance of the airing of the episode.
  • Nicholas Briggs provides the voices of the Judoon. He had previously voiced the Daleks and Cybermen.
  • The line "Judoon platoon upon the Moon." was written as something of a joke towards David Tennant. The Scottish accent, which is Tennant's natural one, makes it difficult to pronounce the sound/syllable "-oon" in an English accent.
  • Although this marked Martha's TV debut, followers of Doctor Who fiction had already been introduced to her earlier in the month in the Quick Reads novella Made of Steel.
  • A window cleaner cradle scene intended for use in this episode was reused for Partners in Crime.
  • When Florence sets up the MRI scanner to overload, a label on one of the scanner screens seems to read "UAC" with the "A" represented by a stylised logo, reminiscent of the Union Aerospace Corporation logo from the DOOM 3 computer game - being another possible tie-in with the Doom / Doom II door sounds in The Impossible Planet.
  • Much like Rose's self-titled introductory story, most of the events of this episode are seen from Martha's point of view.
  • On the channel Watch, the execution of the person who attacked the Judoon with a vase was cut out from the episode.
  • There are several similarities between this episode and The Eleventh Hour. Both series openers involve an alien fugitive escaping to Earth and a group of alien police trying to find them, as well as extensive use of scenes set in a hospital. They also introduce a new main companion and see the destruction of the Doctor's sonic screwdriver with a new one replacing it.
  • Vineeta Rishi would later reprise her role as Julia Swales in AUDIO: Lost Souls.
  • Bram Stoker and Vampires - The head of the hospital is called B. Stoker. This is a clear reference to Abraham "Bram" Stoker, the author of the iconic vampire novel Dracula. In this episode, the character is attacked by a creature with vampire-like qualities.
  • Freema Agyeman had appeared in a previous episode, Army of Ghosts, as a Torchwood employee named Adeola Oshodi. In this episode, Martha says that she had a cousin who worked at Canary Wharf named Adeola, who was killed in the battle of Canary Wharf.


  • 8.71 million viewers - BARB final ratings
  • 8.2 million viewers - Overnight ratings
  • 1.00 million viewers - BBC3 Repeat ratings


  • It was believed (prior to broadcast) that the Sontarans were to have appeared in this story (due to the Judoon's appearance).

Filming locations

  • The scene where Martha and the Doctor meet in the alley is next to the Market in Pontypridd, South Wales.
  • Several scenes of the hospital's reception and exit were filmed in Swansea University's Library and Information Center.

Production errors

If you'd like to talk about narrative problems with this story — like plot holes and things that seem to contradict other stories — please go to this episode's discontinuity discussion.
  • In the ending scenes when Martha is looking inside and around the TARDIS the door cuts from open to closed then back.


Home video releases

Series 3 Volume 1 DVD Cover
  • Smith and Jones, along with The Shakespeare Code and Gridlock, was released on DVD under the title Series 3: Volume 1.
  • It is also included in the Series 3 DVD box set.
  • The episode was also released as a single DVD with The Sun newspaper.

See also

External links
